The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And yet when I point out that immigration will lead to the US being a defacto One Party State libs almost always deny that.

With all the corruption, incompetence and overreach that that entails.

I see a marginalization of the Republican Party.

They will continue to be a force in Jesusland as they stake out solid Red districts and maintain an ever decreasing voting block. But their ability to hijack the political system as a minority party will decrease.

I see plenty of Republicans, governors and legislatures on that chart.

And considering the two biggest Dem block states, NY and CA, have plenty of counties that vote Republican, I'm sure you are A-OK with getting rid of the "winner takes all" method for electoral votes, and freeing those voters hijacked by their urban brethren.
That's very nice

But it doesn't address the ever decreasing number of electoral votes that Republucans are capable of winning

actually, by going to a system where 2 EV's go by state popular vote (for the senators) and the rest are divided up by HOR districts, it does.
Brilliant concept applying gerrymandering to the election of the President

It could be the only hope Republicans have of regaining the White House
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And yet when I point out that immigration will lead to the US being a defacto One Party State libs almost always deny that.

With all the corruption, incompetence and overreach that that entails.

I see a marginalization of the Republican Party.

They will continue to be a force in Jesusland as they stake out solid Red districts and maintain an ever decreasing voting block. But their ability to hijack the political system as a minority party will decrease.

NICe bigotry.

Good foreshadowing of the discrimination Christians can expect when the US becomes a defacto One Party State ruled by you libs.

And by "hijack" you mean engage in representing the interests and agenda of their constituents?

I think that Christian influence over the Republican Party will lead to its ultimate downfall

They force candidates to take increasingly unpopular stands on social issues making them easy to beat in a general election

Bull. This nation is still vastly Christian.

Having Christian influenced platforms such be a huge advantage in attracting voters.
And yet when I point out that immigration will lead to the US being a defacto One Party State libs almost always deny that.

With all the corruption, incompetence and overreach that that entails.

I see a marginalization of the Republican Party.

They will continue to be a force in Jesusland as they stake out solid Red districts and maintain an ever decreasing voting block. But their ability to hijack the political system as a minority party will decrease.

I see plenty of Republicans, governors and legislatures on that chart.

And considering the two biggest Dem block states, NY and CA, have plenty of counties that vote Republican, I'm sure you are A-OK with getting rid of the "winner takes all" method for electoral votes, and freeing those voters hijacked by their urban brethren.
That's very nice

But it doesn't address the ever decreasing number of electoral votes that Republucans are capable of winning

actually, by going to a system where 2 EV's go by state popular vote (for the senators) and the rest are divided up by HOR districts, it does.
Brilliant concept applying gerrymandering to the election of the President

It could be the only hope Republicans have of regaining the White House

It's the only "fair" thing to do.

I guess you really really would miss those 50 something electoral gimmes you get from CA.
I think when future historians perform an autopsy on the Republican Party they will focus on the emergence of the term RINO as its cause

NOpe. Mass Third World immigration.

Naturally the Party of Third World Politics gets vastly more of the vote of Third World Voters.

You know that. Your words.

"With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President"

No discussion of issues, or policies. Demographics.

Too late to walk it back now.
These are citizens coming of age, Correll, who have every right to vote as do you. Since the GOP can't change it, then the GOP must adapt, evolve, or fall by the wayside.

There is no point to adapting. It they become ANOTHER Third World Party, that supports the Third Worlding of this nation, that what is the point of it?

Might as well have the ONe Party Democratic State so the crash is faster and at least as we huddle around the burning wreckage of our once great nation, I can tell you I told you so.
Bull. This nation is still vastly Christian.

Having Christian influenced platforms such be a huge advantage in attracting voters.
You are talking about far right social con reactionary Christians, not the whole American Christendom, most of which are middle of the road independents. The evangelical/fundamentalist/pentecostal crazies make up about 25 to 30 % of American Christendom.
" And yet when I point out that immigration will lead to the US being a defacto One Party State libs almost always deny that."

The don't deny it, you silly. They laugh about it, they brag about it, yet we in the GOP continue loser politics as usual, and we blame the Dems and the electorate instead of figuring out why we are wrong.

NOpe they often deny it.

It is part of denying that there can be any negative change from demographic change.

SUre, in other threads and other times they laugh and brag, but libs are good at holding contradictory ideas in their head.
Bull. This nation is still vastly Christian.

Having Christian influenced platforms such be a huge advantage in attracting voters.
You are talking about far right social con reactionary Christians, not the whole American Christendom, most of which are middle of the road independents. The evangelical/fundamentalist/pentecostal crazies make up about 25 to 30 % of American Christendom.

You need to spend some more time actually listening to what these libs say about religion and Christians.

They almost never make the distinction you just made.

RW didn't just now, now did he?
I think when future historians perform an autopsy on the Republican Party they will focus on the emergence of the term RINO as its cause

NOpe. Mass Third World immigration.

Naturally the Party of Third World Politics gets vastly more of the vote of Third World Voters.

You know that. Your words.

"With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President"

No discussion of issues, or policies. Demographics.

Too late to walk it back now.

The challenge for Republicans is to not surrender the minority and immigrant population to the Democrats

How do Republicans convince them that voting Republican is in their best interests. Current demagoguery does not seem to be working
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And yet when I point out that immigration will lead to the US being a defacto One Party State libs almost always deny that.

With all the corruption, incompetence and overreach that that entails.

I see a marginalization of the Republican Party.

They will continue to be a force in Jesusland as they stake out solid Red districts and maintain an ever decreasing voting block. But their ability to hijack the political system as a minority party will decrease.

NICe bigotry.

Good foreshadowing of the discrimination Christians can expect when the US becomes a defacto One Party State ruled by you libs.

And by "hijack" you mean engage in representing the interests and agenda of their constituents?

I think that Christian influence over the Republican Party will lead to its ultimate downfall

They force candidates to take increasingly unpopular stands on social issues making them easy to beat in a general election

Bull. This nation is still vastly Christian.

Having Christian influenced platforms such be a huge advantage in attracting voters.

Hispanics are nearly 100% Christian, yet they will not vote Republican. It is the fundamentalist, evangelical branch of Christianity that has seized the Republican Party


Last edited:
I think when future historians perform an autopsy on the Republican Party they will focus on the emergence of the term RINO as its cause

NOpe. Mass Third World immigration.

Naturally the Party of Third World Politics gets vastly more of the vote of Third World Voters.

You know that. Your words.

"With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President"

No discussion of issues, or policies. Demographics.

Too late to walk it back now.

The challenge for Republicans is to not surrender the minority and immigrant population to the Democrats

How do Republicans convince them that voting Republican is in their best interests. Current demagoguery does not seem to be working

Republicans have NOT surrendered the minority and immigration population.

You mentioned the "recent hysteria and blocking of immigration reform" in your second post.

McCain supported amnesty and lost the hispanic vote 2 to 1 to Obama.

YOu guys have done an excellent job of branding the GOP in the minds of Hispanics as the "enemy".

You know it. So don't add insult to injury by lying about it now.

Import Third World voters, create defacto One Party State, rule for generations.

Good for the dems, bad for America.
I think when future historians perform an autopsy on the Republican Party they will focus on the emergence of the term RINO as its cause

NOpe. Mass Third World immigration.

Naturally the Party of Third World Politics gets vastly more of the vote of Third World Voters.

You know that. Your words.

"With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President"

No discussion of issues, or policies. Demographics.

Too late to walk it back now.

The challenge for Republicans is to not surrender the minority and immigrant population to the Democrats

How do Republicans convince them that voting Republican is in their best interests. Current demagoguery does not seem to be working

Republicans have NOT surrendered the minority and immigration population.

You mentioned the "recent hysteria and blocking of immigration reform" in your second post.

McCain supported amnesty and lost the hispanic vote 2 to 1 to Obama.

YOu guys have done an excellent job of branding the GOP in the minds of Hispanics as the "enemy".

You know it. So don't add insult to injury by lying about it now.

Import Third World voters, create defacto One Party State, rule for generations.

Good for the dems, bad for America.

Hispanics don't need the Democrats to see what Repblicans are and are not doing for them

English only laws, blocking DREAM initiatives, the racist rhetoric directed at Hispanic immigrants, where are your papers? Laws, blocking immigration reforms

All coming from the right
Correll, you have analyzed the politics and demographics wrongly. You want the Hispanics and women to somehow magically adopt your analysis: they won't. It is you and your analysis that are wrong.

America does not accept the white far right social con view of America anymore. That is gone forever for a growing majority of Americans.
I think when future historians perform an autopsy on the Republican Party they will focus on the emergence of the term RINO as its cause

NOpe. Mass Third World immigration.

Naturally the Party of Third World Politics gets vastly more of the vote of Third World Voters.

You know that. Your words.

"With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President"

No discussion of issues, or policies. Demographics.

Too late to walk it back now.

The challenge for Republicans is to not surrender the minority and immigrant population to the Democrats

How do Republicans convince them that voting Republican is in their best interests. Current demagoguery does not seem to be working

Republicans have NOT surrendered the minority and immigration population.

You mentioned the "recent hysteria and blocking of immigration reform" in your second post.

McCain supported amnesty and lost the hispanic vote 2 to 1 to Obama.

YOu guys have done an excellent job of branding the GOP in the minds of Hispanics as the "enemy".

You know it. So don't add insult to injury by lying about it now.

Import Third World voters, create defacto One Party State, rule for generations.

Good for the dems, bad for America.

Hispanics don't need the Democrats to see what Repblicans are and are not doing for them

English only laws, blocking DREAM initiatives, the racist rhetoric directed at Hispanic immigrants, where are your papers? Laws, blocking immigration reforms

All coming from the right

McCain supported the Dream Act, and did not run a racist campaign.

And yet, Obama accused him of running a racist campaign and won the hispanic vote by 2 to 1.

Constant racial demagoguery over generations have done their job. YOu have a good lock on the Hispanic vote, that is why you are so happy about the demographic change.

If you really thought that a minor adjustment in policy would be all it would take to put the Hispanic Vote up for grabs you wouldn't have been so gleeful about it in your second post.
Correll, you have analyzed the politics and demographics wrongly. You want the Hispanics and women to somehow magically adopt your analysis: they won't. It is you and your analysis that are wrong.

America does not accept the white far right social con view of America anymore. That is gone forever for a growing majority of Americans.

I'm not sure what you mean by the "whtie far right social con view of America".

There are plenty of middle class and rich Hispanics that the GOP should have a shot at. But we don't.

There are plenty of socially conservative Hispanics that the GOP should have a shot at. But we don't.

Yes, this change may very well be irreversible.

That is not a good thing.

A nation that was special, is being radical transformed to be crappy.
I think when future historians perform an autopsy on the Republican Party they will focus on the emergence of the term RINO as its cause

NOpe. Mass Third World immigration.

Naturally the Party of Third World Politics gets vastly more of the vote of Third World Voters.

You know that. Your words.

"With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President"

No discussion of issues, or policies. Demographics.

Too late to walk it back now.

The challenge for Republicans is to not surrender the minority and immigrant population to the Democrats

How do Republicans convince them that voting Republican is in their best interests. Current demagoguery does not seem to be working

Republicans have NOT surrendered the minority and immigration population.

You mentioned the "recent hysteria and blocking of immigration reform" in your second post.

McCain supported amnesty and lost the hispanic vote 2 to 1 to Obama.

YOu guys have done an excellent job of branding the GOP in the minds of Hispanics as the "enemy".

You know it. So don't add insult to injury by lying about it now.

Import Third World voters, create defacto One Party State, rule for generations.

Good for the dems, bad for America.

Hispanics don't need the Democrats to see what Repblicans are and are not doing for them

English only laws, blocking DREAM initiatives, the racist rhetoric directed at Hispanic immigrants, where are your papers? Laws, blocking immigration reforms

All coming from the right

McCain supported the Dream Act, and did not run a racist campaign.

And yet, Obama accused him of running a racist campaign and won the hispanic vote by 2 to 1.

Constant racial demagoguery over generations have done their job. YOu have a good lock on the Hispanic vote, that is why you are so happy about the demographic change.

If you really thought that a minor adjustment in policy would be all it would take to put the Hispanic Vote up for grabs you wouldn't have been so gleeful about it in your second post.
I'm getting bored with that nonsense
Show where Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign

Hispanics are more than capable sizing up their relationship with the GOP. They are turning away in droves
Bull. This nation is still vastly Christian.

Having Christian influenced platforms such be a huge advantage in attracting voters.
You are talking about far right social con reactionary Christians, not the whole American Christendom, most of which are middle of the road independents. The evangelical/fundamentalist/pentecostal crazies make up about 25 to 30 % of American Christendom.

You need to spend some more time actually listening to what these libs say about religion and Christians.

They almost never make the distinction you just made.

RW didn't just now, now did he?
Doesn't matter what RW does. It matters what we do.
Correll refuses to understand the GOP has to change because there is nothing the GOP can do to change the women and minorities of the 21st century in America. Nothing.
Correll, you have analyzed the politics and demographics wrongly. You want the Hispanics and women to somehow magically adopt your analysis: they won't. It is you and your analysis that are wrong.

America does not accept the white far right social con view of America anymore. That is gone forever for a growing majority of Americans.

I'm not sure what you mean by the "whtie far right social con view of America".

There are plenty of middle class and rich Hispanics that the GOP should have a shot at. But we don't.

There are plenty of socially conservative Hispanics that the GOP should have a shot at. But we don't.

Yes, this change may very well be irreversible.

That is not a good thing.

A nation that was special, is being radical transformed to be crappy.

You make a good point

It is not just the poor who are looking for free stuff from Democrats. It's upper middle class and wealthy blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians and Muslims who refuse to vote Republican

Years of demeaning racist rhetoric is catching up with the Republicans
NOpe. Mass Third World immigration.

Naturally the Party of Third World Politics gets vastly more of the vote of Third World Voters.

You know that. Your words.

"With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President"

No discussion of issues, or policies. Demographics.

Too late to walk it back now.

The challenge for Republicans is to not surrender the minority and immigrant population to the Democrats

How do Republicans convince them that voting Republican is in their best interests. Current demagoguery does not seem to be working

Republicans have NOT surrendered the minority and immigration population.

You mentioned the "recent hysteria and blocking of immigration reform" in your second post.

McCain supported amnesty and lost the hispanic vote 2 to 1 to Obama.

YOu guys have done an excellent job of branding the GOP in the minds of Hispanics as the "enemy".

You know it. So don't add insult to injury by lying about it now.

Import Third World voters, create defacto One Party State, rule for generations.

Good for the dems, bad for America.

Hispanics don't need the Democrats to see what Repblicans are and are not doing for them

English only laws, blocking DREAM initiatives, the racist rhetoric directed at Hispanic immigrants, where are your papers? Laws, blocking immigration reforms

All coming from the right

McCain supported the Dream Act, and did not run a racist campaign.

And yet, Obama accused him of running a racist campaign and won the hispanic vote by 2 to 1.

Constant racial demagoguery over generations have done their job. YOu have a good lock on the Hispanic vote, that is why you are so happy about the demographic change.

If you really thought that a minor adjustment in policy would be all it would take to put the Hispanic Vote up for grabs you wouldn't have been so gleeful about it in your second post.
I'm getting bored with that nonsense
Show where Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign

Hispanics are more than capable sizing up their relationship with the GOP. They are turning away in droves

I have posted this before.

Obama: Don’t let other side scare you

"they figure they’re going to win this election is if they make you scared of me,” Obama continued, repeating an attack from earlier in the day. “What they’re saying is ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, he’s a got a funny name.’”

McCain did not do that.

Obama lied.

And yes, Obama won the Hispanics by 2 to 1. I'm not denying that you dems have a lock on the Hispanic vote.

It is why I agree with you on the upcoming marginalization of the GOP and the transformation of the US into a defacto One Party State.

You, as a lib, see this as a good thing.

I as a con, see it as a bad thing.

But we agree it is happening.
Correll refuses to understand the GOP has to change because there is nothing the GOP can do to change the women and minorities of the 21st century in America. Nothing.

What is the point if in order to pander to Third World voters we have to embrace the Third Worldization of America?

Who cares if we manage to get a REpublican in the White House if he has not policy differences with the Dems and does not represent anything that we believe in or our interests?

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