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She got away with mishandling classified

She got away with more than 30k criminal counts...

She got away with Gross Negligence

She got away with Espionage

She got away with election and campaign finance violations

She got away with collusion, conspiracy, sedition, and treason with foreign spies, Russians, and the treasonous Obama administration...

She was protected from indictment / prison

She was GIVEN the nomination she could not win

And an got her 2nd LOSS....

Since the the Democrats have TOLD her to STFU.... They have BEGGED he to STFU and go away...

...but, like HERPES, we have had another Hillary flare-up....and it looks like there is no 'cure' to make her go away once and for all.

She ALMOST destroyed the entire DNC in 2016...looks like she is determined to finish it off in 2020.

Clinton secretly planning
to run in 2020

Is Hillary Clinton secretly planning to run in 2020?

Each time gets worse and worse...I figure if she runs in 2020 it will result in the DNC not only losing horribly but eventually being disbanded as a criminal political party, Hillary becoming a 3-time loser, & both Bill and Hillary going to prison as they did not have a Liberal administration to protect their ass again / anymore...
Dude, you gotta stop with the fake news sites.

You're gonna go blind.

To you, ā€œfake newsā€ means anything that doesnā€™t fit what you believe to be true. Youā€™re the last person who should be ridiculing others on their news consumption habits, Mr. ā€œreal media only please,ā€ and when I deliver on your idea of ā€œreal mediaā€ you still call it fake bc you REFUSE TO BELIEVE what you donā€™t want to be true.

Now go ahead and respond with the usual ā€œyouā€™re delusionalā€ or ā€œthis has nothing to do with the thread,ā€ or ā€œstupid Trumper,ā€ etc. etc. ā€œdonā€™t be stupider than you have to beā€ blah blah blah
Lol, you've got that bass ackwards my confused friend.

You asked me to provide ā€œreal mediaā€ evidence that Iran violated the nuke deal and I followed through, to which you responded the missile launches didnā€™t violate the deal, which some experts agree with and some donā€™t. You didnā€™t even mention Iran going over the water limits (if you even read that part, since youā€™re so afraid of being wrong) and if you did read it you didnā€™t mention it bc then youā€™d be admitting you were wrong. I gave you pertinent info and still you denied that they violated the deal. When the truth doesnā€™t fit your beliefs you brush it away. I guess Huff Post, CNN and Reuters are all fake news too, right? Why else would they report that Iran violated the deal? Were they lying? You donā€™t WANT to believe it so it must be fakeā€”just fucking admit it already. You cannot possibly be as dumb as youā€™re coming off. Are you now distrustful of those liberal-friendly sources bc they covered events that didnā€™t necessarily make Obama look good? Or are you now going to deny this exchange between you and me Iā€™ve detailed here ever happened bc it makes you look like a fool?
I voted funny because there isn't a meme for fucking hilarious.
She got away with mishandling classified

She got away with more than 30k criminal counts...

She got away with Gross Negligence

She got away with Espionage

She got away with election and campaign finance violations

She got away with collusion, conspiracy, sedition, and treason with foreign spies, Russians, and the treasonous Obama administration...

She was protected from indictment / prison

She was GIVEN the nomination she could not win

And an got her 2nd LOSS....

Since the the Democrats have TOLD her to STFU.... They have BEGGED he to STFU and go away...

...but, like HERPES, we have had another Hillary flare-up....and it looks like there is no 'cure' to make her go away once and for all.

She ALMOST destroyed the entire DNC in 2016...looks like she is determined to finish it off in 2020.

Clinton secretly planning
to run in 2020

Is Hillary Clinton secretly planning to run in 2020?

Each time gets worse and worse...I figure if she runs in 2020 it will result in the DNC not only losing horribly but eventually being disbanded as a criminal political party, Hillary becoming a 3-time loser, & both Bill and Hillary going to prison as they did not have a Liberal administration to protect their ass again / anymore...
Dude, you gotta stop with the fake news sites.

You're gonna go blind.

To you, ā€œfake newsā€ means anything that doesnā€™t fit what you believe to be true. Youā€™re the last person who should be ridiculing others on their news consumption habits, Mr. ā€œreal media only please,ā€ and when I deliver on your idea of ā€œreal mediaā€ you still call it fake bc you REFUSE TO BELIEVE what you donā€™t want to be true.

Now go ahead and respond with the usual ā€œyouā€™re delusionalā€ or ā€œthis has nothing to do with the thread,ā€ or ā€œstupid Trumper,ā€ etc. etc. ā€œdonā€™t be stupider than you have to beā€ blah blah blah
Lol, you've got that bass ackwards my confused friend.

You asked me to provide ā€œreal mediaā€ evidence that Iran violated the nuke deal and I followed through, to which you responded the missile launches didnā€™t violate the deal, which some experts agree with and some donā€™t. You didnā€™t even mention Iran going over the water limits (if you even read that part, since youā€™re so afraid of being wrong) and if you did read it you didnā€™t mention it bc then youā€™d be admitting you were wrong. I gave you pertinent info and still you denied that they violated the deal. When the truth doesnā€™t fit your beliefs you brush it away. I guess Huff Post, CNN and Reuters are all fake news too, right? Why else would they report that Iran violated the deal? Were they lying? You donā€™t WANT to believe it so it must be fakeā€”just fucking admit it already. You cannot possibly be as dumb as youā€™re coming off. Are you now distrustful of those liberal-friendly sources bc they covered events that didnā€™t necessarily make Obama look good? Or are you now going to deny this exchange between you and me Iā€™ve detailed here ever happened bc it makes you look like a fool?
You Reich wingers are like Pavog's dogs. Everytime Hillary Clinton's name is mentioned you'll come a running, barking, growling and foaming at the mouths, with a shit ton of false manufactured conspiracy's.
As usual, you Obama/Hillary crotch-sniffers continue to prove yourselves ignorant little delusional D*s!

Case in point, dumbass:

Intelligent people know that having TOP SECRET data on an UN-approved, UN-encrypted, UN-secured server is ILLEGAL. PERIOD! It does not matter who you are or what party you belong to - you're still GUILTY.

Intelligent people know that when the FBI holds a public press conference and declares to the world:

"From the files that had been deleted on Ms. Clinton's server...
--- TRANSLATION: "Hillary Clinton committed the crime of Obstruction in a failed attempt to delete evidence..."

"...we found over 15,000 official documents that had not been turned over to the State Department as required by law."
--- TRANSLATION: Hillary violated BOTH the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act more than 15,000 times EACH - as each document constitutes a violation of each law, meaning just in those documents the FBI found - based on THAT evidence alone - Hillary Clinton was PUBLICLY declared to be guilty of more than 30,000 criminal counts...for starters.

As I said, INTELLIGENT people know and understand these things. Then there are WILLINGLY stupid morons like yourself who can not handle the PROVEN FACTS / REALITY that you shamelessly scream out your ignorance to anyone who will hear.

You aren't convincing any intelligent person of anything - you are just confirming their believe that you are a lying POS.

You and others like you continue to argue in defense of this c@nt LIKE THE ISSUE HAS NOT BEEN SETTLED YET. IT HAS BEEN!

No conviction does not mean no crime - The FBI, in its final report on Hillary, wrote the words 'criminally negligent' OVER 100 (ONE HUNDRED) TIMES - straight out of the legal definition of the crime, guaranteeing she would go to jail. After realizing this, according to EVIDENCE, Comey and Strzok changed the wording...intentionally. This doesn't mean that Hillary Clinton was suddenly NOT 'criminally negligent' - it meant they bailed her ass out!

You seriously lack any shred of honesty and integrity. Hell, if I didn't no any better I would think I was chatting with Bill, Hillary, or Obama....

Grow up, jackass. The evidence - existing facts - that she committed THOUSANDS of criminal counts is BEYOND SANE QUESTION. You can keep screaking it until you turn blue and die, and you will still die a liar.

Again, you're spouting off conspiracy theories that have been spoon fed to you over the last upteen years by right wing talk show hosts that have filled your half brains with 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths, leading to 98% misconceptions/misinformation, along with lies and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.


Scroll back to post # 118 on this thread, that explains the 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty plea's, and another 90+ Federal Grand Jury indictments (to date) that have been launched at Trump team members, that are verfied with trusted credbile links, when you haven't managed yet to put a single one from your ass yet--:auiqs.jpg: No investigator ever convened a Federal Grand Jury on Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is the most investigated person in this nations history. 8 investigations into Benghazi, at a cost of millions to the taxpayers of this country, so Republicans could put on their dog & pony shows. Ronald Reagan lost 240 U.S. marines on an attack in an Embassy in Lebanon and that produced ONE investigation, and Democrats didn't line the stage with 240 grieving mothers to call Ronald Reagan a murderer.

In fact here is one of the most recent HIllary Clinton conspiracies (Uranium One) that was completely debunked by Shep Smith of FOX NEWS.

Last edited:
She got away with mishandling classified

She got away with more than 30k criminal counts...

She got away with Gross Negligence

She got away with Espionage

She got away with election and campaign finance violations

She got away with collusion, conspiracy, sedition, and treason with foreign spies, Russians, and the treasonous Obama administration...

She was protected from indictment / prison

She was GIVEN the nomination she could not win

And an got her 2nd LOSS....

Since the the Democrats have TOLD her to STFU.... They have BEGGED he to STFU and go away...

...but, like HERPES, we have had another Hillary flare-up....and it looks like there is no 'cure' to make her go away once and for all.

She ALMOST destroyed the entire DNC in 2016...looks like she is determined to finish it off in 2020.

Clinton secretly planning
to run in 2020

Is Hillary Clinton secretly planning to run in 2020?

Each time gets worse and worse...I figure if she runs in 2020 it will result in the DNC not only losing horribly but eventually being disbanded as a criminal political party, Hillary becoming a 3-time loser, & both Bill and Hillary going to prison as they did not have a Liberal administration to protect their ass again / anymore...
Nighmare? I could only hope she would win again.
hiLIARy 2020 isn't a nightmare, it's a dream come true for Normal People-Trump Supporters.

Trump supporters aren't normal people. They are a extremist scourge that will eventually get a well deserved privilege check for hijacking our society with white nationalist clap trap by the true 'normal' people in our society. I hope said extremists might wake up in time. If not, life's a bitch: better wear a helmet.
You are a sleazy lying douchebag. Obviously insults are your only form of communication. It's hilarious that you believe you aren't an "extremist."

I'm not. You are.
Of course you're an extremist. Can you provide one example where you haven't supported a far left opinion on any issue?

Don't need to, you weak fuckstick. The burden of proof is on you and you alone. Where is this support of 'far left' opinions I've personally endorsed? Do you have anything specific? YOU don't get to define the narratives of communication. much less put ME on trial, you partisan cockroach.
I didn't think you could produce any evidence that you aren't an extremist.
Trump supporters aren't normal people. They are a extremist scourge that will eventually get a well deserved privilege check for hijacking our society with white nationalist clap trap by the true 'normal' people in our society. I hope said extremists might wake up in time. If not, life's a bitch: better wear a helmet.
You are a sleazy lying douchebag. Obviously insults are your only form of communication. It's hilarious that you believe you aren't an "extremist."

I'm not. You are.
Of course you're an extremist. Can you provide one example where you haven't supported a far left opinion on any issue?

Don't need to, you weak fuckstick. The burden of proof is on you and you alone. Where is this support of 'far left' opinions I've personally endorsed? Do you have anything specific? YOU don't get to define the narratives of communication. much less put ME on trial, you partisan cockroach.
I didn't think you could produce any evidence that you aren't an extremist.

Maybe, just maybe, you're a fucking dime-a-dozen, ignorant partisan hack. Did you ever think about that being the case, sparky? Of course not, because narcissists aren't particularly self aware. Self realization isn't a concept the emotionally retarded understand. I already ordered you to drop any knowledge of me supporting an extreme leftist point of view...

...Aaaand, again you failed, because you're apparently a lazy person who can't take direction. And now I'm bored with you.

You've got nothing to hold my interest, and I've already won this. Unless you can divvy up something of substance to debate about from under your rock, you best run along, douche canoe. Please quit wasting my time, OKTHXBYE.

Have a wonderful evening. :04:
You are a sleazy lying douchebag. Obviously insults are your only form of communication. It's hilarious that you believe you aren't an "extremist."

I'm not. You are.
Of course you're an extremist. Can you provide one example where you haven't supported a far left opinion on any issue?

Don't need to, you weak fuckstick. The burden of proof is on you and you alone. Where is this support of 'far left' opinions I've personally endorsed? Do you have anything specific? YOU don't get to define the narratives of communication. much less put ME on trial, you partisan cockroach.
I didn't think you could produce any evidence that you aren't an extremist.

Maybe, just maybe, you're a fucking dime-a-dozen, ignorant partisan hack. Did you ever think about that being the case, sparky? Of course not, because narcissists aren't particularly self aware. Self realization isn't a concept the emotionally retarded understand. I already ordered you to drop any knowledge of me supporting an extreme leftist point of view...

...Aaaand, again you failed, because you're apparently a lazy person who can't take direction. And now I'm bored with you.

You've got nothing to hold my interest, and I've already won this. Unless you can divvy up something of substance to debate about from under your rock, you best run along, douche canoe. Please quit wasting my time, OKTHXBYE.

Have a wonderful evening. :04:
You "ordered" me? Man, you are killing me. You're trying to be a caracature of a brain damaged snowflake, aren't you?
Last edited:
I'm not. You are.
Of course you're an extremist. Can you provide one example where you haven't supported a far left opinion on any issue?

Don't need to, you weak fuckstick. The burden of proof is on you and you alone. Where is this support of 'far left' opinions I've personally endorsed? Do you have anything specific? YOU don't get to define the narratives of communication. much less put ME on trial, you partisan cockroach.
I didn't think you could produce any evidence that you aren't an extremist.

Maybe, just maybe, you're a fucking dime-a-dozen, ignorant partisan hack. Did you ever think about that being the case, sparky? Of course not, because narcissists aren't particularly self aware. Self realization isn't a concept the emotionally retarded understand. I already ordered you to drop any knowledge of me supporting an extreme leftist point of view...

...Aaaand, again you failed, because you're apparently a lazy person who can't take direction. And now I'm bored with you.

You've got nothing to hold my interest, and I've already won this. Unless you can divvy up something of substance to debate about from under your rock, you best run along, douche canoe. Please quit wasting my time, OKTHXBYE.

Have a wonderful evening. :04:
You "ordered" me? Man, you are a killing me. You're trying to be a caracature of a brain damaged snowflake, aren't you?

Maybe. :04: Maybe not. So fuck off, you fascist!

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