The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Course this is the desired reaction.
Yeah,i mean who could possibly think Trump would impersonate someone else to inflate himself, without some kind of hoax?

Don't worry ...everyone already knows trump an ignorant, amoral, unethical, classless fraud. Whether he forged this or not will literally have no affe t on anyone opinion. People will just think, "that figures".
Yeah....and because of that....any silly story the corrupt media prints becomes plausible....if not provable.

However the open-minded folks of this here country not suffering from an advanced case of TDS knows it's a total everything else they tried shoving down our throats.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?

Did you not realize how fake that thing is when they gave it to Obama for nothing?

If not, smack yourself right now!

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?

Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize so trump believes he has to get one too. In his mind if a democratic president gets one he should too. For him not to get one is an insult to him in his mind. So since no one who is actually authorized to nominate him will nominate him, he has someone forge the documents.

It's not surprising to me.

It seems to me that trump has been trying to catch up to Obama's accomplishments but he never will.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?

Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize so trump believes he has to get one too. In his mind if a democratic president gets one he should too. For him not to get one is an insult to him in his mind. So since no one who is actually authorized to nominate him, he has someone forge the documents.

It's not surprising to me.

It seems to me that trump has been trying to catch up to Obama's accomplishments but he never will.
That's what I've been saying! Trump had someone forge the nomination and we need to get the MSM informed. Yuuuuge, yuuuuge story!

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
-------------------------------- i think , Who cares Lakhota .

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
So. Are you trying to say Trump did it ? Rhetorical question. Given the fact that the committee gave Obama one for no other reason than skin pigment, the prize is a fucking joke.
I wonder if anyone consulted with Mr. Njolstad about the nomination of Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's Nobel Prize. Even Barry was puzzled about it.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
So. Are you trying to say Trump did it ? Rhetorical question. Given the fact that the committee gave Obama one for no other reason than skin pigment, the prize is a fucking joke.

Does the fact the award is a joke justify fake nominations, which very possibly were illegal?

Sent from my iPhone using
President Trump won't be eligible for a Nobel PEACE Prize until he has started at least as many wars as did ex-"president" O'Bumbles. Strange but it seems one must start wars to win a PEACE prize but it being handed out by liberals, I guess ther's no need for any sense.....

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?

I think Trump did it. Twice.
Of all people --- including his bootlicking toadies on this board --- he suffers from the most severe case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Trump rarely talks about Obummer.
Who are you kidding, the nitwit-in-chief is obsessed with Obama.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?

I think Trump did it. Twice.
Of all people --- including his bootlicking toadies on this board --- he suffers from the most severe case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Trump rarely talks about Obummer.
Who are you kidding, the nitwit-in-chief is obsessed with Obama.
--------------------------------- The TRUMP told 'mrobama' to his face how he was going to unravel 'mrobamas' legacy . Think it was right around Trumps Inauguration in a speech . It was funny VOR !!

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?

I think Trump did it. Twice.
Of all people --- including his bootlicking toadies on this board --- he suffers from the most severe case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Trump rarely talks about Obummer.
Who are you kidding, the nitwit-in-chief is obsessed with Obama.
--------------------------------- The TRUMP told 'mrobama' to his face how he was going to unravel 'mrobamas' legacy . Think it was right around Trumps Inauguration in a speech . It was funny VOR !!

Adolf Trump's so-called legacy can be unraveled just as easily - if we still have a country.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?

I think Trump did it. Twice.
Of all people --- including his bootlicking toadies on this board --- he suffers from the most severe case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Trump rarely talks about Obummer.
Who are you kidding, the nitwit-in-chief is obsessed with Obama.
Not at all. He's too busy trying to reverse the damage the lousy prick caused.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think? it in Adam Schiff's handwriting?
I think Trump did it. Twice.
Of all people --- including his bootlicking toadies on this board --- he suffers from the most severe case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Trump rarely talks about Obummer.
Who are you kidding, the nitwit-in-chief is obsessed with Obama.
--------------------------------- The TRUMP told 'mrobama' to his face how he was going to unravel 'mrobamas' legacy . Think it was right around Trumps Inauguration in a speech . It was funny VOR !!

Adolf Trump's so-called legacy can be unraveled just as easily - if we still have a country.
------------------------ YOU People don't deserve an American style Country and i look forward to the time that YOU don't have one Lakhota .
I think Trump did it. Twice.
Of all people --- including his bootlicking toadies on this board --- he suffers from the most severe case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Trump rarely talks about Obummer.
Who are you kidding, the nitwit-in-chief is obsessed with Obama.
--------------------------------- The TRUMP told 'mrobama' to his face how he was going to unravel 'mrobamas' legacy . Think it was right around Trumps Inauguration in a speech . It was funny VOR !!

Adolf Trump's so-called legacy can be unraveled just as easily - if we still have a country.
Well, if we leave it up to the Democrats we won't.
After all Hillary and Obama tried to give away our sovereignty to the UN. U.N. treaty surrenders U.S. sovereignty by shredding the 2nd amendment

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?

Anyone who thinks the same committee that gave Barry the Nobel Peace Prize for simply showing up for his first day as going to give Donald Trump naïve beyond belief.

President Trump's Nobel Peace Prize NOMINATION turns out to be a fake...

....while the REASON President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize was a complete farce...


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