The not-infallible pope

I love this Pope. Not a fan of the government or religion he's in charge of, but as a man I dig him.

I agree. If anything, I think these incidents add to his value as a leader.

Religion and the ultra-religious take themselves too seriously. He accidentally said "fuck" and stole some beads. Lighten up. Take a chance and crack a smile now and again.

I don't see anyone choking up over his being fallible, Luddly. I see quite few choking up over his falliblility being pointed out because of what it reveals. He's not perfect. Another thing... As a man he cannot speak for God nor know the mind of God outside of Scripture. Its a dangerous path and the opposite of the narrow path Christ preached.

I don't see any difference between the pope using the F word and any other person in the world using the F word. He isn't any better than anyone else and its best not to put him up on a pedestal pretending he is. The most accomplished runner is capable of a fall. We are humans and as such we fail. ( no exceptions )
The thread and most of the posts are a joke.

First, his primary language is Spanish with fluency in Portuguese. He has learned Latin as part of his education and Italian because of his dealing with the Curia.

So, he made a minor mistake in a language he is still learning to speak?

Why don't you all go f**k yourselves? :)

No one is faulting the pope for being fallible. We knew it before he did.

Let's cut to the chase here, Longknife -

You are quite outspoken on the dangers of Islam and its religious - political nature and yet fail to see the correlation between the doctrines of Islam and the RCC. Why is that?


Because members of the Catholic church do not tie bombs onto little children and send them out to commit suicide to kill a few nonbelievers.

Because members of the Catholic church do not mutilate women so they cannot gain pleasure during the act of procreations.

Because they do not stone to death some who turns their back of Catholicism or Christianity.

Do you want more? :eusa_whistle:
Luddly, we have all cursed before and if we have even picked up a pencil from work we're guilty of theft if we don't put it back. It is fact that human beings fail, make mistakes, commit sins and are not infallible.

This is why the doctrine of the Catholic church cannot be true.

The pope is NOT infallible and neither is the Catholic church! Yet the news I'm getting now from a friend who is in meetings with Arch Bishop Gregory,correspondence with Cardinal Dolan and 10 other Catholic Bishops - is the new leader of one world religion has already been chosen. It's this pope and all religions are to be cosolidated and put under his power by the coming One World Govt. You won't have a choice. Interfaithism is only one step towards this unification. The Catholic Church has never veered from calling itself "The Church" and supposedly because the term was used so much ( like international law ) everyone is just going to go along with it.

The message of the Gospel is everyone is fallible including every single denomination of church. Yes! That includes the RCC, folks!

That is why we need a Savior. The message of the Catholic church is everyone is fallible except the Catholic Church and its Pope and therefore everyone must submit to its teaching without questioning it.

At the core of this contraversy is the matter of relationship. Can an individual have a relationship with God without using the Roman Catholic Church as a medium? According to the case of Galileo? No.

According to John O' Brien, Ph.D, LLD, of the University of Notre Dame, he writes in his book, "Inquisition" the following:

As the first of the "Five Basic Facts", O'Brien notes, "The Church is a society, perfect and sovereign, with legislative, judicial, and executive powers, charged with the supreme task of disseminating in all its purity the body of divinely revealed religious truth.

To be clear O'Brien was not referring to the medieval Catholic Church but rather the Catholic church today and its re-emergence as the One True Faith.

As the author of Through the Eye of a Jew - Melvin Fechter - points out in his book - we are only as distant from the Inquisitions as that church is from the power to enforce its belief on others! Why did he say this? Because that is precisely how the RCC accomplished the Inquisitions.

I have many Catholic family members who are quite concerned about the acceptance and integration of some Sharia law into Catholicism -in order to bring unity with the Muslims - a behind the scenes work being approved by such men as Cardinal Dolan and his friend of 20 yrs the leader of the ISNA. Imam Majid whose roots are reportedly in the Muslim Brotherhood. ISNA is the Islamic Society of North America.

When the first news story about the pope came out the reporter said that the people were delighted with the news of the F Bomb and said, This is evidence that the pope is a man of the people.

I beg to differ. This is evidence that the pope is not infallable. Whether by mistake or design - he has finally let the world know what some of us knew all along. Any man can fall. ANY MAN. Why? Because that is all we are. Fallible men and women.


When the pope exercises infallibility, it is only with regards to doctrine, and to Catholics.

Then Catholics need to beware, Marty. This Pope's doctrine is beyond skewed. It's false prophet skewed.
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The thread and most of the posts are a joke.

First, his primary language is Spanish with fluency in Portuguese. He has learned Latin as part of his education and Italian because of his dealing with the Curia.

So, he made a minor mistake in a language he is still learning to speak?

Why don't you all go f**k yourselves? :)

No one is faulting the pope for being fallible. We knew it before he did.

Let's cut to the chase here, Longknife -

You are quite outspoken on the dangers of Islam and its religious - political nature and yet fail to see the correlation between the doctrines of Islam and the RCC. Why is that?


Because members of the Catholic church do not tie bombs onto little children and send them out to commit suicide to kill a few nonbelievers.

Because members of the Catholic church do not mutilate women so they cannot gain pleasure during the act of procreations.

Because they do not stone to death some who turns their back of Catholicism or Christianity.

Do you want more? :eusa_whistle:

Neither do Muslims. They fund the Mosques and the Mosque funds the special forces / jihadist that will engage.

The Catholics fund the Vatican and the Vatican has Blackwater on its payroll. Every time you tithe youre chipping in for those special forces assignments - wherever they may be. US Govt is out of the loop since Blackwater mishap at Fallujah.

How am I doing so far? Am I getting through or do I need a drill here?

* Keep in mind the history of the RCC is identical to Islam in brutality, force, special forces militarily, spies, you name it.. it's there right down to burning Jews and Christians at the stake because they wouldn't convert to Roman Catholic Church - They killed those who refused to convert or were found guilty of some heresy they judged worthy of death. Heresy of THEIR DOCTRINE Mind you. Please tell me again how they differ.
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Luddly, we have all cursed before and if we have even picked up a pencil from work we're guilty of theft if we don't put it back. It is fact that human beings fail, make mistakes, commit sins and are not infallible.

This is why the doctrine of the Catholic church cannot be true.

The pope is NOT infallible and neither is the Catholic church! Yet the news I'm getting now from a friend who is in meetings with Arch Bishop Gregory,correspondence with Cardinal Dolan and 10 other Catholic Bishops - is the new leader of one world religion has already been chosen. It's this pope and all religions are to be cosolidated and put under his power by the coming One World Govt. You won't have a choice. Interfaithism is only one step towards this unification. The Catholic Church has never veered from calling itself "The Church" and supposedly because the term was used so much ( like international law ) everyone is just going to go along with it.

The message of the Gospel is everyone is fallible including every single denomination of church. Yes! That includes the RCC, folks!

That is why we need a Savior. The message of the Catholic church is everyone is fallible except the Catholic Church and its Pope and therefore everyone must submit to its teaching without questioning it.

At the core of this contraversy is the matter of relationship. Can an individual have a relationship with God without using the Roman Catholic Church as a medium? According to the case of Galileo? No.

According to John O' Brien, Ph.D, LLD, of the University of Notre Dame, he writes in his book, "Inquisition" the following:

As the first of the "Five Basic Facts", O'Brien notes, "The Church is a society, perfect and sovereign, with legislative, judicial, and executive powers, charged with the supreme task of disseminating in all its purity the body of divinely revealed religious truth.

To be clear O'Brien was not referring to the medieval Catholic Church but rather the Catholic church today and its re-emergence as the One True Faith.

As the author of Through the Eye of a Jew - Melvin Fechter - points out in his book - we are only as distant from the Inquisitions as that church is from the power to enforce its belief on others! Why did he say this? Because that is precisely how the RCC accomplished the Inquisitions.

I have many Catholic family members who are quite concerned about the acceptance and integration of some Sharia law into Catholicism -in order to bring unity with the Muslims - a behind the scenes work being approved by such men as Cardinal Dolan and his friend of 20 yrs the leader of the ISNA. Imam Majid whose roots are reportedly in the Muslim Brotherhood. ISNA is the Islamic Society of North America.

When the first news story about the pope came out the reporter said that the people were delighted with the news of the F Bomb and said, This is evidence that the pope is a man of the people.

I beg to differ. This is evidence that the pope is not infallable. Whether by mistake or design - he has finally let the world know what some of us knew all along. Any man can fall. ANY MAN. Why? Because that is all we are. Fallible men and women.


When the pope exercises infallibility, it is only with regards to doctrine, and to Catholics.

Then Catholics need to beware, Marty. This Pope's doctrine is beyond skewed. It's false prophet skewed.

He has for all conducive purposes just seized power by seizing control of the finances - a move that is unprecedented - changing Vatican policies since its inception hundreds of years ago. They answer to him now. Amazing for a man who has such an aversion to money.

For one who advocates wealth re-destribution one would think he would have already distributed all Vatican gold, land, possessions to the poor. Indeed Francis of Assissi would have done it immediately! ( a real Francis of Assisi - not a liberation theologist )

On the dangers of too much power:
That is what happens when a religion becomes a political governmental system. It tells the people YOU give to the poor but FIRST give to us. We've got a business to run. Then when they commit atrocities in your name they tell the world 50 yrs later we apologise for our members!
( deflecting the fact the apology never came from right source )
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Another thing I have noticed because of the indoctrination by the Vatican upon the Catholic people - they fear speaking against it - as if it would be the unpardonable sin to question the Pope and his motives!

This is precisely the same mindset that Muslims have about questioning Mohammad! He is the big Prophet and no one can question anything he said.

Anytime people are in fear of questioning a Religious Leader by examining his behavior / teachings through the light of Scripture - something is wrong. Man has been elevated to the status of God and God has been pushed aside. ( rendering His Word - The Bible - obsolete - a nice story - nothing more ) The good news is quite a few Catholics are reading the bible and their first response to me usually is this isn't difficult to understand at all! Why was the bible kept from us? Good question!

Questions lead to answers. Questions are healthy. God isn't knocked off his throne. He doesn't mind. The man behind the curtain playing Oz might mind but God mind? ha! Never! He's got nothing to hide! He's God!
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Another thing I have noticed because of the indoctrination by the Vatican upon the Catholic people - they fear speaking against it - as if it would be the unpardonable sin to question the Pope and his motives!
Do you ever ask Catholics about their feeling on various popes? It's only anecdotal evidence, so grain of salt etc., but I've known Catholics that aren't afraid to say they disliked Pope Benedict XVI. There wasn't any full-blown rebellion being waged, of course, but a lot of people genuinely didn't like him. John Paul II was a hard act to follow.

On the matter of the RCC calling itself THE Church...... If the RCC is THE Church and the evangelicals and others do not agree with its doctines then can we be considered the church to them? The answer is no. The truth is the RCC is "a church" but not "THE CHURCH". The very claim is a lie. One more evidence of the fallibility which it denies.
Living in a heavily Protestant area, I hear non-Catholics use the phrase "the church" all the time, usually in reference to all churches or Christianity as a whole. Even Protestant TV and radio personalities say "the church." Catholics don't have a monopoly on the term.

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