The NRA donated $10,000 to help train the Parkland shooting suspect to use a rifle

We have kids that get guns due to random crap shooting each other even the oracle of Delphi couldn't have foreseen. Short of banning all firearms what would have the proper response been? MORE GUNS! Which is worse?

How about the mental health professionals and cops simply DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS?

Cruz's mental health issues should have been documented and prevented his getting a weapon, the local cops did not follow up on his numerous police calls, and the FBI should have acted in their received tips.
Yeah, mental health and video games too. I saw the results of the Texas U tower shooter back in 66'. Chapman legally bought his sniper rifle, he then went on a rampage given his 2nd amendment right. Is this what the amendment about? Giving guns out unquestionably to whomever? Who was Charles Chapman defending himself FROM?

You saw the results of Chapman's shooting? Must have really left an impression...

Charles Whitman's rampage from the UT at Austin tower had nothing to do with his Second Amendment rights but everything to do with his brain tumor, you buffoon...

And let's be crystal fucking clear about one thing: No mass shooting, not one, has anything to do with anyone exercising their Second Amendment right.
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We have kids that get guns due to random crap shooting each other even the oracle of Delphi couldn't have foreseen. Short of banning all firearms what would have the proper response been? MORE GUNS! Which is worse?

How about the mental health professionals and cops simply DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS?

Cruz's mental health issues should have been documented and prevented his getting a weapon, the local cops did not follow up on his numerous police calls, and the FBI should have acted in their received tips.
Yeah, mental health and video games too. I saw the results of the Texas U tower shooter back in 66'. Chapman legally bought his sniper rifle, he then went on a rampage given his 2nd amendment right. Is this what the amendment about? Giving guns out unquestionably to whomever? Who was Charles Chapman defending himself FROM?

You saw the results of Chapman's shooting? Must have really left an impression...

Charles Whitman's rampage from the UT at Austin tower had nothing to do with his Second Amendment rights but everything to do with his brain tumor, you buffoon...
How about this one......Note: extra help is available for elderly readers with no ability to KAT

On May 18, 1927, a man named Andrew Kehoe blew up the school in Bath Township, Mich. Most of the 44 killed were children. It remains the deadliest attack on a school in U.S. history. It is also regularly left out of accounts of terrorism in America.

Why We Have Forgotten the Worst School Attack in U.S. History

All due to single parenthood, rap and video games.....True story...
Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old who charged with murdering 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, honed his marksmanship skills in a school program supported by the NRA. Cruz was, according to the Associated Press, a member of the school’s four-person varsity marksmanship team, which received a $10,000 grant from the NRA in 2016.

Cruz discussed his AR-15 with other team members and was given the nickname “Wolf.” Another member of the team described him as “a very good shot.”

The NRA donated $10,000 to help train the Parkland shooting suspect to use a rifle
You are about as bright as a box of rocks.

You're one simple sin of a bitch if you think NRA are doing large amount of their time promoting gun safety.

$25 buys you a simple NRA sticker and a magazine...:102:
So what specifically does NRA do to make sure this won't happen again?

Not much when their main goal is to lobby for gun sales.

To answer your question...what they are doing is trying to convince the
Public to arm themselves, because the FBI and Locals are not going to
protect them.

People have known that for a long time, they don't need the NRA to convince them.

The Police arrive after a crime, not before a crime.

And we've also learned that when they arrive during a crime...they wait
till the crime is over before they enter.
I have read this before, many more times than I like to say. Guns DO kill, it's what they were designed to do after all. Yes. And Cars were designed as transportation, for instance but are responsible for (in peacetime) far more fatalities, I have also had that pointed out to me. Well given the pollution, and unintended effects, accidents they kill far more than guns, overall. I still stand beside repealing the 2nd Amendment. Sandy hook and the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas or even going back to the Texas U tower shooter in 1966 were avoidable. And we can still avoid mass shootings, because nobody need guns NOW... and since the second amendment was written during the era of flintlocks & muzzle loaders it's a anachronism in the era of machine guns and bump stocks. We need to address that, not just let it go. No more school shootings, end that.

And I read your side over and over again for years,while they ignore recent historical facts.
Everyone that wants to have one needs guns for protection.
Disarming always leads to totalitarianisms or dictatorships.
Historical facts.
We have kids that get guns due to random crap shooting each other even the oracle of Delphi couldn't have foreseen. Short of banning all firearms what would have the proper response been? MORE GUNS! Which is worse?

How about the mental health professionals and cops simply DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS?

Cruz's mental health issues should have been documented and prevented his getting a weapon, the local cops did not follow up on his numerous police calls, and the FBI should have acted in their received tips.
Yeah, mental health and video games too. I saw the results of the Texas U tower shooter back in 66'. Chapman legally bought his sniper rifle, he then went on a rampage given his 2nd amendment right. Is this what the amendment about? Giving guns out unquestionably to whomever? Who was Charles Chapman defending himself FROM?

He bought a hunting rifle. Will you please educate yourself and stop making these ridiculous posts?
That speaks volumes about you.
Yes I can see a sham duty post when I see one...

I find your posts repulsive, are you a liberal?
I couldn't care less.... The ROTC program is for booger eating cream puffs that can't handle basic training...People use it to get money while in college...

Totally and completely clueless! That's par for the course for idiots like you!

I was in high school Air Force ROTC, but I joined the Navy. I went through boot camp and 15 month later got an ROTC scholarship. About half our students were prior enlisted, so your booger eating cream puffs obviously could handle it.

You also don't understand the program. You don't get paid unless you are on scholarship. My daughter was one of two in her freshman Army ROTC class that got the full ride. Many of her class were also prior enlisted.

Why do you intentionally embarrass yourself like this?
The Army ROTC is a joke...But you may enjoy it all you like..

How would you know? You obviously never participated, or did you suffer a brain injury?
Yes I can see a sham duty post when I see one...

I find your posts repulsive, are you a liberal?
I couldn't care less.... The ROTC program is for booger eating cream puffs that can't handle basic training...People use it to get money while in college...

Totally and completely clueless! That's par for the course for idiots like you!

I was in high school Air Force ROTC, but I joined the Navy. I went through boot camp and 15 month later got an ROTC scholarship. About half our students were prior enlisted, so your booger eating cream puffs obviously could handle it.

You also don't understand the program. You don't get paid unless you are on scholarship. My daughter was one of two in her freshman Army ROTC class that got the full ride. Many of her class were also prior enlisted.

Why do you intentionally embarrass yourself like this?
The Army ROTC is a joke...But you may enjoy it all you like..

How would you know? You obviously never participated, or did you suffer a brain injury?
I'm telling you for the last time......ROTC is for wimps...If I didn't know I wouldn't say anything...
I find your posts repulsive, are you a liberal?
I couldn't care less.... The ROTC program is for booger eating cream puffs that can't handle basic training...People use it to get money while in college...

Totally and completely clueless! That's par for the course for idiots like you!

I was in high school Air Force ROTC, but I joined the Navy. I went through boot camp and 15 month later got an ROTC scholarship. About half our students were prior enlisted, so your booger eating cream puffs obviously could handle it.

You also don't understand the program. You don't get paid unless you are on scholarship. My daughter was one of two in her freshman Army ROTC class that got the full ride. Many of her class were also prior enlisted.

Why do you intentionally embarrass yourself like this?
The Army ROTC is a joke...But you may enjoy it all you like..

How would you know? You obviously never participated, or did you suffer a brain injury?
I'm telling you for the last time......ROTC is for wimps...If I didn't know I wouldn't say anything...

So, how long did it take you to find out that you could not make it through and wussed out?

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