The NRA's latest overt racism


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
NRA Says "Race-Baiting" "Mainstream Media" Puts On A "Modern-Day Minstrel Show"

A new "Commentators" video from the National Rifle Association (NRA) accuses the "mainstream media" of pushing negative stereotypes about African-American gun ownership "with their modern-day minstrel show they call journalism."

Left unsaid in this "analysis" is the NRA's long history of stoking and exploiting racial fears, prime examples of which are racially charged comments by both NRA leader Wayne LaPierre and NRA board member Ted Nugent, an NRA-produced graphic novel that critics say had "deliberate racial overtones," and an NRA report that claimed race, not access to guns, plays a "significant" role in murders.

Today's sick-o modern racist is so fucking twisted, they don't know how racist they are.
Guns don't kill people all by themselves...

There's something unhinged about the murderers.

Mainstream media race baiting? Nooooooo Waaaay. That would amount to sensationalism for the sake of ratings.
NRA Says "Race-Baiting" "Mainstream Media" Puts On A "Modern-Day Minstrel Show"

A new "Commentators" video from the National Rifle Association (NRA) accuses the "mainstream media" of pushing negative stereotypes about African-American gun ownership "with their modern-day minstrel show they call journalism."

Left unsaid in this "analysis" is the NRA's long history of stoking and exploiting racial fears, prime examples of which are racially charged comments by both NRA leader Wayne LaPierre and NRA board member Ted Nugent, an NRA-produced graphic novel that critics say had "deliberate racial overtones," and an NRA report that claimed race, not access to guns, plays a "significant" role in murders.

Today's sick-o modern racist is so fucking twisted, they don't know how racist they are.
Well, it sure beats your menstrual show. :slap:

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