The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

The Japs did it to themselves.

They did it on Okinawa. By that time it was pretty much certain that the Allies were going to prevail however, the stupid Japs fought to almost the last man inflicting heavy ground losses on the Americans including Kamikaze attacks.

The Americans rightfully said "fuck this shit, lets nuke the bastards".

The Japs should have withdrew from Okinawa and attempted to negotiate a conditional surrender.

Japanese hard headiness is what caused those cities to be nuked.
Revisionist history. Dumb too.

Tell me what is revisionist about the lessons that we Americans learned from that Okinawa bloodbath.

What we learned is that the stupid Japs were going to extract a horrendous price for bringing the end to the war.
The lesson should be never invade another country, but this is lost on statists.

You think a nation invaded by the Empire, shouldn’t fight. If the Empire was invaded, would you fight?

You are confused.

You can argue that it was FDR's interventionist policy that caused the Japs to attack the US. I would agree with you. I am a Conservative non interventionists for the most part. It was wrong for FDR to put sanctions on the Japs for what they were doing in China. It was none of our business. It was also wrong for FDR to send millions of troops to Europe when it was the Japs that attacked us. FDR was an imbecile.

However, you cannot deny that once total war was under way it was the viciousness of the Japanese that led to the US kicking their ass so bad, including nuking them. The lessons of Okinawa was that they were going to extract a heavy price for the end of the war and that nuking them was going to be a much less costlier way to end the war.

It was their own damn fault. Don't start something you can't finish. It was really dumb for the Japs to start a war with a country that had tremendous manpower, industrial capacity and the resources to develop very destructive weapons of mass destruction.
So let me get this right, it was none of our business that Japan was using OUR fuel and OUR metal to kill maim rape and murder millions of Chinese?

The US was the largest oil producer in the world at that time and we cut them off.

The US has gone to war in the Middle East because our oil supply was threatened. Remember Kuwait? That tends to piss a country off. It sure as hell pissed off the Japs.

We also had deployed troops right on the Jap's back yard. Just look what we did when the Soviets put a few troops in Central America. We invaded Granada to kick them out. We threatened to go to war when they put missiles in Cuba.

The Japs were assholes. No doubt about it. So were the Germans. However, I think if we had played our cards differently maybe we could have stayed out of WWII. We would have been stronger because of it.

By the way, my father who was an Infantryman in WWII who proudly and courageously served in Europe felt the same way. He did his duty but felt the politicians that sent him to war were imbeciles. I think he was right. Certainly that shithead LBJ that sent me to Vietnam was an idiot.
The Japanese GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY were assholes. So their defenseless people deserved to die.

Damn that’s dumb, but lots of dumb Americans agree.
And yet you can not provide a single source that shows the Japanese tried to surrender before the 2nd atomic bomb. All you need is a single Government source that supports your claim.

He can't because they were hell bent on fighting until the last man. They proved it on Okinawa.
The place the revisionist get the claim the Japanese tried to surrender is the couple overtures they made one to Sweden one to The soviets for a cease fire return to 41 start lines and no concessions in China. No one was going to accept that so what the revisionist do is NOT mention the terms.
The Japs did it to themselves.

They did it on Okinawa. By that time it was pretty much certain that the Allies were going to prevail however, the stupid Japs fought to almost the last man inflicting heavy ground losses on the Americans including Kamikaze attacks.

The Americans rightfully said "fuck this shit, lets nuke the bastards".

The Japs should have withdrew from Okinawa and attempted to negotiate a conditional surrender.

Japanese hard headiness is what caused those cities to be nuked.
Revisionist history. Dumb too.

Tell me what is revisionist about the lessons that we Americans learned from that Okinawa bloodbath.

What we learned is that the stupid Japs were going to extract a horrendous price for bringing the end to the war.
The lesson should be never invade another country, but this is lost on statists.

You think a nation invaded by the Empire, shouldn’t fight. If the Empire was invaded, would you fight?

You are confused.

You can argue that it was FDR's interventionist policy that caused the Japs to attack the US. I would agree with you. I am a Conservative non interventionists for the most part. It was wrong for FDR to put sanctions on the Japs for what they were doing in China. It was none of our business. It was also wrong for FDR to send millions of troops to Europe when it was the Japs that attacked us. FDR was an imbecile.

However, you cannot deny that once total war was under way it was the viciousness of the Japanese that led to the US kicking their ass so bad, including nuking them. The lessons of Okinawa was that they were going to extract a heavy price for the end of the war and that nuking them was going to be a much less costlier way to end the war.

It was their own damn fault. Don't start something you can't finish. It was really dumb for the Japs to start a war with a country that had tremendous manpower, industrial capacity and the resources to develop very destructive weapons of mass destruction.
So let me get this right, it was none of our business that Japan was using OUR fuel and OUR metal to kill maim rape and murder millions of Chinese?

The US was the largest oil producer in the world at that time and we cut them off.

The US has gone to war in the Middle East because our oil supply was threatened. Remember Kuwait? That tends to piss a country off. It sure as hell pissed off the Japs.

We also had deployed troops right on the Jap's back yard. Just look what we did when the Soviets put a few troops in Central America. We invaded Granada to kick them out. We threatened to go to war when they put missiles in Cuba.

The Japs were assholes. No doubt about it. So were the Germans. However, I think if we had played our cards differently maybe we could have stayed out of WWII. We would have been stronger because of it.

By the way, my father who was an Infantryman in WWII who proudly and courageously served in Europe felt the same way. He did his duty but felt the politicians that sent him to war were imbeciles. I think he was right. Certainly that shithead LBJ that sent me to Vietnam was an idiot.
The Japanese GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY were assholes. So their defenseless people deserved to die.

Damn that’s dumb, but lots of dumb Americans agree.
And yet you can not provide a single source that shows the Japanese tried to surrender before the 2nd atomic bomb. All you need is a single Government source that supports your claim.

He can't because they were hell bent on fighting until the last man. They proved it on Okinawa.
You don’t think Americans would fight until the last man, if we were invaded. Think. Please think.
The Japs did it to themselves.

They did it on Okinawa. By that time it was pretty much certain that the Allies were going to prevail however, the stupid Japs fought to almost the last man inflicting heavy ground losses on the Americans including Kamikaze attacks.

The Americans rightfully said "fuck this shit, lets nuke the bastards".

The Japs should have withdrew from Okinawa and attempted to negotiate a conditional surrender.

Japanese hard headiness is what caused those cities to be nuked.
Revisionist history. Dumb too.

Tell me what is revisionist about the lessons that we Americans learned from that Okinawa bloodbath.

What we learned is that the stupid Japs were going to extract a horrendous price for bringing the end to the war.
The lesson should be never invade another country, but this is lost on statists.

You think a nation invaded by the Empire, shouldn’t fight. If the Empire was invaded, would you fight?

You are confused.

You can argue that it was FDR's interventionist policy that caused the Japs to attack the US. I would agree with you. I am a Conservative non interventionists for the most part. It was wrong for FDR to put sanctions on the Japs for what they were doing in China. It was none of our business. It was also wrong for FDR to send millions of troops to Europe when it was the Japs that attacked us. FDR was an imbecile.

However, you cannot deny that once total war was under way it was the viciousness of the Japanese that led to the US kicking their ass so bad, including nuking them. The lessons of Okinawa was that they were going to extract a heavy price for the end of the war and that nuking them was going to be a much less costlier way to end the war.

It was their own damn fault. Don't start something you can't finish. It was really dumb for the Japs to start a war with a country that had tremendous manpower, industrial capacity and the resources to develop very destructive weapons of mass destruction.
So let me get this right, it was none of our business that Japan was using OUR fuel and OUR metal to kill maim rape and murder millions of Chinese?

The US was the largest oil producer in the world at that time and we cut them off.

The US has gone to war in the Middle East because our oil supply was threatened. Remember Kuwait? That tends to piss a country off. It sure as hell pissed off the Japs.

We also had deployed troops right on the Jap's back yard. Just look what we did when the Soviets put a few troops in Central America. We invaded Granada to kick them out. We threatened to go to war when they put missiles in Cuba.

The Japs were assholes. No doubt about it. So were the Germans. However, I think if we had played our cards differently maybe we could have stayed out of WWII. We would have been stronger because of it.

By the way, my father who was an Infantryman in WWII who proudly and courageously served in Europe felt the same way. He did his duty but felt the politicians that sent him to war were imbeciles. I think he was right. Certainly that shithead LBJ that sent me to Vietnam was an idiot.
The Japanese GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY were assholes. So their defenseless people deserved to die.

Damn that’s dumb, but lots of dumb Americans agree.
And yet you can not provide a single source that shows the Japanese tried to surrender before the 2nd atomic bomb. All you need is a single Government source that supports your claim.
LOL. I‘ve provided prove directly to you, many times over the years. You just won’t accept it, because you’re a dumb ass statist.
The place the revisionist get the claim the Japanese tried to surrender is the couple overtures they made one to Sweden one to The soviets for a cease fire return to 41 start lines and no concessions in China. No one was going to accept that so what the revisionist do is NOT mention the terms.
McArthur knew they wished to surrender. Are you too calling him a liar?
The Japs did it to themselves.

They did it on Okinawa. By that time it was pretty much certain that the Allies were going to prevail however, the stupid Japs fought to almost the last man inflicting heavy ground losses on the Americans including Kamikaze attacks.

The Americans rightfully said "fuck this shit, lets nuke the bastards".

The Japs should have withdrew from Okinawa and attempted to negotiate a conditional surrender.

Japanese hard headiness is what caused those cities to be nuked.
Revisionist history. Dumb too.

Tell me what is revisionist about the lessons that we Americans learned from that Okinawa bloodbath.

What we learned is that the stupid Japs were going to extract a horrendous price for bringing the end to the war.
The lesson should be never invade another country, but this is lost on statists.

You think a nation invaded by the Empire, shouldn’t fight. If the Empire was invaded, would you fight?

You are confused.

You can argue that it was FDR's interventionist policy that caused the Japs to attack the US. I would agree with you. I am a Conservative non interventionists for the most part. It was wrong for FDR to put sanctions on the Japs for what they were doing in China. It was none of our business. It was also wrong for FDR to send millions of troops to Europe when it was the Japs that attacked us. FDR was an imbecile.

However, you cannot deny that once total war was under way it was the viciousness of the Japanese that led to the US kicking their ass so bad, including nuking them. The lessons of Okinawa was that they were going to extract a heavy price for the end of the war and that nuking them was going to be a much less costlier way to end the war.

It was their own damn fault. Don't start something you can't finish. It was really dumb for the Japs to start a war with a country that had tremendous manpower, industrial capacity and the resources to develop very destructive weapons of mass destruction.
So let me get this right, it was none of our business that Japan was using OUR fuel and OUR metal to kill maim rape and murder millions of Chinese?

The US was the largest oil producer in the world at that time and we cut them off.

The US has gone to war in the Middle East because our oil supply was threatened. Remember Kuwait? That tends to piss a country off. It sure as hell pissed off the Japs.

We also had deployed troops right on the Jap's back yard. Just look what we did when the Soviets put a few troops in Central America. We invaded Granada to kick them out. We threatened to go to war when they put missiles in Cuba.

The Japs were assholes. No doubt about it. So were the Germans. However, I think if we had played our cards differently maybe we could have stayed out of WWII. We would have been stronger because of it.

By the way, my father who was an Infantryman in WWII who proudly and courageously served in Europe felt the same way. He did his duty but felt the politicians that sent him to war were imbeciles. I think he was right. Certainly that shithead LBJ that sent me to Vietnam was an idiot.
The Japanese GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY were assholes. So their defenseless people deserved to die.

Damn that’s dumb, but lots of dumb Americans agree.
And yet you can not provide a single source that shows the Japanese tried to surrender before the 2nd atomic bomb. All you need is a single Government source that supports your claim.

He can't because they were hell bent on fighting until the last man. They proved it on Okinawa.
You don’t think Americans would fight until the last man, if we were invaded. Think. Please think.

Fighting to the last man is not looking to surrender as it has been suggested on this thread.

If the Japs didn't want to get nuked all they had to do was give it up. They were stupid. They made the wrong choice and paid for it.
The place the revisionist get the claim the Japanese tried to surrender is the couple overtures they made one to Sweden one to The soviets for a cease fire return to 41 start lines and no concessions in China. No one was going to accept that so what the revisionist do is NOT mention the terms.
McArthur knew they wished to surrender. Are you too calling him a liar?

They way they fought to the last man on Okinawa and used Kamikaze attacks were all the proof the Americans needed that the sonofabitches had no intentions of giving it up.

They sealed their own fate. they thought they were being brave but all they were doing was sealing their own fate that included fire bombings of their cities and a couple of nukes down their throats.
When it comes to 'what-ifing', the fundamental one is what if planners finally realized that there was no necessity of invading Japan, which was by then nothing but a besieged bastion with no means of supporting itself at any level.
The Imperial Army in Manchuria? Just send over a few thousand T54s and M 48s and run over it.
Nothing like hundreds of thousands had to die unless the Japanese chose it. Then it would all have been up to them. The Emperor would probably have died along with maybe millions of civilians and military, if only from starvation. That, at least, would have put the onus for the deaths of so many on the Japanese themselves, and would have absolved the U.S. of accusations of excessive use of power and racism. It would also have cleared the way for an egalitarian democracy, as in 1776.
Surely it was obscene for us to nuke Nagasaki just three days, 72 hours, after we had nuked Hiroshima.
Obscene? I celebrate it. It was that second detonation that finally forced the emperor to back down, lose face and concede, ending the war. The old school emperors were ready to go down all the way to the end if necessary rather than face the humiliation of defeat.

WE BROKE JAPAN, and those detonations provided important necessary information for us and to the world on the effectiveness of the bombs.
The Japs did it to themselves.

They did it on Okinawa. By that time it was pretty much certain that the Allies were going to prevail however, the stupid Japs fought to almost the last man inflicting heavy ground losses on the Americans including Kamikaze attacks.

The Americans rightfully said "fuck this shit, lets nuke the bastards".

The Japs should have withdrew from Okinawa and attempted to negotiate a conditional surrender.

Japanese hard headiness is what caused those cities to be nuked.
Revisionist history. Dumb too.

Tell me what is revisionist about the lessons that we Americans learned from that Okinawa bloodbath.

What we learned is that the stupid Japs were going to extract a horrendous price for bringing the end to the war.
The lesson should be never invade another country, but this is lost on statists.

You think a nation invaded by the Empire, shouldn’t fight. If the Empire was invaded, would you fight?

You are confused.

You can argue that it was FDR's interventionist policy that caused the Japs to attack the US. I would agree with you. I am a Conservative non interventionists for the most part. It was wrong for FDR to put sanctions on the Japs for what they were doing in China. It was none of our business. It was also wrong for FDR to send millions of troops to Europe when it was the Japs that attacked us. FDR was an imbecile.

However, you cannot deny that once total war was under way it was the viciousness of the Japanese that led to the US kicking their ass so bad, including nuking them. The lessons of Okinawa was that they were going to extract a heavy price for the end of the war and that nuking them was going to be a much less costlier way to end the war.

It was their own damn fault. Don't start something you can't finish. It was really dumb for the Japs to start a war with a country that had tremendous manpower, industrial capacity and the resources to develop very destructive weapons of mass destruction.
So let me get this right, it was none of our business that Japan was using OUR fuel and OUR metal to kill maim rape and murder millions of Chinese?

The US was the largest oil producer in the world at that time and we cut them off.

The US has gone to war in the Middle East because our oil supply was threatened. Remember Kuwait? That tends to piss a country off. It sure as hell pissed off the Japs.

We also had deployed troops right on the Jap's back yard. Just look what we did when the Soviets put a few troops in Central America. We invaded Granada to kick them out. We threatened to go to war when they put missiles in Cuba.

The Japs were assholes. No doubt about it. So were the Germans. However, I think if we had played our cards differently maybe we could have stayed out of WWII. We would have been stronger because of it.

By the way, my father who was an Infantryman in WWII who proudly and courageously served in Europe felt the same way. He did his duty but felt the politicians that sent him to war were imbeciles. I think he was right. Certainly that shithead LBJ that sent me to Vietnam was an idiot.
The Japanese GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY were assholes. So their defenseless people deserved to die.

Damn that’s dumb, but lots of dumb Americans agree.
And yet you can not provide a single source that shows the Japanese tried to surrender before the 2nd atomic bomb. All you need is a single Government source that supports your claim.

He can't because they were hell bent on fighting until the last man. They proved it on Okinawa.
You don’t think Americans would fight until the last man, if we were invaded. Think. Please think.

Fighting to the last man is not looking to surrender as it has been suggested on this thread.

If the Japs didn't want to get nuked all they had to do was give it up. They were stupid. They made the wrong choice and paid for it.
Oh brother. Are you capable of thinking? Do you know how surrendering works. Both antagonists must agree. Jesus

The Japanese people fighting knew nothing of their government’s efforts to surrender. They were merely trying to protect their country, just as Americans would.

Since both Stalin’s Stooge and Dirty Harry stupidly demanded unconditional surrender, the Japanese assumed the US would hang the emperor. All they asked of Dirty Harry is leave the emperor alone. He didn’t agree with those terms until AFTER he incinerated all those defenseless women and children at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The place the revisionist get the claim the Japanese tried to surrender is the couple overtures they made one to Sweden one to The soviets for a cease fire return to 41 start lines and no concessions in China. No one was going to accept that so what the revisionist do is NOT mention the terms.
McArthur knew they wished to surrender. Are you too calling him a liar?
And yet you can not provide a single source that LISTS what these supposed surrenders entailed, no document no statement nothing.
The Japs did it to themselves.

They did it on Okinawa. By that time it was pretty much certain that the Allies were going to prevail however, the stupid Japs fought to almost the last man inflicting heavy ground losses on the Americans including Kamikaze attacks.

The Americans rightfully said "fuck this shit, lets nuke the bastards".

The Japs should have withdrew from Okinawa and attempted to negotiate a conditional surrender.

Japanese hard headiness is what caused those cities to be nuked.
Revisionist history. Dumb too.

Tell me what is revisionist about the lessons that we Americans learned from that Okinawa bloodbath.

What we learned is that the stupid Japs were going to extract a horrendous price for bringing the end to the war.
The lesson should be never invade another country, but this is lost on statists.

You think a nation invaded by the Empire, shouldn’t fight. If the Empire was invaded, would you fight?

You are confused.

You can argue that it was FDR's interventionist policy that caused the Japs to attack the US. I would agree with you. I am a Conservative non interventionists for the most part. It was wrong for FDR to put sanctions on the Japs for what they were doing in China. It was none of our business. It was also wrong for FDR to send millions of troops to Europe when it was the Japs that attacked us. FDR was an imbecile.

However, you cannot deny that once total war was under way it was the viciousness of the Japanese that led to the US kicking their ass so bad, including nuking them. The lessons of Okinawa was that they were going to extract a heavy price for the end of the war and that nuking them was going to be a much less costlier way to end the war.

It was their own damn fault. Don't start something you can't finish. It was really dumb for the Japs to start a war with a country that had tremendous manpower, industrial capacity and the resources to develop very destructive weapons of mass destruction.
So let me get this right, it was none of our business that Japan was using OUR fuel and OUR metal to kill maim rape and murder millions of Chinese?

The US was the largest oil producer in the world at that time and we cut them off.

The US has gone to war in the Middle East because our oil supply was threatened. Remember Kuwait? That tends to piss a country off. It sure as hell pissed off the Japs.

We also had deployed troops right on the Jap's back yard. Just look what we did when the Soviets put a few troops in Central America. We invaded Granada to kick them out. We threatened to go to war when they put missiles in Cuba.

The Japs were assholes. No doubt about it. So were the Germans. However, I think if we had played our cards differently maybe we could have stayed out of WWII. We would have been stronger because of it.

By the way, my father who was an Infantryman in WWII who proudly and courageously served in Europe felt the same way. He did his duty but felt the politicians that sent him to war were imbeciles. I think he was right. Certainly that shithead LBJ that sent me to Vietnam was an idiot.
The Japanese GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY were assholes. So their defenseless people deserved to die.

Damn that’s dumb, but lots of dumb Americans agree.
And yet you can not provide a single source that shows the Japanese tried to surrender before the 2nd atomic bomb. All you need is a single Government source that supports your claim.

He can't because they were hell bent on fighting until the last man. They proved it on Okinawa.
You don’t think Americans would fight until the last man, if we were invaded. Think. Please think.

Fighting to the last man is not looking to surrender as it has been suggested on this thread.

If the Japs didn't want to get nuked all they had to do was give it up. They were stupid. They made the wrong choice and paid for it.
Oh brother. Are you capable of thinking? Do you know how surrendering works. Both antagonists must agree. Jesus

The Japanese people fighting knew nothing of their government’s efforts to surrender. They were merely trying to protect their country, just as Americans would.

Since both Stalin’s Stooge and Dirty Harry stupidly demanded unconditional surrender, the Japanese assumed the US would hang the emperor. All they asked of Dirty Harry is leave the emperor alone. He didn’t agree with those terms until AFTER he incinerated all those defenseless women and children at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

You are confused

You surrender by putting up your hands and saying "I give up". It ain't rocket science. If you want a model just look at the Dutch giving up to the Germans. We call the French "The Surrender Monkeys" but the Dutch beat them seven ways to Sunday.

The Jap shitheads didn't do that. Instead they fought to almost the last man at Okinawa. They also crashed their airplanes into our ships inflicting very heavy casualties. They even talked many of the civilians into committing suicide rather than give up to the Americans.

If they had any intentions of negotiating any agreement they sure as hell blew it and that is why we fire bombed their cities and then nuked them.

Stop being an apologist for the filthy ass Japs. It just makes you look like an idiot.
Wrong. Dirty Harry won the war, then he massacred thousands of defenseless women and children of a defeated nation.

President Truman acted presidential. He saved hundreds of thousands of Americans from torture and death at the hands of power-crazed Japanese warlords. But I would hardly expect a power-crazed liberal to comprehend the importance of that.
Wrong. Dirty Harry won the war, then he massacred thousands of defenseless women and children of a defeated nation.

President Truman acted presidential. He saved hundreds of thousands of Americans from torture and death at the hands of power-crazed Japanese warlords. But I would hardly expect a power-crazed liberal to comprehend the importance of that.
Wrong. Long ago proven to be nothing but propaganda.
The Japs did it to themselves.

They did it on Okinawa. By that time it was pretty much certain that the Allies were going to prevail however, the stupid Japs fought to almost the last man inflicting heavy ground losses on the Americans including Kamikaze attacks.

The Americans rightfully said "fuck this shit, lets nuke the bastards".

The Japs should have withdrew from Okinawa and attempted to negotiate a conditional surrender.

Japanese hard headiness is what caused those cities to be nuked.
Revisionist history. Dumb too.

Tell me what is revisionist about the lessons that we Americans learned from that Okinawa bloodbath.

What we learned is that the stupid Japs were going to extract a horrendous price for bringing the end to the war.
The lesson should be never invade another country, but this is lost on statists.

You think a nation invaded by the Empire, shouldn’t fight. If the Empire was invaded, would you fight?

You are confused.

You can argue that it was FDR's interventionist policy that caused the Japs to attack the US. I would agree with you. I am a Conservative non interventionists for the most part. It was wrong for FDR to put sanctions on the Japs for what they were doing in China. It was none of our business. It was also wrong for FDR to send millions of troops to Europe when it was the Japs that attacked us. FDR was an imbecile.

However, you cannot deny that once total war was under way it was the viciousness of the Japanese that led to the US kicking their ass so bad, including nuking them. The lessons of Okinawa was that they were going to extract a heavy price for the end of the war and that nuking them was going to be a much less costlier way to end the war.

It was their own damn fault. Don't start something you can't finish. It was really dumb for the Japs to start a war with a country that had tremendous manpower, industrial capacity and the resources to develop very destructive weapons of mass destruction.
So let me get this right, it was none of our business that Japan was using OUR fuel and OUR metal to kill maim rape and murder millions of Chinese?

The US was the largest oil producer in the world at that time and we cut them off.

The US has gone to war in the Middle East because our oil supply was threatened. Remember Kuwait? That tends to piss a country off. It sure as hell pissed off the Japs.

We also had deployed troops right on the Jap's back yard. Just look what we did when the Soviets put a few troops in Central America. We invaded Granada to kick them out. We threatened to go to war when they put missiles in Cuba.

The Japs were assholes. No doubt about it. So were the Germans. However, I think if we had played our cards differently maybe we could have stayed out of WWII. We would have been stronger because of it.

By the way, my father who was an Infantryman in WWII who proudly and courageously served in Europe felt the same way. He did his duty but felt the politicians that sent him to war were imbeciles. I think he was right. Certainly that shithead LBJ that sent me to Vietnam was an idiot.
The Japanese GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY were assholes. So their defenseless people deserved to die.

Damn that’s dumb, but lots of dumb Americans agree.
And yet you can not provide a single source that shows the Japanese tried to surrender before the 2nd atomic bomb. All you need is a single Government source that supports your claim.

He can't because they were hell bent on fighting until the last man. They proved it on Okinawa.
You don’t think Americans would fight until the last man, if we were invaded. Think. Please think.

Fighting to the last man is not looking to surrender as it has been suggested on this thread.

If the Japs didn't want to get nuked all they had to do was give it up. They were stupid. They made the wrong choice and paid for it.
Oh brother. Are you capable of thinking? Do you know how surrendering works. Both antagonists must agree. Jesus

The Japanese people fighting knew nothing of their government’s efforts to surrender. They were merely trying to protect their country, just as Americans would.

Since both Stalin’s Stooge and Dirty Harry stupidly demanded unconditional surrender, the Japanese assumed the US would hang the emperor. All they asked of Dirty Harry is leave the emperor alone. He didn’t agree with those terms until AFTER he incinerated all those defenseless women and children at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

You are confused

You surrender by putting up your hands and saying "I give up". It ain't rocket science. If you want a model just look at the Dutch giving up to the Germans. We call the French "The Surrender Monkeys" but the Dutch beat them seven ways to Sunday.

The Jap shitheads didn't do that. Instead they fought to almost the last man at Okinawa. They also crashed their airplanes into our ships inflicting very heavy casualties. They even talked many of the civilians into committing suicide rather than give up to the Americans.

If they had any intentions of negotiating any agreement they sure as hell blew it and that is why we fire bombed their cities and then nuked them.

Stop being an apologist for the filthy ass Japs. It just makes you look like an idiot.
You are obviously a racist and a bigot. That then means you’re dumb. Please do not address me again.
Wrong. Dirty Harry won the war, then he massacred thousands of defenseless women and children of a defeated nation.

President Truman acted presidential. He saved hundreds of thousands of Americans from torture and death at the hands of power-crazed Japanese warlords. But I would hardly expect a power-crazed liberal to comprehend the importance of that.
Wrong. Long ago proven to be nothing but propaganda.
And yet you can not link to a single source that lists any of these supposed surrender offers. You claim there are a bunch I will settle for a link to just one.
Wrong. Dirty Harry won the war, then he massacred thousands of defenseless women and children of a defeated nation.

President Truman acted presidential. He saved hundreds of thousands of Americans from torture and death at the hands of power-crazed Japanese warlords. But I would hardly expect a power-crazed liberal to comprehend the importance of that.
Wrong. Long ago proven to be nothing but propaganda.
And yet you can not link to a single source that lists any of these supposed surrender offers. You claim there are a bunch I will settle for a link to just one.
I’m guessing you’ve got dementia because several posters including me, have posted links for you to read. You can read, right?
The Japs did it to themselves.

They did it on Okinawa. By that time it was pretty much certain that the Allies were going to prevail however, the stupid Japs fought to almost the last man inflicting heavy ground losses on the Americans including Kamikaze attacks.

The Americans rightfully said "fuck this shit, lets nuke the bastards".

The Japs should have withdrew from Okinawa and attempted to negotiate a conditional surrender.

Japanese hard headiness is what caused those cities to be nuked.
Revisionist history. Dumb too.

Tell me what is revisionist about the lessons that we Americans learned from that Okinawa bloodbath.

What we learned is that the stupid Japs were going to extract a horrendous price for bringing the end to the war.
The lesson should be never invade another country, but this is lost on statists.

You think a nation invaded by the Empire, shouldn’t fight. If the Empire was invaded, would you fight?

You are confused.

You can argue that it was FDR's interventionist policy that caused the Japs to attack the US. I would agree with you. I am a Conservative non interventionists for the most part. It was wrong for FDR to put sanctions on the Japs for what they were doing in China. It was none of our business. It was also wrong for FDR to send millions of troops to Europe when it was the Japs that attacked us. FDR was an imbecile.

However, you cannot deny that once total war was under way it was the viciousness of the Japanese that led to the US kicking their ass so bad, including nuking them. The lessons of Okinawa was that they were going to extract a heavy price for the end of the war and that nuking them was going to be a much less costlier way to end the war.

It was their own damn fault. Don't start something you can't finish. It was really dumb for the Japs to start a war with a country that had tremendous manpower, industrial capacity and the resources to develop very destructive weapons of mass destruction.
So let me get this right, it was none of our business that Japan was using OUR fuel and OUR metal to kill maim rape and murder millions of Chinese?

The US was the largest oil producer in the world at that time and we cut them off.

The US has gone to war in the Middle East because our oil supply was threatened. Remember Kuwait? That tends to piss a country off. It sure as hell pissed off the Japs.

We also had deployed troops right on the Jap's back yard. Just look what we did when the Soviets put a few troops in Central America. We invaded Granada to kick them out. We threatened to go to war when they put missiles in Cuba.

The Japs were assholes. No doubt about it. So were the Germans. However, I think if we had played our cards differently maybe we could have stayed out of WWII. We would have been stronger because of it.

By the way, my father who was an Infantryman in WWII who proudly and courageously served in Europe felt the same way. He did his duty but felt the politicians that sent him to war were imbeciles. I think he was right. Certainly that shithead LBJ that sent me to Vietnam was an idiot.
The Japanese GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY were assholes. So their defenseless people deserved to die.

Damn that’s dumb, but lots of dumb Americans agree.
And yet you can not provide a single source that shows the Japanese tried to surrender before the 2nd atomic bomb. All you need is a single Government source that supports your claim.

He can't because they were hell bent on fighting until the last man. They proved it on Okinawa.
You don’t think Americans would fight until the last man, if we were invaded. Think. Please think.

Fighting to the last man is not looking to surrender as it has been suggested on this thread.

If the Japs didn't want to get nuked all they had to do was give it up. They were stupid. They made the wrong choice and paid for it.
Oh brother. Are you capable of thinking? Do you know how surrendering works. Both antagonists must agree. Jesus

The Japanese people fighting knew nothing of their government’s efforts to surrender. They were merely trying to protect their country, just as Americans would.

Since both Stalin’s Stooge and Dirty Harry stupidly demanded unconditional surrender, the Japanese assumed the US would hang the emperor. All they asked of Dirty Harry is leave the emperor alone. He didn’t agree with those terms until AFTER he incinerated all those defenseless women and children at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

You are confused

You surrender by putting up your hands and saying "I give up". It ain't rocket science. If you want a model just look at the Dutch giving up to the Germans. We call the French "The Surrender Monkeys" but the Dutch beat them seven ways to Sunday.

The Jap shitheads didn't do that. Instead they fought to almost the last man at Okinawa. They also crashed their airplanes into our ships inflicting very heavy casualties. They even talked many of the civilians into committing suicide rather than give up to the Americans.

If they had any intentions of negotiating any agreement they sure as hell blew it and that is why we fire bombed their cities and then nuked them.

Stop being an apologist for the filthy ass Japs. It just makes you look like an idiot.
You are obviously a racist and a bigot. That then means you’re dumb. Please do not address me again.

You are using the race card when you couldn't address my points?

LOL! typical.

PS. Japan is a country, not a race.
Wrong. Dirty Harry won the war, then he massacred thousands of defenseless women and children of a defeated nation.

President Truman acted presidential. He saved hundreds of thousands of Americans from torture and death at the hands of power-crazed Japanese warlords. But I would hardly expect a power-crazed liberal to comprehend the importance of that.
Wrong. Long ago proven to be nothing but propaganda.
And yet you can not link to a single source that lists any of these supposed surrender offers. You claim there are a bunch I will settle for a link to just one.
I’m guessing you’ve got dementia because several posters including me, have posted links for you to read. You can read, right?
You have NEVER posted a link that shows a single one of these supposed offers just links to a book where it is claimed some were made, If you can not link to any such offer then yes I am calling you a liar. And Mac Aurther and anyone else that claims any such offer was made.

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