The NYT Slips Into A Fugue State

The fake Indian will be defeated by real Indian much sooner.

I'm fine with the Left propping themselves up as contenders in 2020... I encourage them rolling out their 'darlings' as the more they open their mouths, the more middle America gasps in horror... lol

If only Ocassio Cortez could be on a Sanders, Pocahontas or Biden ticket... :) here's hoping... perhaps in another 4 or 8 years, lol.
The delusional Liberals are regulated to writing Science Fiction stories about Trump since that silly Wussia, Wussia, Wussia bullshit isn't going anywhere and nobody gives a shit about Trump screwing porno queens. .
Two thirds of the Blue Wall will hit catastrophic loss of tax base by the 2020 election and they are going to win?
A delusional world wherein a Warren/Holder ticket defeats Trump in 2020. You'll see a lot of shit like this the closer we get.

Opinion | How Trump Lost Re-election in 2020
/----/ Yeah, TDS is spreading like a California wildfire.
Trump's demise has been greatly exaggerated
Trump's demise has been greatly exaggerated
This time they’ve surely got him. Pack your bags, Mr. President. The game is up. Because this week we learned that . . . that . . . well, there’s this tape, see, recorded by Donald Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen in September of 2016, during which the then-presidential candidate discussed setting up a company for the purpose of paying off alleged former paramour Karen McDougal to make her go away.

Did Trump and Cohen actually pay her off? No, but . . . but . . . c’mon, it would have been a campaign-finance violation! If it had happened. Or it was sort of a campaign-finance violation once removed, because the company that owns the National Enquirer paid for the rights to the McDougal story but then never ran anything on it, and maybe Trump knew about this!

Trump-is-doomed stories are one of the media’s favorite fairy tales. Remember when you saw “Peter Pan” when you were 4 and you actually thought that clapping for Tinkerbell would bring her back to life? Pundits think that if they cheer loudly enough for Trump to get eighty-sixed, it’ll happen. His (first?) term in office is more than a third over, and the Very Serious Commentators have been ushering him out the door the entire time. Or at least they’ve been trying to. It turns out that Trump doesn’t pay a lot of attention to the usher-pundits.

liberalism find a cure.jpg
This was an opinion piece. Once again conservatives show they do not know the difference between opinion and news or fact from fiction. As Trump would tweet: SAD.

But addressing the OPINION PIECE it is way to early to make predictions. I hope he is right, but a week is a long time in politics much less two years.
This was an opinion piece. Once again conservatives show they do not know the difference between opinion and news or fact from fiction. As Trump would tweet: SAD.

But addressing the OPINION PIECE it is way to early to make predictions. I hope he is right, but a week is a long time in politics much less two years.
/----/ " between opinion and news or fact from fiction." Trump Derangement Syndrome is a fact and it's you Libtards who post opinion as fact. BTW you posting " conservatives show they do not know the difference between opinion and news or fact from fiction." is just your opinion
hysterical liberal.jpg
This was an opinion piece. Once again conservatives show they do not know the difference between opinion and news or fact from fiction. As Trump would tweet: SAD.

But addressing the OPINION PIECE it is way to early to make predictions. I hope he is right, but a week is a long time in politics much less two years.
lol! What we know is the NYT and most of the regressive liberals are so ass hurt they make up crap so their delusional state will be more suffer-able.
The reality


This tweet was totally delusion. Hey Donald Dumbass, they did not have "polls" when Abe Lincoln was president and both Eisenhower and W. had higher favorability ratings.

Quoting a pathological liar is always dangerous because well he is pathological liar.
The reality


This tweet was totally delusion. Hey Donald Dumbass, they did not have "polls" when Abe was president and both Eisenhower and W. had higher favorability ratings.

Quoting a pathological liar is always dangerous because he is pathological liar.
Do you really think Trump can hear you calling out to him on a discussion forum? Delusion noted.
This was an opinion piece. Once again conservatives show they do not know the difference between opinion and news or fact from fiction. As Trump would tweet: SAD.

But addressing the OPINION PIECE it is way to early to make predictions. I hope he is right, but a week is a long time in politics much less two years.
/----/ " between opinion and news or fact from fiction." Trump Derangement Syndrome is a fact and it's you Libtards who post opinion as fact. BTW you posting " conservatives show they do not know the difference between opinion and news or fact from fiction." is just your opinion
View attachment 207592

Thanks for your opinion. TDS is just a ripoff from ODS. Whenever anyone posts TDS it just means they don't have a response and that they are no more than little snowflakes who can't take criticism of their dear leader. Sad really.
This was an opinion piece. Once again conservatives show they do not know the difference between opinion and news or fact from fiction. As Trump would tweet: SAD.

But addressing the OPINION PIECE it is way to early to make predictions. I hope he is right, but a week is a long time in politics much less two years.
/----/ " between opinion and news or fact from fiction." Trump Derangement Syndrome is a fact and it's you Libtards who post opinion as fact. BTW you posting " conservatives show they do not know the difference between opinion and news or fact from fiction." is just your opinion
View attachment 207592

Thanks for your opinion. TDS is just a ripoff from ODS. Whenever anyone posts TDS it just means they don't have a response and that they are no more than little snowflakes who can't take criticism of their dear leader. Sad really.
/----/ Oh I have plenty of responses, but the two stories posted here are genuine hysterical TDS.
The reality


This tweet was totally delusion. Hey Donald Dumbass, they did not have "polls" when Abe Lincoln was president and both Eisenhower and W. had higher favorability ratings.

Quoting a pathological liar is always dangerous because well he is pathological liar.

The stupid Left Wing NYT had Crooked Hillary's odds of winning at 95% up until the votes started to pour in for Trump. Their credibility is long gone and that is why they have to print stupid science fiction stories about Trump losing.

The delusion is these stupid Libtard turds with their Wussia, Wussia, Wussia bullshit and thinking that bat shit crazy Moon Bats represent this country.

The Trump Derangement Syndrome is the real mental health crisis we have in this country now.

Trump is planning to speak in Tampa tomorrow. I am planning on going. There will be 20K people wanting to see him despite having to wait in the heat and the chance of thunderstorms.

You Moon Bats don't have clue as to Trump' popularity. Trump is doing a great job for this country. Stop being butt hurt because your filthy little bitch didn't win and grow up a little bit and enjoy the prosperity we are seeing.
Two thirds of the Blue Wall will hit catastrophic loss of tax base by the 2020 election and they are going to win?
It is going to be a bloodbath.

At this point I want to see if Trump can get close to 60% of the vote and crush their dreams of winning the "popular vote".
The reality


This tweet was totally delusion. Hey Donald Dumbass, they did not have "polls" when Abe Lincoln was president and both Eisenhower

You Moon Bats don't have clue as to Trump' popularity. Trump is doing a great job for this country.
I just saw a poll on Fox from Rasmussen that compared the support of Democrats in Congress and the Republicans in Congress to Trump and Trump was at 64% while Republicans in Congress had 20% and Democrats in Congress had 10%.

That doesn't really match up with the approval numbers yet, but when you consider that "approve" and "disapprove" can mean many things, and the fact that the choices were only between Trump and Congress in this particular poll, it is entirely possible that Trump really does have a 64% approval there.

If that is the case then Democrats don't even have a prayer already.

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