The Obama Admin Just Got Busted Again, But This Time The Judge Won’t Stand For It

80 percent of America wants the illegal to be given legal status or a path to citizenship.

Yes, I can back that up. I have several times when challenged.

When it is convenient, the GOP will drone on and on about the Will of the People™. Except in this case, which demonstrates they are raging hypocrites.

The GOP wanted Obama to be the bad guy and throw out the illegals against the wishes of the American people. Obama wouldn't play along, and that pisses them off.

Instead of heeding the Will of the People™, the GOP is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. They are hostage to the kind of people we see on this forum who hate Mexicans. Topic after topic after topic, blaming the spics for measles and welfare and Ebola and job stealing.

The 20 percent. That's who the GOP is afraid of. Pants-shitting terrified.

How funny is that, by the way? Blaming Mexicans for stealing our jobs AND living on welfare. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Major Bullshit!!!!
Obama's EO violated federal law.

The final decision on that is still out.

Might I remind you that in order to get a reprieve you HAVE to be guilty of something?
I have actually used the analogy of a death row inmate many times in this situation. The EO is not amnesty. It is a stay. The inmates were not pardoned and released, just granted a stay of execution.

It is erroneous to call the EO "amnesty".

But Congress will one day grant amnesty. The GOP Congress. In the meantime, Obama has kept the inmates from being executed until such time as the GOP pardons them.

The GOP is mad because they are too chickenshit to inject the poison and want Obama to be the heavy.
Solid point I will give you that but when is up holding the LAW equal to injecting the poison? Could one not argue the poison injection took place when federal laws were violated by those people?

Major Bullshit!!!!
Okay. You asked for it.

On immigration, Republicans favor path to legal status, but differ over citizenship


Poll Roundup Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship - Immigration Reform America s Voice Immigration Reform America s Voice

A new Quinnipiac poll finds that 64 percent of voters support the Senate immigration bill, including 60 percent of Republicans.

Other polls that do this also find GOP support for this combination.

WSJ/NBC News Survey
July 17-21

  • 44% of respondents would blame Republicans in Congress if immigration reform fails, while 14% would blame Democrats
United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection
July 11-14

  • Only one in five say they want the GOP-controlled House to NOT act on immigration reform
  • Only 13% say they want the House to strip the eventual pathway to citizenship measure from the bill that passed the Democratic-controlled Senate.
June-July 2013

  • 88% of Americans support allowing immigrants to become citizens
  • 83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens

What Americans Want From Immigration Reform in 2014

62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents

The Republican response:


Major Bullshit!!!!
Okay. You asked for it.

On immigration, Republicans favor path to legal status, but differ over citizenship


Poll Roundup Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship - Immigration Reform America s Voice Immigration Reform America s Voice

A new Quinnipiac poll finds that 64 percent of voters support the Senate immigration bill, including 60 percent of Republicans.

Other polls that do this also find GOP support for this combination.

WSJ/NBC News Survey
July 17-21

  • 44% of respondents would blame Republicans in Congress if immigration reform fails, while 14% would blame Democrats
United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection
July 11-14

  • Only one in five say they want the GOP-controlled House to NOT act on immigration reform
  • Only 13% say they want the House to strip the eventual pathway to citizenship measure from the bill that passed the Democratic-controlled Senate.
June-July 2013

  • 88% of Americans support allowing immigrants to become citizens
  • 83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens

What Americans Want From Immigration Reform in 2014

62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents

The Republican response:


#1 I don't believe any of it, #2 what where the demographics, and #3 apparently the BLACKS haven't heard about this yet... this ought to make them perk up!

Battle Bubbling: Hispanics Challenge African-Americans for #1 Minority Status March 12, 2015

RUSH: This is something, by the way, I don't expect anybody to remember, but I've been predicting this all the way back in my Sacramento days, back in the 1980s.
What a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive

Yesterday, it was revealed by The Washington Times that earlier in the week, lawyers for the Obama administration admitted they had lied during recent court proceedings on immigration and had already approved over one-hundred thousand cases of executive amnesty. This was in direct conflict with testimony given to Judge Andrew S. Hanen, who issued a stay in Obama’s executive actions that would allow five million illegal immigrants to stay in the country legally. In other words, the lawyers who were trying to appeal the judge’s stay lied to the judge during the initial arguments.

You can’t make this stuff up.

The Washington Times reports:

President Obama’s lawyers misled a federal judge when they said they weren’t approving any applications under his expanded deportation amnesty, Texas charged in new court papers Thursday that said the breach is serious enough that the courtshould allow legal discovery to get to the bottom of the matter.

The Obama Admin Just Got Busted Again But This Time The Judge Won t Stand For It

liar liar, pants on fire!
From your Washington Times link
But on Tuesday department lawyers informed Judge Hanen they may have left him with a wrong impression when they said they hadn’t carried out any of the president’s new policies.

Mr. Obama’s Nov. 20 announcement offered a number of different benefits to illegal immigrants, including expanding eligibility for his 2012 amnesty for Dreamers and boosting the amount of time he was granting an amnesty form deportation and permits for legal work from two years to three years.

While the administration hadn’t begun collecting applications under the expanded eligibility, it had awarded tens of thousands of three-year permits to applicants who had qualified as Dreamers under the original rules from 2012, administration lawyers told the court.

USCIS has told immigrant rights activists it has stopped and is only granting two-year renewals now, in a tacit admission that it believes Judge Hanen’s injunction affects all parts of Mr. Obama’s November announcement.

Sooooo, NO ONE in Obama's NEW program was added or processed etc....

There are NOT 100,000 of the illegals Obama spoke of delaying deportation in his Nov 20th speech. There are ZERO illegal immigrants from his Nov 20th new deferred action processed.

There are Dreamers since Nov 20th that have been issued a 3 year delay instead of a 2 year delay.

These ARE NOT the illegal immigrants that Obama spoke of delaying deportation on Nov. 20th who are the parents of USA Citizen children that Texas is suing over.

They did make a mistake by not telling the judge they had extended Dreamers, a deferred action group established a few years earlier, that DHS processed before the ruling from the judge but after Nov. 20th, giving them 3 year delays, vs the 2 year delays when obama first initiated the DREAMER program.

What a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive

Yesterday, it was revealed by The Washington Times that earlier in the week, lawyers for the Obama administration admitted they had lied during recent court proceedings on immigration and had already approved over one-hundred thousand cases of executive amnesty. This was in direct conflict with testimony given to Judge Andrew S. Hanen, who issued a stay in Obama’s executive actions that would allow five million illegal immigrants to stay in the country legally. In other words, the lawyers who were trying to appeal the judge’s stay lied to the judge during the initial arguments.

You can’t make this stuff up.

The Washington Times reports:

President Obama’s lawyers misled a federal judge when they said they weren’t approving any applications under his expanded deportation amnesty, Texas charged in new court papers Thursday that said the breach is serious enough that the courtshould allow legal discovery to get to the bottom of the matter.

The Obama Admin Just Got Busted Again But This Time The Judge Won t Stand For It

Warn me before you send me to crap sites like the WesternJournalism one-

any reason you couldn't quote the Washington Times itself- which is a crap enough site- but at least a real news source?

Meanwhile- the judge has not responded to Texas's claims from a week ago.

Major Bullshit!!!!
Okay. You asked for it.

On immigration, Republicans favor path to legal status, but differ over citizenship


Poll Roundup Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship - Immigration Reform America s Voice Immigration Reform America s Voice

A new Quinnipiac poll finds that 64 percent of voters support the Senate immigration bill, including 60 percent of Republicans.

Other polls that do this also find GOP support for this combination.

WSJ/NBC News Survey
July 17-21

  • 44% of respondents would blame Republicans in Congress if immigration reform fails, while 14% would blame Democrats
United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection
July 11-14

  • Only one in five say they want the GOP-controlled House to NOT act on immigration reform
  • Only 13% say they want the House to strip the eventual pathway to citizenship measure from the bill that passed the Democratic-controlled Senate.
June-July 2013

  • 88% of Americans support allowing immigrants to become citizens
  • 83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens

What Americans Want From Immigration Reform in 2014

62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents

The Republican response:


My response is the poll is nearly two years old, (note the date...June 13- July 5, 2013)before this wave of El Salvadorians came over the border.

I seriously doubt you'll get nearly that many people to approve of citizenship after that disaster.

You might want to find one that's more current knot-head.
Funding a program does NOT make it legal.
Violating a standing court order IS.
THAT judge CAN place those lawyers in jail AND withdraw ALL those permits.

They did not violate a court order. There was no court order not to delay deportations until last month.

Once Obama's EO went into effect in November, immigration officials began issuing three-year delayed deportations (which the Washington Times erroneously calls "amnesty").

100,000 such reprieves were granted between November and February. Then, in February, a judge ordered a freeze on reprieves.

What the Obama Administration failed to mention at that time was that they had already granted 100,000 reprieves. They committed a lie of omission.
Got a little news flash for you. THAT reprieve DID violate laws and DID set KNOWN criminals free.

15 immigrants protected from deportation arrested in sweep - Yahoo News

15 hard core criminals set free by Obama. These are people who WERE in jail ALREADY for crimes set free by his actions.
at the end of the day the Republicans caved on HS, which funded the immigration EO making this thread totally irrelevant ... just like all your totally irrelevant threads.


It's not like you even know what integrity is....
Funding a program does NOT make it legal.
Violating a standing court order IS.
THAT judge CAN place those lawyers in jail AND withdraw ALL those permits.

They did not violate a court order. There was no court order not to delay deportations until last month.

Once Obama's EO went into effect in November, immigration officials began issuing three-year delayed deportations (which the Washington Times erroneously calls "amnesty").

100,000 such reprieves were granted between November and February. Then, in February, a judge ordered a freeze on reprieves.

What the Obama Administration failed to mention at that time was that they had already granted 100,000 reprieves. They committed a lie of omission.
Got a little news flash for you. THAT reprieve DID violate laws and DID set KNOWN criminals free.

15 immigrants protected from deportation arrested in sweep - Yahoo News

15 hard core criminals set free by Obama. These are people who WERE in jail ALREADY for crimes set free by his actions.
Actually, you and g5000 are both wrong...

Obama administration issued NO new delayed deportation reprieves for any of the new people he wanted to give deferred deportation to....

The misleading article is Talking about DREAMERS....who were given deferred deportation a few years back... DHS approved 100,000 of them since November with a 3 year deferral vs a 2 year deferral.

There was no "stay" preventing DHS from issuing deferrals for these DREAMERS and they are still being issued deferrals.... the order from the judge was not issued yet, and even after it was, DREAMER deferrals continue to go on....the suit is over the NEW measures on deferrals that Obama spoke about Nov. 2014, one of which was extending DREAMER deferral from 2 years to 3 years....Obama admin issued 100,000 for 3 years, vs the 2 years and this is what the Obama Lawyers are telling the judge now...

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