The Obama administation has turned the partental into political


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
This type of thinking from the leftwing/progressives is why these elected politicians (from BOTH parties) from the corrupt Bastards club believes they can just WALK ALL OVER YOU...people need to take back THEIR GOVERNMENT...The Bush's had children too you think thinkprogress felt that way about them?
This should make you gag...tweet at site


In Loco Parentis.

Barack and Michelle Obama are fine parents, they really are. They have two gorgeous and well-behaved daughters, and the Obamas have kept them mercifully free of the spotlight. I can’t say any more about them than that, because I don’t know any more than that — which is exactly how it should be.

But the Obamas aren’t my parents, and they aren’t your parents. But ThinkProgress represents the repressive and reactionary mode of thought that we are wards of the Great Men who rule over us.


We are not their children. Our politicians, left and right, serve us at our pleasure — and it’s high time we reminded them of it.

all of it here

PJ Lifestyle » ?Barack and Michelle Are All of Our Parents Now?
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lol, one of the comments from the site with article:

Dear Mommy and Daddy:
Before you go on your next vacation, I want a raise in my allowance.
After all, I'm over 26 and I have to pay for my own health insurance
now, otherwise, you'll make me pay a fine.

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