The Obama-Clinton feud


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
I always thought Dims stuck together but Obama didn't like Hitlery much.

He spoke to an author of a book about how she lies all the time (my words)

O didn't want to support Hitlery in 2015. But other dims talked him into it and it looks like him finally agreeing is what led to Comey not recommending charges against her.

I get this from an interesting book called Guilty as Sin by Ed Klein

Well, it's good to know that not all dims stick together (very well), and yet in the end, O caved.
Hillary told the truth about Democrat Voters.
Lots of people such as Obama in 2016 couldn't stomach Hillary Clinton. She was the opposite of her husband Bill who every body liked even those who disagreed with him.
Lots of people such as Obama in 2016 couldn't stomach Hillary Clinton. She was the opposite of her husband Bill who every body liked even those who disagreed with him.
slick willie and even arkansas state troopers were afraid of the witch,i heard she made one cry one time.
how did Odemon make his fortune to own some of the biggest houses on the planet.
I am guessing he and his gang stole billions during the fake green energy loans of the Fed GOVT to fake energy companies
Lots of people such as Obama in 2016 couldn't stomach Hillary Clinton. She was the opposite of her husband Bill who every body liked even those who disagreed with him.
I hear he didn't like all the far left bs his wife believed in

and also he allegedly wanted a divorce. He was probably afraid to get one.. afraid she'd throw something worse than a lamp at him.. like maybe those Ninja star thingies...
O didn't like the email thing.. the private server scandal

Didn't he know she'd do a teflon and escape all culpability?


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