The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

Ok... Watch Zeitgeist while your at it...

Don't forget to wear your tinfoil hat.

childish insults from the Obama apologist.No surprise,thats all you guys can do when you cant refute the facts presented to you.Instead of trying to refute them,you run off and throw insults in the process like the blind american sheeps you are.
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Our Presidents are placed into power. It's all about the New World Order Globalist agenda. Both American Political Parties get together and agree on who the President will be. Our Elections are just theatre for the masses who don't know any better. This stuff is decided in advance by very very powerful organizations. Obama has been chosen to be re-elected but it will be the Republican's turn in 2016. Good documentary. I don't buy into everything in it but i do agree with some of the information in it. Thanks.

:clap2: well said. and Cain,Bachman and Palin are all involved in it up to their ears with the establishment as well.There is very little in that documentary that does not hit the nail right on the head and yeah Obama has been too much of a willing puppet willing to go along with their agenda so they have already selected him for relection.
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The way they succed is to marginalize and accuse everyone of being "crazy conspiracy wingnuts." They own the MSM so of course they go along with it. There is some reality to this. People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss this.

Actually, ZeitGeist says basically the same things... I don't necessarily dismiss them out of hand. However... taking their power away should be our goal as everyday citizens... not propping them up and making them more powerful.

America need a Tea Party President, otherwise it will cease to exist in few years.
Only an independent President can destroy the plans of Obama, Wall Street and Bilderbergs.No one RINO can save America, they all are Part of System.

I hate to break the news to you but Cain,Bachman and Palin are all part of the system as well and have the same plans as Obama to destroy america and be buddies with wall street and the bilderbergers,you are right about one thing though,we need an independent tea party president in office if we are ever going to be a country of the people,for the people and by the people again where the government serves the people instead of the other way around like it is today.Paul is the closest thing to that.
Ventura really nailed it. American Politics is the same as professional Wrestling. It's all just entertainment for the masses. Behind the scenes they're all buddies and on the same team.

could not have said it better myself.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
After watching of this film only very stupid people can vote for Obama or RINOs.
Don't forget that only Cain, Bachman or Palin can stop the True Government and its agenda.
If you really watched the movie like you said, you would have already figgered out that:
Cain is a Federal Reserve stooge,
Bachman is an IRS Tax Lawyer,
Palin is still suspect until I see who she endorses.

thank you.That saves me the trouble of showing how he is way off on those three.:clap2:
Palin was going to be CFR member Mccains vice president so that says it all about her real agenda.
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Ok... Watch Zeitgeist while your at it...

Don't forget to wear your tinfoil hat.

childish insults from the Obama apologist.No surprise,thats all you guys can do when you cant refute the facts presented to you.Instead of trying to refute them,you run off and throw insults in the process like the blind american sheeps you are.

I do believe bad most people dont.:clap2:
This thread seems to fit in here somehow a little...

Corporate Government Sucking American Citizens Dry

It used to be the government was there for the people and the people elected exactly who and what they wanted in government...

now government is non transparent and sneaky and secretive...

you do not chose who your options to vote for are...

the corporate political parties are in complete control who we vote for...

the corporate media snuffs out anyone outside the two corporately controlled parties...

the corporate government take money from its citizens with big corporate bailouts...

big corporate bailouts allow big corporations to misuse their profits and help them to keep all the pieces of the pie and snuffs out up and coming businesses who could step up for a piece of the pie

corporate bailouts close the window of oportunity for up and coming businesses working hard to get into the market and take their mismanaged place...

corporate bailouts keep the corrupt corporations in business to support another corporate president...

America...can it be a corporate corrupt country...maybe even worse than communism????
Ok... Watch Zeitgeist while your at it...

Don't forget to wear your tinfoil hat.

childish insults from the Obama apologist.No surprise,thats all you guys can do when you cant refute the facts presented to you.Instead of trying to refute them,you run off and throw insults in the process like the blind american sheeps you are.

I do believe bad most people dont.:clap2:

Stick around a few months; you'll find the views of some change over time. Rimjob beleived Oliver Stone's movie about JFK was 100% accurate once. Now he believes the driver killed Kennedy. Stay tuned to see what's next on the wheel of beliefs.
This thread seems to fit in here somehow a little...

Corporate Government Sucking American Citizens Dry

It used to be the government was there for the people and the people elected exactly who and what they wanted in government...

now government is non transparent and sneaky and secretive...

you do not chose who your options to vote for are...

the corporate political parties are in complete control who we vote for...

the corporate media snuffs out anyone outside the two corporately controlled parties...

the corporate government take money from its citizens with big corporate bailouts...

big corporate bailouts allow big corporations to misuse their profits and help them to keep all the pieces of the pie and snuffs out up and coming businesses who could step up for a piece of the pie

corporate bailouts close the window of oportunity for up and coming businesses working hard to get into the market and take their mismanaged place...

corporate bailouts keep the corrupt corporations in business to support another corporate president...

America...can it be a corporate corrupt country...maybe even worse than communism???? should do something about that.
someone just farted in here after CD posted, twice in a row.:lol::poop::9:
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The Global Elite own Barack Obama. Just look at all that cash he receives from big Banks. It dwarfs what Bush & McCain received. His followers really are colossal dupes.

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