The Obama Legacy: War

"Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club'

....Netanyahu told the United Nations on Thursday that his country would not allow Iran “to break in, to sneak in, or to walk into the nuclear weapons club.”

He slammed a deal between Iran and major world powers that aims to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and said that once international sanctions are lifted “unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.”
Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club' - Breaking News

And this is the legacy of everyone who voted for this incompetent ideologue, as well.

It is an indelible stain.

Israel's been saying that for at least 20-30 years. Time to hit Iran to actually prevent their nuclear ambitions was 20-30 years ago. All a strike would achieve now is harden their resolve and hasten such aquisition.

And we're not gonna do anything about it. Didn't with DPRK or Pakistan, not gonna risk a shooting war with a nuclear power or emerging one now either.
Are the other world leaders that worked out this deal worthy of your disdain or just President Obama?

Disdain is far too weak a term for my analysis of Barack Obama.

I reserve 'disdain' for those who voted for him.

If you agree with endorsing nuclear weapons for the maniacal Iranian theocracy, you certainly deserve same.

I have seen the dozens of foreign policy failures, gaffes, mistakes by the President.

If you like, I'd be happy to list same.
Nukes for all, M.A.D. works, peace at last.

See....not this time you are not're stupid.

The maniacal theocracy actually wants worldwide destruction, as it is a step advancing the appearance of the 12th mahdi.

"Ayatollah Khomeini cited in an 11th grade Iranian schoolbook, "I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against the whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all of them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom, which is martyrdom."
Would Iran Use the Bomb? | Iran Intelligence

", believes the most important task of the Iranian Revolution was to prepare the way for the return of the Twelfth Imam, who disappeared in 874, bringing an end to Muhammad's lineage. This imam, the Mahdi or "divinely guided one," Shiites believe, will return in an apocalyptic battle in which the forces of righteousness will defeat the forces of evil and bring about a new era in which Islam ultimately becomes the dominant religion throughout the world."

"In the days of the Cold War, this idea was known as MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction. In the Iranian case, no Muslim leader would risk an Israeli counterstrike that might destroy them. MAD doesn't work, however, if the Iranians believe there will be destruction anyway at the end of time. What matters, Bernard Lewis observed, is if the infidels go to hell and believers go to heaven. And if you believe that killing the nonbelievers will earn you a place in Paradise with 72 virgins, what difference does it make if you go out in a blaze of glory as a suicide bomber or in the shadow of a mushroom cloud?"
Ibid. must either be a fool, or an Obama supporter....

Or both.
And yet here you are espousing "12th Mahdi" internet conspiracy theories.

The most abject of fools looks as the direct quotes I've provided and hides behind "12th Mahdi" internet conspiracy theories."

Quotes from Ayatollah Khomeini, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Bernard Lewis.....and you whine "conspiracy theory!!! Conspiracy theory!!"

You found a religious quote from a crazy guy, a dead theocrat, and a historian. Iran MUST be intent on blowing the entire planet up with nuclear weapons then.
I didn't know who Bernard Lewis is until I looked him up after your post. I came across this from a site I see several people on here sourcing:

"..Lewis's legacy of intellectual and moral confusion has greatly hindered the ability of sincere American policymakers to think clearly about Islam's living imperial legacy, driven by unreformed and unrepentant mainstream Islamic doctrine. Ongoing highly selective and celebratory presentations of Lewis's understandings -- (see this for example) -- are pathognomonic of the dangerous influence Lewis continues to wield over his uncritical acolytes and supporters."
Articles: What Went Wrong With Bernard Lewis?
"Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club'

....Netanyahu told the United Nations on Thursday that his country would not allow Iran “to break in, to sneak in, or to walk into the nuclear weapons club.”

He slammed a deal between Iran and major world powers that aims to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and said that once international sanctions are lifted “unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.”
Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club' - Breaking News

And this is the legacy of everyone who voted for this incompetent ideologue, as well.

It is an indelible stain.

So the current administration is responsible for Netanyahoo's & Likud's hawkish position(s)? That's terrific logic Chica!

Fine! Let Israel initiate and fight their own freakin' war with Iran. Why should American forces be their proxy for any more of their dealings with their enemies? What has Israel ever done for the US? All Israel has done is put out their hand for aide, conduct espionage against the US and provide lip service pro and con vis-à-vis the US!

Hell, Israel even attacked a US Navy ship in international waters killing 34 and wounding 174 in June 1967. The reparations Israel agreed to pay to the survivors and next-of-kin of the USS Liberty's unprovoked attack were never paid by Israel. Israel kept trying to "bargain" them downward after the agreement for over a decade and they eventually were deducted from their usual foreign aide package! The US taxpayers paid the reparations for Israel.

Piss on Israel! Let them deal with Iran if they have the guts for it, the sniveling cowards!
Well, there goes your Zionist Christmas card. You are off their list.
Too, too funny!
"...policy expert Mona Charen attacked the recent deal with Iran. This capitulation on behalf of the United States, she argued, has shown that the Democratic Party is unfit to rule and empowered an outspoken enemy to both the U.S. and Israel."
Israel Will Go to War to Prevent Iran From Going Nuclear

Mona Charen is a policy expert?

lol, you spelled 'dumb c##t' wrong. (figure it out)

Another version of a lie from the vulgar liar....

We both know you haven't a clue about Charen's resume....nor have you read any of her books.

Just one more Liberal with an 'is not, is not' post.

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