The Obama's SCotUS comment: Liberals give The Obama another pass

"Ultimately, I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," Obama said.
Obama: Court Striking Down Obamacare Would Be Judicial Activism | RealClearPolitics

First -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie about Obamacare being passed with a "strong majority of a democratically elected Congress"?

Second -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His inane assertion regarding the impropriety of the court striking a law that was so passed?

Third -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie that doing so would be unprecedented and extraordinary?
I agree with you, though I don't agree with your broad brush used to generalize...
Just to be clear... which broad-brush generalization, about whom?

nor do I care for your possible inability to realize the right does the exact same kind of stuff when they're running's freakin politics.
Red herring. The issue here isn't anything except the pass given to The Obama by the left/liberals/Democrats on this issue.
Obama: Court Striking Down Obamacare Would Be Judicial Activism | RealClearPolitics

First -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie about Obamacare being passed with a "strong majority of a democratically elected Congress"?

Second -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His inane assertion regarding the impropriety of the court striking a law that was so passed?

Third -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie that doing so would be unprecedented and extraordinary?
I agree with you, though I don't agree with your broad brush used to generalize...
Just to be clear... which broad-brush generalization, about whom?

nor do I care for your possible inability to realize the right does the exact same kind of stuff when they're running's freakin politics.
Red herring. The issue here isn't anything except the pass given to The Obama by the left/liberals/Democrats on this issue.

I'm a liberal, yet I agree with you. Your questions seem to address liberals generally while ignoring that there are many that agree with you to begin with...broad brush sir.

It's not a red herring, it's how the game of politics is played in this country. Partisans give passes to their side, it happens all the time. You can count on it.
I agree with you, though I don't agree with your broad brush used to generalize, nor do I care for your possible inability to realize the right does the exact same kind of stuff when they're running's freakin politics.

So you can point to Bush saying; {Ultimately, I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.}?

Of course you can't.

So lets forget the usual "THEY DID IT TOO" bullshit the childish left uses and look at the actual remark.

Do you think Obama was attempting to intimidate the court, or is he just so fucking stupid that he doesn't know that since Marbury v. Madison, the court routinely overturns laws deemed unconstitutional?

Where was the babbling moron during Hamdi v. Rumsfeld?

I never liked this particular health-care law, it benefits insurance companies more than anyone else.

But again, the right is still offering more of the same. Corporate shills aplenty.

The "corporations" want this law. Obama's fascist care funnels money into the pockets of well connected looters like Blue Cross and Kaiser, who have in turn pumped millions in bribes to the DNC and Obama campaign.

You know this.
I believe the Supreme court will rule along party lines and that is very scary. Who was it that compared the mandate with broccoli? If you eat broccolli or not will not affect me finacially. If you pay for your medical care or not will affect me financially.
It was passed if 50 years late. If it is repealed we will never have another change for healthcare reform and millions will continue to suffer and die. How can we put a price on human life? "Let them die"? is the radical right wing plan.

More garbage from the left.

You leftwingers keep bleating about the 45K a year who die from lack of health insurance.

None of you has produced a name (of which I am aware) despite repeated requests.

You are the consumate liars.

Just because governemnt doesn't give it to you, does not mean you won't get it.
The President of the United States is supposed to believe in the 3 branch system. He should never criticize it.

LOL Crock of shit. Where in the COTUS does it say that?
"Ultimately, I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," Obama said.
Obama: Court Striking Down Obamacare Would Be Judicial Activism | RealClearPolitics

First -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie about Obamacare being passed with a "strong majority of a democratically elected Congress"?

Second -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His inane assertion regarding the impropriety of the court striking a law that was so passed?

Third -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie that doing so would be unprecedented and extraordinary?

I agree with you, though I don't agree with your broad brush used to generalize, nor do I care for your possible inability to realize the right does the exact same kind of stuff when they're running's freakin politics.

I never liked this particular health-care law, it benefits insurance companies more than anyone else.
But again, the right is still offering more of the same. Corporate shills aplenty.

You'd think people would smell this.
I agree with you, though I don't agree with your broad brush used to generalize...
Just to be clear... which broad-brush generalization, about whom?

nor do I care for your possible inability to realize the right does the exact same kind of stuff when they're running's freakin politics.
Red herring. The issue here isn't anything except the pass given to The Obama by the left/liberals/Democrats on this issue.

I'm a liberal, yet I agree with you. Your questions seem to address liberals generally while ignoring that there are many that agree with you to begin with...broad brush sir.

It's not a red herring, it's how the game of politics is played in this country. Partisans give passes to their side, it happens all the time. You can count on it.

it was different with Obama before he was elected. He got a free pass on nearly everything. Sure, some in the media pushed issues...but most in the media ignored them and actually mildly trashed those that pushed the issues.

Not sure of your age...but think back to Gary Hart....

He was running strong and then some investigative reporter found out that Hart was invited on a boat of a friend (Moneky Business)...on that boat were dozens of well regarded people....but the friend also invited a few promiscuous women....Hart knew nothing of them...he did not interact with them....he was cleared of any wrong doing.

But his ASSOCIATION with a man who befriended promiscuous women became headline news in the media...his integrity was briought into question and he petered out.

Look at Dean. He had a "rah rah" moment after a primary victory and the media trashed him.


Wright....a non story...the media reported it.....but not a single member of the media bothered to question how Obama did not know of Wrights ideology. They simply accepted his answer of "I didnt know" one cared that he had an association with this criminal...but they cared that Hart had a friend who knew some hookers?

So when you say both sides give a pass....yes....that is true...

But with Obama, the media in general gave him a pass.......yet they destroyed Dean and Hart....

Why do you think that was?
You rethugs are so big on personal responsibility untill it comes time to pay for health care. Then it is freebie health care good. Paying for health care bad. What bull shit. I am tired of paying increasing health care premiums because a bunch of, evidentally mostly Rethugs, are to fuking cheap to pay for health care.

Somebody is paying for the health care provided for those that don't have insurance. Who in the hell you think that is? You think the insurance company is just eating the loss from caring for people that can't pay them? Idiots.
I agree with you, though I don't agree with your broad brush used to generalize, nor do I care for your possible inability to realize the right does the exact same kind of stuff when they're running's freakin politics.

So you can point to Bush saying; {Ultimately, I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.}?

Of course you can't.

So lets forget the usual "THEY DID IT TOO" bullshit the childish left uses and look at the actual remark.

Do you think Obama was attempting to intimidate the court, or is he just so fucking stupid that he doesn't know that since Marbury v. Madison, the court routinely overturns laws deemed unconstitutional?

Where was the babbling moron during Hamdi v. Rumsfeld?

I never liked this particular health-care law, it benefits insurance companies more than anyone else.

But again, the right is still offering more of the same. Corporate shills aplenty.

The "corporations" want this law. Obama's fascist care funnels money into the pockets of well connected looters like Blue Cross and Kaiser, who have in turn pumped millions in bribes to the DNC and Obama campaign.

You know this.

I didn't claim he made the exact quote, I thought most would understand that but...

Of course you can't, the partisan runs deep in you, it shows.

I don't think Obama can really intimidate the Supreme Court, if anything it seemed more like a desperate plea. I'm in no way a Constitutional scholar, but it always struck me as something that goes against what knowledge I have of it.
I agree with you, though I don't agree with your broad brush used to generalize...
Just to be clear... which broad-brush generalization, about whom?

nor do I care for your possible inability to realize the right does the exact same kind of stuff when they're running's freakin politics.
Red herring. The issue here isn't anything except the pass given to The Obama by the left/liberals/Democrats on this issue.

I'm a liberal, yet I agree with you. Your questions seem to address liberals generally while ignoring that there are many that agree with you to begin with...broad brush sir.
Interresting that in a board full of liberals, many of them as rabid as they are vapid, you are the only one to agree that The Obama, in his statement, lied and presented an inane proposition. Pretty much makes my point.

But, at least YOU responded, which is more that can be said for them.

It's not a red herring...
It is. You're drawing a red harring across the path of the conversation in order to misdirect it from the point.
LOL Crock of shit. Where in the COTUS does it say that?

Last I checked, the President took an oath to uphold the Consitution of the United States.

He can criticize the decisions of the court, attempts to bully the courts are dubious.

Look, I don't trust the left, the left is authoritarian by nature, thus hostile to liberty. So I place a lot of weight on utterances that indicate the left is assaulting constitutional governance. Probably, Obama is just so fucking stupid that he really does think it "unprecedented" for the SCOTUS to declare a law unconstitutional, but he is a leftist, so bears close scrutiny.
The President of the United States is supposed to believe in the 3 branch system. He should never criticize it.

LOL Crock of shit. Where in the COTUS does it say that?

if a man was being consudered to be hired to run the operations of a company that successfully made widgets, and said he would not change the way they were operating...but was found to not believe in the way they were making widgets.....

Should he be hired?

I find it humorous that the left does not care that he never ONCE mentioned to them that he did not approve of the way the 3 branch system works before he asked them to vote for him.

I mean...shouldnt he have said something?

Oh yeah...the COTUS does not require him to say all is OK....YOU apporve.

Both Sarah Palin and Mittens said the same stuff about the courts over California's Prop 8 that Obama is saying about his health care law.

He's no worse than Repubs.
Getting all bent out of shape and butthurt over Obama makes us look WEAK in the eyes of the middle.

“The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.”
― Dwight D. Eisenhower
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Great analysis.

CURL: Divide and conquer

Now, Mr. Obama certainly knows that the words that flowed from his rhetorical lips were completely false. Striking a law of Congress is not unprecedented, and not even particularly extraordinary: The court’s struck down more than 150 federal laws since its inception, not to mention overturning hundreds of state and local laws.

So why on Earth would he say it? Why would he lecture the top jurists in the land — unelected, as they are, and appointed for life to remove them from petty politics — that the law has a “human element” that he hopes is “not forgotten in this political debate”? Why, for Heaven’s sake, would he declare that “the justices should understand” his health-care law doesn’t work unless every American is forced to buy coverage, whether it’s constitutional or not?

Simple. His provably false remarks weren’t aimed at Supreme Court justices, but rather at uninformed Americans, especially liberals (is there any other kind?). The most divisive president in history is setting up yet another straw man for his re-election campaign, one that fits directly into his strategy to divide and conquer.
Just to be clear... which broad-brush generalization, about whom?

Red herring. The issue here isn't anything except the pass given to The Obama by the left/liberals/Democrats on this issue.

I'm a liberal, yet I agree with you. Your questions seem to address liberals generally while ignoring that there are many that agree with you to begin with...broad brush sir.

It's not a red herring, it's how the game of politics is played in this country. Partisans give passes to their side, it happens all the time. You can count on it.

it was different with Obama before he was elected. He got a free pass on nearly everything. Sure, some in the media pushed issues...but most in the media ignored them and actually mildly trashed those that pushed the issues.

Not sure of your age...but think back to Gary Hart....

He was running strong and then some investigative reporter found out that Hart was invited on a boat of a friend (Moneky Business)...on that boat were dozens of well regarded people....but the friend also invited a few promiscuous women....Hart knew nothing of them...he did not interact with them....he was cleared of any wrong doing.

But his ASSOCIATION with a man who befriended promiscuous women became headline news in the media...his integrity was briought into question and he petered out.

Look at Dean. He had a "rah rah" moment after a primary victory and the media trashed him.


Wright....a non story...the media reported it.....but not a single member of the media bothered to question how Obama did not know of Wrights ideology. They simply accepted his answer of "I didnt know" one cared that he had an association with this criminal...but they cared that Hart had a friend who knew some hookers?

So when you say both sides give a pass....yes....that is true...

But with Obama, the media in general gave him a pass.......yet they destroyed Dean and Hart....

Why do you think that was?

But it was out there, obviously, because it was known about. Of course their wasn't blown up coverage like there could have been, and should have could also be attributed to the overall distaste for the Republican party during 2007 and 2008 that had been welling for several years previous.

It was said by some that W got the meatball treatment from the media in 2000 and the main target seemed to be Gore for his rigidness and lack of personality. I tend to agree somewhat with that assessment as well...perhaps the same reasons were in play. Dems had somewhat worn out their welcome by 1999-2000.
"Ultimately, I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," Obama said.
Obama: Court Striking Down Obamacare Would Be Judicial Activism | RealClearPolitics

First -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie about Obamacare being passed with a "strong majority of a democratically elected Congress"?

Second -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His inane assertion regarding the impropriety of the court striking a law that was so passed?

Third -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie that doing so would be unprecedented and extraordinary?

First - The law was passed with a majority in Congress who were duly elected. That is not a lie. Calling it strong or weak doesn't impact the fact that it was a majority.

Second - Because it's his opinion! Just like you think the Court MUST strike it down, he thinks the opposite. That's the great thing about this country. We are all free to have an opinion.

Third - It's only a lie if you know for a fact he knew otherwise. This would be unprecedented in terms of size and scope, but as I said here yesterday, I don't know that's what Obama meant. It's definitely an odd comment though, as the Court has struck down laws and regulations passed by Congress in the past, and I know for a fact Liberals have questioned Obama about it.
Both Sarah Palin and Mittens said the same stuff about the courts over California's Prop 8 that Obama is saying about his health care law.
He's no worse than Repubs.
Red herring. Please directly address the OP.
Just to be clear... which broad-brush generalization, about whom?

Red herring. The issue here isn't anything except the pass given to The Obama by the left/liberals/Democrats on this issue.

I'm a liberal, yet I agree with you. Your questions seem to address liberals generally while ignoring that there are many that agree with you to begin with...broad brush sir.
Interresting that in a board full of liberals, many of them as rabid as they are vapid, you are the only one to agree that The Obama, in his statement, lied and presented an inane proposition. Pretty much makes my point.

But, at least YOU responded, which is more that can be said for them.

It's not a red herring...
It is. You're drawing a red harring across the path of the conversation in order to misdirect it from the point.

This is what you don't seem to understand...the overwhelming majority of registered party members left and right are lightly to heavily partisan, this isn't misdirection.

If I hadn't agreed with you in the first place, it would be misdirection. Addressing the topic was my first action.
I didn't claim he made the exact quote, I thought most would understand that but...

Forget "exact quote," there has never been anything even similar, which you fully know.

Of course you can't, the partisan runs deep in you, it shows.

Still the childish Jr. High remarks.

I don't think Obama can really intimidate the Supreme Court, if anything it seemed more like a desperate plea. I'm in no way a Constitutional scholar, but it always struck me as something that goes against what knowledge I have of it.

I'm sure you let your outrage be known when the court struck down the detention law, passed by the majority of congress, during Hamdi v. Rumsfeld. Was that also "unprecedented?"

You don't have to answer, it's obvious that you take the "Obama was just a fucking moron" position, but for partisan reasons would never admit it.

BTW, I agree; I think Obama really is so stupid that he thinks the court throwing out a law as unconstitutional is "unprecedented."

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