The Official USMB Mafia Series!


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
Good morning, everyone. :D


There's a section in USMB that opened up recently. It's the USMB Mafia Zone. Games are hosted and played there, and I'm interested in recruiting new players.

Mafia, also known as Werewolf, is one of the most popular games out there that literally get played on a message board thread. It's simple in that it's good guys who are hunting the bad guys who look like good guys. As a complex sleuthing game, you have to use your people skills to suss out the clever, murderous imposters. The good guys are the uninformed majority, and they don't know who the bad guys (Scum) or the other good guys are. The Scum are the informed minority, and they work to deceive, manipulate, and kill off the members of the Town.

The game is also very interesting, because it's a peoples' game. A game of analysis, reads, argumentation, and bluffs. You have to work with others, asking questions and applying pressure to make people talk, and even lynch and shoot players as you try to outfox your foes. Your abilities in discerning lies and deceiving others will be tested, as well as how you operate when you're forced to uncover the disguised murderers or perish. In order to kill the Scum, members of Town cast votes on who they should have lynched, and upon death all players' identities are discovered! The information gained is used to narrow down who Scum is through process of elimination.

What you do in Mafia is pretty straightforward, and there are a bunch of nice players in that forum who will undoubtedly be willing to show you the ropes. :smiliehug: Mafia's also a game that has millions of variations, and countless themes, from hit shows like Supernatural to Mafia in Space—the themed ideas are endless. Typically before a game begins, there's a Signups thread where players post their intention to join the party and play. Here's the games played, and other threads:

Official USMB Mafia Game #1
Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather
USMB Micro #1: Vengeful Mafia
Official USMB Mafia Game #3: The Sum of All Fears
Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies
Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

It's a fun game about deducing who the Scum are. Or, as Scum, trying not to be found out! :D You should join the party, and meet the members of the Mafia Community! :eusa_clap:

Game 1 has been a blast. I am in.
Throw me in for the next game as well. This is definitely fun!
And all the time she appeared so innocent....I never suspected her.
I like the players more now than before the games started. I know them better as real people, not just red or blue posters.
Mafia is not an electronic's an interaction game with other members, not much different than posting in a forum, but also trying to figure out the other players in the game and whether they are telling the truth or lying...
It's similar to Clue, trying to figure out who is who. It's solving a mystery where evil or good survives and figuring out if someone is guilty or innocent, lying or speaking the truth. Sometimes the innocent die, sometimes you get the bad guys. And you have to have a strategy to win.

Everyone is welcome to play, so if you would, please give this fascinating game a try!
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As soon as Friends and Enemies ends, depending on if other members wish to host their own games, I'll open Signups for the 5th game. :D That one will revolve around Fire and Ice, and will be beautifully themed in those stunning elements.

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I love this game and when my schedule levels out I'll be joining again. I like to be active in these games and right now I don't have the time I'd like to commit to it.

At any rate, I HIGHLY recommend this game to anyone thinking about it. It's addicting and a lot of fun. Thanks for bringing this to USMB Wake.

As soon as Friends and Enemies ends, depending on if other members wish to host their own games, I'll open Signups for the 5th game. :D That one will revolve around Fire and Ice, and will be beautifully themed in those stunning elements.


I'm in for Game 5.
Um, is it wise to glorify a criminal organization by basing a game on them? Would everyone be cool about a USMB Jihad-based game too? If not, should examine why 'Mafia" is okay.
Does it take up a lot of time? Like how many posts a day or how often do you have to check in?
It does not take up a lot of time. I would recommend one or two posts a day but sometimes on weekends, people don't post much at all. You do have to read the thread to figure out what people are saying and ask and answer questions so you can cast a vote for someone. Day 1 lasts 7 real life days before the deadline so you have plenty of time to participate.
It does not take up a lot of time. I would recommend one or two posts a day but sometimes on weekends, people don't post much at all. You do have to read the thread to figure out what people are saying and ask and answer questions so you can cast a vote for someone. Day 1 lasts 7 real life days before the deadline so you have plenty of time to participate.

Alright I'll check it out! I'm always looking to whoop some ass here at USMB :badgrin:
It does not take up a lot of time. I would recommend one or two posts a day but sometimes on weekends, people don't post much at all. You do have to read the thread to figure out what people are saying and ask and answer questions so you can cast a vote for someone. Day 1 lasts 7 real life days before the deadline so you have plenty of time to participate.

Alright I'll check it out! I'm always looking to whoop some ass here at USMB :badgrin:

Good, you'll like it. It's a lot of fun. :D
Because it's a game.

The Slender Man is just a for-fun game too, but I think you'll find more than a few who worry about what constitutes 'fun.' As with a game based on Northern Ireland's 'Troubles.'

Victims of Northern Ireland Troubles condemn Internet game | UK news |

The designer, Warren Downey, 32, from Newtownabbey near Belfast, has defended the game on the grounds that it is merely "fun", portrays paramilitaries to be criminals and that the online community it attracts will be able to "unite in our differences".

As a game designer, he said, he had come across role-playing sites featuring the Mafia but none that used Northern Ireland's paramilitary factions as a theme.

The welcoming statement on The Hooded Gunman declares: "Get rid of all your frustrations in this online game about Northern Ireland terrorism ... We believe that there should be no further segregation in our society.

"So please play the game and have some fun, in the knowledge that although this is only a game the troubles were very real indeed. We believe that it is this division and unawareness to our beautiful diversities in our community that caused these troubles."

But the game has angered some who fear it is exploiting the past. Alan McBride, who is a director of the Healing Through Remembering project, lost his wife and father-in-law in a 1993 IRA bombing on the Shankill Road in Belfast."

I don't fear exploiting the past as much as glorfying those who commit murder and theft by linking their names with frivolity and "games." There's nothing fun or frivolous about the Mafia. Seeing a game about it on a patriotic US discussion site is incredibly disturbing.
You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Please go away if you are not interested in playing.
OldSchool, Wolfie's spot-on. Mafia is incredibly fun and interesting, and you can play as various roles, too. You can be the Town Doctor, and try to protect one player from a\one kill attempt each Night. You can also be the Town Cop, and during the haze of Night investigate one player to learn if he or she is Scum. That is incredibly entertaining, especially if the person you've discovered is Scum doesn't know he's been found out, yet continues his masquerade. You can even be a Serial Killer, and attempt to sow chaos by killing off both the Town and the Mafia. :D

When it comes to activity I'm pretty lenient. If you can post at least once a day that'd be swell. If you really want to play but you're dealing with real-life issues, you can post even once per two days. Also, if you need a temporary break from the game, you can go on Vacation/Limited Access (V/LA), to make life easier for you while you play the game.

CK, I am very grateful that you allowed Mafia to come here.

Delta, I feel you don't understand the nature of the game, and I think you should try to learn about it more for yourself before applying a rash judgment on it. It's absolutely not like the games you've mentioned. In fact, here's a link to the Mafia Wiki: Link.
Delta, I think you should try a game.

Here, and at the main Mafia Scum site the roles generally center around Townies and Mafia.

We had a game here where everyone was movie monsters, I saw a game where everyone was office workers. There's a game where everyone's a real or fake antique Japanese sword.

The role setup is non-controversial, and there are millions of crazy fun, safe options to choose from. You won't be seeing the IRA and the Taliban taking over a town in Idaho here.
I am almost....ALMOST tempted to give it a try. But...I will feel so stupid cuz its kinda confusing.
IF I did....would I be able to leave the game if I don't like it or understand it enough to continue on?
IF I did....would I be able to leave the game if I don't like it or understand it enough to continue on?

Yes - I think it's called "replacing out." Mods send in replacements all the time for players that don't show up or have to leave the game.

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