The Official USMB Mafia Series!

It's not too complicated to play, though.

As I'm writing this the thread is 26 pages long, but it took several days to get there. Without fail at times during the game a couple players will get into some back-and-forth drama that takes up space but means nothing to the game.

Basically the idea is for townies to figure out who the other (good guy) townies are and band together to figure out who the scum are and lynch them without getting killed first.
But how do you tell who is what? Do you pm each other? Dissect their posts?
But how do you tell who is what? Do you pm each other? Dissect their posts?

We aren't allowed to PM each other. The scum get to talk to each other after each lynching during the Night, to decide who they want to assassinate. Usually the Townies are on their own, but sometimes a small group of them (Neighbors or Masons) get to chat.

It's kind of like those murder mystery games that people play at resorts, you just have to try and piece everything together as you go along.

You dissect their posts, you compare how each player behaves from one game to the next, you check out everyone that lynches a Townie (most of the time Townies get lynched due to bad guesses, but there's usually some scum in there to help hurry things along.)
Um, is it wise to glorify a criminal organization by basing a game on them? Would everyone be cool about a USMB Jihad-based game too? If not, should examine why 'Mafia" is okay.

Lightin' up bra! It's a game. From what I've read so far it's basically a "who dun it" game. I didn't see anything to indicate that we should applaud or embrace the real Mafia.
I'd join in but upper management will no longer allow posting on social sites during business hours and I work long hours. When I get home from work I have a couple of hours to unwind before hitting the sack. I usually try to catch up on reps; will post in a couple of places; then head to the Xbox and play some video games before bed (not to mention getting a bite to eat).

It does sound like a really fun game though.
I am almost....ALMOST tempted to give it a try. But...I will feel so stupid cuz its kinda confusing.

It's not as confusing as you might think Gracie. It just sounds that way in the beginning. You can ask questions and the experienced players will help you.
But how do you tell who is what? Do you pm each other? Dissect their posts?

You can't PM but you have to read the posts and ask and answer questions of each other. The more people talk, the more you will be able to figure out what they are about. In the beginning it is a guessing game because there often isn't a lot to go by but if someone gets lynched or shot at night, you can analyse those kills and figure out who voted for them and why and what the interaction was with them and others. You also give reads of who you think is acting like a townie or who you think is acting suspicious so if you died and had a reads list, I'd immediately question those you thought were suspicious. Your power is your vote. At night, scum can scheme and kill someone also. Then that can be analyzed like why did they shoot so and so, lets look at her posts and see if we can get a clue. Although the mafia know who everyone is, town does not. So scum have to blend it and not get caught while town has to figure out who is scum and who isn't. There are always more town than scum and they often have PR's-power roles to help like cop, doc, jailkeep. It's a balancing act so either side can win in the end.
As always, count me in when the time comes. I think it is worth mentioning though that these games take a LONG time so those that are new realize Game 5 is likely to last another month or possibly longer.

They are worth the time though and don't really require all that much investment other than following the thread and posting.
Um, is it wise to glorify a criminal organization by basing a game on them? Would everyone be cool about a USMB Jihad-based game too? If not, should examine why 'Mafia" is okay.

Lightin' up bra! It's a game. From what I've read so far it's basically a "who dun it" game. I didn't see anything to indicate that we should applaud or embrace the real Mafia.

No worse than reading or writing a mystery novel!
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The thing with Mafia is that explaining it is the hard part, but playing it is pretty simple. After the 2nd game the gist of it was incredibly simple. Just talk and discuss who's most suspicious and worthy of getting voted off and hung, hopefully survive the Night and use an ability if you've got one, then start Day 2 with more information to work with.

The moving gears in basic Mafia are very simple. What makes it complicated is that it's a people's game, and you and your personality has to mix and mingle with everyone else's. Are you observant, quiet, and analytical? Are you aggressive, straightforward, and willing to make bluffs in order to catch Scum? Or are you more subtle, clever, and devious? The mixing and clashing of the various personalities in these games is what makes Mafia so infinitely interesting, complicated, and enjoyable. The people make Mafia complex and engaging.

Currently we're playing a Mafia game that's classified as an Open Setup. What this means is that everyone will know the pieces being used in the game, and the factions as well, including the number of their members. It's made so that nothing is unclear, or hidden by the "fog of war," where you have absolutely no knowledge of what may or may not be in the game outside of your special Role PM (Role PMs are where I give each member their role in this game, their win condition, and any abilities they may have). Also, the current game and the next will be normal, Classic Mafia. It is for newbies, and very user-friendly. If you're really interested in playing Mafia, Game #5 would be the perfect opportunity. Also, if you'd like to get your feet wet but you're having time constraints, I can always give you more leeway to play, for your convenience. :smiliehug:

Consider all of the character traits that make people human. Mafia utilizes most of them, from patience and curiosity, to pressure and deviousness. Chances are your ability to discern lies and your ability to tell lies will improve, too. Like in political debate, you use your wits to cleverly pick apart the arguments and posts of other players, trying to sift through them in order to tell if they're lying or not. And, unlike political debate, you can get people lynched at the gallows! :badgrin::D

As always, count me in when the time comes. I think it is worth mentioning though that these games take a LONG time so those that are new realize Game 5 is likely to last another month or possibly longer.

They are worth the time though and don't really require all that much investment other than following the thread and posting.

Once a day in the evening? Would that be enough time or should a participant invest more time and energy. I love games and usually like to put my all into them.
As always, count me in when the time comes. I think it is worth mentioning though that these games take a LONG time so those that are new realize Game 5 is likely to last another month or possibly longer.

They are worth the time though and don't really require all that much investment other than following the thread and posting.

Once a day in the evening? Would that be enough time or should a participant invest more time and energy. I love games and usually like to put my all into them.

Once a day would be plenty, just make sure you are following the thread and make a substantive post and be prepared to cast a vote before deadline. If you have a night action or are mafia, you have to take the time to submit those actions also. Days are a week. Nights are 2 days. So there's plenty of time.
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The trick to having an even more enjoyable time playing Mafia is to make sure your games are balanced. If you make the game too slanted in Town or Scum's favor, that cheapens the victory and spoils the challenge. From this point on I'm going to focus on this balancing act, to make the playing field as level as possible for each competing team. ;)
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Good afternoon, USMB!

Signups for the next game in the series, Fire & Ice, has officially opened! Don't miss this chance to have a very unique and interesting experience on USMB, complete with lynching suspects and taking out Townies with the fearsome might of the elements!

Mafia basics are easy to learn. This game will give all of you unique and clever abilities which will give you a truly interesting challenge to overcome!

I'd you'd like to play, all you need to do is post in the Signups link saying so. Especially if you've never played Mafia before, you're in for a treat, and everyone playing is willing to show you the ropes. If you want to play an addicting game while getting to better know your fellow USMB members, this is the opportunity for you. :D

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