The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I remember stories from 911 where people who came down to the lobby trying to leave were told by the security people to go back up to their floors...

Well you might as well guess what happened then.

I don't think 911 dispatchers have the authority to tell someone anything other then maybe relay communications from the police.

and in most cases they don't even do that well. so why are we calling them to begin with is the question?

It's obvious calling them didn't serve Zimmerman well because he still took the law into his own hands.
Hate this hypocrisy in the media! Out of one side of their mouth they speak of maintaining calm in the wake of the verdict, and out of the other side they give reasons for the public to be incensed.

Reporters ceased, long ago, being reporters of news and opted instead to become the news. There is no more objective journalism but there is a hell of a lot of "personalities." It's a difficult task to report just the facts without interjecting your own spin. It's a shame that is no longer rewarded but has been replaced by the ability to bring in ratings and damn the truth.

In this case, all I see are reporters reporting about the "world is watching", "tensions are high", etc. etc. I don't see evidence of that and their repeating it seems to border on inciting it. The trial has been held and the jury is deliberating. Wasn't that what the protests were all about last year? Let the chips fall where they may.

And after all the evidence the general public has seen about TM, can't we all agree that he played a part, a large part in my opinion, but he played a part in his own demise. There should be no reason whatsoever to "riot" or create a disturbance given all we now know about what really went down. Anyone who thinks a violent reaction is warranted under any circumstances is truly ignorant. Message to the media: Just Stop.
If you were on the jury what is your impression of this girl friend of Trayvon Martin? This uneducated girl that admits she can neither read or write and comes across as ghetto as there ever could be.
Honestly, isn't Rachel Jeantel Exhibit A of the street thug Martin was as we now know but was kept away from the jury?
Can you at least admit the obvious?
That was what the jury got. An uneducated girl that can not read or write, speaks like a gangster and this is Martin's girl friend.
Not trying to offend, just posting the obvious.

In all candor, I was questioning the rationality of the Prosecution putting her on the stand, it felt like they were "throwing the case" when they put her on the stand. Then I realized that she was a material witness. I'm surprised they didn't work with her to make her more "presentable" to the jury.

Wait what? Why would the prosecution intentionally try to throw it's own case?

I didn't state that. I said that it felt like that because her present-ability as a witness was bad.
Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz says the prosecutors in the George Zimmerman murder trial should be charged with "prosecutorial misconduct" for suggesting the defendant planned the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin.

"That is something no prosecutor should be allowed to get away with … to make up a story from whole cloth," Dershowitz told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"These prosecutors should be disbarred. They have acted absolutely irresponsibly in an utterly un-American fashion."

Dershowitz: Zimmerman Prosecutors 'Should Be Disbarred'

With all the misconduct abound, and there's been a lot of it, I don't know who will file the complaint that gets anything done about it.

That's the problem. Unless it goes to DCA on a guilty and they review it or someone files with the FL bar - I don't know where the relief would come from.
I would bet that West and O'Mara are writing their briefs as we speak. I'm thinking firing the IT guy will make this BIG news. I submitted the link to Drudge. Hopefully it will get play.

Something needs to go *BANG*. That this level of what's the word... corruption- ? - could go unchecked and it can all just be forgotten is a bad thing. It's an anti-American thing.
I'd use my own common sense and if what they told me to do made sense I would, and if what they told me put myself or family in danger then no, I will not.

This is the rational thinking to use. but it's not working in today's world.
Hi everyone.
I have been sitting here reading everyone's thoughts on this case. Some of the things said have struck me as funny. This is a very sad case. This is a loos loos case. no matter what the verdict comes back at is going to make people very upset. I have seen so many hateful things said from both sides of the street. I find it very sad on the types of names that have been used that I personally find offensive. I wish there was a way to take some of the names that have been used and make them unusable. I feel there is no just cause to use the names that have been used even as a descriptive of a persons color weather meant in a nice way in a greeting. To me it is like nails on a chalk board.
Ok sorry for the rant I just needed to get this off my chest.
Alan Dershowitz was an advisor to the defense team for the OJ trial so who gives a shit what he says.

Besides you're drawing from some interview on Newsmax. Strike two.

Alan Dershowitz... former National Board member of the ACLU, Harvard Constitutional Law Professor and famed appellate attorney and you dismiss him because he was an advisor to a defense team which successfully defended someone most people think was guilty?

I suppose you also denigrate Bill Gates' computer software expertise because he is rich and successful?
You don't understand conservative logic. Zimmerman had a right to defend himself. Martin did not.

Martin had a right to beat the shit out of Zimmerman, but Zimmerman wasn't allowed to defend himself.

Liberal logic folks.

Who was stalking whom? Martin was being stalked by Zimmerman. Therefore, it was Martin who had good cause to fear for his life from an unknown and unidentified man in the dark. And why would Zimmerman fear for his life anyway when he was the one who had a gun?

No, in the conservative world where Bizzaro logic rules, a man with a gun can stalk someone in the dark, provoke a confrontation without identifying himself even though no crime had even been reported in the area, and then kill someone and claim self-defense. And the conservative media hoists the killer on their shoulders as some kind of hero of 2nd Amendment rights.

Like I said, it's Bizzaro World logic.

Must I keep reminding you brain dead liberals that there's a difference between stalking and following? Martin was lying in wait, he had 4 minutes to get home. Guess what? He chose to act macho instead.

Your rant is tl;dr.
Yes, if you are calling them then you should follow their advice.

Do you have a point?

That is the point. thanks for playing. but some don't think it's necessary to "follow" their advice at all. as noted by the current replies. #Vigilante is the way of today.

So, you are just asking a random question then?

I call bull shit.
But at that point......Trayvon went right at Zimmerman and circled the truck with his hand is waistband to intimidate him. Then he ran and ended dead over 4 minutes later less than 100 yard or so from where he went at the truck. On the same sidewalk he lived 200 yard further down.

Would a prudent person who is armed then continue his pursuit by eventually leaving the safety of his vehicle to do so?

well he was a liberal so common sense isn't second nature to him

So are you stating this it was stupid for him to leave his vehicle to continue the pursuit?
We have a winner of the stupidest ass post of the year.

911 Operators have no authority.

They are civilians.

The only stupid ass is you, 4Horsmen for not knowing what the facts are and pretending that you do.

It they have no authority, why call them in the first place? why not take the law into your own hands and lie your way out of it?
You ignorant mother fucker... LOTS of places use DISPATCHERS! Cab companies, cement companies, construction companies, it's the easiest way, to have a centralized unit take and dispatch calls, information, but that does NOT mean that they have ANY sort of AUTHORITY. What fucking part about that escapes that PEBBLE brain of your's inside that BUBBLE HEAD?

For God sake boy, GET A FUCKING CLUE!
I remember stories from 911 where people who came down to the lobby trying to leave were told by the security people to go back up to their floors...

Well you might as well guess what happened then.

I don't think 911 dispatchers have the authority to tell someone anything other then maybe relay communications from the police.

and in most cases they don't even do that well. so why are we calling them to begin with is the question?

It's obvious calling them didn't serve Zimmerman well because he still took the law into his own hands.

Took the law into his own hands?

that's an ignorant statement. what law did he take into his own hands?
You don't understand conservative logic. Zimmerman had a right to defend himself. Martin did not.

Martin had a right to beat the shit out of Zimmerman, but Zimmerman wasn't allowed to defend himself.

Liberal logic folks.

That isn't only liberal logic. That is race logic. It's been race logic ever since Bernie Goetz.

Goetz didn't follow those guys, they tried to rob his ass and he defended himself.
I see liberals this way, and being from the south, this is a damn good way of looking at it:

If you play with a puppy he’ll lick your mouth; if you play with a child he’ll make you cry.

Don't play with liberals, they'll make you cry.
Hi everyone.
I have been sitting here reading everyone's thoughts on this case. Some of the things said have struck me as funny. This is a very sad case. This is a loos loos case. no matter what the verdict comes back at is going to make people very upset. I have seen so many hateful things said from both sides of the street. I find it very sad on the types of names that have been used that I personally find offensive. I wish there was a way to take some of the names that have been used and make them unusable. I feel there is no just cause to use the names that have been used even as a descriptive of a persons color weather meant in a nice way in a greeting. To me it is like nails on a chalk board.
Ok sorry for the rant I just needed to get this off my chest.

Yeah,. there does not seem to be any middle on this case.

I think we will get a hung jury on this trial.

Two of the jurors were crying during Guy's closing.

If Zimmerman get acquired then we must change the laws about self defense and killing witnesses.
I'd use my own common sense and if what they told me to do made sense I would, and if what they told me put myself or family in danger then no, I will not.

This is the rational thinking to use. but it's not working in today's world.

Yes, if you are calling them then you should follow their advice.

Do you have a point?

That is the point. thanks for playing. but some don't think it's necessary to "follow" their advice at all. as noted by the current replies. #Vigilante is the way of today.

So, you are just asking a random question then?

I call bull shit.

No, I asked ONE question. pay attention and vote. keep the stupid comments out of this.
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