The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Who had a broken nose? Damn you defenders lie so much.

You don't think Zimmerman had a broken nose?

The medical report said fractured. Nose was not broke.

A fracture, also referred to as a bone fracture, FRX, FX, Fx or # is a medical condition where the continuity of the bone is broke.

According to Medilexicon's medical dictionary:
To fracture means "to break".
A fracture (fx) is "a break, especially the breaking of a bone or cartilage."

What Is A Fracture? What Are Broken Bones?
Who had a broken nose? Damn you defenders lie so much.

You don't think Zimmerman had a broken nose?

The medical report said fractured. Nose was not broke.

Learn something...

A bone fracture (sometimes abbreviated FRX or Fx, Fx, or #) is a medical condition in which there is a break in the continuity of the bone. A bone fracture can be the result of high force impact or stress, or trivial injury as a result of certain medical conditions that weaken the bones, such as osteoporosis, bone cancer, or osteogenesis imperfecta, where the fracture is then properly termed a pathologic fracture.

Although broken bone and bone break are common colloquialisms for a bone fracture, break is not a formal orthopedic term.
Every day that goes by, I hate the media more. All of them, not just any particular station or reporter. They all suck.

Flipping thru the channels, I stop on the HLN and all they are doing is yelling at each other while patting each other n the back about what a murderer Z is...and in the background, all these banner pics of Martin on a horse, Martin at a part, Martin smiling. 'Course, they would NEVER show Martin flipping the bird or doing the gansgter signs...or even Zimmerman as a child, smiling, playing on a merry go round.

Sickening one sided bullshit and unfortunately seen my millions because they have their mugs on tv and their screetching for all to hear.

This whole country is fucked with this kind of mindset of guilty until proven innocent. And the media WANTS violence. It gives them something to scream about.
The beating occurred at the end of the fight. It was a long fight that somehow covered a significant amount of distance? According to Goodman it was just a minor tussle right up until the 8seconds they were on the concrete and it was at that point that it got serious.

The point, and no I don't expect you to understand, is that men should diffuse fights with children, not engage in them.
You can't defuse shit when you're on your back with a broken nose, swallowing your own blood. All you can do at that point is fight your way out of it. Zimmerman did what he had to do.
Yeah I've been in way to many fights I guess. I admit my experience is probably much different than Zimmerman. It's really hard for me to imagine being weak and defenseless like Zimmerman had to be to get into this situation. I don't consider shooting my way out of a fist fight, fighting my way out of it.

I suppose he did try to fight his way out. He also called for help, but the only person in a position to come to his aid elected to call 911 instead.

As a last resort, he drew his weapon and fired. Would you rather die or shoot if you were unable to fight off your attacker with your hands?
The beating occurred at the end of the fight. It was a long fight that somehow covered a significant amount of distance? According to Goodman it was just a minor tussle right up until the 8seconds they were on the concrete and it was at that point that it got serious.

The point, and no I don't expect you to understand, is that men should diffuse fights with children, not engage in them.
You can't defuse shit when you're on your back with a broken nose, swallowing your own blood. All you can do at that point is fight your way out of it. Zimmerman did what he had to do.
Who had a broken nose? Damn you defenders lie so much.

Did you not hear the Physician's assistant that testified that he had a broken nose?

Damn Zona. inform yourself. You're sounding stupider than usual.
You can't defuse shit when you're on your back with a broken nose, swallowing your own blood. All you can do at that point is fight your way out of it. Zimmerman did what he had to do.
Yeah I've been in way to many fights I guess. I admit my experience is probably much different than Zimmerman. It's really hard for me to imagine being weak and defenseless like Zimmerman had to be to get into this situation. I don't consider shooting my way out of a fist fight, fighting my way out of it.

I suppose he did try to fight his way out. He also called for help, but the only person in a position to come to his aid elected to call 911 instead.

As a last resort, he drew his weapon and fired. Would you rather die or shoot if you were unable to fight off your attacker with your hands?

I don't believe in the no win scenario.
Every day that goes by, I hate the media more. All of them, not just any particular station or reporter. They all suck.

Flipping thru the channels, I stop on the HLN and all they are doing is yelling at each other while patting each other n the back about what a murderer Z is...and in the background, all these banner pics of Martin on a horse, Martin at a part, Martin smiling. 'Course, they would NEVER show Martin flipping the bird or doing the gansgter signs...or even Zimmerman as a child, smiling, playing on a merry go round.

Sickening one sided bullshit and unfortunately seen my millions because they have their mugs on tv and their screetching for all to hear.

This whole country is fucked with this kind of mindset of guilty until proven innocent. And the media WANTS violence. It gives them something to scream about.

I agree. They are no different than those that refuse to objectively view all evidence in this case (or any other case for that matter). It's been biased since Day 1 when the racial element was inserted. The media had already tried Z before any evidence was even heard in this trial.
Of course we can put together suggestions to avoid a repeat, but that isn't what we're talking about.

Me? I would have done pretty much what Zimmerman did. He was asked which direction Martin went and he tried to comply. Shortly after being told he didn't need to follow, he broke off pursuit and returned towards his vehicle. In my opinion, he acted appropriately. Martin, on the other hand acted recklessly and paid for it.

So, what we can do is teach out kids not to attack people.

I can respect that...But reality is these kids are out there and all over the we follow these kids in the dark and rain packing a pistol?...or is there something else that could be done? So that Im not on trial facing life in prison for shooting a 17 year old with a bag of skittles in his pockets?

Anyone else?

Yes we follow them until we don't need to follow teenagers around in the dark. The whole point of neighborhood watch is not to prevent situations like Martin/Zimmerman, but to prevent break-ins and robberies. That is what Zimmerman was trying to do.

The problem is not armed men trying to prevent crime. The problem is criminals. This is not to say Martin was about to commit a crime, just that Zimmerman was trying to perform his function and reacting as a reasonable person in his capacity would given today's society.

I think GZ was trying to do the right thing...dont doubt that for a second. Its just my opinion that given the situation again, his approach would be different. It would start with identifying yourself and speaking to a kid you dont recognize in the neighborhood...if there is a problem after that then take the appropriate steps.

The Martins just settled a million dollar lawsuit from the Homeowners association. Not sure what the by laws or written procedures of the neighborhood watch are, but Im guessing following a kid in the dark packing a pistol without identifying yourself is not one of them. That may have cost the HA a million.

In our NH watch, you are not to pursue or follow in the report. I wonder why?
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Yeah I've been in way to many fights I guess. I admit my experience is probably much different than Zimmerman. It's really hard for me to imagine being weak and defenseless like Zimmerman had to be to get into this situation. I don't consider shooting my way out of a fist fight, fighting my way out of it.

I suppose he did try to fight his way out. He also called for help, but the only person in a position to come to his aid elected to call 911 instead.

As a last resort, he drew his weapon and fired. Would you rather die or shoot if you were unable to fight off your attacker with your hands?

I don't believe in the no win scenario.

Good luck to you. George had his life ruined and Trayvon is dead.
I for one am not 'rooting' for either side. I am interested in hearing why some here are just so damn sure Zimmerman followed, confronted and attacked Martin.

How can they possible know this?

911 and the Rachael.

Be specific please...I honestly want to know how "911 and Rachael" prove that Zimmerman followed and confronted Martin after being asked not to do so. What exactly makes you so sure?

What specifically on the 911 call proves this? How could Rachael know? She wasn't there either, was she?

Please, I'd really like to know.

Still nothing?! Really?

All I all hear from the Martin supporters is how Zimmerman followed and confronted him. This is in direct conflict with Zimmerman's sworn testimony, but nobody can point with any shred of specificity how they know Zimmerman lied.

Pathetic I say. Pathetic that you'd have your mind made up without knowing facts.
The time for Zimmerman to be the adult in the room was very early on...he didnt do that and the situation escalated. Did he have to? No. But if he had, would this have been prevented?

If someone is circling my truck, I would say something. It most likely wouldnt be confrontational and would be in an attempt to try to defuse the situation that is appearing to have escalated already. Zimmerman didnt do that...its something that he could have done differently.

Im sure, in hind sight, zimmerman would not do exactly what he did again. That didnt turn out too well for either side. Its live and learn and try a different approach next time. Unfortunately, there is only one side that can live and learn. In Trayvons case, Im sure he would just go home next time and likewise should have defused the situation also.

You berate Sunshine for her experiences as applied to the topic only to give hypothetical silliness as to what you may have or may not have done in a similar single snapshot of events.

I'll play. If someone was circling my car, acting suspicious with a rash of burgleries in my complex I would do just a he did. Call 911 and report it. Your imagined escalation is ridiculous as to the testimony. Unless of course you accept Trayvon was up to no good. Travon confronted George, not the other way around. The beating took place within seconds.

And yes I guess George would do things differently, no one assumes a young kid with too much time on his hands and too little brains going to attack. Now we know better

Hypothetical silliness? Lmao. Next.

Anyone else?...RD has no solutions either. Pack a gun and follow in the dark and rain...lesson learned? Nope.

Follow my kid in the dark and rain...dont identify yourself and see what happens. Officer: Why did you hit him over the head with a crow bar?...well he was stalking my kid in the dark....I didnt know who he was...thought he was some creep.

Is there a problem?...oh no theres no problem here mr big bad teenager...damn right you got a problem now...wheres my me...someone help me!!! Gimme a break...he was scared to death of a 17 year old.

AND you would be in jail for assault. You can't assault a person for following. If you did that, the entire population of Manhattan would have black eyes, broken noses and cuts on the back of their heads.
You berate Sunshine for her experiences as applied to the topic only to give hypothetical silliness as to what you may have or may not have done in a similar single snapshot of events.

I'll play. If someone was circling my car, acting suspicious with a rash of burgleries in my complex I would do just a he did. Call 911 and report it. Your imagined escalation is ridiculous as to the testimony. Unless of course you accept Trayvon was up to no good. Travon confronted George, not the other way around. The beating took place within seconds.

And yes I guess George would do things differently, no one assumes a young kid with too much time on his hands and too little brains going to attack. Now we know better

Hypothetical silliness? Lmao. Next.

Anyone else?...RD has no solutions either. Pack a gun and follow in the dark and rain...lesson learned? Nope.

Follow my kid in the dark and rain...dont identify yourself and see what happens. Officer: Why did you hit him over the head with a crow bar?...well he was stalking my kid in the dark....I didnt know who he was...thought he was some creep.

Is there a problem?...oh no theres no problem here mr big bad teenager...damn right you got a problem now...wheres my me...someone help me!!! Gimme a break...he was scared to death of a 17 year old.

AND you would be in jail for assault. You can't assault a person for following. If you did that, the entire population of Manhattan would have black eyes, broken noses and cuts on the back of their heads.

This is true...a slight exaggeration on my part.

Of course, as I approach...and the guy acts dumbfounded and reaches for what I think is a weapon and it later turns out he had a gun there...I may have a case.
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911 and the Rachael.

Be specific please...I honestly want to know how "911 and Rachael" prove that Zimmerman followed and confronted Martin after being asked not to do so. What exactly makes you so sure?

What specifically on the 911 call proves this? How could Rachael know? She wasn't there either, was she?

Please, I'd really like to know.

Still nothing?! Really?

All I all hear from the Martin supporters is how Zimmerman followed and confronted him. This is in direct conflict with Zimmerman's sworn testimony, but nobody can point with any shred of specificity how they know Zimmerman lied.

Pathetic I say. Pathetic that you'd have your mind made up without knowing facts.

Im not a martin supporter...nor am i a Zimmerman supporter. I believe he followed, but I dont believe he confronted Trayvon. I do believe that Trayvon had a right to know why he was being followed and that Zimmerman had a responsibility to identify himself and do more to defuse the situation than he did. He holds this responsibility because it was he who followed. As soon as he left his truck, his responsibilities increased, imo.
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