The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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And if Zimmerman's testimony is believed that 'he thought he was near death' at the time he shot Martin, how do we on a message board determine when the proper point of 'near death' might be? That seems to be important to some here--that Zimmerman was not near enough to death to shoot. How does one determne if they are near enough to pull the trigger?

I'm bemused by the notion some people have that Zimmerman's injuries were not extensive enough to make him fear for his life. They seem to think that Zimmerman should have allowed Martin to continue to slam his head against the ground until his injuries were more pronounced.

Here's the deal, folks. When someone gets into a physical confrontation with you and throws a sucker punch that puts you down on your back on the ground...that's the end of most such confrontations. If that person continues to strike you while you are on the ground then you're in a world of trouble. This isn't someone who is content with making a point with the punch that knocked you down...this is someone who wants to cause you serious injury. This is someone you need to be very afraid of.

I'm not bemused at all. If Zimmerman is convicted, then that will be the death blow to the right of Americans to defend their own lives. This is not a prima facie case of anything. It isn't even a landmark case. It is a less than routine case, but one that is happening because of political pressure. I have to wonder how close Obama is following it. I also have to wonder if any of his advisors reminded his that he is Zimmerman's president too. And conversely, if some black thug broke into my home and assaulted me whose side would Obama take.

This case has all the earmarks of your garden variety all American cluster fuck. It is just difficult and somewhat nerve racking that there is no telling who will be the ultimate fuckee.

Well won't.

What it will do is put out the message you can't start shit and expect to be able to kill someone if they defend themselves and kick your ass.

"Making up?" There is only one living witness who knows exactly what happened, and he has a vested interest in making it appear a certain way. You know, liking not being in prison and all.

Why do you take his statements as absolute fact?

Why don't you? Do you assume that because his story indicates self defense he has to be lying?

Not automatically, but I see that he has a vested interest in lying; in claiming the attack was more brutal and unprovoked than it was.

My position is not that enigmatic. He sought out a confrontation. I don't think he set out to kill or even hurt someone, but that's what happened. It stemmed from a God complex, from a guy who thought he was Wyatt Earp because he had a gun. He acted recklessly, confronted someone who was doing nothing wrong and who didn't want to be confronted, and got his ass whooped.

Had he not had a gun, the story probably would have ended there. He's all healed up now and he'd be getting on with his life, probably with the wisdom not to fuck with someone just because you don't like the way they look (meaning that he "looked suspicious," not black).

I think that Martin threw the first shot, but I think he did so because he feared he was about to be attacked. I don't think that was irrational on his part. A stranger is following you and now you ask him what the deal is and he reaches into his pocket. If this happens to me and I'm unarmed, I'm thinking this might be my only shot (like I said earlier).

The fact that he was losing a fight is not relevant. Who is ultimately responsible for that fight, is.

So you discount any altruistic motive Zimmerman may have had and assume the unpaid NW volunteer set out to kill instead of protect the property of his neighbors?

OK. Bias acknowledged.
How was Trayvon supposed to know the guy in the black and red jacket with the dome cut was just observing? Would you want some guy following you to observe you walking to your house like that? Some guy that is ignoring your requests to stop following? How do we know Zimmerman did not make the first punch or grab Trayvon's phone?

We don't, but that doesn't allow you to assume Zimmerman initiated the assault. Again! Being followed passively does not justify assault.

One can assume that since it was dark, Zimmerman could not locate Martin. However, Zimmerman was using a flashlight that would make it easy to locate him. Zimmerman had no reason to attack Martin. Police were on route.

TM's friend said she heard Zimmerman start the confrontation. Zimmerman said he was following him and Zimmerman wasn't going to let these(this) assholes get away.

So Dee Dee the woman who may be charged with perjury is more credible than Zimmerman who was actually on the scene?
Your bias noted as well.
All you left wing racist asshats are ignoring an important pice of the testimony. That TM actuall got home and could have been in the house and safe, but instead he chose to go back and confront GZ.

That clearly puts TM in the wrong.

I'm bemused by the notion some people have that Zimmerman's injuries were not extensive enough to make him fear for his life. They seem to think that Zimmerman should have allowed Martin to continue to slam his head against the ground until his injuries were more pronounced.

Here's the deal, folks. When someone gets into a physical confrontation with you and throws a sucker punch that puts you down on your back on the ground...that's the end of most such confrontations. If that person continues to strike you while you are on the ground then you're in a world of trouble. This isn't someone who is content with making a point with the punch that knocked you down...this is someone who wants to cause you serious injury. This is someone you need to be very afraid of.

I'm not bemused at all. If Zimmerman is convicted, then that will be the death blow to the right of Americans to defend their own lives. This is not a prima facie case of anything. It isn't even a landmark case. It is a less than routine case, but one that is happening because of political pressure. I have to wonder how close Obama is following it. I also have to wonder if any of his advisors reminded his that he is Zimmerman's president too. And conversely, if some black thug broke into my home and assaulted me whose side would Obama take.

This case has all the earmarks of your garden variety all American cluster fuck. It is just difficult and somewhat nerve racking that there is no telling who will be the ultimate fuckee.

Well won't.

What it will do is put out the message you can't start shit and expect to be able to kill someone if they defend themselves and kick your ass.

So says the techie.
All you left wing racist asshats are ignoring an important pice of the testimony. That TM actuall got home and could have been in the house and safe, but instead he chose to go back and confront GZ.

That clearly puts TM in the wrong.



Someone has been paying attention!

You get the prize of the day!

How refreshing to find someone that actually has a clue about what's going on in the trial. There's been a whole lot of Fantasy Making Shit Up Land going on in this thread today.
All you left wing racist asshats are ignoring an important pice of the testimony. That TM actuall got home and could have been in the house and safe, but instead he chose to go back and confront GZ.

That clearly puts TM in the wrong.


Now you have him circling back.

Fact checkers indeed.
Not automatically, but I see that he has a vested interest in lying; in claiming the attack was more brutal and unprovoked than it was.

My position is not that enigmatic. He sought out a confrontation. I don't think he set out to kill or even hurt someone, but that's what happened. It stemmed from a God complex, from a guy who thought he was Wyatt Earp because he had a gun. He acted recklessly, confronted someone who was doing nothing wrong and who didn't want to be confronted, and got his ass whooped.

Had he not had a gun, the story probably would have ended there. He's all healed up now and he'd be getting on with his life, probably with the wisdom not to fuck with someone just because you don't like the way they look (meaning that he "looked suspicious," not black).

I think that Martin threw the first shot, but I think he did so because he feared he was about to be attacked. I don't think that was irrational on his part. A stranger is following you and now you ask him what the deal is and he reaches into his pocket. If this happens to me and I'm unarmed, I'm thinking this might be my only shot (like I said earlier).

The fact that he was losing a fight is not relevant. Who is ultimately responsible for that fight, is.

What in the evidence shows that Martin would have stopped beating Zimmerman if he hadn't been shot?

All of his prior victims, all the restraining orders? Oh that's right there were no prior victims or restraining orders on TM. What about Zimmerman?
A MUTUAL restraining order.

Next week, we will most likely find out that Martin was involved in a lot more than his troubles at school.
All you left wing racist asshats are ignoring an important pice of the testimony. That TM actuall got home and could have been in the house and safe, but instead he chose to go back and confront GZ.

That clearly puts TM in the wrong.


From Tude DD:

"he said hisself was already home..."
"I thought his father would hep him..."
"I heard voices and thought they would help...."
"Didn't think it was a deadly thing..."
"Just a fight..."
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Or maybe you just took a couple of criminal justice classes...none of us will ever know or care. You're just another online braggart to me who calls people they dont know faggot. You should have taken some maturity classes.

Im not as young as you think and have a degree. I just dont feel the need to boast of my degrees, certifications, sports trophies and employment as you do. Especially not to an internet message board. You have a need to post your resume every time you think your words or claims will give you some credibility or an edge in your argument.

LMAO. I haven't had any trouble convincing those who have JDs and those who are attorneys because we all know the sweat and toil that goes into it. Clearly you have no clue what it takes to get a JD. I can tell you, and so will they you will read more in your first year of law school than you read in your entire undergraduate career. I didn't even go full time and it was 2,000 pages a week. Every week.

And you have to suck up the faggot thing too. You called me a bigot, and my response was going to rhyme. Get over it. That's how forums work.

And yes, when I can produce the case laws and statutes and you cannot, I do have more credibility and an edge over you.

UNREAD!!! Im not impressed by your claims or your googling abilities. Your arguments are continually diminished by your vulgar language and immature name calling. Please quit trying to convince me...I have my opinion...I think you are a blowhard. Change your behavior and maybe I will reassess...or maybe not.

Not trying to convince you of anything. If you don't want to read any profanity, feel free to post only in the Clean Debate Zone.

I, too have my opinion, and I think you are a whiney little girl. I doubt I will reassess.
All you left wing racist asshats are ignoring an important pice of the testimony. That TM actuall got home and could have been in the house and safe, but instead he chose to go back and confront GZ.

That clearly puts TM in the wrong.


Now you have him circling back.

Fact checkers indeed.

Jeantel said he reached his dad's house.

"I thought he was going to be OK because he was right by his daddy's house, but his daddy was not home," Jeantel said as Martin's father cried in court.
Trayvon Martin Told Friend About Man Following Him in Final Moments - ABC News

The attack happened at the "T" of the walkway, dozens of yards from his dad's house.

So Jeantel had him circling back.
Why would Zimmerman even have to at this point? The Prosecution's own witnesses have proven the Defense's case.
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