The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Yes. Sad picture. Seems we would all be better off if we put the lives of others over our own. Then maybe we would not be so assuming in our defensive positions.

There are many Americans who put the lives of others ahead of their own: Policemen, nurses, doctors, soldiers, to name a few. All of them are voluntarily in harm's way. But even in those instances there are many situations which demand that the person defend his/her own life and they are legally allowed to do so.

Your statement has to be the stupidest one I have EVER read on a forum. Humans are genetically programmed to preserve their own lives, and the law allows it.

So in your mind, depraved as it appears to be, an 8year old little girl brandishing a toy gun and yelling bang, deserves to die. Nice.

My point went over your head like a 747. I would say, 'keep trying' but you are just too boneheaded to understand that in America anyone who believes their life is being threatened by anyone, regardless of the age of the person doing the threatening, has the right to defend their own life. That was just a few examples. There are many many more similar cases out there.
If I was his attorney, I wouldn't let Zimmerman take the stand.

Good thing you aren't an attorney. Zimmerman will be a very credible witness,his own best.

I asked one of my customers what he thought. He said the jury will vote to convict in the belief that if they don't they might encounter physical danger from angry Negro mobs. I hadn't considered that. He might be right. If so, it will be the death knell for our justice system.
There are no facts here, just emotion and speculation.

Look at the diagram of the scene...there was no "chasing and chasing and chasing"...that's a figment of your imagination.

"The white guy stopped probably stopped because..." more speculation and imagination.

He stopped...that is a should learn to recognize them.

Here are some examples:

Marin did not stop until he was forcibly stopped.

Another fact.

Following someone does not justify a physical attack.

Another fact.

Reaching for a cellphone after saying you don't have a problem is not just cause for being physically attacked.

These are the facts.

Now, show me your FACTS.

Not your feelings.

Not your speculations.

Not your overactive imaginings.

Just the facts.


The facts are a 17year old boy went to the store bought some skittles got caught by rain on the way back.

Was pursued by Zimmerman. I'd say followed, but ok.

Zimmerman calls the police the recording is made. Doing well so far.

Zimmerman admits to pursuit on the recording. Yep.

With the police on the way Zimmerman maintains pursuit. Oops, nope, not a fact. No evidence of this.

Zimmerman had previously stated on the recording that "they always get away." OK, it is a fact that he said it.

Zimmerman is confronted and questioned, ok sure... says "I don't have a problem" and reaches for his pocket. Yes, not necessarily a fact...Zimmerman's statement.

Trayvon, in response to the reach to the pocket and the statement "I don't have a problem," proceeds to fighting Trayvon. I think you mean "Martin attacks ZIMMERMAN physically". I agree that if Zimmerman's statement is accurate, this is a fact.

At one point we have a witness say that the guy on the bottom Zimmerman is moving the wrestling match to the concrete at which point the fight gets serious with Zimmerman crying for help and TM besting the guy on the bottom about 8-10sec of beating. OK, Zimmerman is crying for help and as Trayvon beats him, Zimmerman is on the ground. He has been attacked, there is no "fight", there is an attacker and a defender. The attacker has overcome the physical defenses of his victim. The attacker...Martin...does not abate, he continues his assault.

Then something happens and TM is dead with a gun shot wound to the chest. What happened was, in fear for his life or grave bodily injury and unable to retreat, with no immediate help forthcoming, Zimmerman exercised this right to defend himself with lethal force.

The facts are Zimmerman is on trial for the killing. The fact are Zimmerman admits to the killing. The facts are Zimmerman believes it was self defense. The facts are the state went from self defense, to wanting to try him for involuntary manslaughter, to trying him for 2nd degree murder. Irrelevant, politically motivated.

The facts are Zimmerman knew he should not purse or confront, eyes and ears only. The fact are Zimmerman had not pursued in prior cases. Many of which they did get away. Not facts. The fact is Zimmerman had every right to follow, and confront. But it was Trayvon that confronted, not Zimmerman.

My response in red above.
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Who's Dee Dee?

And lets go back to the testimony.

He was completely composed after shooting Martin.

Like he just squashed a bug.

He rolled Martin on to his belly and was trying to restrain him.

He also had the presence of mind to formulate his own defense, almost immediately.

And if you see the video of him walking into the police station, he does so casually.

Nothing about this guy shows any remorse. That's unusual given he's killed an innocent kid.

DD is the state's key witness. You haven't been watching the trial if you don't know who she is.
Who? The ones making fun of the girl? :eusa_liar: (See above)

No, the ones who care about facts. That was a lame assed deflection.

Wut? Dis how eyez talks now.

Its not deflection, its all about your fact checkers and what they are about. Thier "facts" are skewed sir.

Facts are facts. The fact that they don't support your desire to see Zimmerman incarcerated do not indicate any skewing.
I'm bemused by the notion some people have that Zimmerman's injuries were not extensive enough to make him fear for his life. They seem to think that Zimmerman should have allowed Martin to continue to slam his head against the ground until his injuries were more pronounced.

Here's the deal, folks. When someone gets into a physical confrontation with you and throws a sucker punch that puts you down on your back on the ground...that's the end of most such confrontations. If that person continues to strike you while you are on the ground then you're in a world of trouble. This isn't someone who is content with making a point with the punch that knocked you down...this is someone who wants to cause you serious injury. This is someone you need to be very afraid of.

I'm not bemused at all. If Zimmerman is convicted, then that will be the death blow to the right of Americans to defend their own lives. This is not a prima facie case of anything. It isn't even a landmark case. It is a less than routine case, but one that is happening because of political pressure. I have to wonder how close Obama is following it. I also have to wonder if any of his advisors reminded his that he is Zimmerman's president too. And conversely, if some black thug broke into my home and assaulted me whose side would Obama take.

This case has all the earmarks of your garden variety all American cluster fuck. It is just difficult and somewhat nerve racking that there is no telling who will be the ultimate fuckee.

Well won't.

What it will do is put out the message you can't start shit and expect to be able to kill someone if they defend themselves and kick your ass.

The "message" that should be garnered from this is that you shouldn't start "shit" with someone who might have a gun and might defend themselves with that gun. Trayvon Martin should have gone inside the condo and called the Police to report the "creepy assed Cracker". If he'd done THAT...he'd be alive right now.

You want to talk about a "teachable moment"? That's it...
And that's the "shooting match".

Here in this scenario..the young man is doing what Zimmerman did.

Absofuckinglutely not! The young man is the aggressor, just like the other young man who is dead.
You have this idea in your head that Martin was justified to attack Zimmerman because he was an armed dude with a gun. Trayvon Martin was the aggressor and his irresponsible actions caused his death.

Just what "irresponsible" actions were those?

Buying candy and a drink from a convenience store?

Walking home?

Trying to get away from Zimmerman?

Which one?

Zimmerman called police at 7:09. At 7:16 he killed Trayvon Martin.

That's a whole, what? 7 minutes?

The "fight" lasted under a minute.

It's ALOT like the video I just showed you.

How did you arrive at that exact time of death?

I have an issue about the police not keeping Zimmerman on the line. When I had that break in in 2006 in TN, the police kept me on the line until they arrived at my house. They also told me to get my gun and if anyone comes through the bedroom door to shoot them.
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DD splained fo u's not payin tention an onna rush

and u's living in Fantasy Making Shit Up Land haven't watch the trial talking out your azz land:

State Star Witness

Dee Dee
'Tude DD
Drug DD
Yessuh DD
Iz steal thinks Mawtin shud ob be callin' da pohleese instaid ob comfrontin dat white creepy ass crackah follerin' him wantin' hiz skittles.
Iffen Mawtin wooda staid in he howse in da betroom callin' da pohleese, he be still alive.
da Rat lerned me dat

Da ratz beez one righteous mo fo

Daz rite. I be's all that, an mo. Now you's has ta bez escusin' me, I has a kawl comin' in ohn my sail foam. An yes, I's be fin ta use a boo toof.

No, the ones who care about facts. That was a lame assed deflection.

Wut? Dis how eyez talks now.

Its not deflection, its all about your fact checkers and what they are about. Thier "facts" are skewed sir.

Facts are facts. The fact that they don't support your desire to see Zimmerman incarcerated do not indicate any skewing.

These are your fact checkers.

If I was his attorney, I wouldn't let Zimmerman take the stand.

Good thing you aren't an attorney. Zimmerman will be a very credible witness,his own best.

I asked one of my customers what he thought. He said the jury will vote to convict in the belief that if they don't they might encounter physical danger from angry Negro mobs. I hadn't considered that. He might be right. If so, it will be the death knell for our justice system.

After all, that's why they charged him in the first place.

You never know with juries, though. They may be very justice minded, and my take their duties seriously...and hopefully they are advised to serve justice, and not public opinion.
DD splained fo u's not payin tention an onna rush

and u's living in Fantasy Making Shit Up Land haven't watch the trial talking out your azz land:

State Star Witness

Dee Dee
'Tude DD
Drug DD
Yessuh DD

You forgot DD The Hutt.


Just sayin' :eusa_whistle:
All you left wing racist asshats are ignoring an important pice of the testimony. That TM actuall got home and could have been in the house and safe, but instead he chose to go back and confront GZ.

That clearly puts TM in the wrong.



Someone has been paying attention!

You get the prize of the day!

How refreshing to find someone that actually has a clue about what's going on in the trial. There's been a whole lot of Fantasy Making Shit Up Land going on in this thread today.

Someone needs to confiscate all the magic wands the fairys have been handing out.


(Not a fairy wand, but we can imagine, like many others on here do.)
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