The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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He could have thrown a happy haymaker and missed utterly; Good as a landed shot from a legal standpoint.

I don't think that's the case; However I do feel that he's ultimately responsible for the fight.


Riiight... So there's two aspects to this case... What we know, and what we're trying to reconstruct.

What we know is devastating to the defense.

What we're trying to reconstruct, eh, don't look so good either.

Sail Foam Song...

I gots sail foam,
He gots sail foam,
She gots sail foam,
Dey got sail foam,
Wudn ya like ta haz a sail foam too?
All of his prior victims, all the restraining orders? Oh that's right there were no prior victims or restraining orders on TM. What about Zimmerman?
A MUTUAL restraining order.

Next week, we will most likely find out that Martin was involved in a lot more than his troubles at school.

The judge usually restrains both parties from seeing each other, but Zimmerman was the only one arrested and she was listed as the victim. Zimmerman was accused of hitting her for chewing gum and kicking her dog.

Actually, not true. Read the link below for the truth in the restraining order:
Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman: New details in George Zimmerman domestic violence petitions - Orlando Sentinel
He could have thrown a happy haymaker and missed utterly; Good as a landed shot from a legal standpoint.

I don't think that's the case; However I do feel that he's ultimately responsible for the fight.


Riiight... So there's two aspects to this case... What we know, and what we're trying to reconstruct.

What we know is devastating to the defense.

What we're trying to reconstruct, eh, don't look so good either.

Sure didn't look like it when the prosecution's witnesses consistently corroborates Zimmerman's story.
All of his prior victims, all the restraining orders? Oh that's right there were no prior victims or restraining orders on TM. What about Zimmerman?
A MUTUAL restraining order.

Next week, we will most likely find out that Martin was involved in a lot more than his troubles at school.

The judge usually restrains both parties from seeing each other, but Zimmerman was the only one arrested and she was listed as the victim. Zimmerman was accused of hitting her for chewing gum and kicking her dog.

Was he convicted? Got some news for you. He won't be this time either.
Muh sail foam haz a firs name, it's TMobl,
Muh sail foam haz a secon name, it's ifone,
I lubs to uz it ebery day,
An ifin you axe me why I say,
Dat TMobl ifone is da way ta uz muh boo toof ebery day.

Riiight... So there's two aspects to this case... What we know, and what we're trying to reconstruct.

What we know is devastating to the defense.

What we're trying to reconstruct, eh, don't look so good either.

Sure didn't look like it when the prosecution's witnesses consistently corroborates Zimmerman's story.

Are you trying to speak Fantasy Land? lol
Martin had a knife?

This gets better and better.

Martin had the concrete. Sorry you are too dimwitted to get the point.

And the guy you keep relying on for the blow by blow, says Martin was not slamming his head into it.

Correction. He said he did not SEE Martin slam his head into it. Big difference. He did say the altercation was already underway and had been for some moments before he went outside to see what was going on. He called for an end to the fight and when there was no response, he went into his apartment to call 911. He was making that call when he heard a gunshot. He testified that the guy on top was in the black hoodie and the guy on bottom was wearing red and he believed the guy on the bottom was crying for help.

The EMT who cleaned up Zimmerman's head testified as to the injuries to his face and the back of his head. The doctor Zimmerman consulted the following day testified that the injuries were there but not sufficient to need stictches and his nose looked like it ws broken but she could not be sure without x-rays--advised him to see a specialist.

And we haven't even started the defense yet.
A MUTUAL restraining order.

Next week, we will most likely find out that Martin was involved in a lot more than his troubles at school.

The judge usually restrains both parties from seeing each other, but Zimmerman was the only one arrested and she was listed as the victim. Zimmerman was accused of hitting her for chewing gum and kicking her dog.

wut youz be goin on bout?

Laughing at racists.

I'm going to come back later to chat with the people that are actually watching the trial and have a clue as to what the hell is going on. This fantasy, make it up as you go land makes my eyes bleed.

I was thinking that myself. The more time there is in between the more far fetched the Trayvonites get.
I'm going to come back later to chat with the people that are actually watching the trial and have a clue as to what the hell is going on. This fantasy, make it up as you go land makes my eyes bleed.

I was thinking that myself. The more time there is in between the more far fetched the Trayvonites get.


We were just in the middle of some thread cleaning.

Sail Foam Song...

I gots sail foam,
He gots sail foam,
She gots sail foam,
Dey got sail foam,
Wudn ya like ta haz a sail foam too?
There are no facts here, just emotion and speculation.

Look at the diagram of the scene...there was no "chasing and chasing and chasing"...that's a figment of your imagination.

"The white guy stopped probably stopped because..." more speculation and imagination.

He stopped...that is a should learn to recognize them.

Here are some examples:

Marin did not stop until he was forcibly stopped.

Another fact.

Following someone does not justify a physical attack.

Another fact.

Reaching for a cellphone after saying you don't have a problem is not just cause for being physically attacked.

These are the facts.

Now, show me your FACTS.

Not your feelings.

Not your speculations.

Not your overactive imaginings.

Just the facts.


The facts are a 17year old boy went to the store bought some skittles got caught by rain on the way back.

Was pursued by Zimmerman. I'd say followed, but ok.

Zimmerman calls the police the recording is made. Doing well so far.

Zimmerman admits to pursuit on the recording. Yep.

With the police on the way Zimmerman maintains pursuit. Oops, nope, not a fact. No evidence of this.

Zimmerman had previously stated on the recording that "they always get away." OK, it is a fact that he said it.

Zimmerman is confronted and questioned, ok sure... says "I don't have a problem" and reaches for his pocket. Yes, not necessarily a fact...Zimmerman's statement.

Trayvon, in response to the reach to the pocket and the statement "I don't have a problem," proceeds to fighting Trayvon. I think you mean "Martin attacks ZIMMERMAN physically". I agree that if Zimmerman's statement is accurate, this is a fact.

At one point we have a witness say that the guy on the bottom Zimmerman is moving the wrestling match to the concrete at which point the fight gets serious with Zimmerman crying for help and TM besting the guy on the bottom about 8-10sec of beating. OK, Zimmerman is crying for help and as Trayvon beats him, Zimmerman is on the ground. He has been attacked, there is no "fight", there is an attacker and a defender. The attacker has overcome the physical defenses of his victim. The attacker...Martin...does not abate, he continues his assault.

Then something happens and TM is dead with a gun shot wound to the chest. What happened was, in fear for his life or grave bodily injury and unable to retreat, with no immediate help forthcoming, Zimmerman exercised this right to defend himself with lethal force.

The facts are Zimmerman is on trial for the killing. The fact are Zimmerman admits to the killing. The facts are Zimmerman believes it was self defense. The facts are the state went from self defense, to wanting to try him for involuntary manslaughter, to trying him for 2nd degree murder. Irrelevant, politically motivated.

The facts are Zimmerman knew he should not purse or confront, eyes and ears only. The fact are Zimmerman had not pursued in prior cases. Many of which they did get away. Not facts. The fact is Zimmerman had every right to follow, and confront. But it was Trayvon that confronted, not Zimmerman.

My response in red above.
Contested views (your view in red):

>>> With the police on the way Zimmerman maintains pursuit. Oops, nope, not a fact. No evidence of this.

Zimmerman is on the "timed" audio tape with the dispatcher who says in summary, someone is on the way can you give me an address. Zimmerman pursues, the guy asks are you out of the car, the car door chime is going off, Zimmerman is in pursuit. Zimmerman is not confronted in his car, he is confronted based on his own admission outside his car, according to Zimmerman just at the point that he finally decided to end his pursuit and head back to his car. Your facts in this view appear to be "colored."

>>> At one point we have a witness say that the guy on the bottom Zimmerman is moving the wrestling match to the concrete at which point the fight gets serious with Zimmerman crying for help and TM besting the guy on the bottom about 8-10sec of beating. OK, Zimmerman is crying for help and as Trayvon beats him, Zimmerman is on the ground. He has been attacked, there is no "fight", there is an attacker and a defender. The attacker has overcome the physical defenses of his victim. The attacker...Martin...does not abate, he continues his assault.

You say he did not abate, there was no witness to the shooting itself so you don't really know if there was abatement or not. Since you are gonna make stuff up.. here are some made up alternatives that are just as likely as yours: Zimmerman drops his defenses so he can get to his gun, or Zimmerman drops his defenses and utters more racial slurs to encourage a few nice whelps to make it look good when he shoots him, or Zimmerman drops his defenses cause his arms are too tired then after 8sec he's got enough left to reach for the gun and was gonna make the guy back off when the gun just went off, or .. any number of other alternatives to your guess.

>>> Then something happens and TM is dead with a gun shot wound to the chest. What happened was, in fear for his life or grave bodily injury and unable to retreat, with no immediate help forthcoming, Zimmerman exercised this right to defend himself with lethal force.

Do you have a witness to the shooting to corroborate your no immediate help forthcoming? Do you have a witness to grave bodily injury? All I saw was a couple scratches and a bloody nose. No worse than lineman after a football game. Again here you are "making" stuff up. Coloring the facts to support self defense.

>>> The fact are Zimmerman admits to the killing. The facts are Zimmerman believes it was self defense. Irrelevant.

Not irrelevant for the lesser included charge of involuntary manslaughter.

>>> The facts are Zimmerman knew he should not purse or confront, eyes and ears only. The fact are Zimmerman had not pursued in prior cases. Many of which they did get away. Not facts. But it was Trayvon that confronted, not Zimmerman.

Yes my statements are in fact, facts that have been provided as evidence. Where as in this case your proof that Trayvon confronted Zimmerman is what? Video? Audio? DD? Are you sure you are not coloring the confrontation based on the accusation of the accused?
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I gots ta be's goin ta gets sum drank ta enjoys tamarra's cort procedins.

I's fin ta be backs inna liddle wiles.
Why do you believe Zimmerman's pursuit was "passive" and the pursuit by the guy in this bus was "aggression?" In this video on the bus both are being aggressive, the old man smartly tries to diffuse by walking away, but then he turns to taunt by saying something like I'll beat the shit out of you.. then the wannabe pursues. They are both the aggressor right up to the point where the wannabe curls up in the fetal position while the old man is beating on him. Just like the trial where GZ is just laying there getting his ass beat crying out for help.

Zimmerman followed to observe, not to confront or attack. Martin was aggressive Zimmerman was, shall I say, actively passive?
How was Trayvon supposed to know the guy in the black and red jacket with the dome cut was just observing? Would you want some guy following you to observe you walking to your house like that? Some guy that is ignoring your requests to stop following? How do we know Zimmerman did not make the first punch or grab Trayvon's phone?

You just keep making this stuff up as you go along.
Zimmerman followed to observe, not to confront or attack. Martin was aggressive Zimmerman was, shall I say, actively passive?
How was Trayvon supposed to know the guy in the black and red jacket with the dome cut was just observing? Would you want some guy following you to observe you walking to your house like that? Some guy that is ignoring your requests to stop following? How do we know Zimmerman did not make the first punch or grab Trayvon's phone?

You just keep making this stuff up as you go along.

Fantasy Land response:

Sail Foam Song...

I gots sail foam,
He gots sail foam,
She gots sail foam,
Dey got sail foam,
Wudn ya like ta haz a sail foam too?
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