The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The judge usually restrains both parties from seeing each other, but Zimmerman was the only one arrested and she was listed as the victim. Zimmerman was accused of hitting her for chewing gum and kicking her dog.

Was he convicted? Got some news for you. He won't be this time either.

You might be right, the jury is almost all white and the prosecution is doing a horrible job with the overwhelming evidence against Zimmerman.
It is a jury of his peers, not Trayvon's peers.

It's not a blog those are the document released by the court.
That is what they keep arguing - that Zimmerman's injuries weren't severe enough to justify deadly force....

It's easy for someone to want it that way when they weren't the one having their head slammed into the concrete and weren't the one that had their nose broken.

IOU + rep when I can.

See agree with her, she provides a reach around. Disagree with her and she brings down her "rep" authority down on your ass. ROFL I bet she'd love it if negs sent electric shocks through the interweb :)
How was Trayvon supposed to know the guy in the black and red jacket with the dome cut was just observing? Would you want some guy following you to observe you walking to your house like that? Some guy that is ignoring your requests to stop following? How do we know Zimmerman did not make the first punch or grab Trayvon's phone?

You just keep making this stuff up as you go along.

I see so no one can speak up for the dead teen, cause you think he's a worthless "thug" right?

We do not speak up for the dead teen because he caused a person to have reasonable fear of death of serious bodily injury. The fact that he was also a thug changes nothing.
The judge usually restrains both parties from seeing each other, but Zimmerman was the only one arrested and she was listed as the victim. Zimmerman was accused of hitting her for chewing gum and kicking her dog.

Who testified to that? I didn't hear that testimony.

The police report is in evidence, there has been no witness testimony yet.

There have been 3 days of witness testimony. You have your head so far up your ass that you need another orifice to be able to see.
It's easy for someone to want it that way when they weren't the one having their head slammed into the concrete and weren't the one that had their nose broken.

IOU + rep when I can.

See agree with her, she provides a reach around. Disagree with her and she brings down her "rep" authority down on your ass. ROFL I bet she'd love it if negs sent electric shocks through the interweb :)

I give rep. I get rep. If you don't have the stomach for an internet discussion forum you are free to find other digs.
You assume it want over my head. My point is one that is typically not understood by authoritarians. Not to turn this to a political point. But you appear to believe a right to kill in self defense is the same as justification for taking a life in self defense. Authority to perform an act is not the same as justification for taking the act. If Trayvon had been packing and Zimmerman was not Trayvon could have led with his chin fallen to the concrete cried like a baby for 8sec when he knew someone was watching then shot and killed Zimmerman. Would he have been justified because it was self defense? Because he was able to intimidate Zimmerman into throwing punches? Or is self defense only for those in authority positions? What if Zimmerman was a bad cop and was beating on TM would you be defending the teen if he killed a cop in self defense?

Authority AND justification are what the law says they are. And the law says you are justified in killing a person who puts you in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury. You are not good at playing semantics. You shouldn't not even try. You look sillier with every one of your biased, racist, made up facts posts.

Where did I provide a made up fact? I thought you went to school. Can you really not discern the difference between speculation and fact? FYI if I provide a fact, given that I am not a witness, you'll see me make a citation. Citations are typically done with quotes, or colons followed by a paragraph and a reference. A speculative sentence with a question mark on the end is not a fact.. it's speculation for discussion.
One normally is expected to speculate based on facts, not preferred outcome.
You just keep making this stuff up as you go along.

I see so no one can speak up for the dead teen, cause you think he's a worthless "thug" right?

We do not speak up for the dead teen because he caused a person to have reasonable fear of death of serious bodily injury. The fact that he was also a thug changes nothing.

We... interesting Ernie also said we... NVM don't want to know :)

I forgave the dead teen.. you should try it.
You might be right, the jury is almost all white and the prosecution is doing a horrible job with the overwhelming evidence against Zimmerman.
It is a jury of his peers, not Trayvon's peers.
Good point.. the all female jury does sort of meet up with the requirement to find Zimmerman's peers.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.[note 1][1]
Oh ha freaking ha. I didn't even know about ABC, only NBC "editing". Hardy ha ha. The reaches of race/politics and media frenzy and witch hunt still astounds me.

My very own eyes or *maybe* CBS it is then.

"Surveillance video mistake

Image enhancement of a single frame of the police surveillance video (left) by The Daily Caller (middle) and by Forensic Protection, Inc. working with ABC News (right) shows two welts or abrasions. ABC originally said the video showed no blood or bruises.[365]
ABC News obtained a surveillance video of Zimmerman walking unassisted into the Sanford police station after the shooting. An officer is seen pausing to look at the back of Zimmerman's head, but ABC originally said that no abrasions or blood can be seen in the video.[365] The Daily Caller disputed this claim, and posted a still from the ABC video which showed the injury on the back of Zimmerman's head ABC later reported that it had "re-digitized" the video, and said that this version showed "what appear to be a pair of gashes or welts on George Zimmerman's head," but the story's main focus was on a doctor who claimed it was unlikely that Zimmerman's nose had been broken."
Authority AND justification are what the law says they are. And the law says you are justified in killing a person who puts you in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury. You are not good at playing semantics. You shouldn't not even try. You look sillier with every one of your biased, racist, made up facts posts.

Where did I provide a made up fact? I thought you went to school. Can you really not discern the difference between speculation and fact? FYI if I provide a fact, given that I am not a witness, you'll see me make a citation. Citations are typically done with quotes, or colons followed by a paragraph and a reference. A speculative sentence with a question mark on the end is not a fact.. it's speculation for discussion.
One normally is expected to speculate based on facts, not preferred outcome.

I usually do my speculation in kind. If I'm talking to someone that is focusing on facts.. I speculate on fact. If I'm talking to someone that is focusing on preferred outcome I usually take the other side for argument sake.

You'll find I'm not one of those people that put a stake in the ground and refuse to budge. I'm willing to change position when I'm wrong or took the wrong side of an argument.
It's easy for someone to want it that way when they weren't the one having their head slammed into the concrete and weren't the one that had their nose broken.

IOU + rep when I can.

See agree with her, she provides a reach around. Disagree with her and she brings down her "rep" authority down on your ass. ROFL I bet she'd love it if negs sent electric shocks through the interweb :)

Cool!!! I think I could design the physical system. Any software designers here?
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