The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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IF the media had known of Zimmerman's actual heritage, they wouldn't have used him as the goat in the "white man kills cherubic young black boy" story.

That's why Zimmerman's race matters/mattered.

What matters now that political pressure forced this case into court is that America's judicial principles are upheld. So far both the prosecution and the defense have been making Zimmerman's case.
What ranking (1-10) would you give Mr Zimmerman upon entering your gym for training?

Answer: .5!

O'Mara: So less than one?

LMAO. Thats funny I dont care who ya are.

Yeah...stay in the truck, George.
Pistols are the great equalizer. Can't fight your way out of a paper bag... carry a gun and shoot your way out. Not really different than a man fighting a lion... you don't want to be in the ring with something that is an exponentially better fighter. I just assumed GZ was baiting when I heard he had some fight training. Now I have to reconsider this whole case.
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We're probably going to have to go through that whole injury/bandaid 20 page thing and more testimony on that to set that in stone.

The PA that examined him wasn't enough the first time around.
OK, let me see if I have this straight.

Zimmerman is too weak to even get in the ring with a sparring partner, but he is so powerful he can beat up a 17 year old football player to the point that the kid cries for help.

Do I have that about right?? :dunno:
OK, let me see if I have this straight.

Zimmerman is too weak to even get in the ring with a sparring partner, but he is so powerful he can beat up a 17 year old football player to the point that the kid cries for help.

Do I have that about right?? :dunno:

You forgot he stalked the kid to pick the fight.
OK, let me see if I have this straight.

Zimmerman is too weak to even get in the ring with a sparring partner, but he is so powerful he can beat up a 17 year old football player to the point that the kid cries for help.

Do I have that about right?? :dunno:

Fact Recap:

Z was screaming

Z fights like a little girl and the MMA / weight height thing was fiction

Z is a nice guy and has lots of friends
Traumatized. Yeah ok that would also explain the hannity interview and the interrogator interviews as well. Possibly even realizing, by introspection, some of the abusing he may have caused on those women. Thus feeling guilt and not wanting to appear the victim in the interviews that occurred.

Yeah... ok. RKM admitting I may have miss-judged.
That was a good witness for the defense.

I couldn't see where Pollock was going.

The only thing I think he proved that had any relevance was Zimmerman trained 6 hours some weeks.

I don't think the state boys have any idea where to go and their mommy is in the courtroom.

This has got to be a bit nerve racking.

I'd feel bad for them.

Except I don't.

At. All.
Perhaps, but he had his senior year to straighten up. Some football players that have been given scholarships have had a lot more problems than him....alot more problems... like you stated. There are some that would make him look like a choir boy in comparison.

Granted, but I would make the case that in order to get that type of treatment, said player would have to be exceptional. I've never heard that about Trayvon. He seems to enjoy his "herb" too much to excel at sports. Given the general context of his social media postings do you really think this was a young man who was about to "straighten up"...or do you think he was a young man who was hanging with the wrong crowd and headed for trouble? You'll note that the Prosecution has chosen not to bring "friends" of Trayvon's forward to testify in any way. I wonder if that is because they don't want another debacle like they had with Rachel Jenteal? I'm thinking that the Prosecution wants nothing to do with giving the jury a better look at who Trayvon was hanging with and what they were into.

No, but I dont think he was a lost cause that should be thrown out with the trash either. He was a troubled teen heading down the wrong path. His mother sent him to his fathers...she was concerned about him and his behavior. He was about to start his senior year. Im not making the case that Trayvon was an angel by no means. Just that he was an athlete and should he follow in his moms and brothers footsteps he may be looking at college in a year, perhaps with a scholarship somewhere....Division I, II, or III perhaps.

And yes, his friends were not called, because when you call them, it opens a whole can of worms for the defense. They can go after their record and move to impeach. One reason people dont like to testify. I would have wanted very few friends of mine on the witness stand defending me at They would probably be a bigger help to me not saying anything and out of the

I imagine that Trayvon was sent to Sanford to live with his dad to get him away from his friends in Miami. That right there tells you volumes about what was going in his life. He's suspended from school and his mom doesn't trust him hanging around the house while she's at work. But does his dad do any better job of keeping him out of trouble? Not that I can see. If it had been my ass that got suspended from school I can guarantee you that I wouldn't have been trotting over to 7/11 for Skittles and some Arizona tea. I would have been doing "hard time" at TV...and no friends visiting.
Pistols are the great equalizer. Can't fight your way out of a paper bag... carry a gun and shoot your way out. Not really different than a man fighting a lion... you don't want to be in the ring with something that is an exponentially better fighter. I just assumed GZ was baiting when I heard he had some fight training. Now I have to reconsider this whole case.

Good analogy...a lion aren't a are a victim.
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