The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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O'Mara has successfully called Mr. Martin's credibility into question. Two cops made it clear he denied that his son was screaming on that tape, all of a sudden, he is contradicting them. Basically he's calling two sworn police officers liars. No case.

Billy Ray Lee, Jr has been called to the stand. Former Police Chief of the Sanford PD.
Well it's not ridiculous at all.

In any case, people who own guns and like to carry them around should be a bit nervous because this will shed light on exactly how dangerous that is, in Florida.

If Zimmerman walks it will mean at any time and any place an unarmed person can be shot for almost any reason at all.

And so long as they are killed, the killer will get away with it.

Hyperbole doesn't do you any favors Sallow. None of what you claimed is true. Not a bit of it and if you bothered to do some research you would see how far off base you are.

Not Hyperbole at all.


Correction officer shoots man after road-rage accident with fellow jail worker girlfriend, cops say - NY Daily News
Unarmed man shot dead by police in NYC - U.S. News

Yes, we KNOW that law enforcement alone are not to be trusted with weapons. That's why it is ESSENTIAL that the people have weapons. Otherwise those incidents you linked to will become commonplace instead of the rarities they are now.
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played in the MAYOR'S office.

No police officers present?

Yeah, but ...

this isn't an orchestrated political thang at all.

No chance of THAT.

No way.


Purely on the up and up.

Yes sir.
So why does DNA under his fingernails matter?

Are you moving the goalposts here?

It is the absence of DNA under Martin's fingernails that matters to his supporters. Our argument is that Blood or some other body fluid would be readily apparent on Martin's hands, fingernails included, if he was manually banging the head of GZ repeatedly against concrete as alleged! Now I know there will be a barrage of insults from IlarMeilyr saying that blood has no DNA. But the oaf is wrong! The RED blood cells do not contain DNA because they have no nuclei but white cells in the blood do.

I think a clenched fist would make it harder to get DNA under the fingernails. The rain most likely washed any DNA off of his hands.

So he grabbed Zimmerman's head with a clenched fist eh?

And the "rain" was nothing more than a drizzle.

There were plenty of blood spatters on both the man's and the kid's clothing.
The rational general public will believe the police.

Had he said "I said 'No', not to the question, but to hearing the gunshot." I would believe Mr. Martin.

LOL so maybe half of the general public will believe the police ?

I cite Obama's re-election as prima facie evidence that you are being extremely generous.

The ingedients for the perfect storm have been created. All we need is the media to spin it.
It is the absence of DNA under Martin's fingernails that matters to his supporters. Our argument is that Blood or some other body fluid would be readily apparent on Martin's hands, fingernails included, if he was manually banging the head of GZ repeatedly against concrete as alleged! Now I know there will be a barrage of insults from IlarMeilyr saying that blood has no DNA. But the oaf is wrong! The RED blood cells do not contain DNA because they have no nuclei but white cells in the blood do.

I think a clenched fist would make it harder to get DNA under the fingernails. The rain most likely washed any DNA off of his hands.

So he grabbed Zimmerman's head with a clenched fist eh?

And the "rain" was nothing more than a drizzle.

There were plenty of blood spatters on both the man's and the kid's clothing.

If I scratch you, I might get some of your skin (or blood even) under my fingernails.

If I grab your head with an open hand, I would not expect to get anything under my nails.

The nonsense about no "dna" under the fingernails is still just silly.
10-4 on the corn. We have soybeans, too.

And we have jet planes! Scott AFB is only 5 miles away from me. :thup:


You are way too close to East Saint Louis for my liking.

I'm on the east side of Scott. Between Mascoutah and Okawville.

I've been to Mascoutah, Tilden, Sparta, and Coulterville.
Well played O'Mara. He destroyed the credibility of Martin's father. And he got Mr. Lee to make clear that the tape should have been played to the family individually, with law enforcement present.

The Jury has been excused for the evening.
"The city manager doesn't usually involve themselves in police matters do they? Nor do they go out and fight fires..."

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