The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Blacks are very protective when it comes to their fellow black brothers being shot.

They want to be the ones pulling the trigger on black people.

And get upset when other races do the shooting. .. :cool:
I have felt all along that this case is divided on pro and anti-gun factions.

I am unabashedly pro-gun, but I never really looked at it that way until just today.

I have always been willing to say that GZ should be convicted if the evidence points to it, and freed if it doesn't. IMO, that does not change because there was a gun involved.

But in the end, I believe that it is the major motivator in 99% of the GZ haters here.
heh, you should have asked the OP that question.

I could have, if i had no clue what a straw man is. But I do, so I didn't.

The trial is all about guns and whether we have a right to self defense.

There's the strawman. The trial is about does someone have the right to get out of his car, follow a teen, and kill him with impunity? It is also about the stand your ground law, which should have applied to Martin since he was the one being followed and reported on when he had done nothing wrong.

If you believe that, you aren't looking at the evidence.
You hit the nail on the head. When they over-charge, they have no respect for what a suspect is going through.

At the same time, I also believe Zimmerman was overcharged since I believe he's only guilty of manslaughter. It'd be nearly impossible to prove murder.

Agree on the over charge. However, I don't think the state has disproven self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. All the same, if they would have offered a plea for reckless discharge of a firearm, you know he would have snatched it up, for the very reasons we have stated.

If I hear one person say the state over charged I'm gonna barf. Self defense is an absolute defense. It wouldn't matter what they charged him with. If he claims he acted in self defense and can show that, he must be acquitted. There is no different burden of proof. He killed Martin. That's admitted. There is no issue there as to whether it was premeditated or whatever. His reason for doing so is SD. In order to counter that the state must show a reasonable person would not be in fear.

If you would read my follow up you would see that I completely agree with you. However, after he was ultimately charged, there was no way to prove murder 2, so that is an over charge.
You hit the nail on the head. When they over-charge, they have no respect for what a suspect is going through.

At the same time, I also believe Zimmerman was overcharged since I believe he's only guilty of manslaughter. It'd be nearly impossible to prove murder.

Agree on the over charge. However, I don't think the state has disproven self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. All the same, if they would have offered a plea for reckless discharge of a firearm, you know he would have snatched it up, for the very reasons we have stated.

If I hear one person say the state over charged I'm gonna barf. Self defense is an absolute defense. It wouldn't matter what they charged him with. If he claims he acted in self defense and can show that, he must be acquitted. There is no different burden of proof. He killed Martin. That's admitted. There is no issue there as to whether it was premeditated or whatever. His reason for doing so is SD. In order to counter that the state must show a reasonable person would not be in fear.

Rabbi... How can I say this..........?

If this were a fair, apolitical, everyday, run of the mill case.

There wouldn't even be a Court Trial. This should never even have gone to Court.

I'm not sure evidence, reasonable doubt, self-defense or even the Rule of Law is applicable in this case.

This is a Lynch Mob organized and led by the left
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

of course it is about guns and SYG law. therefore MSM lied about his race.
and the racial stir-up is designed to provoke ritos so the feds can be involved.
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If GZ was Black and TM was White, the only thing conservatives would be arguing is whether GZ should get the death penalty or not.

If Zimmerman was black, Obama would not have called him his son.

It is only because Obama stuck his nose into the case, and convicted Zimmerman in public, that we are still talking about this case today.

Now the Left must defend Obama's son. They can't have him turn out to be a common dope smoking thief and thug.

And the Right must convict Obama's son. They can't have him turn out to be anything but a common dope smoking thief and thug.

Theater for the rubes.

Reasonable theory, and probably correct with a lot of GZ haters, but I don't think it's as pervasive as the gun issue.
What a stupid post. The problem you have Sallow is you don't know shit about guns and their use. I suggest you do some serious reading about the subject because the only shoe that has dropped is your profound ignorance of the subject.

Quit with the stupid posts and do some basic reading dude.


I've been around guns since the age of seven.

I know all I need to know.

Point. Shoot. Done.

That's what Zimmerman did and a kid is dead.

As I said, you don't KNOW shit about guns. You have certainly seen a lot of guns used in movies but I doubt you could field strip a bolt action .22 which I learned to do when I was 7.

That was the gun I was introduced too. A bolt action .22 caliber rifle. Never took it apart. Just shot it.

The question is, do they believe Martin deserved to die because he was black? Because they certainly are convinced he deserved to die and they believed that waaaaaaaaay before the trial started.

Thta's bull shit and you know it. Me and most of the conservatives here stated quite clearly that we don't know what happened, we weren't there. We only objected to the lefties who had him convicted without knowing the evidence, without even a trial.

You are lying out of your ass.

The bed wetters went so far as to doctor the 911 evidence, and manipulate the public by portraying TM as a puffy faced 12 year old, and GZ as a stereotypical white guy in a pickup truck.

We're dealing with some truly sick people here.
Yes it's definitely guns. To me this is an example how things can go really wrong if your carrying a gun. Clearly Martin wasn't doing anything wrong until he was confronted. After that I guess we don't know what happened. If they were fighting after Zimmerman confronted him it seems really wrong that Martin ends up dead. Seems like he was minding his own business and Zimmerman brought about the confrontation. If Martin did attack him I don't think he was going to kill him, should have just been a fight. But instead it's a death thanks to the gun. All that said Zimmerman probably had good intentions that went really bad. Again probably thanks to the gun. So yes the politics is because of the gun.

You're assuming Zimmerman initiated the confrontation. The Evidence doesn't support that.

It's not an assumption. Didn't Zimmerman call the police on Martin who was doing nothing wrong? And didn't he continue to follow him after he was told not to? This confrontation was his fault. Had he minded his own business this wouldn't have happened.

1) Calling the police doesn't create a confrontation.
2) Following someone doesn't create a confrontation. Especially after you stop following and are walking back to your car.
3) He was never told not to follow. He was told he didn't have to.
4) The only evidence we have is evidence supporting Trayvon jumping Zimmerman.

Now could Zimmerman have started the fight? It's possible. There is absolutely no evidence of that, but it's possible. But the Prosecution has the burden to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. The Prosecution was completely unable to prove that Zimmerman caused the confrontation.

That's the facts of the case. You're assuming Zimmerman started the confrontation. There is no evidence of that. Period.
Yes it's definitely guns. To me this is an example how things can go really wrong if your carrying a gun. Clearly Martin wasn't doing anything wrong until he was confronted. After that I guess we don't know what happened. If they were fighting after Zimmerman confronted him it seems really wrong that Martin ends up dead. Seems like he was minding his own business and Zimmerman brought about the confrontation. If Martin did attack him I don't think he was going to kill him, should have just been a fight. But instead it's a death thanks to the gun. All that said Zimmerman probably had good intentions that went really bad. Again probably thanks to the gun. So yes the politics is because of the gun.

That's a hell of a lot of speculation Mr Brain. People really need to stop assuming that they know how other people think.
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

Gee, I just had an epiphany too. Most Conservatives had already decided before the trial began that GZ was innocent. Why? First, because concealed carry folks are never ever wrong even when they stalk kids buying skittles. Second, because the dead kid is black, therefore a thug who had it coming.

They can't stand the thought that GZ might have overstepped his bounds and needlessly killed another person. If anybody had a right to stand his ground, it was TM to defend himself against a stalker. Too bad he didn't have a gun, but I doubt you will hear the NRA types saying "if only he had a gun, he could have protected himself".

Maybe the right doesn't care so much about right and wrong either. It's all about winning, no matter the cost.

Let the trial play out.

Again, bull shit. The majority of us were clearly stating that we needed to wait until the trial. None of us were there so we can't know what happened. Of course not all were saying that, just as not all lefties were saying the opposite. But your generalization is complete bull shit. The only people who weren't interested in facts and a trial were the lefties.
heh, you should have asked the OP that question.

I could have, if i had no clue what a straw man is. But I do, so I didn't.

The trial is all about guns and whether we have a right to self defense.

There's the strawman. The trial is about does someone have the right to get out of his car, follow a teen, and kill him with impunity? It is also about the stand your ground law, which should have applied to Martin since he was the one being followed and reported on when he had done nothing wrong.

You just helped to make our point. Thanks!:cuckoo:
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