The one group that gives Obama high marks


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama's approval rating is pathetic. He isn't making this country any better and people are waking up.

There is one group that is quite pleased with Obama and they should be considering how much he's done for them.

Billions of dollars, tanks, planes, weapons and strong support have permanently won over the radical Muslims. They love him. If only he had done for America what he did for Muslims, we'd be in good shape.

Obama Has High Approval Ratings with One Religious Group – And It’s Not Christians
Stale news.

But thanks for hating Obama. :thup:

It's not about hating Obama. It would seem that he has more love and support for radical Muslims than he does American citizens. He works for us, or at least he is supposed to.

His support for the Muslim Brotherhood and their ilk is inexcusable and not something any American president should be doing. It is his own actions that have many questioning his loyalty to this country.

It has nothing to do with his race. It has everything to do with his actions.
Because all Muslims are terrorists. And all Christians are the "good guys". Too bad the "good as gold" American Christians didn't help the Christians in Iraq.
Because all Muslims are terrorists. And all Christians are the "good guys". Too bad the "good as gold" American Christians didn't help the Christians in Iraq.

Obama has helped terrorists and that's a fact. He has given aid and military equipment to known terrorist groups.

What are American Christians supposed to do to help the Christians being slaughtered in Muslim countries? Isn't that something Obama should be addressing? He isn't doing anything about it. He isn't even condemning it.

Have you asked yourself why Muslims would be so fond of Obama? Why don't they object to Obama helping the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood and other oppressive and evil leaders? I find it disturbing that "peaceful" Muslims are so happy with him considering his track record. Decent people should be upset that we are funding terrorist organizations.
According to Rasmussen, Obama's approval rating is slightly below 50%. Boohoo. You guys crack me up. You have nothing intelligent to discuss so you just keep bashing the "black president" because you can't stand having a black man in the White House.
According to Rasmussen, Obama's approval rating is slightly below 50%. Boohoo. You guys crack me up. You have nothing intelligent to discuss so you just keep bashing the "black president" because you can't stand having a black man in the White House.
:doubt: typical left wing deflection tactic .
According to Rasmussen, Obama's approval rating is slightly below 50%. Boohoo. You guys crack me up. You have nothing intelligent to discuss so you just keep bashing the "black president" because you can't stand having a black man in the White House.
:doubt: typical left wing deflection tactic .

Race card played as usual. Because they are trying to defend a LOSER.............and that's all they can play.
According to Rasmussen, Obama's approval rating is slightly below 50%. Boohoo. You guys crack me up. You have nothing intelligent to discuss so you just keep bashing the "black president" because you can't stand having a black man in the White House.
:doubt: typical left wing deflection tactic .

Race card played as usual. Because they are trying to defend a LOSER.............and that's all they can play.

Rasmussen? Really?
Because all Muslims are terrorists. And all Christians are the "good guys". Too bad the "good as gold" American Christians didn't help the Christians in Iraq.

Obama has helped terrorists and that's a fact. He has given aid and military equipment to known terrorist groups.

What are American Christians supposed to do to help the Christians being slaughtered in Muslim countries? Isn't that something Obama should be addressing? He isn't doing anything about it. He isn't even condemning it.

Have you asked yourself why Muslims would be so fond of Obama? Why don't they object to Obama helping the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood and other oppressive and evil leaders? I find it disturbing that "peaceful" Muslims are so happy with him considering his track record. Decent people should be upset that we are funding terrorist organizations.

Care to share that list?

And why did Republicans let Bin Laden go and attack a country that never attacked us? A country that was the enemy of al Qaeda? Perhaps Republicans and al Qaeda were secretly working together?

Or maybe Republicans were the "dupes" of al Qaeda?

Bin Laden Family Evacuated - CBS News

Bin Ladens allowed out of U.S. after 9-11

News - Bin Laden family flown out by Bush
Only 72% of Muslims support Obama?

I expect the other 28% actually still love him too; they are just a bit miffed at him right now because he is still letting women drive.
Because all Muslims are terrorists. And all Christians are the "good guys". Too bad the "good as gold" American Christians didn't help the Christians in Iraq.

What's you "Christian" president doing about it?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Why does he have to do anything? Why weren't they helped by Republican Christians?:finger3:

Because the fucking president handles FOREIGN POLICY, you fucking halfwit! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:... Yes, we all know there is no such thing as a Christian Democrat! Change that halfwit, to total idiot! :eusa_whistle:
What's you "Christian" president doing about it?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Why does he have to do anything? Why weren't they helped by Republican Christians?:finger3:

Because the fucking president handles FOREIGN POLICY, you fucking halfwit! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:... Yes, we all know there is no such thing as a Christian Democrat! Change that halfwit, to total idiot! :eusa_whistle:

I'm the idiot? Hilarious.

You're so smart, answer these easy questions:

How many Christians lived in Iraq before the invasion?

How many were left when Obama because president?

If any left, where did they go? Here? Did Bush bring them here?

We both know you won't answer any of these questions because you are a true idiot tard. You don't know anything and can't even remember GOP talking points. In fact, you are such an idiot, you call other people an idiot because you can't understand even the most simple of concepts. I know you are going to be really confused because you don't have the ability to see the big picture.

Bush is a Republican Christian.

There was no attempt by Republican Christians in his party to put pressure on him to protect Iraqi Christians. I don't remember even a single discussion by Right Wing Christians even while Iraqi's were being crucified and chased from their country. Now, you are so damn dumb, I suspect you believe there were never any Christians in Iraq.
Why does he have to do anything? Why weren't they helped by Republican Christians?:finger3:

Because the fucking president handles FOREIGN POLICY, you fucking halfwit! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:... Yes, we all know there is no such thing as a Christian Democrat! Change that halfwit, to total idiot! :eusa_whistle:

I'm the idiot? Hilarious.

You're so smart, answer these easy questions:

How many Christians lived in Iraq before the invasion?

How many were left when Obama because president?

If any left, where did they go? Here? Did Bush bring them here?

We both know you won't answer any of these questions because you are a true idiot tard. You don't know anything and can't even remember GOP talking points. In fact, you are such an idiot, you call other people an idiot because you can't understand even the most simple of concepts. I know you are going to be really confused because you don't have the ability to see the big picture.

Bush is a Republican Christian.

There was no attempt by Republican Christians in his party to put pressure on him to protect Iraqi Christians. I don't remember even a single discussion by Right Wing Christians even while Iraqi's were being crucified and chased from their country. Now, you are so damn dumb, I suspect you believe there were never any Christians in Iraq.

I'll let you go to Wikipedia and print out the numbers, then tell you that under Bush, the ISIS brigade, that is killing off ALL CHRISTIANS and other religions in the area to form it's MUSLIM CALIPH, has only set up shop since that asshole Obuma has pulled all troops out of Iraq, leaving it, as anyone with a 3 digit IQ knows, wide open to terrorist extremist to RETAKE the area. Before, when Bush was president, the fucking terrorist were concentrating on fighting the American's and not the wholesale slaughter of NON-ISLAMISTS! You, with the IQ of a low watt light bulb, of course, doesn't THINK about current situations, just like the asshole in the white house. Please pond scum, go play Rep Frog, or the newest word game going around on the board, stop looking like the absolute fool that you are, STFU before you look even dumber, if that could be possible, and fade away into the blackness!

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