The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Can anyone say for certain just how many died from Maria?

Apparently not,

From news accounts, we know the exact number: 48. I mean 64. At least 450. No, 985. More like 1,052, or maybe 1,085. It could be 4,645 or 5,740, one study said, or somewhere between 793 and 8,498. Or 2,975. Yeah, that’s it!

The one, true, absolutely correct answer is 2,975. We know that one is correct because it is the answer accepted by the Puerto Rican government, which, you may be certain—certain!—is interested only in the truth and not in the aid that comes with larger numbers.

There are 64 actual confirmed deaths—people whose names are known. President Trump, ever the skeptic, tweeted that the increase in the official count from 64 to 2,975 was “done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

From The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions
The only death toll we can truly believe is the one compiled by anti-Trump University a.k.a George Washington U. Clearly that is the one that is the OFFICIAL death toll.

Can anyone say for certain just how many died from Maria?

Apparently not,

From news accounts, we know the exact number: 48. I mean 64. At least 450. No, 985. More like 1,052, or maybe 1,085. It could be 4,645 or 5,740, one study said, or somewhere between 793 and 8,498. Or 2,975. Yeah, that’s it!

The one, true, absolutely correct answer is 2,975. We know that one is correct because it is the answer accepted by the Puerto Rican government, which, you may be certain—certain!—is interested only in the truth and not in the aid that comes with larger numbers.

There are 64 actual confirmed deaths—people whose names are known. President Trump, ever the skeptic, tweeted that the increase in the official count from 64 to 2,975 was “done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

From The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.
The only death toll we can truly believe is the one compiled by anti-Trump University a.k.a George Washington U. Clearly that is the one that is the OFFICIAL death toll.
Mike, I take it you assume that only those deaths that occurred on the day of the storm due to winds or high water are attributable to Maria? The 'direct' deaths?

Isn't that like saying all those people in Hiroshima who died days weeks and months later from radiation poisoning weren't killed by the bomb? If it weren't for the bomb they wouldn't have died, and if it weren't for Maria and the lasting effects of devastating shortages, the Puerto Rican deaths wouldn't have happened either.

Can anyone say for certain just how many died from Maria?

Apparently not,

From news accounts, we know the exact number: 48. I mean 64. At least 450. No, 985. More like 1,052, or maybe 1,085. It could be 4,645 or 5,740, one study said, or somewhere between 793 and 8,498. Or 2,975. Yeah, that’s it!

The one, true, absolutely correct answer is 2,975. We know that one is correct because it is the answer accepted by the Puerto Rican government, which, you may be certain—certain!—is interested only in the truth and not in the aid that comes with larger numbers.

There are 64 actual confirmed deaths—people whose names are known. President Trump, ever the skeptic, tweeted that the increase in the official count from 64 to 2,975 was “done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

From The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.

I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.

Can anyone say for certain just how many died from Maria?

Apparently not,

From news accounts, we know the exact number: 48. I mean 64. At least 450. No, 985. More like 1,052, or maybe 1,085. It could be 4,645 or 5,740, one study said, or somewhere between 793 and 8,498. Or 2,975. Yeah, that’s it!

The one, true, absolutely correct answer is 2,975. We know that one is correct because it is the answer accepted by the Puerto Rican government, which, you may be certain—certain!—is interested only in the truth and not in the aid that comes with larger numbers.

There are 64 actual confirmed deaths—people whose names are known. President Trump, ever the skeptic, tweeted that the increase in the official count from 64 to 2,975 was “done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

From The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.

I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.
I was there 6 months after Maria hit. It looked like a bomb went off even in San Juan. I’m going back in December, and there will still be areas without power and water. You may laugh at the thousands dead, but it speaks to your complete lack of character that you dismiss their suffering so easily.

Can anyone say for certain just how many died from Maria?

Apparently not,

From news accounts, we know the exact number: 48. I mean 64. At least 450. No, 985. More like 1,052, or maybe 1,085. It could be 4,645 or 5,740, one study said, or somewhere between 793 and 8,498. Or 2,975. Yeah, that’s it!

The one, true, absolutely correct answer is 2,975. We know that one is correct because it is the answer accepted by the Puerto Rican government, which, you may be certain—certain!—is interested only in the truth and not in the aid that comes with larger numbers.

There are 64 actual confirmed deaths—people whose names are known. President Trump, ever the skeptic, tweeted that the increase in the official count from 64 to 2,975 was “done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

From The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.

I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.
I was there 6 months after Maria hit. It looked like a bomb went off even in San Juan. I’m going back in December, and there will still be areas without power and water. You may laugh at the thousands dead, but it speaks to your complete lack of character that you dismiss their suffering so easily.

Okay, so you've seen the suffering first hand.
Do you have any first-hand proof of the 3,000 figure?
And, do you firmly believe that corrupt local policians didn't have anything to do with aid not getting to those in need? Or that they didn't stuff their own pockets at every chance?

Are you truly that naive?

Can anyone say for certain just how many died from Maria?

Apparently not,

From news accounts, we know the exact number: 48. I mean 64. At least 450. No, 985. More like 1,052, or maybe 1,085. It could be 4,645 or 5,740, one study said, or somewhere between 793 and 8,498. Or 2,975. Yeah, that’s it!

The one, true, absolutely correct answer is 2,975. We know that one is correct because it is the answer accepted by the Puerto Rican government, which, you may be certain—certain!—is interested only in the truth and not in the aid that comes with larger numbers.

There are 64 actual confirmed deaths—people whose names are known. President Trump, ever the skeptic, tweeted that the increase in the official count from 64 to 2,975 was “done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

From The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.

I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.
I was there 6 months after Maria hit. It looked like a bomb went off even in San Juan. I’m going back in December, and there will still be areas without power and water. You may laugh at the thousands dead, but it speaks to your complete lack of character that you dismiss their suffering so easily.

Okay, so you've seen the suffering first hand.
Do you have any first-hand proof of the 3,000 figure?
And, do you firmly believe that corrupt local policians didn't have anything to do with aid not getting to those in need? Or that they didn't stuff their own pockets at every chance?

Are you truly that naive?
If it turns out South Carolina’s government is corrupt and millions of Americans suffer for months and thousands die, my reaction will not be “haha fick ‘em” the way your type keeps insisting we do for Puerto Rico. If you believe that millions living in a disaster zone without power, water, or food for months resulted in only 48 deaths, then it’s stupid to bother talking to you.

Can anyone say for certain just how many died from Maria?

Apparently not,

From news accounts, we know the exact number: 48. I mean 64. At least 450. No, 985. More like 1,052, or maybe 1,085. It could be 4,645 or 5,740, one study said, or somewhere between 793 and 8,498. Or 2,975. Yeah, that’s it!

The one, true, absolutely correct answer is 2,975. We know that one is correct because it is the answer accepted by the Puerto Rican government, which, you may be certain—certain!—is interested only in the truth and not in the aid that comes with larger numbers.

There are 64 actual confirmed deaths—people whose names are known. President Trump, ever the skeptic, tweeted that the increase in the official count from 64 to 2,975 was “done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

From The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.

I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.
I was there 6 months after Maria hit. It looked like a bomb went off even in San Juan. I’m going back in December, and there will still be areas without power and water. You may laugh at the thousands dead, but it speaks to your complete lack of character that you dismiss their suffering so easily.

Okay, so you've seen the suffering first hand.
Do you have any first-hand proof of the 3,000 figure?
And, do you firmly believe that corrupt local policians didn't have anything to do with aid not getting to those in need? Or that they didn't stuff their own pockets at every chance?

Are you truly that naive?
If it turns out South Carolina’s government is corrupt and millions of Americans suffer for months and thousands die, my reaction will not be “haha fick ‘em” the way your type keeps insisting we do for Puerto Rico. If you believe that millions living in a disaster zone without power, water, or food for months resulted in only 48 deaths, then it’s stupid to bother talking to you.
But you have no proof that its 3000 either, so...

Can anyone say for certain just how many died from Maria?

Apparently not,

From news accounts, we know the exact number: 48. I mean 64. At least 450. No, 985. More like 1,052, or maybe 1,085. It could be 4,645 or 5,740, one study said, or somewhere between 793 and 8,498. Or 2,975. Yeah, that’s it!

The one, true, absolutely correct answer is 2,975. We know that one is correct because it is the answer accepted by the Puerto Rican government, which, you may be certain—certain!—is interested only in the truth and not in the aid that comes with larger numbers.

There are 64 actual confirmed deaths—people whose names are known. President Trump, ever the skeptic, tweeted that the increase in the official count from 64 to 2,975 was “done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

From The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.

I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.
I was there 6 months after Maria hit. It looked like a bomb went off even in San Juan. I’m going back in December, and there will still be areas without power and water. You may laugh at the thousands dead, but it speaks to your complete lack of character that you dismiss their suffering so easily.

The media is capitalizing on the “death and suffering,” as you put it, by inflating the death toll for political gains and it appears you’re okay with this... so what does that say about your character?

Also you apparently believe no evidence is needed to dub a man a rapist and totally ruin his reputation based on nothing but an accusation 30+ years old of which no one can remember much of anything about. How does this speak to your character?

I look forward to your scathing response.
From what I've read they have no idea how many died. That's from PR.

If the PR Govt. has no idea how does anyone else??

Can anyone say for certain just how many died from Maria?

Apparently not,

From news accounts, we know the exact number: 48. I mean 64. At least 450. No, 985. More like 1,052, or maybe 1,085. It could be 4,645 or 5,740, one study said, or somewhere between 793 and 8,498. Or 2,975. Yeah, that’s it!

The one, true, absolutely correct answer is 2,975. We know that one is correct because it is the answer accepted by the Puerto Rican government, which, you may be certain—certain!—is interested only in the truth and not in the aid that comes with larger numbers.

There are 64 actual confirmed deaths—people whose names are known. President Trump, ever the skeptic, tweeted that the increase in the official count from 64 to 2,975 was “done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

From The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.

I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.
I was there 6 months after Maria hit. It looked like a bomb went off even in San Juan. I’m going back in December, and there will still be areas without power and water. You may laugh at the thousands dead, but it speaks to your complete lack of character that you dismiss their suffering so easily.

The media is capitalizing on the “death and suffering,” as you put it, by inflating the death toll for political gains and it appears you’re okay with this... so what does that say about your character?

Also you apparently believe no evidence is needed to dub a man a rapist and totally ruin his reputation based on nothing but an accusation 30+ years old of which no one can remember much of anything about. How does this speak to your character?

I look forward to your scathing response.
Inflating? GO FUCK YOURSELF. Your fellow Americans suffered the greatest natural disaster in their island’s history and all you can do is bitch that it hurts you politically?! Jesus fucking Christ.

Can anyone say for certain just how many died from Maria?

Apparently not,

From news accounts, we know the exact number: 48. I mean 64. At least 450. No, 985. More like 1,052, or maybe 1,085. It could be 4,645 or 5,740, one study said, or somewhere between 793 and 8,498. Or 2,975. Yeah, that’s it!

The one, true, absolutely correct answer is 2,975. We know that one is correct because it is the answer accepted by the Puerto Rican government, which, you may be certain—certain!—is interested only in the truth and not in the aid that comes with larger numbers.

There are 64 actual confirmed deaths—people whose names are known. President Trump, ever the skeptic, tweeted that the increase in the official count from 64 to 2,975 was “done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

From The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.

I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.
I was there 6 months after Maria hit. It looked like a bomb went off even in San Juan. I’m going back in December, and there will still be areas without power and water. You may laugh at the thousands dead, but it speaks to your complete lack of character that you dismiss their suffering so easily.

The media is capitalizing on the “death and suffering,” as you put it, by inflating the death toll for political gains and it appears you’re okay with this... so what does that say about your character?

Also you apparently believe no evidence is needed to dub a man a rapist and totally ruin his reputation based on nothing but an accusation 30+ years old of which no one can remember much of anything about. How does this speak to your character?

I look forward to your scathing response.
Inflating? GO FUCK YOURSELF. Your fellow Americans suffered the greatest natural disaster in their island’s history and all you can do is bitch that it hurts you politically?! Jesus fucking Christ.

LOL boy you don’t disappoint. It’s not my fault I hit the nail on the head and YES they are inflating the number bc even if it’s technically correct that all those deaths occurred bc of Maria that doesn’t mean Trump’s responsible for all of them. You want to blame everything on Trump and by God you will even if it doesn’t make any sense to.

Why do you even come here if you can’t handle opposing viewpoints and can’t have a debate with someone without lashing out? Makes me think you’re twelve years old.
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.

I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.
I was there 6 months after Maria hit. It looked like a bomb went off even in San Juan. I’m going back in December, and there will still be areas without power and water. You may laugh at the thousands dead, but it speaks to your complete lack of character that you dismiss their suffering so easily.

The media is capitalizing on the “death and suffering,” as you put it, by inflating the death toll for political gains and it appears you’re okay with this... so what does that say about your character?

Also you apparently believe no evidence is needed to dub a man a rapist and totally ruin his reputation based on nothing but an accusation 30+ years old of which no one can remember much of anything about. How does this speak to your character?

I look forward to your scathing response.
Inflating? GO FUCK YOURSELF. Your fellow Americans suffered the greatest natural disaster in their island’s history and all you can do is bitch that it hurts you politically?! Jesus fucking Christ.

LOL boy you don’t disappoint. It’s not my fault I hit the nail on the head and YES they are inflating the number bc even if it’s technically correct that all those deaths occurred bc of Maria that doesn’t mean Trump’s responsible for all of them. You want to blame everything on Trump and by God you will even if it doesn’t make any sense to.

Why do you even come here if you can’t handle opposing viewpoints and can’t have a debate with someone without lashing out? Makes me think you’re twelve years old.
Lol sorry when I couldn’t speak to my family for months on end because a natural disaster destroyed their home and I had to watch republicans mock their suffering it made things personal for me. Is anybody in your family suffering in the Carolina’s right now? If so, let me know so I can tell you it’s their fault and your concerns about them are just you trying to score political points. Trash.
I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.
I was there 6 months after Maria hit. It looked like a bomb went off even in San Juan. I’m going back in December, and there will still be areas without power and water. You may laugh at the thousands dead, but it speaks to your complete lack of character that you dismiss their suffering so easily.

The media is capitalizing on the “death and suffering,” as you put it, by inflating the death toll for political gains and it appears you’re okay with this... so what does that say about your character?

Also you apparently believe no evidence is needed to dub a man a rapist and totally ruin his reputation based on nothing but an accusation 30+ years old of which no one can remember much of anything about. How does this speak to your character?

I look forward to your scathing response.
Inflating? GO FUCK YOURSELF. Your fellow Americans suffered the greatest natural disaster in their island’s history and all you can do is bitch that it hurts you politically?! Jesus fucking Christ.

LOL boy you don’t disappoint. It’s not my fault I hit the nail on the head and YES they are inflating the number bc even if it’s technically correct that all those deaths occurred bc of Maria that doesn’t mean Trump’s responsible for all of them. You want to blame everything on Trump and by God you will even if it doesn’t make any sense to.

Why do you even come here if you can’t handle opposing viewpoints and can’t have a debate with someone without lashing out? Makes me think you’re twelve years old.
Lol sorry when I couldn’t speak to my family for months on end because a natural disaster destroyed their home and I had to watch republicans mock their suffering it made things personal for me. Is anybody in your family suffering in the Carolina’s right now? If so, let me know so I can tell you it’s their fault and your concerns about them are just you trying to score political points. Trash.

Who mocked their suffering? Not once did I say it’s Maria’s victims fault for anything. You’re doubly biased here since you’re anti-Trump and have family in Puerto Rico. At least your responses make more sense now.

Can anyone say for certain just how many died from Maria?

Apparently not,

From news accounts, we know the exact number: 48. I mean 64. At least 450. No, 985. More like 1,052, or maybe 1,085. It could be 4,645 or 5,740, one study said, or somewhere between 793 and 8,498. Or 2,975. Yeah, that’s it!

The one, true, absolutely correct answer is 2,975. We know that one is correct because it is the answer accepted by the Puerto Rican government, which, you may be certain—certain!—is interested only in the truth and not in the aid that comes with larger numbers.

There are 64 actual confirmed deaths—people whose names are known. President Trump, ever the skeptic, tweeted that the increase in the official count from 64 to 2,975 was “done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

From The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.

I know right.

Just when you think these soulless losers couldn’t stoop any lower and that we’ve scraped the bottom of the barrel…we realize there is no bottom.

Amazingly…before the blob showed us once more what a twisted piece of scum he really is, you didn’t hear a peep from the chorus of losers here about the Puerto Rican death toll. Now…of course they are told to carry the water for the pervert in the Whitehouse and they can’t wait to do it fast enough.

Sad days for America…no other way to put it.

Can anyone say for certain just how many died from Maria?

Apparently not,

From news accounts, we know the exact number: 48. I mean 64. At least 450. No, 985. More like 1,052, or maybe 1,085. It could be 4,645 or 5,740, one study said, or somewhere between 793 and 8,498. Or 2,975. Yeah, that’s it!

The one, true, absolutely correct answer is 2,975. We know that one is correct because it is the answer accepted by the Puerto Rican government, which, you may be certain—certain!—is interested only in the truth and not in the aid that comes with larger numbers.

There are 64 actual confirmed deaths—people whose names are known. President Trump, ever the skeptic, tweeted that the increase in the official count from 64 to 2,975 was “done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

From The One True Puerto Rico Death Toll and Other Fictions
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.

I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.
I was there 6 months after Maria hit. It looked like a bomb went off even in San Juan. I’m going back in December, and there will still be areas without power and water. You may laugh at the thousands dead, but it speaks to your complete lack of character that you dismiss their suffering so easily.

The media is capitalizing on the “death and suffering,” as you put it, by inflating the death toll for political gains and it appears you’re okay with this... so what does that say about your character?

Also you apparently believe no evidence is needed to dub a man a rapist and totally ruin his reputation based on nothing but an accusation 30+ years old of which no one can remember much of anything about. How does this speak to your character?

I look forward to your scathing response.
Inflating? GO FUCK YOURSELF. Your fellow Americans suffered the greatest natural disaster in their island’s history and all you can do is bitch that it hurts you politically?! Jesus fucking Christ.

Yet you are the asshole twat using whatever number of bodies as a weapon against a president you don't like, when there are plenty of local Commonwealth officials from the past decades who have the majority of the blame.
I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.
I was there 6 months after Maria hit. It looked like a bomb went off even in San Juan. I’m going back in December, and there will still be areas without power and water. You may laugh at the thousands dead, but it speaks to your complete lack of character that you dismiss their suffering so easily.

The media is capitalizing on the “death and suffering,” as you put it, by inflating the death toll for political gains and it appears you’re okay with this... so what does that say about your character?

Also you apparently believe no evidence is needed to dub a man a rapist and totally ruin his reputation based on nothing but an accusation 30+ years old of which no one can remember much of anything about. How does this speak to your character?

I look forward to your scathing response.
Inflating? GO FUCK YOURSELF. Your fellow Americans suffered the greatest natural disaster in their island’s history and all you can do is bitch that it hurts you politically?! Jesus fucking Christ.

LOL boy you don’t disappoint. It’s not my fault I hit the nail on the head and YES they are inflating the number bc even if it’s technically correct that all those deaths occurred bc of Maria that doesn’t mean Trump’s responsible for all of them. You want to blame everything on Trump and by God you will even if it doesn’t make any sense to.

Why do you even come here if you can’t handle opposing viewpoints and can’t have a debate with someone without lashing out? Makes me think you’re twelve years old.
Lol sorry when I couldn’t speak to my family for months on end because a natural disaster destroyed their home and I had to watch republicans mock their suffering it made things personal for me. Is anybody in your family suffering in the Carolina’s right now? If so, let me know so I can tell you it’s their fault and your concerns about them are just you trying to score political points. Trash.

Again, your side politicized this first in an attempt to tarnish a President you don't like. You are the fucking ghoul here.
You dismiss death and suffering as easily as you dismiss rape. Trump’s GOP is an absolute disgrace.

I'm not dismissing anything!

I'm providing information that shows the corruption present in Puerto Rico and complicity of the media.
I was there 6 months after Maria hit. It looked like a bomb went off even in San Juan. I’m going back in December, and there will still be areas without power and water. You may laugh at the thousands dead, but it speaks to your complete lack of character that you dismiss their suffering so easily.

The media is capitalizing on the “death and suffering,” as you put it, by inflating the death toll for political gains and it appears you’re okay with this... so what does that say about your character?

Also you apparently believe no evidence is needed to dub a man a rapist and totally ruin his reputation based on nothing but an accusation 30+ years old of which no one can remember much of anything about. How does this speak to your character?

I look forward to your scathing response.
Inflating? GO FUCK YOURSELF. Your fellow Americans suffered the greatest natural disaster in their island’s history and all you can do is bitch that it hurts you politically?! Jesus fucking Christ.

Yet you are the asshole twat using whatever number of bodies as a weapon against a president you don't like, when there are plenty of local Commonwealth officials from the past decades who have the majority of the blame.
Oh sorry I forgot you rubes don’t ever want Trump or the government to be held accountable for anything or for any reason. Trash.

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