The only one called son of God means....


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
1) he's not the son of man
as they admited many times in the NT including Rev 1:13. (need more sources just ask)
2) the scrolls reveal the revelation and warning of this group who dared called someone son of God. Calling them the sons of "darkness" (i.e. lies and ignorance).

An Aramaic Apocalypse" 4Q246 part2
"The Son of God he will be proclaimed (or proclaim himself) and the son of the most high they will call him....They will reign for years on the earth & they will trample all. People will trample people (THIS has Happened in the Name of the Church)
Until the People of God (God's Chosen/Jews) will arise and all will rest by the sword (war no more). **Their (the Chosen ones) kingdom** will be an eternal kingdom, and their path will be in truth. They will judge the earth in truth and all will make peace. The sword will cease and all will pay homage to them (the keepers of the convenant)."

It's the Blessings scroll (1QSb=1Q28b)
V:20 & “War Scroll” (4Q471)
Where in verse XVII, it says, “God will send eternal bliss by the might of the Princely Angel of **the Kingdom of Michael.**
He will enlighten with joy the children of Israel.
They say it's the Kingdom of Michael who through Dan 10:21 we know best knows these truths.

4Q246 of the scrolls is interpreted by many scholars the same way I’ve perceived it.
Like a Shooting star (morning star attributed to Jesus’ Birth ,But also the name attributed to Lucifer)
“Son of God” & “Son of the Most High” were the arrogant and mistaken appellation of the leaders of sons of darkness. Says another scroll scholar Flusser who also said these verses referred to the Anti Christ.
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.

More self proclaimed catechism
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.

More self proclaimed catechism
Notice how they don't like having the Sabbath on the same day God told the Jews to rest upon...
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.

More self proclaimed catechism
Notice how they don't like having the Sabbath on the same day God told the Jews to rest upon...

Non Jews were never required to keep the Sabbath to begin with
1) he's not the son of man
as they admited many times in the NT including Rev 1:13. (need more sources just ask)
2) the scrolls reveal the revelation and warning of this group who dared called someone son of God. Calling them the sons of "darkness" (i.e. lies and ignorance).

An Aramaic Apocalypse" 4Q246 part2
"The Son of God he will be proclaimed (or proclaim himself) and the son of the most high they will call him....They will reign for years on the earth & they will trample all. People will trample people (THIS has Happened in the Name of the Church)
Until the People of God (God's Chosen/Jews) will arise and all will rest by the sword (war no more). **Their (the Chosen ones) kingdom** will be an eternal kingdom, and their path will be in truth. They will judge the earth in truth and all will make peace. The sword will cease and all will pay homage to them (the keepers of the convenant)."

It's the Blessings scroll (1QSb=1Q28b)
V:20 & “War Scroll” (4Q471)
Where in verse XVII, it says, “God will send eternal bliss by the might of the Princely Angel of **the Kingdom of Michael.**
He will enlighten with joy the children of Israel.
They say it's the Kingdom of Michael who through Dan 10:21 we know best knows these truths.

4Q246 of the scrolls is interpreted by many scholars the same way I’ve perceived it.
Like a Shooting star (morning star attributed to Jesus’ Birth ,But also the name attributed to Lucifer)
“Son of God” & “Son of the Most High” were the arrogant and mistaken appellation of the leaders of sons of darkness. Says another scroll scholar Flusser who also said these verses referred to the Anti Christ.
3) There is no 'god' or 'jesus' as perceived by theists.
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.

More self proclaimed catechism
Notice how they don't like having the Sabbath on the same day God told the Jews to rest upon...

Non Jews were never required to keep the Sabbath to begin with
They sure made it a law for many years with Blue Laws...
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.

More self proclaimed catechism
Notice how they don't like having the Sabbath on the same day God told the Jews to rest upon...

Non Jews were never required to keep the Sabbath to begin with
They sure made it a law for many years with Blue Laws...

That they did

We used to call it the blue nose laws
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.

More self proclaimed catechism
Notice how they don't like having the Sabbath on the same day God told the Jews to rest upon...

Non Jews were never required to keep the Sabbath to begin with
They sure made it a law for many years with Blue Laws...

That they did
I am so glad they do not have the stranglehold on US society as they used annoying...
penelope is delusional....she does not know how to read isaiah 45:20 assemble yourselves and come draw near together, you who have escaped from the gentile nations..they/who else but christians...whoset up the wood of their graven image(their jesus) and pray to a god that cannot save( get that their god cannot ) save have no knowledge.......penelope who is gd speaking to if not the jewish people certainly not the christians who he describes with disdain.....
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.

More self proclaimed catechism
Notice how they don't like having the Sabbath on the same day God told the Jews to rest upon...

That's cause Sunday is in veneration of the Sun. Plus if they worship on the first day rather then the 7th then you never get the part about keeping the "seventh" day holy
"in rememberance of the name".
There's no name to remember in the number1. Holy Seven however......
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.

More self proclaimed catechism
Notice how they don't like having the Sabbath on the same day God told the Jews to rest upon...

That's cause Sunday is in veneration of the Sun. Plus if they worship on the first day rather then the 7th then you never get the part about keeping the "seventh" day holy
"in rememberance of the name".
There's no name to remember in the number1. Holy Seven however......
I was waiting to see if anyone knew about Jesus the Sun God and Mary the Moon goddess....
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.

More self proclaimed catechism
Notice how they don't like having the Sabbath on the same day God told the Jews to rest upon...

That's cause Sunday is in veneration of the Sun. Plus if they worship on the first day rather then the 7th then you never get the part about keeping the "seventh" day holy
"in rememberance of the name".
There's no name to remember in the number1. Holy Seven however......
I was waiting to see if anyone knew about Jesus the Sun God and Mary the Moon goddess....

Haven't you heard, he has risen.
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.

More self proclaimed catechism
Notice how they don't like having the Sabbath on the same day God told the Jews to rest upon...

That's cause Sunday is in veneration of the Sun. Plus if they worship on the first day rather then the 7th then you never get the part about keeping the "seventh" day holy
"in rememberance of the name".
There's no name to remember in the number1. Holy Seven however......

God Has Had Enough
10 Hear the word of the Lord,
You rulers of Sodom;
Give ear to the instruction of our God,
You people of Gomorrah.
11 What are your multiplied sacrifices to Me?”
Says the Lord.
“I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams
And the fat of fed cattle;
And I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, lambs or goats.
12 “When you come to appear before Me,
Who requires of you this trampling of My courts?
13 “Bring your worthless offerings no longer,
Incense is an abomination to Me.
New moon and sabbath, the calling of assemblies—
I cannot endure iniquity and the solemn assembly.
14 “I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts,
They have become a burden to Me;
I am weary of bearing them.
15 “So when you spread out your hands in prayer,
I will hide My eyes from you;
Yes, even though you multiply prayers,
I will not listen.
Your hands are covered with blood.

We worship in the light, in the glory of God. We have found a better way, instead of killing animals thinking their blood washes away our sin, we merely repent and sin no more, the sun is the glory of God, not the moon, the sun of God. Walk in the light.
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.

More self proclaimed catechism
Notice how they don't like having the Sabbath on the same day God told the Jews to rest upon...

That's cause Sunday is in veneration of the Sun. Plus if they worship on the first day rather then the 7th then you never get the part about keeping the "seventh" day holy
"in rememberance of the name".
There's no name to remember in the number1. Holy Seven however......
I was waiting to see if anyone knew about Jesus the Sun God and Mary the Moon goddess....

Haven't you heard, he has risen.
The Christians are the chosen people of God now, he sent the romans to destroy the temple , punishment for having his son put to death. We are the chosen, we are the chosen , the chosen Christians of God.

More self proclaimed catechism
Notice how they don't like having the Sabbath on the same day God told the Jews to rest upon...

That's cause Sunday is in veneration of the Sun. Plus if they worship on the first day rather then the 7th then you never get the part about keeping the "seventh" day holy
"in rememberance of the name".
There's no name to remember in the number1. Holy Seven however......
I was waiting to see if anyone knew about Jesus the Sun God and Mary the Moon goddess....

Haven't you heard, he has risen.

what time did he set last night?

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