The only real issue: what exactly is a Republican?


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
From day one a Republican has been someone opposed to the big liberal government of England and then opposed to those who would make our government bigger and bigger and more and more liberal with no end in sight short of monarchy or communism.
It's someone who makes broad generalizations and then thinks they have said something wise.

Why not say if the broad generalization is correct??. Do you know what a Republican is or what the history is? Once you do you too can be a Republican, unless of course you are opposed to freedom?
From day one a Republican has been someone opposed to the big liberal government of England and then opposed to those who would make our government bigger and bigger and more and more liberal with no end in sight short of monarchy or communism.

You do know that the Republican Party was founded in the 1850s, right? Long after we had ceased to be governed by England?
From day one a Republican has been someone opposed to the big liberal government of England and then opposed to those who would make our government bigger and bigger and more and more liberal with no end in sight short of monarchy or communism.

You do know that the Republican Party was founded in the 1850s, right? Long after we had ceased to be governed by England?

Actually Jefferson founded the Republican Party in 1791 to be about freedom or liberty from liberal government. If this is not true I will pay you $10,000. Bet?
It's someone who makes broad generalizations and then thinks they have said something wise.

Why not say if the broad generalization is correct??. Do you know what a Republican is or what the history is? Once you do you too can be a Republican, unless of course you are opposed to freedom?

The history is one thing. What they are today is completely and entirely opposed. Ronald Reagan is likely rolling over in his grave, telling them all to kiss his ass.
Actually Jefferson founded the Republican Party in 1791 to be about freedom or liberty from liberal government. If this is not true I will pay you $10,000. Bet?

LOL let's clarify terms. (Actually, I could win that bet instantly because you used the term "liberal government" to describe what the DEMOCRATIC-Republican party -- its correct name -- was about freedom from. But never mind that.)

You are saying that Thomas Jefferson founded in 1791 the political party that, in 1860, nominated Abraham Lincoln to the presidency, which is to say, the party that is known today as the Republican Party?
From day one a Republican has been someone opposed to the big liberal government of England and then opposed to those who would make our government bigger and bigger and more and more liberal with no end in sight short of monarchy or communism.

You do know that the Republican Party was founded in the 1850s, right? Long after we had ceased to be governed by England?

Actually Jefferson founded the Republican Party in 1791 to be about freedom or liberty from liberal government. If this is not true I will pay you $10,000. Bet?

Can we keep this friendly, Mitt? Organizationally you're totally wrong, so you're never going to collect, anyway. :eusa_hand:
LOL let's clarify terms. (Actually, I could win that bet instantly because you used the term "liberal government" to describe what the DEMOCRATIC-Republican party -- its correct name -- was about freedom from. But never mind that.)


You are saying that Thomas Jefferson founded in 1791 the political party that, in 1860, nominated Abraham Lincoln to the presidency, which is to say, the party that is known today as the Republican Party?

I'm saying that Jefferson founded a Party in 1791 that he called Republican which stood for freedom and against big liberal governemnt.

Modern Republicans use the same name and philosophy so are for all intents and purposes Republicans just like Jefferson. Welcome to your first lesson in American History.

You can see that liberalism is essentially foreign to America, although not to Cuba or Stalinist Russia which of course explains why liberals spied for Stalin.
I'm saying that Jefferson founded a Party in 1791 that he called Republican which stood for freedom and against big liberal governemnt.

Wrong, for the following reasons:

1) The party that Jefferson founded in 1791 was called the "Democratic-Republican Party." "Republican" is a shortened version.
2) The party did not stand against "big liberal government," because at that time and under those conditions, that was an oxymoron. The only "big government" advocates were conservative.
3) Thomas Jefferson was himself a liberal.
4) The Democratic-Republican Party became the Democratic Party about the time of Andrew Jackson, and that's what it's still called today.

Modern Republicans use the same name and philosophy so are for all intents and purposes Republicans just like Jefferson.

Wrong, for the following reasons:

1) Modern Republicans don't use the same name, only half of it.
2) Modern Republicans ABSOLUTELY don't follow the same philosophy. The D/Rs were champions of the common man against the rich, powerful elites of the time. The Republicans are exactly the opposite.

Welcome to your first lesson in American History.

Thanks, but taking a history lesson from you is kind of like trying to warm oneself with an ice-bath, so I think I'll pass.

You can see that liberalism is essentially foreign to America, although not to Cuba or Stalinist Russia which of course explains why liberals spied for Stalin.

What I can see is that either you have no idea at all what you're talking about, or you're a troll. I'll give you a chance (but only a short one) to demonstrate which, before I consign you to the ignore list where this thread says you belong. But let's not be hasty.
1) The party that Jefferson founded in 1791 was called the "Democratic-Republican Party."

10,000 if you have primary source, not liberal secondary source. Bet????

2) The party did not stand against "big liberal government," because at that time and under those conditions, that was an oxymoron. The only "big government" advocates were conservative.

actually revolution was against big liberal government monarchy and for freedom from big liberal government.

3) Thomas Jefferson was himself a liberal.

Jefferson was 100% opposed to big government like modern Republicans so obviously a conservative using todays definitions

4) The Democratic-Republican Party became the Democratic Party about the time of Andrew Jackson, and that's what it's still called today.

no idea what subject you are on there?????????

Modern Republicans use the same name and philosophy as Jefferson, so are for all intents and purposes Republicans just like Jefferson.

Wrong, for the following reasons:

1) Modern Republicans don't use the same name, only half of it.[/quote]

10000 if Jefferson used anyth8ng but Republican in 18th century. Bet?? or run away with your silly liberal tail between your legs ""

2) Modern Republicans ABSOLUTELY don't follow the same philosophy. The D/Rs were champions of the common man against the rich, powerful elites of the time. The Republicans are exactly the opposite.

Jefferson was against government. He said governs best governs least. He did not discriminate

You can see that liberalism is essentially foreign to America, although not to Cuba or Stalinist Russia which of course explains why liberals spied for Stalin

What I can see is that either you have no idea at all what you're talking about, or you're a troll. I'll give you a chance (but only a short one) to demonstrate which, before I consign you to the ignore list where this thread says you belong. But let's not be hasty.

so take the bet or enjoy your very first lesson in American History
The only real issue: what exactly is a Republican?

I'm embarrassed to have to explain. So let me help anyway:

There is a 9 to 1 chance the Republican is white.

Republicans believe:

Science is a "faith".

Evolution is a "lie".

Climate Change is a "conspiracy".

Rich people are more "valuable" therefore deserve "special rights" and ever more money.

Gay people, at the most, should be prosecuted for existing, at the least, should have less rights.

Government is only good for policing woman, sex and speech.

Education leads to liberalism, therefore it must be defunded.

That corporations are people.

That every man for himself and when it comes to helping the sick, we should follow a policy of "let him die".

War is good.

The confederacy was the "good old days".

I'll stop there......for now.
"What exactly is a Republican"? I suppose the definition of a Republican has changed since 2001. Then the neo-conservatives ruled the party, today arch-conservatives do. The GOP is a party in transition and can't seem to pull its many factions together to actually have a platform to sell to voters. I would not be surprised if Ron Paul's candidacy results in a third party moving past the GOP next year and becoming the counterpoint to the Democrats in 2012 and beyond.
People vote republican out of fear, republican politicians are basically lazy, they know all they have to do is confirm those fears and they get the votes. The party platform is secondary to simply acting in an authoritarian way that the authoritarian followers will find acceptable, scapegoat the right people, rattle the saber in the right direction, wave the flag, pay lip service to the Christians and matters of liberty fade into the background. Republicans crave a legitimate authority figure that will never make them feel stupid in their narrow opinions or foolish in their phantom fears.
From day one a Republican has been someone opposed to the big liberal government of England and then opposed to those who would make our government bigger and bigger and more and more liberal with no end in sight short of monarchy or communism.
Regardless of party there isn't much difference in the growth of government. We have big government because the people want what big government provides. If that were not the case, government would not have been growing for the last 70 years. Unfortunately the old American slogan buy now and pay latter is deeply entrenched in our culture.
Regardless of party there isn't much difference in the growth of government.

of course thats perfectly absurd, liberal, and mistaken since the Republicans have supported, for example, a balanced budget amendment for 200 years while liberals have opposed it.

We have big government because the people want what big government provides.

We have big government because liberals lie to the people. The liberal will tell them for example that Social Security is good when in reality it is a huge theft that wastes the nation's savings. They will tell them that free health care is good when in reality it is not free but rather the most expensive health care on the planet.

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