The Only Thing Sandman Could Have Said More To The Fake News Media Was, 'Thank you for making me a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Sandmann Cometh...and kicks Fake News Media Ass at the GOP Convention!

Former Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann, victimized by Trump-hating fake news media yet who has become a multi-millionaire after he sued the unprofessional, incompetent, lying bastards, spoke at the RNC's Convention, telling his story to the world.....

There is an old saying - 'The bit dog barks the loudest'. CNN partially proved that to be true, as CNN 'political analyst' Joe Lockhart attacked Sandmann after his speech. CNN, btw - an impartial, unbiased news agency - paid Sandmann MILLIONS to settle the defamation lawsuit against them earlier this year.

The only thing Sandmann could have said to make the fake news media's, to include CNN, head explode would have been, 'Thank you for making me a multi-millionaire and setting me up for life, bitches!' I would have paid to see that!

The Sandmann Cometh...and kicks Fake News Media Ass at the GOP Convention!

Former Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann, victimized by Trump-hating fake news media yet who has become a multi-millionaire after he sued the unprofessional, incompetent, lying bastards, spoke at the RNC's Convention, telling his story to the world.....

There is an old saying - 'The bit dog barks the loudest'. CNN partially proved that to be true, as CNN 'political analyst' Joe Lockhart attacked Sandmann after his speech. CNN, btw - an impartial, unbiased news agency - paid Sandmann MILLIONS to settle the defamation lawsuit against them earlier this year.

The only thing Sandmann could have said to make the fake news media's, to include CNN, head explode would have been, 'Thank you for making me a multi-millionaire and setting me up for life, bitches!' I would have paid to see that!

It's SO nice to see that CNN has made him a RICH young man. Thanks for your post.

CNN political analyst Joe Lockhart lashed out at Covington Catholic graduate Nick Sandmann, who won a multi-million dollar defamation settlement from the left-wing network, following Sandmann’s speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC).
“I’m watching tonight because it’s important,” said Lockhart on Twitter. “But i don’t have to watch this snot nose entitled kid from Kentucky.”

Apparently Sandman got Lockharts bonus.
Attacking him after his speech, after getting their ass kicked in court and having to pay him MILLIONS, was so juvenile and pathetic...just like CNN.



The thing is, calling Mr. Sandmann "snotnosed" and "entitled" is Slander and Defamation of Character. CNN is looking to get schlonged again.

BTW, is Harvard going to offer Sandmann a Full Ride Scholarship now? A young man who spoke at a major political convention before a tremendous audience, is certainly showing a lot of civic initiative. Certainly more than that Hogg kid from Florida.

If I was Mr. Sandmann, I'd insist on it.
Reports are the settlement was for 80 million bucks. I heard that on Louder with Crowder
Attacking him after his speech, after getting their ass kicked in court and having to pay him MILLIONS, was so juvenile and pathetic...just like CNN.



The thing is, calling Mr. Sandmann "snotnosed" and "entitled" is Slander and Defamation of Character. CNN is looking to get schlonged again.

BTW, is Harvard going to offer Sandmann a Full Ride Scholarship now? A young man who spoke at a major political convention before a tremendous audience, is certainly showing a lot of civic initiative. Certainly more than that Hogg kid from Florida.

If I was Mr. Sandmann, I'd insist on it.
He doesn't need the worthless Harvard education.............CNN set him up for life.
The Sandmann Cometh...and kicks Fake News Media Ass at the GOP Convention!

Former Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann, victimized by Trump-hating fake news media yet who has become a multi-millionaire after he sued the unprofessional, incompetent, lying bastards, spoke at the RNC's Convention, telling his story to the world.....

There is an old saying - 'The bit dog barks the loudest'. CNN partially proved that to be true, as CNN 'political analyst' Joe Lockhart attacked Sandmann after his speech. CNN, btw - an impartial, unbiased news agency - paid Sandmann MILLIONS to settle the defamation lawsuit against them earlier this year.

The only thing Sandmann could have said to make the fake news media's, to include CNN, head explode would have been, 'Thank you for making me a multi-millionaire and setting me up for life, bitches!' I would have paid to see that!


yeah he looked pretty sharp in that suit CNN bought for him. it would only have been better if he had a stack of hundred dollar bills sticking of his pocket.
The Sandmann Cometh...and kicks Fake News Media Ass at the GOP Convention!

Former Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann, victimized by Trump-hating fake news media yet who has become a multi-millionaire after he sued the unprofessional, incompetent, lying bastards, spoke at the RNC's Convention, telling his story to the world.....

There is an old saying - 'The bit dog barks the loudest'. CNN partially proved that to be true, as CNN 'political analyst' Joe Lockhart attacked Sandmann after his speech. CNN, btw - an impartial, unbiased news agency - paid Sandmann MILLIONS to settle the defamation lawsuit against them earlier this year.

The only thing Sandmann could have said to make the fake news media's, to include CNN, head explode would have been, 'Thank you for making me a multi-millionaire and setting me up for life, bitches!' I would have paid to see that!

He needs a good business advisor.

I’d start by commissioning the creation of a cool logo and hope to TM his slogan, “Thank$ a Million!” Sky’s the limit for merch sales, endorsements, etc.

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