The Oppression and Persecution of Palestinians Must Stop!!

It is not possible for any party or parties to effect such guarantees and, as such, any peace agreement - and the HAMAS governing charter not only flatly rejects peace, it demands Holy War - will require a matter of faith (and Israeli tanks) that the HoAP will abide by any treaty.

The current Palestinian gov't and people are neither sincerely amenable to nor truly interested in a real and durable peace ... they still have visions of sugar plums (Israel's eradication and ethnic cleansing of all Jews) dancing in their heads. These visions are feed and nurtured by an insidious cabal of Islamists, bleeding-heart loony libs and of course, 21st Century Nazis, each for their own nefarious reasons and each with little or nothing at stake.

Most egregiously, there is little reason to believe that the Palestinians can build or, in the event that others build it for them, maintain a functioning society and country. The reality is once they fully rule some territory it will become a magnet for jihadists bent on blowing up the whole thing.

The following is what they say publicly ... imagine what they say privately (source: Hamas Charter):

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"
Well you forget Say,that when there was a chance of Peace,the Zionists decided to Murder the Israeli Prime Minister Mr Rabin,it was at this point in Israel's history that everything changed.........You do not want to give the Palestinians anything,JUST ADMIT IT,the world now know what you are and what you don't stand for.
And stop shifting the blame to anyone else.steve

According to the extremist sites you frequent, look at the facts and you see that the arab muslims had no thoughts on even talking about peace.

They dont have anything now after shootting themselves in the foot, why should they be given what is the Jews under international law. I say give them Mullaloo and be done with them
Trouble is Pheo,they probably couldn't afford it,anyhow the Palestinians have land it's called Israel.....not really I realize and am pragmatic enough to know there will always be an Israel and for many reasons there should be..........I just hope that the Palestinians can have their Palestine free of Israel,there are many Companies that would be happy to establish in Palestine.

I wish you a good day Pheo...steve,Non Muslim/Islamic as you know despite your erroneous protestations......which have become somewhat amusing.By the way if you click on Australia.Mullaloo below my Avie.....the map of Mullaloo will come up,wait a few moments and Google Earth will show, click on again and you can see Mullaloo(Mullas if the Palestinians were here LOL) I think Mullaloo must be one of the highest suburbs worldwide in swimming pool ownership.....the Beach by the way is to dream for,you are always welcome at our table,....we may disagree on some things but you would be warmly welcome,you and your family...steve

Mullaloo sounds like an Abo word to me.
Well Abo is insulting to Australia's First Peoples the Aboriginals(here for 40,000 years,700 different groups and 1600 different dialects)The worlds real surivours...sic........Mullaloo is an Aboriginal word meaning Meeting Place/Encampment by the Sea.

So I have educated you from your obvious position of Ignorance

Let me abos go loose mate, let me abos go loose. Waltzing Matilda

How can Waltzing Matilda be offensive to anyone Down Under?
• The withdrawal is dependent on:

§ The establishment of such conditions as to introduce the same safety and security to the territorial integrity of Israel after the withdrawal as that which existed before the withdrawal.
§ Termination of hostile activity, such that public order and safety is restored.
§ HoAP have ceased general military operations for one year.
§ HoAP negotiations shall open and cover the remaining issues under the Permanent Status of Negotiation, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.
§ That the HoAP terminate the Jihad and armed struggle against Israel and all such insurgency activity intended to inflict injury on Israel.
...There is no guarantee that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank will ever be as free a democratic Republic as Israel, or that these territories will ever be reasonably free of oppression resulting from Islamic radicalism, religious extremism or other such viruses that spread across that region of the world. There is no agreement that will guarantee the human and economic development that Israel maintains (in that no member of the Arab League has reached that point).

There is no guarantee that once a withdrawal of the IDF occurs (to the extent agreed upon), that the West Bank and Gaza Strip will not fall in the the same disarray and effectively become a failed state.

No signal influence Arab or otherwise, domestic or external can even guarantee that an agreement is even realistic possible under the current political conditions and the 20th Century anchor to which HoAP negotiating is tethered. Absent a 21st Century Palestine Leadership, nothing can be considered even possible under the present conditions. No one on the HoAP side will ever envision a West Bank and Gaza Strip linkage of a tariff-free, customs and duty exempt, major four lane highway or high speed rail connecting Palestine to all the major cities in the immediate region. They are occupied with visions of an ever expanding conflict to achieve some goal or right they perceived they were owed from a century ago.

Most Respectfully,

It is not possible for any party or parties to effect such guarantees and, as such, any peace agreement - and the HAMAS governing charter not only flatly rejects peace, it demands Holy War - will require a matter of faith (and Israeli tanks) that the HoAP will abide by any treaty.

The current Palestinian gov't and people are neither sincerely amenable to nor truly interested in a real and durable peace ... they still have visions of sugar plums (Israel's eradication and ethnic cleansing of all Jews) dancing in their heads. These visions are feed and nurtured by an insidious cabal of Islamists, bleeding-heart loony libs and of course, 21st Century Nazis, each for their own nefarious reasons and each with little or nothing at stake.

Most egregiously, there is little reason to believe that the Palestinians can build or, in the event that others build it for them, maintain a functioning society and country. The reality is once they fully rule some territory it will become a magnet for jihadists bent on blowing up the whole thing.

The following is what they say publicly ... imagine what they say privately (source: Hamas Charter):

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"
Well you forget Say,that when there was a chance of Peace,the Zionists decided to Murder the Israeli Prime Minister Mr Rabin,it was at this point in Israel's history that everything changed.........You do not want to give the Palestinians anything,JUST ADMIT IT,the world now know what you are and what you don't stand for.
And stop shifting the blame to anyone else.steve

As usual you post little but lies. "Zionists" did not decide to murder Rabin, you haven't a clue about what I want for Israel and her "peaceful" Arab neighbors and you know even less about what the world knows.

Now for your daily history quiz:

Which came first ... Rabin's assassination or Hamas Charter which clearly states their abject rejection of any peace with Israel?

As always you lead with your monumental ignorance and pomposity but neither will ever solve any of your problems.
• The withdrawal is dependent on:

§ The establishment of such conditions as to introduce the same safety and security to the territorial integrity of Israel after the withdrawal as that which existed before the withdrawal.
§ Termination of hostile activity, such that public order and safety is restored.
§ HoAP have ceased general military operations for one year.
§ HoAP negotiations shall open and cover the remaining issues under the Permanent Status of Negotiation, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.
§ That the HoAP terminate the Jihad and armed struggle against Israel and all such insurgency activity intended to inflict injury on Israel.
...There is no guarantee that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank will ever be as free a democratic Republic as Israel, or that these territories will ever be reasonably free of oppression resulting from Islamic radicalism, religious extremism or other such viruses that spread across that region of the world. There is no agreement that will guarantee the human and economic development that Israel maintains (in that no member of the Arab League has reached that point).

There is no guarantee that once a withdrawal of the IDF occurs (to the extent agreed upon), that the West Bank and Gaza Strip will not fall in the the same disarray and effectively become a failed state.

No signal influence Arab or otherwise, domestic or external can even guarantee that an agreement is even realistic possible under the current political conditions and the 20th Century anchor to which HoAP negotiating is tethered. Absent a 21st Century Palestine Leadership, nothing can be considered even possible under the present conditions. No one on the HoAP side will ever envision a West Bank and Gaza Strip linkage of a tariff-free, customs and duty exempt, major four lane highway or high speed rail connecting Palestine to all the major cities in the immediate region. They are occupied with visions of an ever expanding conflict to achieve some goal or right they perceived they were owed from a century ago.

Most Respectfully,

It is not possible for any party or parties to effect such guarantees and, as such, any peace agreement - and the HAMAS governing charter not only flatly rejects peace, it demands Holy War - will require a matter of faith (and Israeli tanks) that the HoAP will abide by any treaty.

The current Palestinian gov't and people are neither sincerely amenable to nor truly interested in a real and durable peace ... they still have visions of sugar plums (Israel's eradication and ethnic cleansing of all Jews) dancing in their heads. These visions are feed and nurtured by an insidious cabal of Islamists, bleeding-heart loony libs and of course, 21st Century Nazis, each for their own nefarious reasons and each with little or nothing at stake.

Most egregiously, there is little reason to believe that the Palestinians can build or, in the event that others build it for them, maintain a functioning society and country. The reality is once they fully rule some territory it will become a magnet for jihadists bent on blowing up the whole thing.

The following is what they say publicly ... imagine what they say privately (source: Hamas Charter):

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"
Well you forget Say,that when there was a chance of Peace,the Zionists decided to Murder the Israeli Prime Minister Mr Rabin,it was at this point in Israel's history that everything changed.........You do not want to give the Palestinians anything,JUST ADMIT IT,the world now know what you are and what you don't stand for.
And stop shifting the blame to anyone else.steve

According to the extremist sites you frequent, look at the facts and you see that the arab muslims had no thoughts on even talking about peace.

They dont have anything now after shootting themselves in the foot, why should they be given what is the Jews under international law. I say give them Mullaloo and be done with them
Trouble is Pheo,they probably couldn't afford it,anyhow the Palestinians have land it's called Israel.....not really I realize and am pragmatic enough to know there will always be an Israel and for many reasons there should be..........I just hope that the Palestinians can have their Palestine free of Israel,there are many Companies that would be happy to establish in Palestine.

I wish you a good day Pheo...steve,Non Muslim/Islamic as you know despite your erroneous protestations......which have become somewhat amusing.By the way if you click on Australia.Mullaloo below my Avie.....the map of Mullaloo will come up,wait a few moments and Google Earth will show, click on again and you can see Mullaloo(Mullas if the Palestinians were here LOL) I think Mullaloo must be one of the highest suburbs worldwide in swimming pool ownership.....the Beach by the way is to dream for,you are always welcome at our table,....we may disagree on some things but you would be warmly welcome,you and your family...steve

Then if you accept that the arab muslims are there illegally why wont you accept that the Jews have more rights to the land.
They already have their palestine free of Israel it is called Jordan, and it was created at the same time as the Jewish national home. The international laws surrounding the two national homes make interesting reading and if the UN ever forces them to be adhered to the whole of the world would erupt

No chance of me ever making it to Brick lane, I cant carry that much LOX in my car. And I cant eat sheep or goat, only pork and gammon.
[eague has reached that point).
....I just hope that the Palestinians can have their Palestine free of Israel..

What a fascinating choice of words. A Palestine "free of Israel". But what does that mean? What conditions, specifically, have to be implemented in order to achieve this?
[eague has reached that point).
....I just hope that the Palestinians can have their Palestine free of Israel..

What a fascinating choice of words. A Palestine "free of Israel". But what does that mean? What conditions, specifically, have to be implemented in order to achieve this?

Knowing the neo nazis this will entail the rounding up of the worlds Jews and placing them in death camps built in the deserts of the M.E. Then working them till they drop and leaving their bodies to be picked over by scavengers. The same process is starting that we saw in 1930's Germany, with the out of context use of the term's zionist and hasbara. They think that because they are acceptable words they cant be anti semitic or racist, right up until they are arrested for using them as they do.
Well you forget Say,that when there was a chance of Peace,the Zionists decided to Murder the Israeli Prime Minister Mr Rabin,it was at this point in Israel's history that everything changed.........You do not want to give the Palestinians anything,JUST ADMIT IT,the world now know what you are and what you don't stand for.
And stop shifting the blame to anyone else.steve

According to the extremist sites you frequent, look at the facts and you see that the arab muslims had no thoughts on even talking about peace.

They dont have anything now after shootting themselves in the foot, why should they be given what is the Jews under international law. I say give them Mullaloo and be done with them
Trouble is Pheo,they probably couldn't afford it,anyhow the Palestinians have land it's called Israel.....not really I realize and am pragmatic enough to know there will always be an Israel and for many reasons there should be..........I just hope that the Palestinians can have their Palestine free of Israel,there are many Companies that would be happy to establish in Palestine.

I wish you a good day Pheo...steve,Non Muslim/Islamic as you know despite your erroneous protestations......which have become somewhat amusing.By the way if you click on Australia.Mullaloo below my Avie.....the map of Mullaloo will come up,wait a few moments and Google Earth will show, click on again and you can see Mullaloo(Mullas if the Palestinians were here LOL) I think Mullaloo must be one of the highest suburbs worldwide in swimming pool ownership.....the Beach by the way is to dream for,you are always welcome at our table,....we may disagree on some things but you would be warmly welcome,you and your family...steve

Mullaloo sounds like an Abo word to me.
Well Abo is insulting to Australia's First Peoples the Aboriginals(here for 40,000 years,700 different groups and 1600 different dialects)The worlds real surivours...sic........Mullaloo is an Aboriginal word meaning Meeting Place/Encampment by the Sea.

So I have educated you from your obvious position of Ignorance

Let me abos go loose mate, let me abos go loose. Waltzing Matilda

How can Waltzing Matilda be offensive to anyone Down Under?
Time has moved on we live in the 21 Century not the 19th,Abo= Insult...moreover NOWHERE in the song Waltzing Matilda are the words Abo or Loose you moron....
Last edited:
• The withdrawal is dependent on:

§ The establishment of such conditions as to introduce the same safety and security to the territorial integrity of Israel after the withdrawal as that which existed before the withdrawal.
§ Termination of hostile activity, such that public order and safety is restored.
§ HoAP have ceased general military operations for one year.
§ HoAP negotiations shall open and cover the remaining issues under the Permanent Status of Negotiation, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.
§ That the HoAP terminate the Jihad and armed struggle against Israel and all such insurgency activity intended to inflict injury on Israel.
...There is no guarantee that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank will ever be as free a democratic Republic as Israel, or that these territories will ever be reasonably free of oppression resulting from Islamic radicalism, religious extremism or other such viruses that spread across that region of the world. There is no agreement that will guarantee the human and economic development that Israel maintains (in that no member of the Arab League has reached that point).

There is no guarantee that once a withdrawal of the IDF occurs (to the extent agreed upon), that the West Bank and Gaza Strip will not fall in the the same disarray and effectively become a failed state.

No signal influence Arab or otherwise, domestic or external can even guarantee that an agreement is even realistic possible under the current political conditions and the 20th Century anchor to which HoAP negotiating is tethered. Absent a 21st Century Palestine Leadership, nothing can be considered even possible under the present conditions. No one on the HoAP side will ever envision a West Bank and Gaza Strip linkage of a tariff-free, customs and duty exempt, major four lane highway or high speed rail connecting Palestine to all the major cities in the immediate region. They are occupied with visions of an ever expanding conflict to achieve some goal or right they perceived they were owed from a century ago.

Most Respectfully,

It is not possible for any party or parties to effect such guarantees and, as such, any peace agreement - and the HAMAS governing charter not only flatly rejects peace, it demands Holy War - will require a matter of faith (and Israeli tanks) that the HoAP will abide by any treaty.

The current Palestinian gov't and people are neither sincerely amenable to nor truly interested in a real and durable peace ... they still have visions of sugar plums (Israel's eradication and ethnic cleansing of all Jews) dancing in their heads. These visions are feed and nurtured by an insidious cabal of Islamists, bleeding-heart loony libs and of course, 21st Century Nazis, each for their own nefarious reasons and each with little or nothing at stake.

Most egregiously, there is little reason to believe that the Palestinians can build or, in the event that others build it for them, maintain a functioning society and country. The reality is once they fully rule some territory it will become a magnet for jihadists bent on blowing up the whole thing.

The following is what they say publicly ... imagine what they say privately (source: Hamas Charter):

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"
Well you forget Say,that when there was a chance of Peace,the Zionists decided to Murder the Israeli Prime Minister Mr Rabin,it was at this point in Israel's history that everything changed.........You do not want to give the Palestinians anything,JUST ADMIT IT,the world now know what you are and what you don't stand for.
And stop shifting the blame to anyone else.steve

As usual you post little but lies. "Zionists" did not decide to murder Rabin, you haven't a clue about what I want for Israel and her "peaceful" Arab neighbors and you know even less about what the world knows.

Now for your daily history quiz:

Which came first ... Rabin's assassination or Hamas Charter which clearly states their abject rejection of any peace with Israel?

As always you lead with your monumental ignorance and pomposity but neither will ever solve any of your problems.
[eague has reached that point).
....I just hope that the Palestinians can have their Palestine free of Israel..

What a fascinating choice of words. A Palestine "free of Israel". But what does that mean? What conditions, specifically, have to be implemented in order to achieve this?
If you don't know are a lost cause
• The withdrawal is dependent on:

§ The establishment of such conditions as to introduce the same safety and security to the territorial integrity of Israel after the withdrawal as that which existed before the withdrawal.
§ Termination of hostile activity, such that public order and safety is restored.
§ HoAP have ceased general military operations for one year.
§ HoAP negotiations shall open and cover the remaining issues under the Permanent Status of Negotiation, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.
§ That the HoAP terminate the Jihad and armed struggle against Israel and all such insurgency activity intended to inflict injury on Israel.
...There is no guarantee that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank will ever be as free a democratic Republic as Israel, or that these territories will ever be reasonably free of oppression resulting from Islamic radicalism, religious extremism or other such viruses that spread across that region of the world. There is no agreement that will guarantee the human and economic development that Israel maintains (in that no member of the Arab League has reached that point).

There is no guarantee that once a withdrawal of the IDF occurs (to the extent agreed upon), that the West Bank and Gaza Strip will not fall in the the same disarray and effectively become a failed state.

No signal influence Arab or otherwise, domestic or external can even guarantee that an agreement is even realistic possible under the current political conditions and the 20th Century anchor to which HoAP negotiating is tethered. Absent a 21st Century Palestine Leadership, nothing can be considered even possible under the present conditions. No one on the HoAP side will ever envision a West Bank and Gaza Strip linkage of a tariff-free, customs and duty exempt, major four lane highway or high speed rail connecting Palestine to all the major cities in the immediate region. They are occupied with visions of an ever expanding conflict to achieve some goal or right they perceived they were owed from a century ago.

Most Respectfully,

It is not possible for any party or parties to effect such guarantees and, as such, any peace agreement - and the HAMAS governing charter not only flatly rejects peace, it demands Holy War - will require a matter of faith (and Israeli tanks) that the HoAP will abide by any treaty.

The current Palestinian gov't and people are neither sincerely amenable to nor truly interested in a real and durable peace ... they still have visions of sugar plums (Israel's eradication and ethnic cleansing of all Jews) dancing in their heads. These visions are feed and nurtured by an insidious cabal of Islamists, bleeding-heart loony libs and of course, 21st Century Nazis, each for their own nefarious reasons and each with little or nothing at stake.

Most egregiously, there is little reason to believe that the Palestinians can build or, in the event that others build it for them, maintain a functioning society and country. The reality is once they fully rule some territory it will become a magnet for jihadists bent on blowing up the whole thing.

The following is what they say publicly ... imagine what they say privately (source: Hamas Charter):

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"
Well you forget Say,that when there was a chance of Peace,the Zionists decided to Murder the Israeli Prime Minister Mr Rabin,it was at this point in Israel's history that everything changed.........You do not want to give the Palestinians anything,JUST ADMIT IT,the world now know what you are and what you don't stand for.
And stop shifting the blame to anyone else.steve

As usual you post little but lies. "Zionists" did not decide to murder Rabin, you haven't a clue about what I want for Israel and her "peaceful" Arab neighbors and you know even less about what the world knows.

Now for your daily history quiz:

Which came first ... Rabin's assassination or Hamas Charter which clearly states their abject rejection of any peace with Israel?

As always you lead with your monumental ignorance and pomposity but neither will ever solve any of your problems.
I gave you EXCELLENCE Say for the word Pomposity,excellent my friend................The quiz=Hamas Charter,there would be Peace even with Hamas if you had a two state solution.......but is that what you really want Say?. Mr Rabin and Mr Peres in my opinion were/are outstanding human beings and being Jews only enhances my pride for these two Statesmen.............................I am no one's Lackey but I am an individual man,who speaks freely and truthfully,without favour....................................................................................................I am as Pheo says The Magnificent....................all the world knows The Zionists Assassinated Mr Rabin.......well every one but the Zionist themselves according to what you prosed above.steve(always realize Say.....I could be more Jewish than most Jews,who knows)
According to the extremist sites you frequent, look at the facts and you see that the arab muslims had no thoughts on even talking about peace.

They dont have anything now after shootting themselves in the foot, why should they be given what is the Jews under international law. I say give them Mullaloo and be done with them
Trouble is Pheo,they probably couldn't afford it,anyhow the Palestinians have land it's called Israel.....not really I realize and am pragmatic enough to know there will always be an Israel and for many reasons there should be..........I just hope that the Palestinians can have their Palestine free of Israel,there are many Companies that would be happy to establish in Palestine.

I wish you a good day Pheo...steve,Non Muslim/Islamic as you know despite your erroneous protestations......which have become somewhat amusing.By the way if you click on Australia.Mullaloo below my Avie.....the map of Mullaloo will come up,wait a few moments and Google Earth will show, click on again and you can see Mullaloo(Mullas if the Palestinians were here LOL) I think Mullaloo must be one of the highest suburbs worldwide in swimming pool ownership.....the Beach by the way is to dream for,you are always welcome at our table,....we may disagree on some things but you would be warmly welcome,you and your family...steve

Mullaloo sounds like an Abo word to me.
Well Abo is insulting to Australia's First Peoples the Aboriginals(here for 40,000 years,700 different groups and 1600 different dialects)The worlds real surivours...sic........Mullaloo is an Aboriginal word meaning Meeting Place/Encampment by the Sea.

So I have educated you from your obvious position of Ignorance

Let me abos go loose mate, let me abos go loose. Waltzing Matilda

How can Waltzing Matilda be offensive to anyone Down Under?
Time has moved on we live in the 21 Century not the 19th,Abo= Insult...moreover NOWHERE in the song Waltzing Matilda are the words Abo or Loose you moron....

You would think we were living in 1930's Germany by your posts using Zionist out of context and as a racist term. Why do you deny your racism when it is obvious as a wart on your nose
• The withdrawal is dependent on:

§ The establishment of such conditions as to introduce the same safety and security to the territorial integrity of Israel after the withdrawal as that which existed before the withdrawal.
§ Termination of hostile activity, such that public order and safety is restored.
§ HoAP have ceased general military operations for one year.
§ HoAP negotiations shall open and cover the remaining issues under the Permanent Status of Negotiation, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.
§ That the HoAP terminate the Jihad and armed struggle against Israel and all such insurgency activity intended to inflict injury on Israel.
...There is no guarantee that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank will ever be as free a democratic Republic as Israel, or that these territories will ever be reasonably free of oppression resulting from Islamic radicalism, religious extremism or other such viruses that spread across that region of the world. There is no agreement that will guarantee the human and economic development that Israel maintains (in that no member of the Arab League has reached that point).

There is no guarantee that once a withdrawal of the IDF occurs (to the extent agreed upon), that the West Bank and Gaza Strip will not fall in the the same disarray and effectively become a failed state.

No signal influence Arab or otherwise, domestic or external can even guarantee that an agreement is even realistic possible under the current political conditions and the 20th Century anchor to which HoAP negotiating is tethered. Absent a 21st Century Palestine Leadership, nothing can be considered even possible under the present conditions. No one on the HoAP side will ever envision a West Bank and Gaza Strip linkage of a tariff-free, customs and duty exempt, major four lane highway or high speed rail connecting Palestine to all the major cities in the immediate region. They are occupied with visions of an ever expanding conflict to achieve some goal or right they perceived they were owed from a century ago.

Most Respectfully,

It is not possible for any party or parties to effect such guarantees and, as such, any peace agreement - and the HAMAS governing charter not only flatly rejects peace, it demands Holy War - will require a matter of faith (and Israeli tanks) that the HoAP will abide by any treaty.

The current Palestinian gov't and people are neither sincerely amenable to nor truly interested in a real and durable peace ... they still have visions of sugar plums (Israel's eradication and ethnic cleansing of all Jews) dancing in their heads. These visions are feed and nurtured by an insidious cabal of Islamists, bleeding-heart loony libs and of course, 21st Century Nazis, each for their own nefarious reasons and each with little or nothing at stake.

Most egregiously, there is little reason to believe that the Palestinians can build or, in the event that others build it for them, maintain a functioning society and country. The reality is once they fully rule some territory it will become a magnet for jihadists bent on blowing up the whole thing.

The following is what they say publicly ... imagine what they say privately (source: Hamas Charter):

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"
Well you forget Say,that when there was a chance of Peace,the Zionists decided to Murder the Israeli Prime Minister Mr Rabin,it was at this point in Israel's history that everything changed.........You do not want to give the Palestinians anything,JUST ADMIT IT,the world now know what you are and what you don't stand for.
And stop shifting the blame to anyone else.steve

As usual you post little but lies. "Zionists" did not decide to murder Rabin, you haven't a clue about what I want for Israel and her "peaceful" Arab neighbors and you know even less about what the world knows.

Now for your daily history quiz:

Which came first ... Rabin's assassination or Hamas Charter which clearly states their abject rejection of any peace with Israel?

As always you lead with your monumental ignorance and pomposity but neither will ever solve any of your problems.

If he did give your evidence to the police so they can arrest him. Or is this another of your LIES because you are so full of them lately
[eague has reached that point).
....I just hope that the Palestinians can have their Palestine free of Israel..

What a fascinating choice of words. A Palestine "free of Israel". But what does that mean? What conditions, specifically, have to be implemented in order to achieve this?
If you don't know are a lost cause

It is the mantra of the islamonazi scum and their stooges. They attract the dregs of society and show them to their full potential
• The withdrawal is dependent on:

§ The establishment of such conditions as to introduce the same safety and security to the territorial integrity of Israel after the withdrawal as that which existed before the withdrawal.
§ Termination of hostile activity, such that public order and safety is restored.
§ HoAP have ceased general military operations for one year.
§ HoAP negotiations shall open and cover the remaining issues under the Permanent Status of Negotiation, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.
§ That the HoAP terminate the Jihad and armed struggle against Israel and all such insurgency activity intended to inflict injury on Israel.
...There is no guarantee that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank will ever be as free a democratic Republic as Israel, or that these territories will ever be reasonably free of oppression resulting from Islamic radicalism, religious extremism or other such viruses that spread across that region of the world. There is no agreement that will guarantee the human and economic development that Israel maintains (in that no member of the Arab League has reached that point).

There is no guarantee that once a withdrawal of the IDF occurs (to the extent agreed upon), that the West Bank and Gaza Strip will not fall in the the same disarray and effectively become a failed state.

No signal influence Arab or otherwise, domestic or external can even guarantee that an agreement is even realistic possible under the current political conditions and the 20th Century anchor to which HoAP negotiating is tethered. Absent a 21st Century Palestine Leadership, nothing can be considered even possible under the present conditions. No one on the HoAP side will ever envision a West Bank and Gaza Strip linkage of a tariff-free, customs and duty exempt, major four lane highway or high speed rail connecting Palestine to all the major cities in the immediate region. They are occupied with visions of an ever expanding conflict to achieve some goal or right they perceived they were owed from a century ago.

Most Respectfully,

It is not possible for any party or parties to effect such guarantees and, as such, any peace agreement - and the HAMAS governing charter not only flatly rejects peace, it demands Holy War - will require a matter of faith (and Israeli tanks) that the HoAP will abide by any treaty.

The current Palestinian gov't and people are neither sincerely amenable to nor truly interested in a real and durable peace ... they still have visions of sugar plums (Israel's eradication and ethnic cleansing of all Jews) dancing in their heads. These visions are feed and nurtured by an insidious cabal of Islamists, bleeding-heart loony libs and of course, 21st Century Nazis, each for their own nefarious reasons and each with little or nothing at stake.

Most egregiously, there is little reason to believe that the Palestinians can build or, in the event that others build it for them, maintain a functioning society and country. The reality is once they fully rule some territory it will become a magnet for jihadists bent on blowing up the whole thing.

The following is what they say publicly ... imagine what they say privately (source: Hamas Charter):

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"
Well you forget Say,that when there was a chance of Peace,the Zionists decided to Murder the Israeli Prime Minister Mr Rabin,it was at this point in Israel's history that everything changed.........You do not want to give the Palestinians anything,JUST ADMIT IT,the world now know what you are and what you don't stand for.
And stop shifting the blame to anyone else.steve

As usual you post little but lies. "Zionists" did not decide to murder Rabin, you haven't a clue about what I want for Israel and her "peaceful" Arab neighbors and you know even less about what the world knows.

Now for your daily history quiz:

Which came first ... Rabin's assassination or Hamas Charter which clearly states their abject rejection of any peace with Israel?

As always you lead with your monumental ignorance and pomposity but neither will ever solve any of your problems.
I gave you EXCELLENCE Say for the word Pomposity,excellent my friend................The quiz=Hamas Charter,there would be Peace even with Hamas if you had a two state solution.......but is that what you really want Say?. Mr Rabin and Mr Peres in my opinion were/are outstanding human beings and being Jews only enhances my pride for these two Statesmen.............................I am no one's Lackey but I am an individual man,who speaks freely and truthfully,without favour....................................................................................................I am as Pheo says The Magnificent....................all the world knows The Zionists Assassinated Mr Rabin.......well every one but the Zionist themselves according to what you prosed above.steve(always realize Say.....I could be more Jewish than most Jews,who knows)

You are the pompous buffoon that LIES constantly, and deflects derails and spams rather than keep on topic. You have been shown that it was not the zionists that murdered Rabin, but that does not go with your POV so you ignore it. Once again you use the term Zionist out of context and as a racist remark, why wont the Oz police arrest you and put you in a cell
[eague has reached that point).
....I just hope that the Palestinians can have their Palestine free of Israel..

What a fascinating choice of words. A Palestine "free of Israel". But what does that mean? What conditions, specifically, have to be implemented in order to achieve this?
If you don't know are a lost cause

The failure to be able (or willing) to articulate the answers to simple questions leads me to believe in a couple of possibilities.

The first is that you don't actually know the answer -- that you toss around inanities in your zeal to demonize Jews (oh sorry, not all Jews -- only those Jews who want to have equality with other peoples) but actually have no true understanding of what you mean by your own words.

The second possibility is that you are fully aware of what you mean, but do not wish to state it publicly, due to a certain level of either discomfort with your own ideas or a recognition that you will be viewed unfavorably in our society because of the extremity of your beliefs.

See, by turning the question back on me, you reject any responsibility you have for your own ideas and statements.

By But I'm going to have a go anyway.

There is no way for Palestinians to be "free of Israel" while Israel exists. That is the foundation of the Palestinian "cause" and the Palestinian mentality and it is the reason the conflict still exists. No matter what Israel does or gives, withdraws, changes, bends, sacrifices it will never be enough.

Gaza is self-governing. Yet having their own government does not make them "free of Israel". Not a single Jew remains in Gaza. All evidence of the Jewish people has been erased. Yet being entirely Judenrein does not make them "free of Israel".

What would make Gaza "free of Israel"? What else do the Gazan people want? Well, they want to export goods to Israel. They want to be free to import all goods. They want to fish in their own waters. They want to be able to freely enter and pass through Israel. They want to be able to work in Israel.

And they want to be able to do all that while also being able to attack Israel, with intent on her destruction, without consequences.

They can not have both of the things they want. They have to give up one or the other. So far, they have chosen to restrict their own freedom in order to pursue their other goal.

I'll give you another example of "free from Israel". The Jewish people have made an incredible sacrifice (and in my opinion an altogether morally incorrect one) in limiting Jewish access to the Holy Place of the Temple Mount. Jewish visitors are not permitted to bring any objects representative of their faith on the site. They are not permitted to pray or worship. They are not permitted to enter except at certain times and through certain gates. STILL this is not enough to be "free of Israel". No, the Palestinians insist that they shouldn't have to put up with seeing a Jew on the Holy Place. Like Gaza, they want the Holy Place (the Jewish Holy Place) to be Jew-free. And they are using violence to make that a reality. And, like Gaza, it will not be enough. Then they will want to erase the Jewish presence from the Holy Place (already in evidence). And even that will not be enough. After that they will want free access to the place for all Muslims, at all times, and with no checkpoints or restrictions. All the while insisting that they have the right to commit violence.

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