The Other Hillary E-mail Scandal


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Yes, we know that Hillary was either incompetent, negligent, or just outright criminal in regards to her use of a private e-mail server in her time at the state department.

But lest we forget, this had a huge effect on Benghazi. In short, it appears that hundreds if not thousands of Clinton and Stevens e-mails appear to be missing.

In her pile demonstration in which Brooks shows Feb-Dec 2011 (795 emails) and Jan-Sept 2012 (67 emails).

It thus becomes clear that Clinton's people had the record quite literally diminished to the point of no accountability.
This came out b/c the e-mail was not under direct control of the state department (an e-mail to a third party). And we can watch as Hillary laughs at Stevens's request for security and jokes that it was merely "the entrepreneurial spirit" (never mind that that doesn't make sense).

Keep trying to invent scandals after Hillary's already been proven not guilty.

The republicans must be paying you a fortune to shill for them.
This came out b/c the e-mail was not under direct control of the state department (an e-mail to a third party). And we can watch as Hillary laughs at Stevens's request for security and jokes that it was merely "the entrepreneurial spirit" (never mind that that doesn't make sense).

The big writing on those papers that Hillary is reading at a public hearing: "Not For Public Release".
This guy notes that the attacks started at 10 PM and that a handful of Americans held off 125 terrorists until the morning. It would seem that Hilary doesn't want it shown how pleas were ignored when Americans were an hour plane ride away from their Italian base. She doesn't want it shown how these Americans became sacrificial lambs.

This guy notes that the attacks started at 10 PM and that a handful of Americans held off 125 terrorists until the morning. It would seem that Hilary doesn't want it shown how pleas were ignored when Americans were an hour plane ride away from their Italian base. She doesn't want it shown how these Americans became sacrificial lambs.

Nor do they want it shown that Barrack Obama felt a fundraiser was more important than saving the lives of Americans.
Re: The e-mail that Hillary admits it was terrorists and not just people out for a walk one night decided they'd go kill some Americans...

She was e-mailing a Diane Reynolds, who is actually Chelsea. If an e-mail was leaked, she didn't want the family connection known.
This came out b/c the e-mail was not under direct control of the state department (an e-mail to a third party). And we can watch as Hillary laughs at Stevens's request for security and jokes that it was merely "the entrepreneurial spirit" (never mind that that doesn't make sense).

Hillary knew that that the question about Chris Stevens e-mailing for more security was coming, and her response was premeditated laughter and to pretend he was joking? That is so disgraceful (that Democrats nominated this bitch and that the media fawned over her 'Benghazi performance'.

And a further note, these fireside items were rock bottom prices b/c countries found it cheaper to practically give some stuff away than try to transport it all and find places to store it. What an f'ing joke.

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