The Palestine blockade

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Gold Member
May 21, 2014
The British finally boarded the ship on July 18, some 20 nautical miles (40 km) from the Palestinian shore. Boarding it was difficult, and was challenged by the passengers and Haganah members on board.[21] One crew member and two passengers died of gunshot wounds. Two British sailors were treated afterwards for fractured scapula, and one for a head injury and lacerated ear. About ten Exodus passengers and crew were treated for mild injuries resulting from the boarding, and about 200 were treated for illnesses and maladies unrelated to it.[22]

Due to the high profile of the Exodus 1947 emigration ship it was decided by the British government that the emigrants were to be deported back to France. Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin suggested this and the request was relayed to General Sir Alan Cunningham, High Commissioner for Palestine,[23] who agreed with the plan after consulting the Navy.[24] Before then, intercepted would-be immigrants were placed ininternment camps on Cyprus, which was at the time a British colony. This new policy was meant to be a signal to both the Jewish community and the European countries which assisted immigration that whatever they sent to Palestine would be sent back to them.

"Not only should it clearly establish the principle of REFOULEMENT as applies to a complete shipload of immigrants, but it will be most discouraging to the organisers of this traffic if the immigrants... end up by returning whence they came

SS Exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On September 29, 1947, the militant Zionist groups Irgun and Stern Gang blew up Central Police HQ in Haifa in retaliation for British deportations of Jews who arrived illegally on the Exodus 1947.[30][31][32] 10 people were killed and 54 injured, of which 33 were British.[30] Four British policemen, four Arab policemen, an Arab woman and a 16-year-old were killed.[30] The 10-story building was so heavily damaged that it was later demolished.[30] The bomb type was a barrel bomb, described by police as a "brand new method" and the first use of a barrel bomb by Jewish forces.[33] Irgun would make many more barrel bomb attacks during 1947/48.

never turn your back , they do not say never trust a jew for nothing.
Fuck the paliscumians.

The sooner Israel kills everything with a dick in the west bank and gaza, and sells all the females to China the better off the world will be.

If they sold jewish dick they'd have to give 10% off
The British finally boarded the ship on July 18, some 20 nautical miles (40 km) from the Palestinian shore. Boarding it was difficult, and was challenged by the passengers and Haganah members on board.[21] One crew member and two passengers died of gunshot wounds. Two British sailors were treated afterwards for fractured scapula, and one for a head injury and lacerated ear. About ten Exodus passengers and crew were treated for mild injuries resulting from the boarding, and about 200 were treated for illnesses and maladies unrelated to it.[22]

Due to the high profile of the Exodus 1947 emigration ship it was decided by the British government that the emigrants were to be deported back to France. Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin suggested this and the request was relayed to General Sir Alan Cunningham, High Commissioner for Palestine,[23] who agreed with the plan after consulting the Navy.[24] Before then, intercepted would-be immigrants were placed ininternment camps on Cyprus, which was at the time a British colony. This new policy was meant to be a signal to both the Jewish community and the European countries which assisted immigration that whatever they sent to Palestine would be sent back to them.

"Not only should it clearly establish the principle of REFOULEMENT as applies to a complete shipload of immigrants, but it will be most discouraging to the organisers of this traffic if the immigrants... end up by returning whence they came

SS Exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Must kill you when Jews kick ass.
They were sent back to Germany, whence they came from
Fuck the paliscumians.

The sooner Israel kills everything with a dick in the west bank and gaza, and sells all the females to China the better off the world will be.

Off topic post.




Another pro-Israeli fuckhead, too retarded to discuss anything civil.

This is what the ra-ra-retard, doesn't have the balls to deal with...

From the link in the OP:
In 1945, the British reaffirmed the pre-war policy restricting Jewish immigration to Palestine which had been... a major cause of the Arab revolt of 1936–1939.
So, 70 years ago, the British blocked Palestine in an effort to stop the violence illegal Jewish immigration was causing to the indigenous Arabs living there and now, 70 years later, we see why (ie, Gaza blockade).

It looks to me like the British were trying to correct the mistake they had made earlier by backing the Pariah State.
It must kill you that a relatively small band of Jews were able to kick a massive amount of Muslim ass only a year after having almost been exterminated.

Another off topic post.




Imagine if the Mavi Marmara acted like this...

From the link in the OP:
According to Israeli historian Aviva Halamish, the Exodus 1947 was never meant to "sneak out toward the shores of Palestine," but rather "to burst openly through the blockade, by dodging and swiftly nipping through, beaching herself on a sand bank and letting off her cargo of immigrants at the beach." The ship was too large and unusual to go unnoticed.

I guess what's good for the goose, is not good for the gander?
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Which is why you are so pathetic having to delve back in time to an immediate Post-Holocaust event.

Off topic post.




Fanger is not the topic of the OP.

But as little as a year later the Jews kicked your beloved Muslim's asses big time and have continued to do so for over 60 years.
What grade are you in?
Why is it you cannot bring yourself to discuss the illegal Jewish immigration in to Palestine?
Fuck the paliscumians.

The sooner Israel kills everything with a dick in the west bank and gaza, and sells all the females to China the better off the world will be.

Off topic post.




Another pro-Israeli fuckhead, too retarded to discuss anything civil.

This is what the ra-ra-retard, doesn't have the balls to deal with...

From the link in the OP:
In 1945, the British reaffirmed the pre-war policy restricting Jewish immigration to Palestine which had been... a major cause of the Arab revolt of 1936–1939.
So, 70 years ago, the British blocked Palestine in an effort to stop the violence illegal Jewish immigration was causing to the indigenous Arabs living there and now, 70 years later, we see why (ie, Gaza blockade).

It looks to me like the British were trying to correct the mistake they had made earlier by backing the Pariah State.

Pardon me retard, please reconstruct the sentences that contain DATES and realize that NOTHING pertains to 1948 and after.
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