The Palin Brawl

Success does come with some level of intelligence. As I've stated before she had more experience than the idiot you voted for and defend to this day.

The equal pay issue is a non-issue drummed up by the left to deflect attention away from Obama-care. The vote you referred to was the vote on the Lilly Ledbetter Act which was not about equal pay but about making it easier for women to file lawsuits.

But speaking of equal pay, when have you ever criticized your messianic President for not paying the women he employs the same as the men?

You bitch and moan about the Republicans yet your President is the just as guilty if not more so than anyone else.

So go ahead and worm your way out of answering that question.
So what if she had more experience? She's a quitter. Had she and McCain won in 2008, she would have just quit again at some point. Quitting is what quitters do.

Obama is a quitter too. Why ignore that little fact?
Oh? What did he quit?

I'm sorry but I don't answer stupid questions.
I didn't ask you to answer your own question. :mm:

Seems you can't answer mine though. Figures.

Still, Palin quit how many colleges? Then she quit as governor. Then she quit her own national bus tour.

She's the Quitter from Twitter. :lmao:

What are you 12?
So what if she had more experience? She's a quitter. Had she and McCain won in 2008, she would have just quit again at some point. Quitting is what quitters do.

Obama is a quitter too. Why ignore that little fact?
Oh? What did he quit?

I'm sorry but I don't answer stupid questions.
I didn't ask you to answer your own question. :mm:

Seems you can't answer mine though. Figures.

Still, Palin quit how many colleges? Then she quit as governor. Then she quit her own national bus tour.

She's the Quitter from Twitter. :lmao:

What are you 12?
That's the best response you can muster in the face of the facts I posted? :dunno:
I'm not too terribly upset about Palin's loss in the presidential election, but I am upset by he bad press we Alaskan's have gotten from it all.

While I'll admit that "formal" up here equates to khakis and a button up shirt, and that its common to see folks in bunny boots and winter parka's, we still have pride. It irks me to listen to all the bullshit lip flapping about Alaskan's because it's too hard for dipshits to actually stay on an 'actual' topic to defeat Palin's position/status/whatever you want to call it without dragging the rest of us up here through the mud. Say whatever you want about her, but leave me and 'my' people out of your bad mouthing please.

Also, I never knew that Saturday Night Live and other comedy act shows could have so much effect on a person's status... Amazing.
I agree. There is no reason to rope in the entire state just because she is a dipshit. It makes the people doing it as pathetic as Palin herself.
what's sad here. is they call Palin stupid yet all they can spew is SNL talking points

hey, haters gotta hate

carry on small people
what's sad here. is they call Palin stupid yet all they can spew is SNL talking points

hey, haters gotta hate

carry on small people
Who said anything about SNL? Certainly not I. It was Palin, not SNL, who cited the ability to see Russia from Alaska as her foreign policy experience.

It was because that citation of hers was soooo ridiculously stoopid, that SNL mocked her for it.
Success does come with some level of intelligence. As I've stated before she had more experience than the idiot you voted for and defend to this day.

The equal pay issue is a non-issue drummed up by the left to deflect attention away from Obama-care. The vote you referred to was the vote on the Lilly Ledbetter Act which was not about equal pay but about making it easier for women to file lawsuits.

But speaking of equal pay, when have you ever criticized your messianic President for not paying the women he employs the same as the men?

You bitch and moan about the Republicans yet your President is the just as guilty if not more so than anyone else.

So go ahead and worm your way out of answering that question.
So what if she had more experience? She's a quitter. Had she and McCain won in 2008, she would have just quit again at some point. Quitting is what quitters do.

Obama is a quitter too. Why ignore that little fact?
Oh? What did he quit?

I'm sorry but I don't answer stupid questions.
I didn't ask you to answer your own question. :mm:

Seems you can't answer mine though. Figures.

Still, Palin quit how many colleges? Then she quit as governor. Then she quit her own national bus tour.

She's the Quitter from Twitter. :lmao:

She switched colleges, not a big deal. Lots of people have done that, even your precious Obama. As for the bus tour, was she supposed to do that indefinitely? You people read to many liberal rags to know truth from fiction. Oh and yes she resigned her Governorship. But you really don't want to know the reason why.
what's sad here. is they call Palin stupid yet all they can spew is SNL talking points

hey, haters gotta hate

carry on small people
Who said anything about SNL? Certainly not I. It was Palin, not SNL, who cited the ability to see Russia from Alaska as her foreign policy experience.

It was because that citation of hers was soooo ridiculously stoopid, that SNL mocked her for it.

More liberal lies.

It's no wonder you people are ridiculed.
Maybe you need to do some research. So you don't put out ignorant information like you just did. The Ledbetter act just makes it possible for women to file a suit when they feel they are being discriminated and paid less than men who are doing the same job. And, because people don't have to reveal their salaries, it's not that easy for women to figure out if they are being discriminated and paid less.

On April 9, 2013, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which President John F. Kennedy declared to be the end of the "unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job" when he signed it.

The anniversary, known as Equal Pay Day, marks how far into 2013 women must work to earn what men earned in 2012. That doesn't exactly sound like the Equal Pay Act achieved its goal, does it?

Women in the United States today are paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men -- the gap is even worse for African-American and Latina women -- and according to a new study done by the National Partnership For Women And Families, the gender-based wage gap exists in every state and in the country's 50 largest metropolitan areas.

Women And Equal Pay Wage Gap Still Intact Study Shows

The bill that your leaders turned their back on would make it impossible for men to keep their pay a secret, but I guess you didn't know that, so you just spew your stupid comments and diss Obama without even looking at the situation. No wonder most conservatives are considered less informed, you just proved it.

After allowing the Paycheck Fairness Act to move forward last week, Senate Republicans turned around on Monday evening and unanimously voted to block the bill, which would ban salary secrecy and tighten rules to try to narrow the gender wage gap.
The vote came weeks after the Republican National Committee claimed that “All Republicans support equal pay.” Senate Republicans have unanimously shot the bill down multiple times over the past four years.

The bill includes a number of provisions aimed at preventing the gender wage gap in the first place, which currently means a woman who works full time, year round makes 77 percent of what a similar man makes and hasn’t budged in a decade.

It would ban salary secrecy, in which employers prohibit or strongly discourage employees from discussing pay with each other, thus making it difficult for women to discover unequal practices. While it’s illegal to tell workers they can’t talk about wages with each other without a business justification, since it infringes on the right to engage in concerted activities for mutual aid, it’s still widespread: about half of private sector workers say they can’t talk about pay at work. But in workplaces without this practice, the wage gap shrinks. Among the federal workforce, where pay scales are usually transparent, the wage gap has fallen significantly over the past 20 years. It’s also falling among unionized workers, who similarly tend to have wage transparency.

Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill ThinkProgress

Now, I bet you feel really smart.:rolleyes:

Thank you for proving my point.

The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay.

Your point? You're as loony as Sarah Palin. But I somewhat expected that from you.....proving my're as uninformed as the rest, no wonder you're defending Sarah Palin.

Palin is a very successful woman. If that is what you call loony, then you have things seriously fucked up. But then again, you're a liberal so it's to be expected.

Successful at what?

Being a national joke?

Yeah..that she exceeds at.

You have every reason to be jealous. Tissue?

Not jealous at all.

And this thread isn't about me.

By the way, she isn't only that national joke, she's a joke to the entire world.

And in a good part of Texas..which you seem to think exists in another dimension.
So what if she had more experience? She's a quitter. Had she and McCain won in 2008, she would have just quit again at some point. Quitting is what quitters do.

Obama is a quitter too. Why ignore that little fact?
Oh? What did he quit?

I'm sorry but I don't answer stupid questions.
I didn't ask you to answer your own question. :mm:

Seems you can't answer mine though. Figures.

Still, Palin quit how many colleges? Then she quit as governor. Then she quit her own national bus tour.

She's the Quitter from Twitter. :lmao:

She switched colleges, not a big deal. Lots of people have done that, even your precious Obama. As for the bus tour, was she supposed to do that indefinitely? You people read to many liberal rags to know truth from fiction. Oh and yes she resigned her Governorship. But you really don't want to know the reason why.
Stop making broad unsupported generalizations. I don't read any liberal 'rags.' You're assuming all people who have a liberal perspective are unable to make independant decisions: simply not true. Your claim indicates your lack of ability think critically, and, thus, such a claim is worthless.
what's sad here. is they call Palin stupid yet all they can spew is SNL talking points

hey, haters gotta hate

carry on small people
Who said anything about SNL? Certainly not I. It was Palin, not SNL, who cited the ability to see Russia from Alaska as her foreign policy experience.

It was because that citation of hers was soooo ridiculously stoopid, that SNL mocked her for it.

More liberal lies.

It's no wonder you people are ridiculed.
It's not a lie. She was asked on FOX news what her experience was on Russia and she said Russia was a neighbor and your could see Russia from Alaska. That is why SNL made the spoof two days later.
what's sad here. is they call Palin stupid yet all they can spew is SNL talking points

hey, haters gotta hate

carry on small people
Who said anything about SNL? Certainly not I. It was Palin, not SNL, who cited the ability to see Russia from Alaska as her foreign policy experience.

It was because that citation of hers was soooo ridiculously stoopid, that SNL mocked her for it.

More liberal lies.

It's no wonder you people are ridiculed.
Those aren't lies at all.

That's what she, herself, said in one of the most convoluted, ridiculous and profoundly stupid interviews in the history of journalism.

SNL didn't even bother to change her words. They did it straight and got big laughs.

Calling Palin incoherent is being kind.

She's dangerously stupid.
I'm not too terribly upset about Palin's loss in the presidential election, but I am upset by he bad press we Alaskan's have gotten from it all.

While I'll admit that "formal" up here equates to khakis and a button up shirt, and that its common to see folks in bunny boots and winter parka's, we still have pride. It irks me to listen to all the bullshit lip flapping about Alaskan's because it's too hard for dipshits to actually stay on an 'actual' topic to defeat Palin's position/status/whatever you want to call it without dragging the rest of us up here through the mud. Say whatever you want about her, but leave me and 'my' people out of your bad mouthing please.

Also, I never knew that Saturday Night Live and other comedy act shows could have so much effect on a person's status... Amazing.
I agree. There is no reason to rope in the entire state just because she is a dipshit. It makes the people doing it as pathetic as Palin herself.

well why not, we're the laughing stock of the world with Obama
what's sad here. is they call Palin stupid yet all they can spew is SNL talking points

hey, haters gotta hate

carry on small people
Who said anything about SNL? Certainly not I. It was Palin, not SNL, who cited the ability to see Russia from Alaska as her foreign policy experience.

It was because that citation of hers was soooo ridiculously stoopid, that SNL mocked her for it.

More liberal lies.

It's no wonder you people are ridiculed.
It's not a lie. Not in the least. Prove it's a lie. When she made that gaff, the entire world saw what a boob she is. The only ones denying it are extreme right-wingers who don't want to think clearly: they just want to support their own, no matter how useless that person is.
what's sad here. is they call Palin stupid yet all they can spew is SNL talking points

hey, haters gotta hate

carry on small people
Who said anything about SNL? Certainly not I. It was Palin, not SNL, who cited the ability to see Russia from Alaska as her foreign policy experience.

It was because that citation of hers was soooo ridiculously stoopid, that SNL mocked her for it.

More liberal lies.

It's no wonder you people are ridiculed.
Those aren't lies at all.

That's what she, herself, said in one of the most convoluted, ridiculous and profoundly stupid interviews in the history of journalism.

SNL didn't even bother to change her words. They did it straight and got big laughs.

Calling Palin incoherent is being kind.

She's dangerously stupid.

naaa, that one is PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT you losers put on us and our country
I'm not too terribly upset about Palin's loss in the presidential election, but I am upset by he bad press we Alaskan's have gotten from it all.

While I'll admit that "formal" up here equates to khakis and a button up shirt, and that its common to see folks in bunny boots and winter parka's, we still have pride. It irks me to listen to all the bullshit lip flapping about Alaskan's because it's too hard for dipshits to actually stay on an 'actual' topic to defeat Palin's position/status/whatever you want to call it without dragging the rest of us up here through the mud. Say whatever you want about her, but leave me and 'my' people out of your bad mouthing please.

Also, I never knew that Saturday Night Live and other comedy act shows could have so much effect on a person's status... Amazing.
I agree. There is no reason to rope in the entire state just because she is a dipshit. It makes the people doing it as pathetic as Palin herself.

well why not, we're the laughing stock of the world with Obama
The world is not laughing at Obama. They may not love him like they did Clinton, but he is in no way an object of ridicule or hate around the world. If you are looking for someone to fill those shoes, it would be George W. Bush. He was despised and loathed world wide.
This thread is getting stale. The problem is the Sarah has not done anything really embarrassing for at least 48 hours. That, in itself, is almost news worthy. Let's hope that takes the whole clan to a W.W.W smack down soon...preferably one with folding metal chairs everywhere.
I'm not too terribly upset about Palin's loss in the presidential election, but I am upset by he bad press we Alaskan's have gotten from it all.

While I'll admit that "formal" up here equates to khakis and a button up shirt, and that its common to see folks in bunny boots and winter parka's, we still have pride. It irks me to listen to all the bullshit lip flapping about Alaskan's because it's too hard for dipshits to actually stay on an 'actual' topic to defeat Palin's position/status/whatever you want to call it without dragging the rest of us up here through the mud. Say whatever you want about her, but leave me and 'my' people out of your bad mouthing please.

Also, I never knew that Saturday Night Live and other comedy act shows could have so much effect on a person's status... Amazing.
I agree. There is no reason to rope in the entire state just because she is a dipshit. It makes the people doing it as pathetic as Palin herself.

well why not, we're the laughing stock of the world with Obama
The world is not laughing at Obama. They may not love him like they did Clinton, but he is in no way an object of ridicule or hate around the world. If you are looking for someone to fill those shoes, it would be George W. Bush. He was despised and loathed world wide.

and you know all that how?
You've flown all over the world asking
that's how you know all about Palin and Alaska I guess

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