The Palin Brawl

I didn't ask you to answer your own question. :mm:

Seems you can't answer mine though. Figures.

Still, Palin quit how many colleges? Then she quit as governor. Then she quit her own national bus tour.

She's the Quitter from Twitter. :lmao:

What are you 12?
That's the best response you can muster in the face of the facts I posted? :dunno:

The problems is you don't know what a fact is. Changing colleges isn't quitting you moron. Her bus tour ended, period. The only thing factual you managed was her resigning as governor much like Obama resigned as Senator. Please grow the fuck up.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Her bus tour ended when she quit it prematurely. At the time, she cited jury duty as the excuse -- but she never got picked on a jury and she never resumed her bus tour.

She quit because she's a quitter.

I swear you are the dumbest fucker on here. She ended her bus tour you stupid fuck!! It wasn't meant to last forever!

"Imagine our surprise when reading media reports today that the “One Nation Tour” has been cancelled. Why didn’t anyone tell me? Oh, wait, that’s because it hasn’t been cancelled. (Good ol’ media… you never cease to amaze!) As I said myself at the end of the east coast leg of the tour, the summer is long, and I’m looking forward to hitting the open road again. The coming weeks are tight because civic duty calls (like most everyone else, even former governors get called up for jury duty) and I look forward to doing my part just like every other Alaskan. I wouldn’t think it to be such a slow news day that, what with numerous wars and serious economic woes concerning Americans, a bus is driving news stories today. The next leg of the tour continues when the time comes. In the meantime, no one should jump to conclusions – certainly not the media with their long track record of getting things wrong or just making things up.

- Sarah Palin -"
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

She never went to some of the locations she originally announced she were part of the bus tour. The sentence you highlighted is her way of mitigating damage for quitting her tour. Which, by the way, she never resumed the "next leg."

That's called, "quitting."
I didn't ask you to answer your own question. :mm:

Seems you can't answer mine though. Figures.

Still, Palin quit how many colleges? Then she quit as governor. Then she quit her own national bus tour.

She's the Quitter from Twitter. :lmao:

What are you 12?
That's the best response you can muster in the face of the facts I posted? :dunno:

The problems is you don't know what a fact is. Changing colleges isn't quitting you moron. Her bus tour ended, period. The only thing factual you managed was her resigning as governor much like Obama resigned as Senator. Please grow the fuck up.
In the real world what Obama did is known as a transfer and promotion. He still gets a check for working for the same people. His employer never changed.

So? He resigned didn't he? Damn if you idiots caught Obama fucking a dog you'd chalk it up as him just being kind to animals.

That is not quitting -- it's getting a promotion from the Senate to the Executive branch, where he still served the fine people of Illinois, only now as President instead of Senator.
And unlike Palin, who quit being the governor of Alaska without the consent and approval of her constituents, Obama had the consent and approval of his constituents in Illinois, who voted to promote him from Senator to President.
What are you 12?
That's the best response you can muster in the face of the facts I posted? :dunno:

The problems is you don't know what a fact is. Changing colleges isn't quitting you moron. Her bus tour ended, period. The only thing factual you managed was her resigning as governor much like Obama resigned as Senator. Please grow the fuck up.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Her bus tour ended when she quit it prematurely. At the time, she cited jury duty as the excuse -- but she never got picked on a jury and she never resumed her bus tour.

She quit because she's a quitter.

I swear you are the dumbest fucker on here. She ended her bus tour you stupid fuck!! It wasn't meant to last forever!

"Imagine our surprise when reading media reports today that the “One Nation Tour” has been cancelled. Why didn’t anyone tell me? Oh, wait, that’s because it hasn’t been cancelled. (Good ol’ media… you never cease to amaze!) As I said myself at the end of the east coast leg of the tour, the summer is long, and I’m looking forward to hitting the open road again. The coming weeks are tight because civic duty calls (like most everyone else, even former governors get called up for jury duty) and I look forward to doing my part just like every other Alaskan. I wouldn’t think it to be such a slow news day that, what with numerous wars and serious economic woes concerning Americans, a bus is driving news stories today. The next leg of the tour continues when the time comes. In the meantime, no one should jump to conclusions – certainly not the media with their long track record of getting things wrong or just making things up.

- Sarah Palin -"
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

She never went to some of the locations she originally announced she were part of the bus tour. The sentence you highlighted is her way of mitigating damage for quitting her tour. Which, by the way, she never resumed the "next leg."

That's called, "quitting."

Stay stuck on stupid.
What are you 12?
That's the best response you can muster in the face of the facts I posted? :dunno:

The problems is you don't know what a fact is. Changing colleges isn't quitting you moron. Her bus tour ended, period. The only thing factual you managed was her resigning as governor much like Obama resigned as Senator. Please grow the fuck up.
In the real world what Obama did is known as a transfer and promotion. He still gets a check for working for the same people. His employer never changed.

So? He resigned didn't he? Damn if you idiots caught Obama fucking a dog you'd chalk it up as him just being kind to animals.

That is not quitting -- it's getting a promotion from the Senate to the Executive branch, where he still served the fine people of Illinois, only now as President instead of Senator.
And unlike Palin, who quit being the governor of Alaska without the consent and approval of her constituents, Obama had the consent and approval of his constituents in Illinois, who voted to promote him from Senator to President.

Resigning is quitting. At least that's what you say Palin did. Or are you now changing your position?
what's sad here. is they call Palin stupid yet all they can spew is SNL talking points

hey, haters gotta hate

carry on small people
Who said anything about SNL? Certainly not I. It was Palin, not SNL, who cited the ability to see Russia from Alaska as her foreign policy experience.

It was because that citation of hers was soooo ridiculously stoopid, that SNL mocked her for it.

More liberal lies.

It's no wonder you people are ridiculed.
Those aren't lies at all.

That's what she, herself, said in one of the most convoluted, ridiculous and profoundly stupid interviews in the history of journalism.

SNL didn't even bother to change her words. They did it straight and got big laughs.

Calling Palin incoherent is being kind.

She's dangerously stupid.

naaa, that one is PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT you losers put on us and our country


Most of the country and the world at large? Like our President and Vice President, alot.

And when I say most of the country..I am referring to the United States.

And when I say most of the world...I am referring to the Earth.
I'm not too terribly upset about Palin's loss in the presidential election, but I am upset by he bad press we Alaskan's have gotten from it all.

While I'll admit that "formal" up here equates to khakis and a button up shirt, and that its common to see folks in bunny boots and winter parka's, we still have pride. It irks me to listen to all the bullshit lip flapping about Alaskan's because it's too hard for dipshits to actually stay on an 'actual' topic to defeat Palin's position/status/whatever you want to call it without dragging the rest of us up here through the mud. Say whatever you want about her, but leave me and 'my' people out of your bad mouthing please.

Also, I never knew that Saturday Night Live and other comedy act shows could have so much effect on a person's status... Amazing.
I agree. There is no reason to rope in the entire state just because she is a dipshit. It makes the people doing it as pathetic as Palin herself.

well why not, we're the laughing stock of the world with Obama
The world is not laughing at Obama. They may not love him like they did Clinton, but he is in no way an object of ridicule or hate around the world. If you are looking for someone to fill those shoes, it would be George W. Bush. He was despised and loathed world wide.

and you know all that how?
You've flown all over the world asking
that's how you know all about Palin and Alaska I guess

I was just in Australia. They think Palin is a joke.

They like Obama.

That count?
I'm not too terribly upset about Palin's loss in the presidential election, but I am upset by he bad press we Alaskan's have gotten from it all.

While I'll admit that "formal" up here equates to khakis and a button up shirt, and that its common to see folks in bunny boots and winter parka's, we still have pride. It irks me to listen to all the bullshit lip flapping about Alaskan's because it's too hard for dipshits to actually stay on an 'actual' topic to defeat Palin's position/status/whatever you want to call it without dragging the rest of us up here through the mud. Say whatever you want about her, but leave me and 'my' people out of your bad mouthing please.

Also, I never knew that Saturday Night Live and other comedy act shows could have so much effect on a person's status... Amazing.
I agree. There is no reason to rope in the entire state just because she is a dipshit. It makes the people doing it as pathetic as Palin herself.

well why not, we're the laughing stock of the world with Obama
The world is not laughing at Obama. They may not love him like they did Clinton, but he is in no way an object of ridicule or hate around the world. If you are looking for someone to fill those shoes, it would be George W. Bush. He was despised and loathed world wide.

and you know all that how?
You've flown all over the world asking
that's how you know all about Palin and Alaska I guess

I was just in Australia. They think Palin is a joke.

They like Obama.

That count?

no because you're a proven liar
That's the best response you can muster in the face of the facts I posted? :dunno:

The problems is you don't know what a fact is. Changing colleges isn't quitting you moron. Her bus tour ended, period. The only thing factual you managed was her resigning as governor much like Obama resigned as Senator. Please grow the fuck up.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Her bus tour ended when she quit it prematurely. At the time, she cited jury duty as the excuse -- but she never got picked on a jury and she never resumed her bus tour.

She quit because she's a quitter.

I swear you are the dumbest fucker on here. She ended her bus tour you stupid fuck!! It wasn't meant to last forever!

"Imagine our surprise when reading media reports today that the “One Nation Tour” has been cancelled. Why didn’t anyone tell me? Oh, wait, that’s because it hasn’t been cancelled. (Good ol’ media… you never cease to amaze!) As I said myself at the end of the east coast leg of the tour, the summer is long, and I’m looking forward to hitting the open road again. The coming weeks are tight because civic duty calls (like most everyone else, even former governors get called up for jury duty) and I look forward to doing my part just like every other Alaskan. I wouldn’t think it to be such a slow news day that, what with numerous wars and serious economic woes concerning Americans, a bus is driving news stories today. The next leg of the tour continues when the time comes. In the meantime, no one should jump to conclusions – certainly not the media with their long track record of getting things wrong or just making things up.

- Sarah Palin -"
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

She never went to some of the locations she originally announced she were part of the bus tour. The sentence you highlighted is her way of mitigating damage for quitting her tour. Which, by the way, she never resumed the "next leg."

That's called, "quitting."

Stay stuck on stupid.
Too funny ... she says she ending her bus tour without visiting all of the scheduled locations and would resume it "when the time comes," only she never resumes it.

And you think that is not quitting. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
That's the best response you can muster in the face of the facts I posted? :dunno:

The problems is you don't know what a fact is. Changing colleges isn't quitting you moron. Her bus tour ended, period. The only thing factual you managed was her resigning as governor much like Obama resigned as Senator. Please grow the fuck up.
In the real world what Obama did is known as a transfer and promotion. He still gets a check for working for the same people. His employer never changed.

So? He resigned didn't he? Damn if you idiots caught Obama fucking a dog you'd chalk it up as him just being kind to animals.
That's would be as ridiculous as saying a VP of operations in a company quit as VP to accept a promotion to president within the company.

That is not quitting -- it's getting a promotion from the Senate to the Executive branch, where he still served the fine people of Illinois, only now as President instead of Senator.
And unlike Palin, who quit being the governor of Alaska without the consent and approval of her constituents, Obama had the consent and approval of his constituents in Illinois, who voted to promote him from Senator to President.

Resigning is quitting. At least that's what you say Palin did. Or are you now changing your position?
The problems is you don't know what a fact is. Changing colleges isn't quitting you moron. Her bus tour ended, period. The only thing factual you managed was her resigning as governor much like Obama resigned as Senator. Please grow the fuck up.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Her bus tour ended when she quit it prematurely. At the time, she cited jury duty as the excuse -- but she never got picked on a jury and she never resumed her bus tour.

She quit because she's a quitter.

I swear you are the dumbest fucker on here. She ended her bus tour you stupid fuck!! It wasn't meant to last forever!

"Imagine our surprise when reading media reports today that the “One Nation Tour” has been cancelled. Why didn’t anyone tell me? Oh, wait, that’s because it hasn’t been cancelled. (Good ol’ media… you never cease to amaze!) As I said myself at the end of the east coast leg of the tour, the summer is long, and I’m looking forward to hitting the open road again. The coming weeks are tight because civic duty calls (like most everyone else, even former governors get called up for jury duty) and I look forward to doing my part just like every other Alaskan. I wouldn’t think it to be such a slow news day that, what with numerous wars and serious economic woes concerning Americans, a bus is driving news stories today. The next leg of the tour continues when the time comes. In the meantime, no one should jump to conclusions – certainly not the media with their long track record of getting things wrong or just making things up.

- Sarah Palin -"
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

She never went to some of the locations she originally announced she were part of the bus tour. The sentence you highlighted is her way of mitigating damage for quitting her tour. Which, by the way, she never resumed the "next leg."

That's called, "quitting."

Stay stuck on stupid.
Too funny ... she says she ending her bus tour without visiting all of the scheduled locations and would resume it "when the time comes," only she never resumes it.

And you think that is not quitting. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Don't be so fucking stupid. She will resume it when the time comes. If that time never comes then you can cry about it.

And no, ending a tour is not quitting a tour. Tours are not meant to last forever you pathetic excuse for a human!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Her bus tour ended when she quit it prematurely. At the time, she cited jury duty as the excuse -- but she never got picked on a jury and she never resumed her bus tour.

She quit because she's a quitter.

I swear you are the dumbest fucker on here. She ended her bus tour you stupid fuck!! It wasn't meant to last forever!

"Imagine our surprise when reading media reports today that the “One Nation Tour” has been cancelled. Why didn’t anyone tell me? Oh, wait, that’s because it hasn’t been cancelled. (Good ol’ media… you never cease to amaze!) As I said myself at the end of the east coast leg of the tour, the summer is long, and I’m looking forward to hitting the open road again. The coming weeks are tight because civic duty calls (like most everyone else, even former governors get called up for jury duty) and I look forward to doing my part just like every other Alaskan. I wouldn’t think it to be such a slow news day that, what with numerous wars and serious economic woes concerning Americans, a bus is driving news stories today. The next leg of the tour continues when the time comes. In the meantime, no one should jump to conclusions – certainly not the media with their long track record of getting things wrong or just making things up.

- Sarah Palin -"
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

She never went to some of the locations she originally announced she were part of the bus tour. The sentence you highlighted is her way of mitigating damage for quitting her tour. Which, by the way, she never resumed the "next leg."

That's called, "quitting."

Stay stuck on stupid.
Too funny ... she says she ending her bus tour without visiting all of the scheduled locations and would resume it "when the time comes," only she never resumes it.

And you think that is not quitting. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Don't be so fucking stupid. She will resume it when the time comes. If that time never comes then you can cry about it.

And no, ending a tour is not quitting a tour. Tours are not meant to last forever you pathetic excuse for a human!
That time hasn't come. She quit. :mm:

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