for republicans only

1. Nikki got a significant number of Republican primary votes, say 17% or so in states like PA where only Republicans vote.
2. What platform principles did Trump throw out? I call bullshit.
3. With Nikki on the ballot they would have voted for Trump/Haley, duh. The alternative is Kamala, duh.
4. Trump's position on abortion had to change since Roe was overturned.
Denial on display.


15 times Trump’s abortion position shifted over the past 25 years​

That 17% isn't Trumps base. They voted against Trump.
NO. We voted for Nikki to let Trump know he needs to be more presidential, and less arrogant.

As Republicans we'll all vote for Trump in the general. Very few "never-Trumpers" would rather see Kamala in the WH than Trump.
You do know Trump had a variety of stances on Abortion over the years/decades - pre latest SCOTS ruling?

I think virtually all politicians have been for something and then against it on every issue, including abortion. It's all a political calculation, which position do I take that is the most advantageous? Personally, I think the federal gov't sticks it's nose into too many issues that are best left to the individual states to decide, and abortion is one of those issues.
in my 80 years of life i have voted republican 80% of the time. i will never vote for kamala, but i am disgusted about j d vance being picked to run as v p. he acts like is the last entry into a clown car. so why did trump pick him, unless someone can enlighten me i will not vote at all for the first time in my life
Voting for Trump is a vote to rid the evil in Washington, no matter who he picks for VP.
I think virtually all politicians have been for something and then against it on every issue, including abortion. It's all a political calculation, which position do I take that is the most advantageous? Personally, I think the federal gov't sticks it's nose into too many issues that are best left to the individual states to decide, and abortion is one of those issues.
That cynical view is what poisons the well.

Disagree on the abortion issue. Agree he feds need to stay out of some things -- like the bedrooms of citizens, and the medical care of citizens, and...
2. What platform principles did Trump throw out? I call bullshit.

1. The GOP supported free trade and opposed tariffs for flippin decades.

2. Industrial policy, central planning, subsidies--all unheard of from anyone that called themselves a conservative prior to Trump's not so subtle populism.

3. Government dictating social policies. From abortion regulations to limiting the rights of LBTQ community. While certainly a violation of core libertarian principals, it also is the opposite of "conservative". Live and let live, and keep the government out of business and the private lives of citizens.

Many young people are losing faith in our society.

Our inner cities have become centers of despair.

Millions of Americans are caught in the cycle of poverty—poor education, unemployment or serious under-employment, and the inability to afford decent housing.

Inflation has eroded confidence in the dollar at home and abroad. It has severely cut into the incomes of all families, the jobless, the farmers, the retired and those living on fixed incomes and pensions.

Today's Americans are uncertain about the future, and frustrated about the recent past.

America urgently needs new leadership—leadership courageous and understanding—leadership that will recapture control of events, mastering them rather than permitting them to master us, thus restoring our confidence in ourselves and in our future.

Our need is new leadership which will develop imaginative new approaches assuring full opportunity to all our citizens—leadership which will face and resolve the basic problems of our country.

Our Convention in 1968 can spark a "Republican Resurgence" under men and women willing to face the realities of the world in which we live.

We must urgently dedicate our efforts toward restoration of peace both at home and abroad.

We must bring about a national commitment to rebuild our urban and rural slum areas.

We must enable family farm enterprise to participate fully in the nation's prosperity. We must bring about quality education for all. We must assure every individual an opportunity for satisfying and rewarding employment. We must attack the root causes of poverty and eradicate racism, hatred and violence.

We must give all citizens the opportunity to influence and shape the events of our time.

We must give increasing attention to the views of the young and recognize their key role in our present as well as the future.

We must mobilize the resources, talents and energy of public and private sectors to reach these goals, utilizing the unique strength and initiative of state and local governments.

We must re-establish fiscal responsibility and put an end to increases in the cost of living.

Don't use google. Where did I get the above from?
My bad, got him confused with Manchin. In any case, VAnce is from the Midwest, so a better choice.
Ohio actually, and he barely squeaked out a victory in his Senate race. Worse, his Hillbilly Elegy turned many people of Appalachia against him. He embarrassed them to prop up himself, demonstrating full well he knows absolutely nothing about the hard scrapple people of Appalachia, he will cost Trump votes in many of those counties.
in my 80 years of life i have voted republican 80% of the time. i will never vote for kamala, but i am disgusted about j d vance being picked to run as v p. he acts like is the last entry into a clown car. so why did trump pick him, unless someone can enlighten me i will not vote at all for the first time in my life
Can you be specific as to why you don't like Vance instead of just generally saying he acts like this is the last entry into a clown car?
in my 80 years of life i have voted republican 80% of the time. i will never vote for kamala, but i am disgusted about j d vance being picked to run as v p. he acts like is the last entry into a clown car. so why did trump pick him, unless someone can enlighten me i will not vote at all for the first time in my life
Trump is a political winner, and he makes his enemies sorry. He picks associates he respects as advisers before he affirms another win. We may not understand what he is doing but he does in a way that makes his voters glad they voted for him.. It is just that simple.
in my 80 years of life i have voted republican 80% of the time. i will never vote for kamala, but i am disgusted about j d vance being picked to run as v p. he acts like is the last entry into a clown car. so why did trump pick him, unless someone can enlighten me i will not vote at all for the first time in my life
He would make a good President.

Sorry you don’t care for him.

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