The Palin Brawl

I have come to respect the work of bloggers who, as Ms. Myrkyn has taught us, are entirely worthy of our trust.

For example I submit this counterbalance to the various Palin accusations:

Barack Obama Was High on Cocaine the Night of Benghazi Attack


Now this IS from a blog and therefore only as acceptable as all the material being posted by the DNC hate squad above. Every bit as acceptable, right, Myrk?
Yet women in Obama's administration are is still making far less than their male counterparts. Forget the fact that it’s been against the law to pay a woman less than a man with similar experience in the same job since the Equal Pay Act of 1963.

Did it occur to you that maybe if the Act is passed, even those women in the White House can get paid the same as men? No, of course not, you're too busy deflecting from your leader's lack of responsibility and fairness to give that any consideration....instead, find something to deflect upon.

No because that wasn't what the Act was about. It is already against the law to pay women less for the same work as men. The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay. The Act basically said that women could go back twenty years and file lawsuits claiming low pay was based on gender discrimination.

Please do some research on the subject.

Maybe you need to do some research. So you don't put out ignorant information like you just did. The Ledbetter act just makes it possible for women to file a suit when they feel they are being discriminated and paid less than men who are doing the same job. And, because people don't have to reveal their salaries, it's not that easy for women to figure out if they are being discriminated and paid less.

On April 9, 2013, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which President John F. Kennedy declared to be the end of the "unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job" when he signed it.

The anniversary, known as Equal Pay Day, marks how far into 2013 women must work to earn what men earned in 2012. That doesn't exactly sound like the Equal Pay Act achieved its goal, does it?

Women in the United States today are paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men -- the gap is even worse for African-American and Latina women -- and according to a new study done by the National Partnership For Women And Families, the gender-based wage gap exists in every state and in the country's 50 largest metropolitan areas.

Women And Equal Pay Wage Gap Still Intact Study Shows

The bill that your leaders turned their back on would make it impossible for men to keep their pay a secret, but I guess you didn't know that, so you just spew your stupid comments and diss Obama without even looking at the situation. No wonder most conservatives are considered less informed, you just proved it.

After allowing the Paycheck Fairness Act to move forward last week, Senate Republicans turned around on Monday evening and unanimously voted to block the bill, which would ban salary secrecy and tighten rules to try to narrow the gender wage gap.
The vote came weeks after the Republican National Committee claimed that “All Republicans support equal pay.” Senate Republicans have unanimously shot the bill down multiple times over the past four years.

The bill includes a number of provisions aimed at preventing the gender wage gap in the first place, which currently means a woman who works full time, year round makes 77 percent of what a similar man makes and hasn’t budged in a decade.

It would ban salary secrecy, in which employers prohibit or strongly discourage employees from discussing pay with each other, thus making it difficult for women to discover unequal practices. While it’s illegal to tell workers they can’t talk about wages with each other without a business justification, since it infringes on the right to engage in concerted activities for mutual aid, it’s still widespread: about half of private sector workers say they can’t talk about pay at work. But in workplaces without this practice, the wage gap shrinks. Among the federal workforce, where pay scales are usually transparent, the wage gap has fallen significantly over the past 20 years. It’s also falling among unionized workers, who similarly tend to have wage transparency.

Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill ThinkProgress

Now, I bet you feel really smart.:rolleyes:

Thank you for proving my point.

The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay.
Comparing sitting Presidents to a woman that's not in office, not a fair comparison.

I know you morons on the left see nothing wrong with what Clinton did and you probably idolize Carter as well.

Why is Palin such a threat to you and your fellow libturds?

Palin a threat? Seriously, you seriously think that we think she is a threat.....bwahahaha.....she's funny, because you all idolize her and think she is Presidential material, then she goes and does crap like this and you all have to circle the wagons and make excuses for the poor woman, who doesn't have enough sense to stay out of trouble.

No I don't see her as a threat, but you people do. I don't idolize anyone and as for Presidential material she had more experience than the clown you voted for.

"she goes and does stuff like this" Like what? What exactly is it that she done? You hear one biased report and you assume it's fact. You people are the dumbest and most gullible people I have ever seen.
Quit calling people by your name, retardo.

What stops your god from pay women the same rate as men, retard?

Obama is violating the law by NOT paying them the same, so why does he do it? Is the man just not capable of following US Law?

Retardo, I guess you don't understand English. Trying to defend your leaders after you all claim that you don't wage a war on women and you respect women, but you don't think they deserve to be paid the same. Now that is retarded, retardo.

Says the woman who attacks a powerful, successful woman by calling her trash, slut, etc.

'a powerful, successful woman"

powerful? maybe in white trash land but nowhere else...

Very powerful compared to an impotent, insignificant little racist nobody like you, batshit boy. Don't hurt yourself trying to look down your nose at someone ten miles above you, fool.
While I have no sympathy for the locust-like Palin clan, I feel kind of bad for Sarah herself. She's sort of trapped.

Reading between the lines of her TV programs, she's having a great deal of trouble with little Trig. Developmentally, it's just not happening.

However, the official narrative is and must continue that Trig is the greatest little bundle of joy to ever exist. Hence, she's not allowed to talk about what life with a Down's Syndrome child is actually like. Hence, trapped.
While I have no sympathy for the locust-like Palin clan, I feel kind of bad for Sarah herself. She's sort of trapped.

Reading between the lines of her TV programs, she's having a great deal of trouble with little Trig. Developmentally, it's just not happening.

However, the official narrative is and must continue that Trig is the greatest little bundle of joy to ever exist. Hence, she's not allowed to talk about what life with a Down's Syndrome child is actually like. Hence, trapped.
I had a second cousin who had Down Syndrome, she lived to 41, which is somewhat rare. The whole family loved her. She was one of my favorite cousins. I had alot of respect for her parents and on this point, I have a lot of respect for Sarah Palin.

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Yet women in Obama's administration are is still making far less than their male counterparts. Forget the fact that it’s been against the law to pay a woman less than a man with similar experience in the same job since the Equal Pay Act of 1963.

Did it occur to you that maybe if the Act is passed, even those women in the White House can get paid the same as men? No, of course not, you're too busy deflecting from your leader's lack of responsibility and fairness to give that any consideration....instead, find something to deflect upon.

No because that wasn't what the Act was about. It is already against the law to pay women less for the same work as men. The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay. The Act basically said that women could go back twenty years and file lawsuits claiming low pay was based on gender discrimination.

Please do some research on the subject.

Maybe you need to do some research. So you don't put out ignorant information like you just did. The Ledbetter act just makes it possible for women to file a suit when they feel they are being discriminated and paid less than men who are doing the same job. And, because people don't have to reveal their salaries, it's not that easy for women to figure out if they are being discriminated and paid less.

On April 9, 2013, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which President John F. Kennedy declared to be the end of the "unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job" when he signed it.

The anniversary, known as Equal Pay Day, marks how far into 2013 women must work to earn what men earned in 2012. That doesn't exactly sound like the Equal Pay Act achieved its goal, does it?

Women in the United States today are paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men -- the gap is even worse for African-American and Latina women -- and according to a new study done by the National Partnership For Women And Families, the gender-based wage gap exists in every state and in the country's 50 largest metropolitan areas.

Women And Equal Pay Wage Gap Still Intact Study Shows

The bill that your leaders turned their back on would make it impossible for men to keep their pay a secret, but I guess you didn't know that, so you just spew your stupid comments and diss Obama without even looking at the situation. No wonder most conservatives are considered less informed, you just proved it.

After allowing the Paycheck Fairness Act to move forward last week, Senate Republicans turned around on Monday evening and unanimously voted to block the bill, which would ban salary secrecy and tighten rules to try to narrow the gender wage gap.
The vote came weeks after the Republican National Committee claimed that “All Republicans support equal pay.” Senate Republicans have unanimously shot the bill down multiple times over the past four years.

The bill includes a number of provisions aimed at preventing the gender wage gap in the first place, which currently means a woman who works full time, year round makes 77 percent of what a similar man makes and hasn’t budged in a decade.

It would ban salary secrecy, in which employers prohibit or strongly discourage employees from discussing pay with each other, thus making it difficult for women to discover unequal practices. While it’s illegal to tell workers they can’t talk about wages with each other without a business justification, since it infringes on the right to engage in concerted activities for mutual aid, it’s still widespread: about half of private sector workers say they can’t talk about pay at work. But in workplaces without this practice, the wage gap shrinks. Among the federal workforce, where pay scales are usually transparent, the wage gap has fallen significantly over the past 20 years. It’s also falling among unionized workers, who similarly tend to have wage transparency.

Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill ThinkProgress

Now, I bet you feel really smart.:rolleyes:

Thank you for proving my point.

The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay.

Your point? You're as loony as Sarah Palin. But I somewhat expected that from you.....proving my're as uninformed as the rest, no wonder you're defending Sarah Palin.
Yet women in Obama's administration are is still making far less than their male counterparts. Forget the fact that it’s been against the law to pay a woman less than a man with similar experience in the same job since the Equal Pay Act of 1963.

Did it occur to you that maybe if the Act is passed, even those women in the White House can get paid the same as men? No, of course not, you're too busy deflecting from your leader's lack of responsibility and fairness to give that any consideration....instead, find something to deflect upon.

No because that wasn't what the Act was about. It is already against the law to pay women less for the same work as men. The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay. The Act basically said that women could go back twenty years and file lawsuits claiming low pay was based on gender discrimination.

Please do some research on the subject.

Maybe you need to do some research. So you don't put out ignorant information like you just did. The Ledbetter act just makes it possible for women to file a suit when they feel they are being discriminated and paid less than men who are doing the same job. And, because people don't have to reveal their salaries, it's not that easy for women to figure out if they are being discriminated and paid less.

On April 9, 2013, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which President John F. Kennedy declared to be the end of the "unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job" when he signed it.

The anniversary, known as Equal Pay Day, marks how far into 2013 women must work to earn what men earned in 2012. That doesn't exactly sound like the Equal Pay Act achieved its goal, does it?

Women in the United States today are paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men -- the gap is even worse for African-American and Latina women -- and according to a new study done by the National Partnership For Women And Families, the gender-based wage gap exists in every state and in the country's 50 largest metropolitan areas.

Women And Equal Pay Wage Gap Still Intact Study Shows

The bill that your leaders turned their back on would make it impossible for men to keep their pay a secret, but I guess you didn't know that, so you just spew your stupid comments and diss Obama without even looking at the situation. No wonder most conservatives are considered less informed, you just proved it.

After allowing the Paycheck Fairness Act to move forward last week, Senate Republicans turned around on Monday evening and unanimously voted to block the bill, which would ban salary secrecy and tighten rules to try to narrow the gender wage gap.
The vote came weeks after the Republican National Committee claimed that “All Republicans support equal pay.” Senate Republicans have unanimously shot the bill down multiple times over the past four years.

The bill includes a number of provisions aimed at preventing the gender wage gap in the first place, which currently means a woman who works full time, year round makes 77 percent of what a similar man makes and hasn’t budged in a decade.

It would ban salary secrecy, in which employers prohibit or strongly discourage employees from discussing pay with each other, thus making it difficult for women to discover unequal practices. While it’s illegal to tell workers they can’t talk about wages with each other without a business justification, since it infringes on the right to engage in concerted activities for mutual aid, it’s still widespread: about half of private sector workers say they can’t talk about pay at work. But in workplaces without this practice, the wage gap shrinks. Among the federal workforce, where pay scales are usually transparent, the wage gap has fallen significantly over the past 20 years. It’s also falling among unionized workers, who similarly tend to have wage transparency.

Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill ThinkProgress

Now, I bet you feel really smart.:rolleyes:

Thank you for proving my point.

The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay.

Your point? You're as loony as Sarah Palin. But I somewhat expected that from you.....proving my're as uninformed as the rest, no wonder you're defending Sarah Palin.

Palin is a very successful woman. If that is what you call loony, then you have things seriously fucked up. But then again, you're a liberal so it's to be expected.
Did it occur to you that maybe if the Act is passed, even those women in the White House can get paid the same as men? No, of course not, you're too busy deflecting from your leader's lack of responsibility and fairness to give that any consideration....instead, find something to deflect upon.

No because that wasn't what the Act was about. It is already against the law to pay women less for the same work as men. The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay. The Act basically said that women could go back twenty years and file lawsuits claiming low pay was based on gender discrimination.

Please do some research on the subject.

Maybe you need to do some research. So you don't put out ignorant information like you just did. The Ledbetter act just makes it possible for women to file a suit when they feel they are being discriminated and paid less than men who are doing the same job. And, because people don't have to reveal their salaries, it's not that easy for women to figure out if they are being discriminated and paid less.

On April 9, 2013, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which President John F. Kennedy declared to be the end of the "unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job" when he signed it.

The anniversary, known as Equal Pay Day, marks how far into 2013 women must work to earn what men earned in 2012. That doesn't exactly sound like the Equal Pay Act achieved its goal, does it?

Women in the United States today are paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men -- the gap is even worse for African-American and Latina women -- and according to a new study done by the National Partnership For Women And Families, the gender-based wage gap exists in every state and in the country's 50 largest metropolitan areas.

Women And Equal Pay Wage Gap Still Intact Study Shows

The bill that your leaders turned their back on would make it impossible for men to keep their pay a secret, but I guess you didn't know that, so you just spew your stupid comments and diss Obama without even looking at the situation. No wonder most conservatives are considered less informed, you just proved it.

After allowing the Paycheck Fairness Act to move forward last week, Senate Republicans turned around on Monday evening and unanimously voted to block the bill, which would ban salary secrecy and tighten rules to try to narrow the gender wage gap.
The vote came weeks after the Republican National Committee claimed that “All Republicans support equal pay.” Senate Republicans have unanimously shot the bill down multiple times over the past four years.

The bill includes a number of provisions aimed at preventing the gender wage gap in the first place, which currently means a woman who works full time, year round makes 77 percent of what a similar man makes and hasn’t budged in a decade.

It would ban salary secrecy, in which employers prohibit or strongly discourage employees from discussing pay with each other, thus making it difficult for women to discover unequal practices. While it’s illegal to tell workers they can’t talk about wages with each other without a business justification, since it infringes on the right to engage in concerted activities for mutual aid, it’s still widespread: about half of private sector workers say they can’t talk about pay at work. But in workplaces without this practice, the wage gap shrinks. Among the federal workforce, where pay scales are usually transparent, the wage gap has fallen significantly over the past 20 years. It’s also falling among unionized workers, who similarly tend to have wage transparency.

Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill ThinkProgress

Now, I bet you feel really smart.:rolleyes:

Thank you for proving my point.

The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay.

Your point? You're as loony as Sarah Palin. But I somewhat expected that from you.....proving my're as uninformed as the rest, no wonder you're defending Sarah Palin.

Palin is a very successful woman. If that is what you call loony, then you have things seriously fucked up. But then again, you're a liberal so it's to be expected.

If it were bwteen dying in obscurity, or with Palin-like "success," I'll take obscurity.
Did it occur to you that maybe if the Act is passed, even those women in the White House can get paid the same as men? No, of course not, you're too busy deflecting from your leader's lack of responsibility and fairness to give that any consideration....instead, find something to deflect upon.

No because that wasn't what the Act was about. It is already against the law to pay women less for the same work as men. The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay. The Act basically said that women could go back twenty years and file lawsuits claiming low pay was based on gender discrimination.

Please do some research on the subject.

Maybe you need to do some research. So you don't put out ignorant information like you just did. The Ledbetter act just makes it possible for women to file a suit when they feel they are being discriminated and paid less than men who are doing the same job. And, because people don't have to reveal their salaries, it's not that easy for women to figure out if they are being discriminated and paid less.

On April 9, 2013, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which President John F. Kennedy declared to be the end of the "unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job" when he signed it.

The anniversary, known as Equal Pay Day, marks how far into 2013 women must work to earn what men earned in 2012. That doesn't exactly sound like the Equal Pay Act achieved its goal, does it?

Women in the United States today are paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men -- the gap is even worse for African-American and Latina women -- and according to a new study done by the National Partnership For Women And Families, the gender-based wage gap exists in every state and in the country's 50 largest metropolitan areas.

Women And Equal Pay Wage Gap Still Intact Study Shows

The bill that your leaders turned their back on would make it impossible for men to keep their pay a secret, but I guess you didn't know that, so you just spew your stupid comments and diss Obama without even looking at the situation. No wonder most conservatives are considered less informed, you just proved it.

After allowing the Paycheck Fairness Act to move forward last week, Senate Republicans turned around on Monday evening and unanimously voted to block the bill, which would ban salary secrecy and tighten rules to try to narrow the gender wage gap.
The vote came weeks after the Republican National Committee claimed that “All Republicans support equal pay.” Senate Republicans have unanimously shot the bill down multiple times over the past four years.

The bill includes a number of provisions aimed at preventing the gender wage gap in the first place, which currently means a woman who works full time, year round makes 77 percent of what a similar man makes and hasn’t budged in a decade.

It would ban salary secrecy, in which employers prohibit or strongly discourage employees from discussing pay with each other, thus making it difficult for women to discover unequal practices. While it’s illegal to tell workers they can’t talk about wages with each other without a business justification, since it infringes on the right to engage in concerted activities for mutual aid, it’s still widespread: about half of private sector workers say they can’t talk about pay at work. But in workplaces without this practice, the wage gap shrinks. Among the federal workforce, where pay scales are usually transparent, the wage gap has fallen significantly over the past 20 years. It’s also falling among unionized workers, who similarly tend to have wage transparency.

Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill ThinkProgress

Now, I bet you feel really smart.:rolleyes:

Thank you for proving my point.

The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay.

Your point? You're as loony as Sarah Palin. But I somewhat expected that from you.....proving my're as uninformed as the rest, no wonder you're defending Sarah Palin.

Palin is a very successful woman. If that is what you call loony, then you have things seriously fucked up. But then again, you're a liberal so it's to be expected.

She may be successful, that doesn't mean she is intelligent and Presidential material, just that she knows how to work some people. But, I see you're avoiding the Equal Pay issue with your deflection about Palin's success. Hope you do some research, so you won't be so uninformed.
No because that wasn't what the Act was about. It is already against the law to pay women less for the same work as men. The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay. The Act basically said that women could go back twenty years and file lawsuits claiming low pay was based on gender discrimination.

Please do some research on the subject.

Maybe you need to do some research. So you don't put out ignorant information like you just did. The Ledbetter act just makes it possible for women to file a suit when they feel they are being discriminated and paid less than men who are doing the same job. And, because people don't have to reveal their salaries, it's not that easy for women to figure out if they are being discriminated and paid less.

On April 9, 2013, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which President John F. Kennedy declared to be the end of the "unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job" when he signed it.

The anniversary, known as Equal Pay Day, marks how far into 2013 women must work to earn what men earned in 2012. That doesn't exactly sound like the Equal Pay Act achieved its goal, does it?

Women in the United States today are paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men -- the gap is even worse for African-American and Latina women -- and according to a new study done by the National Partnership For Women And Families, the gender-based wage gap exists in every state and in the country's 50 largest metropolitan areas.

Women And Equal Pay Wage Gap Still Intact Study Shows

The bill that your leaders turned their back on would make it impossible for men to keep their pay a secret, but I guess you didn't know that, so you just spew your stupid comments and diss Obama without even looking at the situation. No wonder most conservatives are considered less informed, you just proved it.

After allowing the Paycheck Fairness Act to move forward last week, Senate Republicans turned around on Monday evening and unanimously voted to block the bill, which would ban salary secrecy and tighten rules to try to narrow the gender wage gap.
The vote came weeks after the Republican National Committee claimed that “All Republicans support equal pay.” Senate Republicans have unanimously shot the bill down multiple times over the past four years.

The bill includes a number of provisions aimed at preventing the gender wage gap in the first place, which currently means a woman who works full time, year round makes 77 percent of what a similar man makes and hasn’t budged in a decade.

It would ban salary secrecy, in which employers prohibit or strongly discourage employees from discussing pay with each other, thus making it difficult for women to discover unequal practices. While it’s illegal to tell workers they can’t talk about wages with each other without a business justification, since it infringes on the right to engage in concerted activities for mutual aid, it’s still widespread: about half of private sector workers say they can’t talk about pay at work. But in workplaces without this practice, the wage gap shrinks. Among the federal workforce, where pay scales are usually transparent, the wage gap has fallen significantly over the past 20 years. It’s also falling among unionized workers, who similarly tend to have wage transparency.

Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill ThinkProgress

Now, I bet you feel really smart.:rolleyes:

Thank you for proving my point.

The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay.

Your point? You're as loony as Sarah Palin. But I somewhat expected that from you.....proving my're as uninformed as the rest, no wonder you're defending Sarah Palin.

Palin is a very successful woman. If that is what you call loony, then you have things seriously fucked up. But then again, you're a liberal so it's to be expected.

If it were bwteen dying in obscurity, or with Palin-like "success," I'll take obscurity.

Of course you would. You like your fellow libtards are stupid. But like I said, it's to be expected.

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