The Palin Brawl

Sure, it's not like you little Goebbels would outright lie to slander and libel those you hate.

I mean, a BLOGGER claims it happened, good enough for demagogues.

BTW, a blogger says they say Barack Obama sucking the cocks of hobos in a DC Greyhound station.

Both stories have the same level of credibility.
I knew Barack Obama had a funny little twinkle in his eye.

He gets a quarter apiece - according to the blog. :thup:
Myself, I can't stomach this much hate. They can go on for days on end. Just look at the thread they had on me.

How people can hold onto that much hate is scary almost. just shameful really

I wouldn't ever want to meet any of you from the leftwing

carry on with your hateful selves tomorrow it'll be someone else

Yet women in Obama's administration are is still making far less than their male counterparts. Forget the fact that it’s been against the law to pay a woman less than a man with similar experience in the same job since the Equal Pay Act of 1963.

Did it occur to you that maybe if the Act is passed, even those women in the White House can get paid the same as men? No, of course not, you're too busy deflecting from your leader's lack of responsibility and fairness to give that any consideration....instead, find something to deflect upon.

No because that wasn't what the Act was about. It is already against the law to pay women less for the same work as men. The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay. The Act basically said that women could go back twenty years and file lawsuits claiming low pay was based on gender discrimination.

Please do some research on the subject.

Maybe you need to do some research. So you don't put out ignorant information like you just did. The Ledbetter act just makes it possible for women to file a suit when they feel they are being discriminated and paid less than men who are doing the same job. And, because people don't have to reveal their salaries, it's not that easy for women to figure out if they are being discriminated and paid less.

On April 9, 2013, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which President John F. Kennedy declared to be the end of the "unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job" when he signed it.

The anniversary, known as Equal Pay Day, marks how far into 2013 women must work to earn what men earned in 2012. That doesn't exactly sound like the Equal Pay Act achieved its goal, does it?

Women in the United States today are paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men -- the gap is even worse for African-American and Latina women -- and according to a new study done by the National Partnership For Women And Families, the gender-based wage gap exists in every state and in the country's 50 largest metropolitan areas.

Women And Equal Pay Wage Gap Still Intact Study Shows

The bill that your leaders turned their back on would make it impossible for men to keep their pay a secret, but I guess you didn't know that, so you just spew your stupid comments and diss Obama without even looking at the situation. No wonder most conservatives are considered less informed, you just proved it.

After allowing the Paycheck Fairness Act to move forward last week, Senate Republicans turned around on Monday evening and unanimously voted to block the bill, which would ban salary secrecy and tighten rules to try to narrow the gender wage gap.
The vote came weeks after the Republican National Committee claimed that “All Republicans support equal pay.” Senate Republicans have unanimously shot the bill down multiple times over the past four years.

The bill includes a number of provisions aimed at preventing the gender wage gap in the first place, which currently means a woman who works full time, year round makes 77 percent of what a similar man makes and hasn’t budged in a decade.

It would ban salary secrecy, in which employers prohibit or strongly discourage employees from discussing pay with each other, thus making it difficult for women to discover unequal practices. While it’s illegal to tell workers they can’t talk about wages with each other without a business justification, since it infringes on the right to engage in concerted activities for mutual aid, it’s still widespread: about half of private sector workers say they can’t talk about pay at work. But in workplaces without this practice, the wage gap shrinks. Among the federal workforce, where pay scales are usually transparent, the wage gap has fallen significantly over the past 20 years. It’s also falling among unionized workers, who similarly tend to have wage transparency.

Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill ThinkProgress

Now, I bet you feel really smart.:rolleyes:

When all else fails to distract, pull out that one mistake that Obama made..............:D

Wait, you admit Obama made a mistake? :eek:

Your god is not perfect? Don't you risk excommunication from the peoples party? Will Rachel Maddow get on MSCCCP and denounce you?

Yep, he's human, he'll make mistakes, but his mistakes don't get 4000+ American soldiers killed.

Quit babbling like a're flailing.
They did get the Ambassador killed in Bengahzi, got a Journalist's head chopped off, and now all the civilian deaths caused by ISIS.

How about Obama's Afghanistan dead 1500 compared to Bush's 500.

or how about obama's doctors killed by ebola compared to bush

How did they get the Ambassador killed? Or the Journalist's head chopped off? Or "Obama's" doctors? Which one of "Obama's" doctors, died? Link?

As for Afghanistan? I thought you folks didn't want our troops to leave these places. Sheesh. Make up your minds!
Google, that is the link.
Quit calling people by your name, retardo.

What stops your god from pay women the same rate as men, retard?

Obama is violating the law by NOT paying them the same, so why does he do it? Is the man just not capable of following US Law?

Retardo, I guess you don't understand English. Trying to defend your leaders after you all claim that you don't wage a war on women and you respect women, but you don't think they deserve to be paid the same. Now that is retarded, retardo.
Gee, Governor Palin seems to never have done any of the oppressive things Comrade Obama routinely does to His staff. Perhaps because she was not required to - not being a Democrat.

Until this threat I knew some Democrats were racist but hadn't understood how rabldly so. We are all deeply in your debt for having shown us. But, for now, I shall continue to refrain.
Quit calling people by your name, retardo.

What stops your god from pay women the same rate as men, retard?

Obama is violating the law by NOT paying them the same, so why does he do it? Is the man just not capable of following US Law?

Retardo, I guess you don't understand English. Trying to defend your leaders after you all claim that you don't wage a war on women and you respect women, but you don't think they deserve to be paid the same. Now that is retarded, retardo.

Says the woman who attacks a powerful, successful woman by calling her trash, slut, etc.
And only brain-dead progressive acolytes are stupid enough to jump all over this and declare it a fact when there are ZERO credible witnesses talking about it, and no charges filed.

Do you know what the verification standard is for journalism?

Three independent this case, that would be three independent eye witnesses.

Most newspapers (the ones with any integrity) wouldn't even run this story, unless they could get two more people (who are willing to give their names) who could provide eye witness accounts either of the event itself, or of the actions taken by law enforcement.

Oh wow.....KKKgrl wants to make sure this story trashing her role model Palin is verified by the CIA/FBI, before she gives any credence to the meantime, she ignores the fact that her leaders, whom she claims have not declared war on women just voted "NO" to giving women equal pay for equal about being brainwashed.

It's funny how much to the mat republicans are will to go for this gal, even though she "doesn't have any effect" on their politics.

This woman, who's IQ is apparently just above mold, who's "extensive" executive resume includes "governing" a state who's population is less then the smallest borough in NYC, who's state reaps many benefits of being a part of the United States, yet she was part of a movement that wanted to secede, who's family has been involved in all sorts of shenigans including consorting with meth dealers and who's fiery rhetoric probably led to the shooting of Gabby Giffords now is involved in a white trash brawl.

She's an embarrassment. A huge one.
no, what's not funny and is sad. It's watching you on the left go after a Politicians FAMILY who just happened to be a woman candidate for Vice President of our United States. none of you would ever do that Albright, Clinton, etc
that's how low you all have fallen into the slime gutter all for politics and you and the people like you in this thread and any Palin thread.... are the embarrassment TO OUR COUNTRY


Spare every one your crocodile tears.

You folks raked Carter over the coals for saying "He lusted in his mind" during a playboy interview and impeached Clinton over a blowjob.

Palin is somehow off limits?


They are so hypocritical, they do worse shit and then they come in here and claim they are the victims.
Comparing sitting Presidents to a woman that's not in office, not a fair comparison.

I know you morons on the left see nothing wrong with what Clinton did and you probably idolize Carter as well.

Why is Palin such a threat to you and your fellow libturds?

Palin a threat? Seriously, you seriously think that we think she is a threat.....bwahahaha.....she's funny, because you all idolize her and think she is Presidential material, then she goes and does crap like this and you all have to circle the wagons and make excuses for the poor woman, who doesn't have enough sense to stay out of trouble.
Quit calling people by your name, retardo.

What stops your god from pay women the same rate as men, retard?

Obama is violating the law by NOT paying them the same, so why does he do it? Is the man just not capable of following US Law?

Retardo, I guess you don't understand English. Trying to defend your leaders after you all claim that you don't wage a war on women and you respect women, but you don't think they deserve to be paid the same. Now that is retarded, retardo.

Says the woman who attacks a powerful, successful woman by calling her trash, slut, etc.

Powerful and successful? Only in the minds of the reactionary conservatives like you, who don't know any better, who think she is Presidential material because she says "Gotcha" and claims she reads all the newspapers and magazines in the United States......sad.
Quit calling people by your name, retardo.

What stops your god from pay women the same rate as men, retard?

Obama is violating the law by NOT paying them the same, so why does he do it? Is the man just not capable of following US Law?

Retardo, I guess you don't understand English. Trying to defend your leaders after you all claim that you don't wage a war on women and you respect women, but you don't think they deserve to be paid the same. Now that is retarded, retardo.

Says the woman who attacks a powerful, successful woman by calling her trash, slut, etc.

And please post where I ever called her a slut. You are nothing but a lying skank who makes crap up. Either quote my post where I called her a slut or STFU.
Powerful and successful? Only in the minds of the reactionary conservatives like you, who don't know any better, who think she is Presidential material because she says "Gotcha" and claims she reads all the newspapers and magazines in the United States......sad.

Now THREE no FOUR in a row without racism!

I never previously had reason to think much about the power of prayer....but whoops, there 'tis!
Quit calling people by your name, retardo.

What stops your god from pay women the same rate as men, retard?

Obama is violating the law by NOT paying them the same, so why does he do it? Is the man just not capable of following US Law?

Retardo, I guess you don't understand English. Trying to defend your leaders after you all claim that you don't wage a war on women and you respect women, but you don't think they deserve to be paid the same. Now that is retarded, retardo.

Says the woman who attacks a powerful, successful woman by calling her trash, slut, etc.

'a powerful, successful woman"

powerful? maybe in white trash land but nowhere else

successful? Yes is displays of drunken white trash brawls
Comparing sitting Presidents to a woman that's not in office, not a fair comparison.

I know you morons on the left see nothing wrong with what Clinton did and you probably idolize Carter as well.

Why is Palin such a threat to you and your fellow libturds?

Palin a threat? Seriously, you seriously think that we think she is a threat.....bwahahaha.....she's funny, because you all idolize her and think she is Presidential material, then she goes and does crap like this and you all have to circle the wagons and make excuses for the poor woman, who doesn't have enough sense to stay out of trouble.

Remember this? LOL

McCain aide calls Palins "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast" - NEWSWEEK (Palin's shopping spree more extensive than reported)

NEWSWEEK has also learned that Palin's shopping spree at high-end
department stores was more extensive than previously reported. While
publicly supporting Palin, McCain's top advisers privately fumed at
what they regarded as her outrageous profligacy. One senior aide said
that Nicolle Wallace had told Palin to buy three suits for the
convention and hire a stylist. But instead, the vice presidential
nominee began buying for herself and her family—clothes and
accessories from top stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman
Marcus. According to two knowledgeable sources, a vast majority of the
clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who was shocked when he got
the bill. Palin also used low-level staffers to buy some of the
clothes on their credit cards. The McCain campaign found out last week
when the aides sought reimbursement. One aide estimated that she spent
"tens of thousands" more than the reported $150,000, and that $20,000
to $40,000 went to buy clothes for her husband. Some articles of
clothing have apparently been lost. An angry aide characterized the
shopping spree as "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from
coast to coast," and said the truth will eventually come out when the
Republican Party audits its books.

A Palin aide said: "Governor Palin was not directing staffers to put
anything on their personal credit cards, and anything that staffers
put on their credit cards has been reimbursed, like an expense. Nasty
and false accusations following a defeat say more about the person who
made them than they do about Governor Palin."

McCain himself rarely spoke to Palin during the campaign, and aides
kept him in the dark about the details of her spending on clothes
because they were sure he would be offended. Palin asked to speak
along with McCain at his Arizona concession speech Tuesday night, but
campaign strategist Steve Schmidt vetoed the request.

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