The Palin Brawl

Nothing like personal attacks when you have nothing of substance to offer to USMB, Uncensored.

It really isn't personal if it's a description of your method on here. You misrepresent yourself as objective and something other than what you isn't personal to point out that you are, indeed, an obama acolyte, a statist, and a hack.
Yup. They dug and they dug and they dug...and despite all the false accusations and frivolous law suits, they found she's exactly what she claims to be, and has no secrets or lies in her background.

Yep, you forgot to add to your description "they found she's exactly what she seems to be, an uneducated, loud mouth, know nothing, no manners, trailer trash babe".......

Well that's the description the woman-hating bigots use.

I know it hurts that despite the huge push that has been made (and continues to be made) to find dirt on Palin, none has been found. This isn't the first time scumbags have attacked her kids and made false claims about her.

You're in deep denial. Why am I not surprised. The woman has no class....

More class than you, at any rate.

The denial is the denial of the sexist haters, who despise her because she isn't a cast iron dyke lobbying to kill babies.

You guys still haven't forgiven her for giving birth to what the left termed "a monster".
Exactly who on the left called that beautiful little child a monster? Name us some names. ..

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It was before your time, Statist. Your leftist predecessors were all over this site condemning Palin. Including Ravi. Who, as I recall, was instrumental in posting thread after thread after thread with ridiculous claims about the baby....that it wasn't really Palin's baby, for example. I remember that meme with particular fondness. They also argued that it was child abuse to deliver the baby.
And only brain-dead progressive acolytes are stupid enough to jump all over this and declare it a fact when there are ZERO credible witnesses talking about it, and no charges filed.

Do you know what the verification standard is for journalism?

Three independent this case, that would be three independent eye witnesses.

Most newspapers (the ones with any integrity) wouldn't even run this story, unless they could get two more people (who are willing to give their names) who could provide eye witness accounts either of the event itself, or of the actions taken by law enforcement.

Oh wow.....KKKgrl wants to make sure this story trashing her role model Palin is verified by the CIA/FBI, before she gives any credence to the meantime, she ignores the fact that her leaders, whom she claims have not declared war on women just voted "NO" to giving women equal pay for equal about being brainwashed.

It's funny how much to the mat republicans are will to go for this gal, even though she "doesn't have any effect" on their politics.

This woman, who's IQ is apparently just above mold, who's "extensive" executive resume includes "governing" a state who's population is less then the smallest borough in NYC, who's state reaps many benefits of being a part of the United States, yet she was part of a movement that wanted to secede, who's family has been involved in all sorts of shenigans including consorting with meth dealers and who's fiery rhetoric probably led to the shooting of Gabby Giffords now is involved in a white trash brawl.

She's an embarrassment. A huge one.
no, what's not funny and is sad. It's watching you on the left go after a Politicians FAMILY who just happened to be a woman candidate for Vice President of our United States. none of you would ever do that Albright, Clinton, etc
that's how low you all have fallen into the slime gutter all for politics and you and the people like you in this thread and any Palin thread.... are the embarrassment TO OUR COUNTRY


Spare every one your crocodile tears.

You folks raked Carter over the coals for saying "He lusted in his mind" during a playboy interview and impeached Clinton over a blowjob.

Palin is somehow off limits?

And lets not forget the disgusting thread on how Palin like "black" meat because some rumor she like a black man.

you all have sunk your party to new vile and disgusting lows
And only brain-dead progressive acolytes are stupid enough to jump all over this and declare it a fact when there are ZERO credible witnesses talking about it, and no charges filed.

Do you know what the verification standard is for journalism?

Three independent this case, that would be three independent eye witnesses.

Most newspapers (the ones with any integrity) wouldn't even run this story, unless they could get two more people (who are willing to give their names) who could provide eye witness accounts either of the event itself, or of the actions taken by law enforcement.

Oh wow.....KKKgrl wants to make sure this story trashing her role model Palin is verified by the CIA/FBI, before she gives any credence to the meantime, she ignores the fact that her leaders, whom she claims have not declared war on women just voted "NO" to giving women equal pay for equal about being brainwashed.

It's funny how much to the mat republicans are will to go for this gal, even though she "doesn't have any effect" on their politics.

This woman, who's IQ is apparently just above mold, who's "extensive" executive resume includes "governing" a state who's population is less then the smallest borough in NYC, who's state reaps many benefits of being a part of the United States, yet she was part of a movement that wanted to secede, who's family has been involved in all sorts of shenigans including consorting with meth dealers and who's fiery rhetoric probably led to the shooting of Gabby Giffords now is involved in a white trash brawl.

She's an embarrassment. A huge one.
no, what's not funny and is sad. It's watching you on the left go after a Politicians FAMILY who just happened to be a woman candidate for Vice President of our United States. none of you would ever do that Albright, Clinton, etc
that's how low you all have fallen into the slime gutter all for politics and you and the people like you in this thread and any Palin thread.... are the embarrassment TO OUR COUNTRY


Spare every one your crocodile tears.

You folks raked Carter over the coals for saying "He lusted in his mind" during a playboy interview and impeached Clinton over a blowjob.

Palin is somehow off limits?


save your ugly self you need it
And only brain-dead progressive acolytes are stupid enough to jump all over this and declare it a fact when there are ZERO credible witnesses talking about it, and no charges filed.

Do you know what the verification standard is for journalism?

Three independent this case, that would be three independent eye witnesses.

Most newspapers (the ones with any integrity) wouldn't even run this story, unless they could get two more people (who are willing to give their names) who could provide eye witness accounts either of the event itself, or of the actions taken by law enforcement.

Oh wow.....KKKgrl wants to make sure this story trashing her role model Palin is verified by the CIA/FBI, before she gives any credence to the meantime, she ignores the fact that her leaders, whom she claims have not declared war on women just voted "NO" to giving women equal pay for equal about being brainwashed.

It's funny how much to the mat republicans are will to go for this gal, even though she "doesn't have any effect" on their politics.

This woman, who's IQ is apparently just above mold, who's "extensive" executive resume includes "governing" a state who's population is less then the smallest borough in NYC, who's state reaps many benefits of being a part of the United States, yet she was part of a movement that wanted to secede, who's family has been involved in all sorts of shenigans including consorting with meth dealers and who's fiery rhetoric probably led to the shooting of Gabby Giffords now is involved in a white trash brawl.

She's an embarrassment. A huge one.
no, what's not funny and is sad. It's watching you on the left go after a Politicians FAMILY who just happened to be a woman candidate for Vice President of our United States. none of you would ever do that Albright, Clinton, etc
that's how low you all have fallen into the slime gutter all for politics and you and the people like you in this thread and any Palin thread.... are the embarrassment TO OUR COUNTRY


Spare every one your crocodile tears.

You folks raked Carter over the coals for saying "He lusted in his mind" during a playboy interview and impeached Clinton over a blowjob.

Palin is somehow off limits?


Comparing sitting Presidents to a woman that's not in office, not a fair comparison.

I know you morons on the left see nothing wrong with what Clinton did and you probably idolize Carter as well.

Why is Palin such a threat to you and your fellow libturds?
And lets not forget the disgusting thread on how Palin like "black" meat because some rumor she like a black man.

you all have sunk your party to new vile and disgusting lows

Oh yeah! That was Ravi too.

I'm so glad she's back now. She definitely adds something to the ambiance of the place.


"Just in case youtube removes the video here are some of the tweets that appeared on it.

  • “Why couldn’t Sarah Palin get shot instead?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin dies an ugly death and takes her moronic hate with her.”
  • “Can somebody please shoot Sarah Palin?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin gets cancer and dies in the next two years.”
  • “Sarah Palin should be shot for her encouragement of fanaticism against Democrats.”
  • “Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies.”
  • “Sarah Palin is the single most dangerous threat to the future of the human race. Somebody bloody shoot her.”
Here are some other tweets

  • Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies."
  • "My hatred for Sarah Palin continues to grow. I think this woman should be assassinated."
  • "I hope Sarah Palin dies a slow and painful death."
  • "I hope she dies gnashing her teeth.""
YouTube Video Calling for Palin s Death Spurs Outrage
Yep the white drunken trash is in full spin mode

Yes, but you're doing it to attack enemies of your filthy party - so you white drunken trash of the DNC feel justified.

America really dodged the bullet in 2008 , can you imagine drunken white trash fights on the lawn of the vice President's home, Their relatives trailer houses strewn on the property , idiotic christer tent crusades with tongue talking and twitching on the lawn. what a freak show that would have been.
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And lets not forget the disgusting thread on how Palin like "black" meat because some rumor she like a black man.

you all have sunk your party to new vile and disgusting lows

Oh yeah! That was Ravi too.

I'm so glad she's back now. She definitely adds something to the ambiance of the place.


"Just in case youtube removes the video here are some of the tweets that appeared on it.

  • “Why couldn’t Sarah Palin get shot instead?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin dies an ugly death and takes her moronic hate with her.”
  • “Can somebody please shoot Sarah Palin?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin gets cancer and dies in the next two years.”
  • “Sarah Palin should be shot for her encouragement of fanaticism against Democrats.”
  • “Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies.”
  • “Sarah Palin is the single most dangerous threat to the future of the human race. Somebody bloody shoot her.”
Here are some other tweets

  • Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies."
  • "My hatred for Sarah Palin continues to grow. I think this woman should be assassinated."
  • "I hope Sarah Palin dies a slow and painful death."
  • "I hope she dies gnashing her teeth.""
YouTube Video Calling for Palin s Death Spurs Outrage

here's a lovely picture of the Democrat/liberal base of TODAY...years ago they had some honor, pride and morals. that's history now

America really dodged the bullet in 2008 ,

No, we took it right in the balls and have the worst president in United States History.

can you imagine drunken white trash fights on the lawn of the vice President's home,

Dude, we have fucking Joe Biden as VP - are you trying to be ironic?

Their relatives trailer houses strewn on the property , idiotic christer tent crusades with tongue talking and twitching on the lawn. what a freak show that would have been.

Tell me, how do you differ from those who claimed that Obama would tear out the White House lawn to plant watermelons?

Oh, you don't - bigotry is bigotry.

You fear Palin, that's because she is a woman and doesn't do what she's told. You expect women to know their place and do as the party tells them

Your attacks on Palin are just part of your general war on women.
And lets not forget the disgusting thread on how Palin like "black" meat because some rumor she like a black man.

you all have sunk your party to new vile and disgusting lows

Oh yeah! That was Ravi too.

I'm so glad she's back now. She definitely adds something to the ambiance of the place.


"Just in case youtube removes the video here are some of the tweets that appeared on it.

  • “Why couldn’t Sarah Palin get shot instead?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin dies an ugly death and takes her moronic hate with her.”
  • “Can somebody please shoot Sarah Palin?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin gets cancer and dies in the next two years.”
  • “Sarah Palin should be shot for her encouragement of fanaticism against Democrats.”
  • “Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies.”
  • “Sarah Palin is the single most dangerous threat to the future of the human race. Somebody bloody shoot her.”
Here are some other tweets

  • Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies."
  • "My hatred for Sarah Palin continues to grow. I think this woman should be assassinated."
  • "I hope Sarah Palin dies a slow and painful death."
  • "I hope she dies gnashing her teeth.""
YouTube Video Calling for Palin s Death Spurs Outrage

here's a lovely picture of the Democrat/liberal base of TODAY...years ago they had some honor, pride and morals. that's history now

Do you know the four people in that photo that is somehow very blurry?
And lets not forget the disgusting thread on how Palin like "black" meat because some rumor she like a black man.

you all have sunk your party to new vile and disgusting lows

Oh yeah! That was Ravi too.

I'm so glad she's back now. She definitely adds something to the ambiance of the place.


"Just in case youtube removes the video here are some of the tweets that appeared on it.

  • “Why couldn’t Sarah Palin get shot instead?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin dies an ugly death and takes her moronic hate with her.”
  • “Can somebody please shoot Sarah Palin?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin gets cancer and dies in the next two years.”
  • “Sarah Palin should be shot for her encouragement of fanaticism against Democrats.”
  • “Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies.”
  • “Sarah Palin is the single most dangerous threat to the future of the human race. Somebody bloody shoot her.”
Here are some other tweets

  • Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies."
  • "My hatred for Sarah Palin continues to grow. I think this woman should be assassinated."
  • "I hope Sarah Palin dies a slow and painful death."
  • "I hope she dies gnashing her teeth.""
YouTube Video Calling for Palin s Death Spurs Outrage

here's a lovely picture of the Democrat/liberal base of TODAY...years ago they had some honor, pride and morals. that's history now

Do you know the four people in that photo that is somehow very blurry?

From the left: Statist, Ravi (you can tell cuz she has a beard), valervi, and plasmaballs.
And lets not forget the disgusting thread on how Palin like "black" meat because some rumor she like a black man.

you all have sunk your party to new vile and disgusting lows

Oh yeah! That was Ravi too.

I'm so glad she's back now. She definitely adds something to the ambiance of the place.


"Just in case youtube removes the video here are some of the tweets that appeared on it.

  • “Why couldn’t Sarah Palin get shot instead?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin dies an ugly death and takes her moronic hate with her.”
  • “Can somebody please shoot Sarah Palin?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin gets cancer and dies in the next two years.”
  • “Sarah Palin should be shot for her encouragement of fanaticism against Democrats.”
  • “Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies.”
  • “Sarah Palin is the single most dangerous threat to the future of the human race. Somebody bloody shoot her.”
Here are some other tweets

  • Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies."
  • "My hatred for Sarah Palin continues to grow. I think this woman should be assassinated."
  • "I hope Sarah Palin dies a slow and painful death."
  • "I hope she dies gnashing her teeth.""
YouTube Video Calling for Palin s Death Spurs Outrage

here's a lovely picture of the Democrat/liberal base of TODAY...years ago they had some honor, pride and morals. that's history now

Do you know the four people in that photo that is somehow very blurry?

From the left: Statist, Ravi (you can tell cuz she has a beard), valervi, and plasmaballs.

That was cuntiliciously wrong of you. As usual.
And lets not forget the disgusting thread on how Palin like "black" meat because some rumor she like a black man.

you all have sunk your party to new vile and disgusting lows

Oh yeah! That was Ravi too.

I'm so glad she's back now. She definitely adds something to the ambiance of the place.


"Just in case youtube removes the video here are some of the tweets that appeared on it.

  • “Why couldn’t Sarah Palin get shot instead?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin dies an ugly death and takes her moronic hate with her.”
  • “Can somebody please shoot Sarah Palin?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin gets cancer and dies in the next two years.”
  • “Sarah Palin should be shot for her encouragement of fanaticism against Democrats.”
  • “Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies.”
  • “Sarah Palin is the single most dangerous threat to the future of the human race. Somebody bloody shoot her.”
Here are some other tweets

  • Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies."
  • "My hatred for Sarah Palin continues to grow. I think this woman should be assassinated."
  • "I hope Sarah Palin dies a slow and painful death."
  • "I hope she dies gnashing her teeth.""
YouTube Video Calling for Palin s Death Spurs Outrage

here's a lovely picture of the Democrat/liberal base of TODAY...years ago they had some honor, pride and morals. that's history now

Do you know the four people in that photo that is somehow very blurry?

From the left: Statist, Ravi (you can tell cuz she has a beard), valervi, and plasmaballs.


That's gunna leave mark...

Poor Statist...
America really dodged the bullet in 2008 ,

No, we took it right in the balls and have the worst president in United States History.

can you imagine drunken white trash fights on the lawn of the vice President's home,

Dude, we have fucking Joe Biden as VP - are you trying to be ironic?

Their relatives trailer houses strewn on the property , idiotic christer tent crusades with tongue talking and twitching on the lawn. what a freak show that would have been.

Tell me, how do you differ from those who claimed that Obama would tear out the White House lawn to plant watermelons?

Oh, you don't - bigotry is bigotry.

You fear Palin, that's because she is a woman and doesn't do what she's told. You expect women to know their place and do as the party tells them

Your attacks on Palin are just part of your general war on women.

Yes that why women flock to vote for bible thumping pasty faced half dead crackers in the white christer party
Myself, I can't stomach this much hate. They can go on for days on end. Just look at the thread they had on me.

How people can hold onto that much hate is scary almost. just shameful really

I wouldn't ever want to meet any of you from the leftwing

carry on with your hateful selves tomorrow it'll be someone else
And lets not forget the disgusting thread on how Palin like "black" meat because some rumor she like a black man.

you all have sunk your party to new vile and disgusting lows

Oh yeah! That was Ravi too.

I'm so glad she's back now. She definitely adds something to the ambiance of the place.


"Just in case youtube removes the video here are some of the tweets that appeared on it.

  • “Why couldn’t Sarah Palin get shot instead?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin dies an ugly death and takes her moronic hate with her.”
  • “Can somebody please shoot Sarah Palin?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin gets cancer and dies in the next two years.”
  • “Sarah Palin should be shot for her encouragement of fanaticism against Democrats.”
  • “Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies.”
  • “Sarah Palin is the single most dangerous threat to the future of the human race. Somebody bloody shoot her.”
Here are some other tweets

  • Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies."
  • "My hatred for Sarah Palin continues to grow. I think this woman should be assassinated."
  • "I hope Sarah Palin dies a slow and painful death."
  • "I hope she dies gnashing her teeth.""
YouTube Video Calling for Palin s Death Spurs Outrage

here's a lovely picture of the Democrat/liberal base of TODAY...years ago they had some honor, pride and morals. that's history now

Myself, I can't stomach this much hate. They can go on for days on end. Just look at the thread they had on me.

How people can hold onto that much hate is scary almost. just shameful really

I wouldn't ever want to meet any of you from the leftwing

carry on with your hateful selves tomorrow it'll be someone else

What thread would that be, oh Stephanie??
And lets not forget the disgusting thread on how Palin like "black" meat because some rumor she like a black man.

you all have sunk your party to new vile and disgusting lows

Oh yeah! That was Ravi too.

I'm so glad she's back now. She definitely adds something to the ambiance of the place.


"Just in case youtube removes the video here are some of the tweets that appeared on it.

  • “Why couldn’t Sarah Palin get shot instead?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin dies an ugly death and takes her moronic hate with her.”
  • “Can somebody please shoot Sarah Palin?”
  • “I hope Sarah Palin gets cancer and dies in the next two years.”
  • “Sarah Palin should be shot for her encouragement of fanaticism against Democrats.”
  • “Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies.”
  • “Sarah Palin is the single most dangerous threat to the future of the human race. Somebody bloody shoot her.”
Here are some other tweets

  • Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies."
  • "My hatred for Sarah Palin continues to grow. I think this woman should be assassinated."
  • "I hope Sarah Palin dies a slow and painful death."
  • "I hope she dies gnashing her teeth.""
YouTube Video Calling for Palin s Death Spurs Outrage

here's a lovely picture of the Democrat/liberal base of TODAY...years ago they had some honor, pride and morals. that's history now

Do you know the four people in that photo that is somehow very blurry?

From the left: Statist, Ravi (you can tell cuz she has a beard), valervi, and plasmaballs.

Oh look the white trash cracker base of the white christian party

And not one of them is wearing a shirt that calls a woman with five children a XXXX. They still outclass you guys.

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