The Palin Brawl

And only brain-dead progressive acolytes are stupid enough to jump all over this and declare it a fact when there are ZERO credible witnesses talking about it, and no charges filed.

Do you know what the verification standard is for journalism?

Three independent this case, that would be three independent eye witnesses.

Most newspapers (the ones with any integrity) wouldn't even run this story, unless they could get two more people (who are willing to give their names) who could provide eye witness accounts either of the event itself, or of the actions taken by law enforcement.

Oh wow.....KKKgrl wants to make sure this story trashing her role model Palin is verified by the CIA/FBI, before she gives any credence to the meantime, she ignores the fact that her leaders, whom she claims have not declared war on women just voted "NO" to giving women equal pay for equal about being brainwashed.

No, I don't give credence to any story as flimsy as this one.

One disgruntled employee is whining about the incident. Out of dozens of people and police officers.

Non-event, made into an event by anti-Christian, woman-hating zealots on the left.

But what about your leaders not wanting you to get paid the same? You don't care? Of course not, because you're much like a Stepford Wife.
Oh wow.....KKKgrl wants to make sure this story trashing her role model Palin is verified by the CIA/FBI, before she gives any credence to the meantime, she ignores the fact that her leaders, whom she claims have not declared war on women just voted "NO" to giving women equal pay for equal about being brainwashed.

How about verified by ANYONE other than paid DNC panty sniffer Amanda Coyne?
My editors wouldn't have run the story. Except in a community gossip column, but they didn't run those anyway, so meh. They would have told me to aggressively source it before submitting it.

Your editors? You have a newspaper? You write stories? Bwahahaha.
My editors wouldn't have run the story. Except in a community gossip column, but they didn't run those anyway, so meh. They would have told me to aggressively source it before submitting it.

Slander and libel against enemies of the party are front page in todays world.

I will grant that the Washington Post only put this shit in a blog, not the actual paper.

The scumbags at the NY Times ran with it though - even giving panty sniffer Coyne a byline.

But then the NY Times is just a hack rag with zero credibility - basically DailyKOS in print.
Off and on. For years. For school papers all through school and college, then for two regular papers. You betcha.

My news editor chewed my ass supremely when they went to run a story front page..and realized I'd only used one source. You don't forget something like that..and it's an industry standard (for those in the industry who adhere to standards..they are few and far between, it's true...since the press has been taken over by progressives).
My editors wouldn't have run the story. Except in a community gossip column, but they didn't run those anyway, so meh. They would have told me to aggressively source it before submitting it.

Slander and libel against enemies of the party are front page in todays world.

I will grant that the Washington Post only put this shit in a blog, not the actual paper.

The scumbags at the NY Times ran with it though - even giving panty sniffer Coyne a byline.

But then the NY Times is just a hack rag with zero credibility - basically DailyKOS in print.


But there are still newsmen and women around who adhere to standards.

True, they get replaced with regularity, but they do exist. I'm one of were my first editors.
And only brain-dead progressive acolytes are stupid enough to jump all over this and declare it a fact when there are ZERO credible witnesses talking about it, and no charges filed.

Do you know what the verification standard is for journalism?

Three independent this case, that would be three independent eye witnesses.

Most newspapers (the ones with any integrity) wouldn't even run this story, unless they could get two more people (who are willing to give their names) who could provide eye witness accounts either of the event itself, or of the actions taken by law enforcement.

Oh wow.....KKKgrl wants to make sure this story trashing her role model Palin is verified by the CIA/FBI, before she gives any credence to the meantime, she ignores the fact that her leaders, whom she claims have not declared war on women just voted "NO" to giving women equal pay for equal about being brainwashed.

The vote you speak of was nothing but political theater and an attempt by the democrats to get people's mind off Obama-care. Which it obviously worked for people like you. There is laws on the books regarding equal pay and your messiah president is disregarding it. Yet you don't seem to be upset with him.

Why is that?

Why do you blame Republicans for not passing a law that has already been passed thus making the new law redundant and is being ignored by the very person you voted for?

You people make absolutely no sense.

Mertex: I'm mad at Republicans for not passing an equal pay law (which the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act wasn't really about equal pay but why let the facts confuse you further) . But it's ok that a Democrat President is paying women 18 percent less than men.
And only brain-dead progressive acolytes are stupid enough to jump all over this and declare it a fact when there are ZERO credible witnesses talking about it, and no charges filed.

Do you know what the verification standard is for journalism?

Three independent this case, that would be three independent eye witnesses.

Most newspapers (the ones with any integrity) wouldn't even run this story, unless they could get two more people (who are willing to give their names) who could provide eye witness accounts either of the event itself, or of the actions taken by law enforcement.

Oh wow.....KKKgrl wants to make sure this story trashing her role model Palin is verified by the CIA/FBI, before she gives any credence to the meantime, she ignores the fact that her leaders, whom she claims have not declared war on women just voted "NO" to giving women equal pay for equal about being brainwashed.

It's funny how much to the mat republicans are will to go for this gal, even though she "doesn't have any effect" on their politics.

This woman, who's IQ is apparently just above mold, who's "extensive" executive resume includes "governing" a state who's population is less then the smallest borough in NYC, who's state reaps many benefits of being a part of the United States, yet she was part of a movement that wanted to secede, who's family has been involved in all sorts of shenigans including consorting with meth dealers and who's fiery rhetoric probably led to the shooting of Gabby Giffords now is involved in a white trash brawl.

She's an embarrassment. A huge one.
I don't find her embarassing at all.

The left does. She makes their progressive hags look like the criminal, lying, depraved sad sacks they are.
Yet women in Obama's administration are is still making far less than their male counterparts. Forget the fact that it’s been against the law to pay a woman less than a man with similar experience in the same job since the Equal Pay Act of 1963.

Did it occur to you that maybe if the Act is passed, even those women in the White House can get paid the same as men? No, of course not, you're too busy deflecting from your leader's lack of responsibility and fairness to give that any consideration....instead, find something to deflect upon.

No because that wasn't what the Act was about. It is already against the law to pay women less for the same work as men. The Lilly Ledbetter Act was about lawsuits not equal pay. The Act basically said that women could go back twenty years and file lawsuits claiming low pay was based on gender discrimination.

Please do some research on the subject.
It's funny how much to the mat republicans are will to go for this gal, even though she "doesn't have any effect" on their politics.

It's funny how far you democrats will go to slander women who dare hold opinions not assigned to them by the party,

This woman, who's IQ is apparently just above mold,

So about triple your IQ then, Shallow....

You're an embarrassment,
A little research does wonders.

Apparently the story about the Obama girls being sent to a school with some sex and drug issues went international and in more than just paid-blogger sites!

Goodness, by comparison, the Palin family looks downright presidential whilst the (former) Messiah of the left and his alleged spouse look downright Detroit!

70 000-a-year school Obama sends his daughters hit by drug and sex scandal Mail Online

Nice RWNJ hit-piece!!

Uhh, the author needs to work on a couple of things:

The official study also reported that 25 per cent of senior boys admitted to drinking under the influence of alcohol.

Is there any other way to consume alcohol???

And ahhh, the rumors:

A former student confirmed rumors to the Enquirer, saying: 'I have seen kids snorting coke, smoking pot, getting high and boozing.

Of course, that former student was not named.

And then there is the hit-job on the school, using someone who hasn't been there for 13 years:

A graduate of the elite school was recently arrested for possession of cocaine and ecstasy with intent to supply, according to published reports.

Hugh L. Elsbree, 31, was arrested by D.C. police in April for running a drug lab out of a luxury apartment complex in the District’s Adams Morgan neighborhood.

When was the last time you saw a 30 year old graduating from High School? If he is 31, this means he graduated in either 2001 or 2002. Oh wait, Bush was president then, so of course, Bush is at fault for this young man going on to be a drug dealer!!!

Dear Lord, you Righties really are a sordid bunch...


Yep the white drunken trash is in full spin mode
You wouldn't call it anything, guno. YOu have about as much insight into the workings of newspapers, (and in fact, conveying the English language in any medium) as I have into the behind-the-scenes world of the French professional bicyclist.

Ok, I probably have more knowledge of the life of cyclists than you do of journalism, lol.
And only brain-dead progressive acolytes are stupid enough to jump all over this and declare it a fact when there are ZERO credible witnesses talking about it, and no charges filed.

Do you know what the verification standard is for journalism?

Three independent this case, that would be three independent eye witnesses.

Most newspapers (the ones with any integrity) wouldn't even run this story, unless they could get two more people (who are willing to give their names) who could provide eye witness accounts either of the event itself, or of the actions taken by law enforcement.

Oh wow.....KKKgrl wants to make sure this story trashing her role model Palin is verified by the CIA/FBI, before she gives any credence to the meantime, she ignores the fact that her leaders, whom she claims have not declared war on women just voted "NO" to giving women equal pay for equal about being brainwashed.

It's funny how much to the mat republicans are will to go for this gal, even though she "doesn't have any effect" on their politics.

This woman, who's IQ is apparently just above mold, who's "extensive" executive resume includes "governing" a state who's population is less then the smallest borough in NYC, who's state reaps many benefits of being a part of the United States, yet she was part of a movement that wanted to secede, who's family has been involved in all sorts of shenigans including consorting with meth dealers and who's fiery rhetoric probably led to the shooting of Gabby Giffords now is involved in a white trash brawl.

She's an embarrassment. A huge one.
no, what's not funny and is sad. It's watching you on the left go after a Politicians FAMILY who just happened to be a woman candidate for Vice President of our United States. none of you would ever do that Albright, Clinton, etc
that's how low you all have fallen into the slime gutter all for politics and you and the people like you in this thread and any Palin thread.... are the embarrassment TO OUR COUNTRY
Nothing like personal attacks when you have nothing of substance to offer to USMB, Uncensored.

It really isn't personal if it's a description of your method on here. You misrepresent yourself as objective and something other than what you isn't personal to point out that you are, indeed, an obama acolyte, a statist, and a hack.
Yup. They dug and they dug and they dug...and despite all the false accusations and frivolous law suits, they found she's exactly what she claims to be, and has no secrets or lies in her background.

Yep, you forgot to add to your description "they found she's exactly what she seems to be, an uneducated, loud mouth, know nothing, no manners, trailer trash babe".......

Well that's the description the woman-hating bigots use.

I know it hurts that despite the huge push that has been made (and continues to be made) to find dirt on Palin, none has been found. This isn't the first time scumbags have attacked her kids and made false claims about her.

You're in deep denial. Why am I not surprised. The woman has no class....

More class than you, at any rate.

The denial is the denial of the sexist haters, who despise her because she isn't a cast iron dyke lobbying to kill babies.

You guys still haven't forgiven her for giving birth to what the left termed "a monster".
Exactly who on the left called that beautiful little child a monster? Name us some names. ..

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You're in deep denial. Why am I not surprised. The woman has no class....

No class based on what? Demagoguery spread by a paid DNC panty sniffer? Do you think your war on women is classy? Do you think it's "classy" for your filthy party to slander and libel any woman who dares voice an opinion not provided to them by the men running the DNC?

You DARE speak of class as you fling shit based on a rumor simply because a woman holds a different political view than your party does?

Look at the names she calls Palin.

Typical. They hate her because she didn't kill her baby. That's the long and short of it. And they will engage in any form of attack against her, they want her squashed, destroyed, ruined, probably even killed.
Who calls Palin what names?

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Look at the names she calls Palin.

Typical. They hate her because she didn't kill her baby. That's the long and short of it. And they will engage in any form of attack against her, they want her squashed, destroyed, ruined, probably even killed.

They hate Palin because she is a strong woman who thinks for herself.

Women are expected to know their place by people like Mertex - the DNC will tell women what they think.

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