The Partisan Divide on Mail-in Voting in November


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It is a "curiosity," but undeniable that ALL Democrats are keen to promote MASSIVE mail-in voting in November, and ALL Republicans are against it. Yet few dare to articulate exactly why Democrats believe it would be to their electoral advantage...the Real Reason being obvious. Voter Fraud. On the Republican side, we consider that the Gold Standard of voting is: a pre-registered legal voter presents himself at the polls, shows a photo ID, and casts his ballot on a printed ballot, which is retained and counted at the end of the Election Day. Anything else is a compromise and should be avoided if possible.

But mail-in is something that is difficult to argue against at this time, since our pansy-ass little sisters will whine that they should not have to risk their lives in order to vote.

So here is the "Republican" answer to the conundrum:
  • Only active registered voters get a ballot mailed to them. All registered voters get a unique district and state-specific voter ID number, which is given out between now and Election Day for "new"voters. Of course, registration requires a state-issued photo ID. Those voters who are not active may re-register according to local rules.
  • Ballots must be filled out by hand and signed, in ink.
  • Mail-in ballots must be accompanied by a photocopy of the state-issued photo ID. Those registering between now and Election Day can get their photo at the time of registration in person.
  • Poll workers must compare the signatures on the state-issued photo ID and the ballot itself.
  • It is a crime (summary offense) to mail the ballot of any other person or persons. Summary offense, minimum $500 per mailed ballot.
  • It is a crime (same thing) to try to double-vote, that is, mail in a ballot AND try to vote in person.

If not, why not?
It is a "curiosity," but undeniable that ALL Democrats are keen to promote MASSIVE mail-in voting in November, and ALL Republicans are against it. Yet few dare to articulate exactly why Democrats believe it would be to their electoral advantage...the Real Reason being obvious. Voter Fraud. On the Republican side, we consider that the Gold Standard of voting is: a pre-registered legal voter presents himself at the polls, shows a photo ID, and casts his ballot on a printed ballot, which is retained and counted at the end of the Election Day. Anything else is a compromise and should be avoided if possible.

But mail-in is something that is difficult to argue against at this time, since our pansy-ass little sisters will whine that they should not have to risk their lives in order to vote.

So here is the "Republican" answer to the conundrum:
  • Only active registered voters get a ballot mailed to them. All registered voters get a unique district and state-specific voter ID number, which is given out between now and Election Day for "new"voters. Of course, registration requires a state-issued photo ID. Those voters who are not active may re-register according to local rules.
  • Ballots must be filled out by hand and signed, in ink.
  • Mail-in ballots must be accompanied by a photocopy of the state-issued photo ID. Those registering between now and Election Day can get their photo at the time of registration in person.
  • Poll workers must compare the signatures on the state-issued photo ID and the ballot itself.
  • It is a crime (summary offense) to mail the ballot of any other person or persons. Summary offense, minimum $500 per mailed ballot.
  • It is a crime (same thing) to try to double-vote, that is, mail in a ballot AND try to vote in person.

If not, why not?
I see one real problem with your idea. A number of the so called sancutuary cities and states issue illegal aliens drivers licenses. Which could allow and considering those areas would allow them to vote.
You need to consider that you will have many on the left complaining that any I.D. is voter suppression because they feel that minorities are too stupid to get and keep I.D.
Democrats favor mail-in voting because it makes vote fraud easier. (It is standard procedure for Democrat districts to report more votes than eligible voters.) Their argument about accessibility is completely bogus: Voting in person is more of an inconvenience for working people than it is for welfare recipients.
Very little voter fraud takes place.

The plan outlined in the OP sounds good to me. Not sure what an “active registered” voter is but hey; if it will drag the conserve-hate-Ives kicking and screaming into the 19th century...sounds good to me.
"Active registered voter" refers to the reality that voter registration rolls are purged from time to time when the people don't vote for a period determined by state law. The presumption is that those people have either died, moved, or are no longer interested in voting. In fact, very few people de-register when they move and almost nobody de-registers when they die, so a purge of the rolls is necessary, particularly when the number of registered voters exceeds the voting population.

Massive voter fraud has never been documented in the U.S., but one must note that the places where it would most likely take place are generally inner-city bastions dominated by a Democrat "Machine," which tenaciously fights any attempt to investigate. One must also note that the President's commission after the 2016 election was frustrated by (mainly) Democrat governors - particularly in California - refusing to provide the data that would be necessary to rationally look into the issue. No voter fraud: bullshit.
It is a "curiosity," but undeniable that ALL Democrats are keen to promote MASSIVE mail-in voting in November, and ALL Republicans are against it. Yet few dare to articulate exactly why Democrats believe it would be to their electoral advantage...the Real Reason being obvious. Voter Fraud. On the Republican side, we consider that the Gold Standard of voting is: a pre-registered legal voter presents himself at the polls, shows a photo ID, and casts his ballot on a printed ballot, which is retained and counted at the end of the Election Day. Anything else is a compromise and should be avoided if possible.

But mail-in is something that is difficult to argue against at this time, since our pansy-ass little sisters will whine that they should not have to risk their lives in order to vote.

So here is the "Republican" answer to the conundrum:
  • Only active registered voters get a ballot mailed to them. All registered voters get a unique district and state-specific voter ID number, which is given out between now and Election Day for "new"voters. Of course, registration requires a state-issued photo ID. Those voters who are not active may re-register according to local rules.
  • Ballots must be filled out by hand and signed, in ink.
  • Mail-in ballots must be accompanied by a photocopy of the state-issued photo ID. Those registering between now and Election Day can get their photo at the time of registration in person.
  • Poll workers must compare the signatures on the state-issued photo ID and the ballot itself.
  • It is a crime (summary offense) to mail the ballot of any other person or persons. Summary offense, minimum $500 per mailed ballot.
  • It is a crime (same thing) to try to double-vote, that is, mail in a ballot AND try to vote in person.

If not, why not?
Fantastic post, thanks.
lol @ 'massive voter fraud has never been documented'. That's like claiming there is no organized crime because Carlo Gambino never did a survey of it. The entire history of cities like Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis, New York, Detroit, and many other lesser ones as well, is built around voter fraud, and by extension Presidential elections from those same districts. They're famous for it. Lincoln's use of Army troops to control the ballot boxes and determine the elections in the border states was open and direct, didn't even bother to hide that. Buying votes is a standard practice all over the country.
It is a "curiosity," but undeniable that ALL Democrats are keen to promote MASSIVE mail-in voting in November, and ALL Republicans are against it. Yet few dare to articulate exactly why Democrats believe it would be to their electoral advantage...the Real Reason being obvious. Voter Fraud. On the Republican side, we consider that the Gold Standard of voting is: a pre-registered legal voter presents himself at the polls, shows a photo ID, and casts his ballot on a printed ballot, which is retained and counted at the end of the Election Day. Anything else is a compromise and should be avoided if possible.

But mail-in is something that is difficult to argue against at this time, since our pansy-ass little sisters will whine that they should not have to risk their lives in order to vote.

So here is the "Republican" answer to the conundrum:
  • Only active registered voters get a ballot mailed to them. All registered voters get a unique district and state-specific voter ID number, which is given out between now and Election Day for "new"voters. Of course, registration requires a state-issued photo ID. Those voters who are not active may re-register according to local rules.
  • Ballots must be filled out by hand and signed, in ink.
  • Mail-in ballots must be accompanied by a photocopy of the state-issued photo ID. Those registering between now and Election Day can get their photo at the time of registration in person.
  • Poll workers must compare the signatures on the state-issued photo ID and the ballot itself.
  • It is a crime (summary offense) to mail the ballot of any other person or persons. Summary offense, minimum $500 per mailed ballot.
  • It is a crime (same thing) to try to double-vote, that is, mail in a ballot AND try to vote in person.

If not, why not?
One minor stipulation. Registered Republicans and Independents will be mailed ballots produced and mailed from America, as most believe Trump has done a pretty good job. But for maximum safety, Democrats will have their ballots printed in Wuhan China and express mailed to them they insist China has done a better job controlling the Wuhan Virus and are most keen to support Chinese manufacturing.
ALL Democrats are keen to promote MASSIVE mail-in voting in November, and ALL Republicans are against it. Yet few dare to articulate exactly why Democrats believe it would be to their electoral advantage...the Real Reason being obvious. Voter Fraud. On the Republican side, we consider that the Gold Standard

I imagine that they promote mail-in votes but cast their own vote at the booth.
Why are Americans so much more inclined to dishonesty than every other developed nation...according to Republicans.
The blob’s treasury trusted the Post Office to deliver millions of $1200+ checks. It’s more than capable of delivering ballots. Opposition to mailing in ballots is rooted in fear of voters actually voting.
Why are Americans so much more inclined to dishonesty than every other developed nation...according to Republicans.
Probably because they are dishonest.

Remember when the blob said that paying no taxes made him “smart”. His supporters of course know that their payment of taxes makes them “stupid” in his eyes. They can’t even be honest with themselves.
It is a "curiosity," but undeniable that ALL Democrats are keen to promote MASSIVE mail-in voting in November, and ALL Republicans are against it. Yet few dare to articulate exactly why Democrats believe it would be to their electoral advantage...the Real Reason being obvious. Voter Fraud. On the Republican side, we consider that the Gold Standard of voting is: a pre-registered legal voter presents himself at the polls, shows a photo ID, and casts his ballot on a printed ballot, which is retained and counted at the end of the Election Day. Anything else is a compromise and should be avoided if possible.

But mail-in is something that is difficult to argue against at this time, since our pansy-ass little sisters will whine that they should not have to risk their lives in order to vote.

So here is the "Republican" answer to the conundrum:
  • Only active registered voters get a ballot mailed to them. All registered voters get a unique district and state-specific voter ID number, which is given out between now and Election Day for "new"voters. Of course, registration requires a state-issued photo ID. Those voters who are not active may re-register according to local rules.
  • Ballots must be filled out by hand and signed, in ink.
  • Mail-in ballots must be accompanied by a photocopy of the state-issued photo ID. Those registering between now and Election Day can get their photo at the time of registration in person.
  • Poll workers must compare the signatures on the state-issued photo ID and the ballot itself.
  • It is a crime (summary offense) to mail the ballot of any other person or persons. Summary offense, minimum $500 per mailed ballot.
  • It is a crime (same thing) to try to double-vote, that is, mail in a ballot AND try to vote in person.

If not, why not?

You’re calling military men and women who vote by mail “pansy ass”?

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