The party of 3rd world mob justice lost today


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
It's a good day for Western civilization.

They keep losing and losing and will continue to lose because their entire platform is based on American self-hatred for the sake of American self-hatred and that's simply not going to work in this society, it's terrible for any society's morale or what the British like to call "community cohesion." It's the political outgrowth of the fact that liberals are miserable people who want everyone else to be as miserable as they are.

If Trump is as stupid and incompetent as liberals say, he sure keeps beating them over and over again so what the fuck does that say about them?
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Is Trump a stupid boob, or a genius? It's either one or the other. You can't have it both ways.

And he seems to be winning and winning and winning so often that the "stupid boob" explanation simply doesn't wash.
exactly--they mob/vandalize/destroy
riot--not protest
--harass--not protest--
scream-YELL at-not discuss

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