The Pathetically Weak Trump Stock Market In Three Easy To Read Charts


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Well, it’s weak compared to the stock market returns under the Kenyan socialist America-hating usurper Barack Obama, anyway.

Lots of caveats go with this, of course. The stock market is a pretty poor metric of real economic prosperity, as most of its gains go to the already wealthy — and millions of Americans own no equities at all.

But Trump has brayed over and over again about how the markets have supposedly surged under his stewardship.

Except they haven’t. At least if you compare the Trump years to the Obama years.

The pathetically weak Trump stock market in three easy-to-read charts

What is it this guy was supposed to be good at again?
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From memory, DOW 18332 on election night. When they break China down, finish off Mexico......the markets should soar again. TIT.

Have faith. If you do all the right things you can (after 30 yrs. of wrong) it may end up good?
The stock market is a mirage. Who gives a shit... Trump is great for Americans and the economy for Americans.
The stock market is a mirage. Who gives a shit... Trump is great for Americans and the economy for Americans.
and how many times did the stock market hit when 0 was president? i remember seeing it hit 6000
Well, it’s weak compared to the stock market returns under the Kenyan socialist America-hating usurper Barack Obama, anyway.

Lots of caveats go with this, of course. The stock market is a pretty poor metric of real economic prosperity, as most of its gains go to the already wealthy — and millions of Americans own no equities at all.

But Trump has brayed over and over again about how the markets have supposedly surged under his stewardship.

Except they haven’t. At least if you compare the Trump years to the Obama years.

The pathetically weak Trump stock market in three easy-to-read charts

What is it this guy was supposed to be good at again?

Selling "FEELINGS".

Sadly, a number of sheeple are equally good at buying them, having apparently learned nothing from bankrupt casinos, grounded airlines, the USFL, "John Miller", Sharper Image steaks, fraudulent magazine covers and Fraud University.
Well, it’s weak compared to the stock market returns under the Kenyan socialist America-hating usurper Barack Obama, anyway.

Lots of caveats go with this, of course. The stock market is a pretty poor metric of real economic prosperity, as most of its gains go to the already wealthy — and millions of Americans own no equities at all.

But Trump has brayed over and over again about how the markets have supposedly surged under his stewardship.

Except they haven’t. At least if you compare the Trump years to the Obama years.

The pathetically weak Trump stock market in three easy-to-read charts

What is it this guy was supposed to be good at again?

This country misses the Great Obama
From memory, DOW 18332 on election night. When they break China down, finish off Mexico......the markets should soar again. TIT.

Have faith. If you do all the right things you can (after 30 yrs. of wrong) it may end up good?
China is whipping Trumps orange behind
Well, it’s weak compared to the stock market returns under the Kenyan socialist America-hating usurper Barack Obama, anyway.

Lots of caveats go with this, of course. The stock market is a pretty poor metric of real economic prosperity, as most of its gains go to the already wealthy — and millions of Americans own no equities at all.

But Trump has brayed over and over again about how the markets have supposedly surged under his stewardship.

Except they haven’t. At least if you compare the Trump years to the Obama years.

The pathetically weak Trump stock market in three easy-to-read charts

What is it this guy was supposed to be good at again?
The art of the LOL LOL Deal
Selling "FEELINGS".

Liberals: Selling feelings since 2008.

Ah, you didn't get the reference?

"You don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS" ---- Rump Fraud University playbook (RIP)

Well at least it was honest fraud.

Howya doin' TK. LTNS. ::113:
Hiya Pogo!

"Hope and change"

-Obama campaign playbook

(Possibly taken from Trump University playbook.)

In other words, Obama did precisely the same thing as what you're criticizing Trump for.

Selling emotions.
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As a wise old man once said he never knew a wealthy stock trader but had spent several lovely days on a stock brokers yacht.
To understand the stock market requires a comprehensive understanding of logarithmic trading programs and data selection for input.
Market volatility is the new norm and has been for the past decade. Now let’s talk about sovereign, US national, corporate, and personal debt.
From memory, DOW 18332 on election night. When they break China down, finish off Mexico......the markets should soar again. TIT.

Have faith. If you do all the right things you can (after 30 yrs. of wrong) it may end up good?
China is whipping Trumps orange behind

If so, we will be at the same place as under "the Great BO". Gettting cheated.
Well, it’s weak compared to the stock market returns under the Kenyan socialist America-hating usurper Barack Obama, anyway.

Lots of caveats go with this, of course. The stock market is a pretty poor metric of real economic prosperity, as most of its gains go to the already wealthy — and millions of Americans own no equities at all.

But Trump has brayed over and over again about how the markets have supposedly surged under his stewardship.

Except they haven’t. At least if you compare the Trump years to the Obama years.

The pathetically weak Trump stock market in three easy-to-read charts

What is it this guy was supposed to be good at again?

This country misses the Great Obama
The King certainly does....

As a wise old man once said he never knew a wealthy stock trader but had spent several lovely days on a stock brokers yacht.
To understand the stock market requires a comprehensive understanding of logarithmic trading programs and data selection for input.
Market volatility is the new norm and has been for the past decade. Now let’s talk about sovereign, US national, corporate, and personal debt.

No. Once we got past the initial crash under Obama the markets were fairly stable.
Well, it’s weak compared to the stock market returns under the Kenyan socialist America-hating usurper Barack Obama, anyway.

Lots of caveats go with this, of course. The stock market is a pretty poor metric of real economic prosperity, as most of its gains go to the already wealthy — and millions of Americans own no equities at all.

But Trump has brayed over and over again about how the markets have supposedly surged under his stewardship.

Except they haven’t. At least if you compare the Trump years to the Obama years.

The pathetically weak Trump stock market in three easy-to-read charts

What is it this guy was supposed to be good at again?

quan·ti·ta·tive eas·ing
/ˌkwän(t)əˌtādiv ˈēziNG/
  1. the introduction of new money into the money supply by a central bank.

Well, it’s weak compared to the stock market returns under the Kenyan socialist America-hating usurper Barack Obama, anyway.

Lots of caveats go with this, of course. The stock market is a pretty poor metric of real economic prosperity, as most of its gains go to the already wealthy — and millions of Americans own no equities at all.

But Trump has brayed over and over again about how the markets have supposedly surged under his stewardship.

Except they haven’t. At least if you compare the Trump years to the Obama years.

The pathetically weak Trump stock market in three easy-to-read charts

What is it this guy was supposed to be good at again?

This country misses the Great Obama

quan·ti·ta·tive eas·ing
/ˌkwän(t)əˌtādiv ˈēziNG/
  1. the introduction of new money into the money supply by a central bank.

Selling "FEELINGS".

Liberals: Selling feelings since 2008.

Ah, you didn't get the reference?

"You don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS" ---- Rump Fraud University playbook (RIP)

Well at least it was honest fraud.

Is this the best you can consistently come up with? "He's a fraud"? You're smarter than that Pogo.


I know. In that area of his life, he was a fraud. But you'll need to understand that I stand in stark contrast to those "Trump acolytes" you lambaste regularly. I don't ignore the negative aspects of a person, but neither do I ignore the positives. In a political forum like this one, it is easy to ignore the positive and focus on the negative.

However seemingly, unlike you, I am willing to look for redeeming qualities in people regardless of whether I voted for them or not. That garbage with Trump U had no impact on why I voted for him either. I voted against Obama for the wrong reason. Emotion. Same as the people who voted for him. I will never make that mistake again.

Now, let me point something else out, in re this thread:

The stock market was at 18,230 (roughly) on election night. Now, it stands at (checks the numbers for accuracy) 24,816 as of this past Friday's close. Some analysts (supposed experts on stock market function or American economic theory and practice, Paul Krugman and Co.), foresaw a near 1000 point drop in the days following a Trump election based on the behavior of stock market futures that night. The market did no such thing. It jumped 250 points the following day.

Dow hits closing record high in wild rally after Trump's win

The economy has grown. Whether anyone (you, I, or the hick next door) like it, Trump has helped heal the economy. Argue and protest that statement as much as you like. The reality exists.
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Well, it’s weak compared to the stock market returns under the Kenyan socialist America-hating usurper Barack Obama, anyway.

Lots of caveats go with this, of course. The stock market is a pretty poor metric of real economic prosperity, as most of its gains go to the already wealthy — and millions of Americans own no equities at all.

But Trump has brayed over and over again about how the markets have supposedly surged under his stewardship.

Except they haven’t. At least if you compare the Trump years to the Obama years.

The pathetically weak Trump stock market in three easy-to-read charts

What is it this guy was supposed to be good at again?
My business is doing as good as it ever has. That's everyday average consumers paying me good money to wreck their house. Not some phoney ponzie scheme to trade imaginary dollars to inflate or deflate a stock.


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