The Pathetically Weak Trump Stock Market In Three Easy To Read Charts

I'd rather see my taxes put Stormy Daniels on the government payroll and calm that shit down. Whatever it takes.


I honestly don't know what to say to that statement in particular.

Come on man. You're in awe of my elocution. Stunned silence is the correct response.
Well, it’s weak compared to the stock market returns under the Kenyan socialist America-hating usurper Barack Obama, anyway.

Lots of caveats go with this, of course. The stock market is a pretty poor metric of real economic prosperity, as most of its gains go to the already wealthy — and millions of Americans own no equities at all.

But Trump has brayed over and over again about how the markets have supposedly surged under his stewardship.

Except they haven’t. At least if you compare the Trump years to the Obama years.

The pathetically weak Trump stock market in three easy-to-read charts

What is it this guy was supposed to be good at again?
Wait a minute....I thought that you moonbats hated the Wall Street bankster 1%-ers?

Now you're cheering that they had it better under your Mulatto Marxist?

And what of the over $4 trillion that the Fed pumped into the marked during the Oboingo regime?

Oh wait....Daily Kooks....That 'splains the "amnesia".
/——/ Oddball, as I read your post Kelly’s Heroes was playing on tv in the background. Funny
If the stock market is so bad, perhaps you can explain to me why my 401k has gone from 430k when Trump was elected to 700k at present. Thank you.

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