The Pathology of the Rich: Disposable Citizens

"'The rich are different from us,' F. Scott Fitzgerald is said to have remarked to Ernest Hemingway, to which Hemingway allegedly replied, 'Yes, they have more money.'”

"The exchange, although it never actually took place, sums up a wisdom Fitzgerald had that eluded Hemingway.

"The rich are different.

"The cocoon of wealth and privilege permits the rich to turn those around them into compliant workers, hangers-on, servants, flatterers and sycophants. Wealth breeds, as Fitzgerald illustrated in 'The Great Gatsby' and his short story 'The Rich Boy,' a class of people for whom human beings are disposable commodities.

"Colleagues, associates, employees, kitchen staff, servants, gardeners, tutors, personal trainers, even friends and family, bend to the whims of the wealthy or disappear.

"Once oligarchs achieve unchecked economic and political power, as they have in the United States, the citizens too become disposable."

Like Fitzgerald, Chris Hedges spent his early years among the rich and famous. At age 10 Chris earned a scholarship to an exclusive New England boarding school, and he spent some of his vacation time in the homes of his classmates:

"I spent time in the homes of the ultra-rich and powerful, watching my classmates, who were children, callously order around men and women who worked as their chauffeurs, cooks, nannies and servants.

"When the sons and daughters of the rich get into serious trouble there are always lawyers, publicists and political personages to protect them—George W. Bush’s life is a case study in the insidious affirmative action for the rich.

"The rich have a snobbish disdain for the poor—despite well-publicized acts of philanthropy—and the middle class.

"These lower classes are viewed as uncouth parasites, annoyances that have to be endured, at times placated and always controlled in the quest to amass more power and money."

Chris Hedges: Let?s Get This Class War Started - Chris Hedges - Truthdig

"The inability to grasp the pathology of our oligarchic rulers is one of our gravest faults."

You've made an interesting point. I believe there is an insidious plan by the elites of this world to reduce the population. It was planned long ago. If anyone has ever researched the message on the Georgia Guidestones one cannot miss it. They would like to reduce the population to a fraction of what it is and are well on their way to doing it through avenues such as global warming ( now I hear they have changed it to climate change as their research was found to be seriously flawed ) abortion, wars planned by elitists who control nations and leaders through their wealth, power and schemes of blackmail. ( many are blackmailed by luring them into sex parties with children where they are they are secretly video taped - see the Regina Louf story as to how they get away with it - see the story of the Franklin cover up to see just how far they are willing to go ) They also use people such as yourself to turn the story around and cause the masses to target those they have plans to remove out of the way because unlike them, they are holding onto values such as capitolism, freedom to worship God, freedom to attain wealth which would be a threat to their ultimate goal.

The world in their eyes is divided between us and them. They have blurred the lines of truth by enlisting the help of those who are blinded by the god of this world and therein are willing to be used by these godless elitists who despise the very name of Jesus Christ. Perhaps those who have joined their cause believe they will somehow be spared when the "culling" begins but history proves otherwise.

Where to be begin? How about Margaret Sanger, the Mother of Planned Parenthood, who was married to the oil tycoon Noah Slee? That would be a good example of the agenda of elitists. Today there are over 50 million people missing in America due to abortion.

Here is the story on Sanger's agenda: The Mother of Planned Parenthood |

A clip from the article:
“…we are paying for and even submitting to the dictates of an ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all.” –Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization” Chapter 8, pg 187

Could this wife of an oil tycoon ( Noel Slee ) make it any more clear for you? I think not. Let me continue.......

The truth is Sanger never cared about the poor. She was not interested in helping the poor, illiteracy, illegitimate births. She wanted to erase the "problem" with abortion. Other elitists such as Mr. Gamble from Proctor and Gamble helped her along. I remember a movie called "Cheaper by the Dozen" with Clifton Webb in which a woman shows up horrified at how many children he and his wife had. I was amazed at the thought of how old this movie was and that the plan to depopulate the earth was even in place back then. Now they have hastened their agenda through global warming, wars, the Arab Spring, the mass genocide in Rwanda, Sudan, Darfur, all these wars backed by elitists whose only desire is to remove those are not a part of their world. They are using those less fortunate than themselves to kill off those they don't want here and when they achieve their agenda they will do the very same thing all communists have done throughout history and put a bullet in the heads of those who helped them get there. Because if they left them here they would have to offer them something and they never had any intention of giving of themselves or sharing their power. It is against their very nature. Their own philianthropic works only serve to enrich themselves and their own charity front organizations not the poor. Take a look at where Rockafeller money is spent. The Gettys who control and hold onto ( through copyrights ) all the most valuable photographs of history, famous people, etc. The elitists who hold copyrights to music, art, they hold the copyrights to keep it from the rest of the world. These people by their very nature are greedy, selfish, and do not care about those who are not inside their inner circle. Which is why men such as Gore, Clinton and Obama have sold their very souls to get a seat at their table. Arranged marriages, seeking out positions of power. So that they can have the same privledges as men such as Strauss Kahn - head of the IMF - who raped a Muslim maid in a NYC hotel and didn't even bat an eyelash as to what the consequences of that crime would be. Now he is right back in his seat as head of IMF and never once did the man believe he would be held accountable because men such as these are above the law. They use those beneath themselves to make sure of it. You see? For instance, you probably were one of the people pleading his innocence. You are being used, even to write in their defense! How ironic is that? Let me continue..........

The truly rich and powerful keep themselves out of the spotlight for the most part but you will find their goal in Hollywood movies such as Elysium - the previews of the movie alone will tell you their agenda is a perfect world for themselves while the rest of the world kills itself off with them behind the scenes arranging it all. It is all covered under a very thin veil but the truth is there if you look hard enough for it. ( I have not seen the movie but the preview from a movie someone rented and it was very telling of their plans ) So the answer is not class warfare because if you participate in such a revolution you are only furthering their agenda and hastening your own demise.

Heed the warning because I can tell you now it will not end well for those who fail to. Hell is real and enlarging itself every day and these men and women who believe they can attain immortality, perfect health through technologies such as Project Bluebeam ( which is now claimed not to exist ) removing those who oppose their plans with lasers that can induce heart attacks....and those who help them? They are in for a very rude awakening when they die and face God because truly there is a day of reckoning for every human being upon this earth.

Thanks for the thread. It gave me an opportunity to point out who the real culprits are. Yes, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, Obama, Ayers, even Putin whose billions were stolen from someone else...... and others like them .....they are mere pawns on the board being used by the Solvays, Gettys, Rockafellers of the world and one day they will all pay a price they never fathomed possible. And if they are pawns what does that make you? :cool:

Have a nice day. - Jeri

Interesting. Were you aware that if avian flu ever becomes transmissible from human to human, the elderly in America will not be getting vaccinations for it? I went to the governor's conference on pandemic flu while I lived in Nashville. Not only are they not going to allow the elderly to have any vaccine, the feds are NOT going to help. The speakers described a scenario in which all essential services go down as the virus comes in waves, dead bodies piling up, etc. And the announcement from the Secretary of Health was 'make your own plan because we will not help you.'

China already has its 'one child' policy. But here in the US, as long as childbirth is financially profitable that one will take some time.
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What I don't get about a lot of todays Dems and Repubs is that they can look at history and see when the ultra rich tried to bend the world to their benefit and control. And mostly succeeded.

But somehow, today those kind of people don't exist.

Plutocracies are no longer desired.

The ultra rich don't want to control the world.

And money don't allow that to happen.

I don't get how todays dems and repubs came to believe what they believe that somehow, today, the ultra rich are on the side of the common man.
Until a government is formed that outlaws the influence of private wealth on matters of state, the rich will continue to produce the best governments that money can buy.

"It is a common mistake to describe democracy and oligarchy in terms that are too simple and absolute. In themselves numbers are not decisive. Democracy is not just rule by the majority, because in every regime the majority has authority.

"Democracy occurs whenever the free are sovereign and oligarchy when the rich are sovereign."

Aristotle's Politics: Book 4 Study Guide| Novelguide
"'The rich are different from us,' F. Scott Fitzgerald is said to have remarked to Ernest Hemingway, to which Hemingway allegedly replied, 'Yes, they have more money.'”

"The exchange, although it never actually took place, sums up a wisdom Fitzgerald had that eluded Hemingway.

"The rich are different.

"The cocoon of wealth and privilege permits the rich to turn those around them into compliant workers, hangers-on, servants, flatterers and sycophants. Wealth breeds, as Fitzgerald illustrated in 'The Great Gatsby' and his short story 'The Rich Boy,' a class of people for whom human beings are disposable commodities.

"Colleagues, associates, employees, kitchen staff, servants, gardeners, tutors, personal trainers, even friends and family, bend to the whims of the wealthy or disappear.

"Once oligarchs achieve unchecked economic and political power, as they have in the United States, the citizens too become disposable."

Like Fitzgerald, Chris Hedges spent his early years among the rich and famous. At age 10 Chris earned a scholarship to an exclusive New England boarding school, and he spent some of his vacation time in the homes of his classmates:

"I spent time in the homes of the ultra-rich and powerful, watching my classmates, who were children, callously order around men and women who worked as their chauffeurs, cooks, nannies and servants.

"When the sons and daughters of the rich get into serious trouble there are always lawyers, publicists and political personages to protect them—George W. Bush’s life is a case study in the insidious affirmative action for the rich.

"The rich have a snobbish disdain for the poor—despite well-publicized acts of philanthropy—and the middle class.

"These lower classes are viewed as uncouth parasites, annoyances that have to be endured, at times placated and always controlled in the quest to amass more power and money."

Chris Hedges: Let?s Get This Class War Started - Chris Hedges - Truthdig

"The inability to grasp the pathology of our oligarchic rulers is one of our gravest faults."

One last thing. . .

I feel like someone should point out what Hedges is doing here, maybe you don't realize it. With these quotes, he's pointing out some stereotypical flaws shared by people who've inherited wealth and had things handed to them their whole lives, yet casually tossing around, "the rich this" and "the rich that" as though these properties are shared by everyone with wealth.

"The rich" are not a singular entity with a unified purpose to fuck the poor. "The rich", like any other group of people, are a group of individuals, each with their own particular properties. Saying we should get a class war started because "the rich" do this and that is essentially the same as saying we should get a race war started because "the blacks" are in gangs.

Why do liberals feel that stereotyping is only illogical when it applies to race and sexual orientation?

I've spoken to many liberals who haven't done -shit- to research -any- of their opinions. If I used that experience to say, "Liberals don't research their points and therefore have no clue wtf they're talking about", would you not take issue with being branded ignorant simply because you and some of the ignorant people I've encountered happen to lean the same way politically?

Why is money a more failsafe way to assume that an entire demographic selected via a -solitary- commonality all share the same personality traits and should therefore be rebuked as a group?

I hate to break it to you, but the way you're painting an entire demographic negatively with a broad brush like this. . . it's only marginally less vile than your average KKK sermon.

If you took those quotes and a time machine back to the late 30's, replaced "rich" with "jew", you might could stir up enough angry National Socialists to take over a continent or three.

Oh, good Lord, that is the same pattern. The "rich" were the enemies in the USSR and the "rich Jews" in the nazi Germany.
Still was putting to life the same marxist agenda of class warfare, modified in Germany with an ethnic component.
Jews were not the only ones targets, and should that socialist utopia stay for the next 20 years we would see the extermination of the wealthy Germans as well.
They simply did not get that far - the experiment lasted 12 years only and 5 of them during the war.
It is being done now and been done forever under various facades.

Hasn't worked yet

Reality is others are more successful, wealthy, _______ than you.

Maximize your potential rather than blaming others.
Reality is the Federal Reserve buying $85 million a month worth of junk bonds and giving Goldman Sachs money at virtually 0% interest; why would you confuse that with success? Every government yet invented has served its richest citizens at the expense of their majority, and those who benefit most from that arrangement have no doubt about class warfare since their lifestyle doesn't exist without it.

The federal government has benefited from quantitative easing by over 6 times the level from which Big Banks have benefited. And savers have gotten screwed.


Of course, lower interest rates help borrowers pay less, while those who are receiving interest payments get less. Thus, the big winner from ultra-low interest rates is the U.S. government, which over the 2007-2012 period could owe $900 billion less in interest payments. Indeed, the McKinsey report also notes that central banks like the Federal Reserve have been buying assets as part of the "quantitative easing" policies in recent years, and funds earned by the Fed over and above operating expenses go to the U.S. Treasury. They estimate that the quantitative easing policies gained the U.S. government another $145 billion or so during this time period. So overall, the ultra-low interest rate policies have been worth about $1 trillion to the U.S. government.

Nonfinancial U.S. corporations have interest-bearing debt in the form of bonds and bank loans, so the low interest rate policies have been worth $310 billion to them. U.S. banks have also seen a rise in their net interest income--that is, the amount by which the interest they received from borrowers exceeded the interest they paid to depositors. (In contrast, banks in Europe as a group have been worse off as a result of the ultra-low interest rate policies.)

On the other side, those who were depending on receiving interest payments are worse off. For example, insurance and pension funds that were relying on interest payments for part of their returns are down $270 billion from 2007-2012. As the report points out, many of these companies hold bonds that they purchased before interest rates fell, and so they have been somewhat protected from the fall in interest rates. But as the period of ultra-low interest rates continues, insurance companies will either need to shift toward purchasing higher-risk products in search of higher returns, or they may become insolvent.

Household that were relying on interest payments also suffered. However, because younger households tend to be borrowers, while older households are more likely to be relying on interest income, these losses fall heavily on older households. They also fall heavily on households that have high levels of wealth--in particular, on the 10% or so of US households that have 90% of the financial wealth...

CONVERSABLE ECONOMIST: Ultra-Low Interest Rates: Who Wins? Who Loses?
When you write about "the federal government (benefiting) from quantitative easing by over 6 times the level from which Big Banks have benefited" and how "the big winner from ultra-low interest rates is the US government, which over the 2007-2012 period could owe $900 billion less in interest rates", do you ever consider why "government" chose to borrow from the richest individuals and corporations instead of taxing them at the same levels we saw immediately after WWII, for example? Why do you suppose neither Republicans nor Democrats have prosecuted those responsible for the Great Recession and its aftershocks? Possibly US oligarchs are immune to any democratic controls imposed by voters who think a choice between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth will have the slightest effect on how rich parasites prosper.
Rich or poor or whatever...The whole thing is insane. We claim we're a nation founded on Christian principles. The bible preaches against worshipping money and it preaches about helping the poor. Yet a large percentage of people get incensed about the poor. Yet they call themselves Christians. Those evangelicals at the top have nothing good to say about the poor....sounds like they are the biggest hypocrites around. Makes one think.
The latest Pope seems to agree with some of what you're saying, and a few prominent oligarchs apparently aren't too happy about it:

"Since Pope Francis issued his 'apostolic exhortation,' Evangelii Gaudium, he is being roundly accused, by some American conservatives, of being a 'liberation theologian' and a Marxist.

"BrietbartNews characterized the document as 'attacking capitalism and embracing Latin American "liberation theology.'"

"Rush Limbaugh sputtered, 'This is just pure Marxism coming out of the mouth of the Pope." Limbaugh seemed particularly exercised by the Pope's criticism of the 'culture of prosperity,' which the Pontiff called a 'mere spectacle' for the many people who can't afford to participate."

Is Pope Francis a Liberation Theologian? | Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite
Top 3 richest Americans are Democrats.

Out of the top 20 richest, 60% are Democrats.

Funny, whenever class warfare is brought up, the discussion always turns to 'those evil rich Republicans'.
You're the first in this thread to label "those evil rich Republicans" as being solely responsible for today's class war.

"The blanket dissemination of the ideology of free market capitalism through the media and the purging, especially in academia, of critical voices have permitted our oligarchs to orchestrate the largest income inequality gap in the industrialized world.

"The top 1 percent in the United States own 40 percent of the nation’s wealth while the bottom 80 percent own only 7 percent, as Joseph E. Stiglitz wrote in 'The Price of Inequality.'

"For every dollar that the wealthiest 0.1 percent amassed in 1980 they had an additional $3 in yearly income in 2008, David Cay Johnston explained in the article '9 Things the Rich Don’t Want You to Know About Taxes.'

"The bottom 90 percent, Johnson said, in the same period added only one cent.

"Half of the country is now classified as poor or low-income.

"The real value of the minimum wage has fallen by $2.77 since 1968.

"Oligarchs do not believe in self-sacrifice for the common good.

"They never have.

"They never will.

"They are the cancer of democracy."

Chris Hedges: Let?s Get This Class War Started - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Rich or poor or whatever...The whole thing is insane. We claim we're a nation founded on Christian principles. The bible preaches against worshipping money and it preaches about helping the poor. Yet a large percentage of people get incensed about the poor. Yet they call themselves Christians. Those evangelicals at the top have nothing good to say about the poor....sounds like they are the biggest hypocrites around. Makes one think.

Wake up. The Christians are not the people in power. The Communist / atheists are and they are doing the bidding of men such as Soros, Kissinger, Obama.....who are doing the bidding of elitists in Europe who are in control of our Federal Reserve, etc. You have no choice but to face the truth. You've been had. - Jeri

With the exception of the Fed you are all kinds of wrong, it's easy to see who controls the world. Like everything else seemingly mysterious you follow the money. None of the people you named are getting fabulously, incredibly wealthy so that's not it. Let's look who is getting obscenely rich while the economy suffers, oh yeah, it's the international banking/energy cartel. The big banks are bigger, no one got jailed for the mortgage meltdown, they still have hordes of capitalist loyalists when governments are untrusted and feared. The money trail leads to the doorstep of the richest, most powerful people in the world. Fear them, they wish you dead.
If not for the white rich elitists in the DNC we would not have racism, sexism, etc.

So they make the government pay for them and the poor while they get rich, just ask AL Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Barrack Obama, etc.
Are you saying there are no "white rich elitists" in the RNC?
The cancer on US Democracy is bipartisan, and the solution is to FLUSH as many Democrats AND Republicans as possible from the US Congress in November of 2014.
The answer is to flush every republican and democrat that supports taking the property of one person and give it to someone else. You get to keep your own property and get zip from someone else unless you give it voluntarily.
"Wake up. The Christians are not the people in power. The Communist / atheists are and they are doing the bidding of men such as Soros, Kissinger, Obama.....who are doing the bidding of elitists in Europe who are in control of our Federal Reserve, etc. You have no choice but to face the truth. You've been had. - Jeri "

It crosses both party lines. Like the GOP is innocent. If you believe that then you've been had. I'm simply pointing out that party lines don't matter. If we say we are a nation founded on Christian principles we have lost our way. It is now a dog eat dog country. We don't resemble a country that lives by the bible at all. As a practicing Christian my whole life when I see some evangelical pastor who is worth a lot of money on tv, he isn't practicing what he is preaching. Hence, hypocrite.
"The rich are different, because when you have that much money, then human beings become disposable. Even friends and family become disposable and are replaced. And when the rich take absolute power, then the citizens become disposable, which is in essence what’s happened. There is a very callous indifference.

“I mean, these people—and C. Wright Mills wrote about this in ‘The Power Elite’—they’re utterly cut off. I mean, the only people they ever meet who are members of the working class are people who work for them—their gardeners or their chauffeurs. They live in self-encased bubbles. They have no real contact with reality. I mean, they don’t even fly on commercial airlines. And yet they have absolute power.

“Now, that becomes very dangerous politically because they’re so out of touch and they are able to retreat into their enclaves in the same way that you saw in France under Louis XVI, people retreating to Versailles, or the end of the Chinese dynasty when everybody went to the Forbidden City.”

Chris Hedges on ?The Pathology of the Rich? - Truthdig
Top 3 richest Americans are Democrats.

Out of the top 20 richest, 60% are Democrats.

Funny, whenever class warfare is brought up, the discussion always turns to 'those evil rich Republicans'.

except it is the democrats who ALWAYS sell the middle class to those very rich 1% whom they are supposedly so hate, but whose scrapes of the table they feed from, so that is why the left always appeases them so much

and the latest example is obamacare - it is the worst burglary in this nation's history. robbery of the middle class to benefit the big pockets of insurance industry.
A classic fascist law.
My candidate for crime of the century:

"Forget Bernie Madoff and Enron’s Ken Lay—they were mere amateurs in financial crime. The current Libor interest rate scandal, involving hundreds of trillions in international derivatives trade, shows how the really big boys play. And these guys will most likely not do the time because their kind rewrites the law before committing the crime."

Robert Scheer: Crime of the Century - Robert Scheer - Truthdig
Karl Marx wrote "(t)he ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships..." do you think it's likely the Kennedy family embraced that notion any less than the Bush family did?

"The fact is, if you're poor, you only get one chance. If you're wealthy like Bush, you get chance after chance after chance after chance. So you're a C student at Andover, and you go to Yale, and you go to Harvard Business School, and you're AWOL from your National Guard unit, and you're a cokehead, and it doesn't really matter. You don't even really have a job till you're 40 and you become president of the United States."

The Pathology of the Rich - Chris Hedges on Reality Asserts Itself pt1

"The fact is, if you're poor, you only get one chance

Bullshit. Big time bullshit.

I've had so many lives. I'm like Lazarus or Freddie.:lol: I keep coming back. That's my nature. And my nature is to be a winner at whatever I do.

It's called spirit. And wanting to be the best you can be. Now I hit the top. That's me.I rocked.

So do others.

Someone though might be out there tonight being a good waitress, just doing her job but being extra special nice to the poor mom with three kids coming home from dad's place.

With all the kids saying "Daddy gives us this".

And the waitress without adding it to the bill gives all the kids and the mom the pumpkin pie saying "you won today; you're our winner".

You see? You never just get one chance. Every minute you breathe is a new chance. Every day is a new chance.

This is the difference between a progressive than me. I keep breathing. And I believe in tomorrow.

Why? Because it's a new chance.
Do you believe Dubya would have been elected president if he had not been born rich?

"The fact is, if you're poor, you only get one chance. If you're wealthy like Bush, you get chance after chance after chance after chance. So you're a C student at Andover, and you go to Yale, and you go to Harvard Business School, and you're AWOL from your National Guard unit, and you're a cokehead, and it doesn't really matter. You don't even really have a job till you're 40 and you become president of the United States."

You seem to be conflating random acts of kindness with the privilege that comes from picking the right ancestors.

The Pathology of the Rich - Chris Hedges on Reality Asserts Itself pt1

Geez George, you could have just as easily used JFK instead of 'Dubya' above.
When all is said and done, you really are just another 'limousine liberal' dingleberry.
The answer is to flush every republican and democrat that supports taking the property of one person and give it to someone else. You get to keep your own property and get zip from someone else unless you give it voluntarily.
How are you defining "property?"
Are we talking about tangible and intangible properties?
The answer is to flush every republican and democrat that supports taking the property of one person and give it to someone else. You get to keep your own property and get zip from someone else unless you give it voluntarily.

The government becoming colder, harsher and meaner is not the royal road to anything except tyranny and eventual bloody revolution. Let's say they do just what you say, I assume you are talking about dismantling the social safety net, how many more cops and prisons to you want your tax money to support? It's going to take a shit load of them and it will still be the death of freedom for everyone not in the protected elite. You want a government by and for the wealthy aristocracy and a fascist security nightmare for the rabble. Unintended consequences are a fucking bitch.
"The fact is, if you're poor, you only get one chance

Bullshit. Big time bullshit.

I've had so many lives. I'm like Lazarus or Freddie.:lol: I keep coming back. That's my nature. And my nature is to be a winner at whatever I do.

It's called spirit. And wanting to be the best you can be. Now I hit the top. That's me.I rocked.

So do others.

Someone though might be out there tonight being a good waitress, just doing her job but being extra special nice to the poor mom with three kids coming home from dad's place.

With all the kids saying "Daddy gives us this".

And the waitress without adding it to the bill gives all the kids and the mom the pumpkin pie saying "you won today; you're our winner".

You see? You never just get one chance. Every minute you breathe is a new chance. Every day is a new chance.

This is the difference between a progressive than me. I keep breathing. And I believe in tomorrow.

Why? Because it's a new chance.
Do you believe Dubya would have been elected president if he had not been born rich?

"The fact is, if you're poor, you only get one chance. If you're wealthy like Bush, you get chance after chance after chance after chance. So you're a C student at Andover, and you go to Yale, and you go to Harvard Business School, and you're AWOL from your National Guard unit, and you're a cokehead, and it doesn't really matter. You don't even really have a job till you're 40 and you become president of the United States."

You seem to be conflating random acts of kindness with the privilege that comes from picking the right ancestors.

The Pathology of the Rich - Chris Hedges on Reality Asserts Itself pt1

Geez George, you could have just as easily used JFK instead of 'Dubya' above.
When all is said and done, you really are just another 'limousine liberal' dingleberry.
Don't think so in this case, BK.
JFK didn't need a Legacy admission to get into Harvard, and he chose to volunteer for combat during WWII. Dubya doesn't come close to matching up in IQ, character, or courage. If HW hadn't occupied the White House first, do you really think Junior would have ever been elected President?
"The fact is, if you're poor, you only get one chance

Bullshit. Big time bullshit.

I've had so many lives. I'm like Lazarus or Freddie.:lol: I keep coming back. That's my nature. And my nature is to be a winner at whatever I do.

It's called spirit. And wanting to be the best you can be. Now I hit the top. That's me.I rocked.

So do others.

Someone though might be out there tonight being a good waitress, just doing her job but being extra special nice to the poor mom with three kids coming home from dad's place.

With all the kids saying "Daddy gives us this".

And the waitress without adding it to the bill gives all the kids and the mom the pumpkin pie saying "you won today; you're our winner".

You see? You never just get one chance. Every minute you breathe is a new chance. Every day is a new chance.

This is the difference between a progressive than me. I keep breathing. And I believe in tomorrow.

Why? Because it's a new chance.
Do you believe Dubya would have been elected president if he had not been born rich?

"The fact is, if you're poor, you only get one chance. If you're wealthy like Bush, you get chance after chance after chance after chance. So you're a C student at Andover, and you go to Yale, and you go to Harvard Business School, and you're AWOL from your National Guard unit, and you're a cokehead, and it doesn't really matter. You don't even really have a job till you're 40 and you become president of the United States."

You seem to be conflating random acts of kindness with the privilege that comes from picking the right ancestors.

The Pathology of the Rich - Chris Hedges on Reality Asserts Itself pt1

Geez George, you could have just as easily used JFK instead of 'Dubya' above.
When all is said and done, you really are just another 'limousine liberal' dingleberry.

he is just one pathological leftard

I am saying - quit preaching your failed and lying marxist dogma. It does not work and is outdated
What part of Smith's Vile Maxim are you confused about?

"The quotation is interesting as it comes from Book III of Wealth Of Nations, chapter IV, and here it is in the paragraph it is quoted from:

“But what all the violence of the feudal institutions could never have effected, the silent and insensible operation of foreign commerce and manufactures gradually brought about. These gradually furnished the great proprietors with something for which they could exchange the whole surplus produce of their lands, and which they could consume themselves without sharing it either with tenants or retainers.

"All for ourselves and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind."

Adam Smith's Lost Legacy: Adam Smith on 'the vile maxim of the masters of mankind'

don't post the links to some blogs.

post the REAL quotes.

otherwise - quit spreading around your failed marxist dogma about "internal opposition".
Because there is NONE.
and nobody except marx preached it - his whole failed idea of building communism is based on the same failed concept of class warfare
But what all the violence of the feudal institutions could never have effected, the silent and insensible operation of foreign commerce and manufactures gradually brought about. These gradually furnished the great proprietors with something for which they could exchange the whole surplus produce of their lands, and which they could consume themselves without sharing it either with tenants or retainers.

"All for ourselves and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.

"As soon, therefore, as they could find a method of consuming the whole value of their rents themselves, they had no disposition to share them with any other persons. For a pair of diamond buckles, perhaps, or for something as frivolous and useless, they exchanged the maintenance, or what is the same thing, the price of the maintenance of a thousand men for a year, and with it the whole weight and authority which it could give them. The buckles, however, were to be all their own, and no other human creature was to have any share of them; whereas in the more ancient method of expence they must have shared with at least a thousand people. With the judges that were to determine the preference this difference was perfectly decisive; and thus, for the gratification of the most childish, the meanest, and the most sordid of all vanities, they gradually bartered their whole power and authority.*66"

Smith: Wealth of Nations, Book III, Chapter 3-4 | Library of Economics and Liberty
The rich enable me.

Yup, you done got you a pickup truck, Cleetus....

And necessities like an a education for my children, food, shelter, retirement, heath care (well used to)

and niceties like vintage guitars, nice vehicles, vacations, season tickets

Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and classless and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be

-John Lennon
But........JFK too, was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, which was the original point you were making.
Was it?
I thought I was making the point that rich losers like Bush are handed one opportunity after another in spite of their failures. JFK was born with a silver spoon, but he never failed as spectacularly as Dubya, and he never had a father elected to the White House to pave his way to the Presidency.

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