The Patriot Act Just Made Rand Paul GOP Enemy No. 1

Of course if the act is greatly diminished or done away with completely and there is another major terrorist attack inside the U.S. what is the first thing everyone will ask and demand an answer to? Why didn't we know more.

Sorry, freedom comes before security.
Contrary to the current popular belief you can have both but like almost everything else in the current climate people think it has to be an either or choice. The mark of true leadership is being able to find the proper balance between the two this is simply the latest example to show neither party has any real leaders.

I agree, but priority should go to freedom; this is, after all, the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Of course if the act is greatly diminished or done away with completely and there is another major terrorist attack inside the U.S. what is the first thing everyone will ask and demand an answer to? Why didn't we know more.

Sorry, freedom comes before security.
Contrary to the current popular belief you can have both but like almost everything else in the current climate people think it has to be an either or choice. The mark of true leadership is being able to find the proper balance between the two this is simply the latest example to show neither party has any real leaders.

I agree, but priority should go to freedom; this is, after all, the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Yes but much like the which came first the chicken or the egg question how do you have a land of the free without security?
defending the BoR's from corporate overreach/search for profits at the taxpayers expense is not "paranoia" convict ( i use that term endearingly :) )

Take a wild guess as to who pays those companies to store your data to use against you at a later time. A wild guess.
I thought Republicans were all about 'freeeedom' and keeping government out of people's lives?

The Patriot Act Just Made Rand Paul GOP Enemy No. 1

Among many of his Republican colleagues, Sen. Rand Paul is, for now, enemy number one.

The Patriot Act is (at least temporarily) dead, and his fellow Republicans are blaming the Kentucky senator for the problem.He is grandstanding for political purposes, they say—and endangering national security in the process.

For a major Republican presidential candidate, Paul has certainly alienated a lot of Republicans—especially hawks who believe in strong surveillance authorities for the intelligence community. Or, you might think, Paul has carved out a unique segment in the GOP field.

At midnight on Monday, three major surveillance provisions contained within thePatriot Act expired. Paul took procedural steps to block any faster consideration of the USA Freedom Act, which would have continued but reformed those provisions.

“I don’t stand with Rand,” Republican Sen. Mark Kirk told The Daily Beast, flipping Paul’s campaign slogan. “I disagree with him. I think we should not allow the program to be interrupted.”

The patriot act wasn't that bad but I often wonder why so many democrats were passionately against it. We know that they took the side of the terrorist after 911 and the fact they opposed it makes me wonder if it was there way of helping the terrorist. It is exactly like the bullshit arguments they used during Vietnam that basically convinced Americans not to use the most affective strategy.
Of course if the act is greatly diminished or done away with completely and there is another major terrorist attack inside the U.S. what is the first thing everyone will ask and demand an answer to? Why didn't we know more.

Sorry, freedom comes before security.
Contrary to the current popular belief you can have both but like almost everything else in the current climate people think it has to be an either or choice. The mark of true leadership is being able to find the proper balance between the two this is simply the latest example to show neither party has any real leaders.

I agree, but priority should go to freedom; this is, after all, the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Yes but much like the which came first the chicken or the egg question how do you have a land of the free without security?

Do you approve of the powers granted to the POTUS, the NSA, the CIA, Congress, and the FISA court by the Patriot Act?
I stand firm w/ Sen Paul on this.

B. Franklin had it right- Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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