'The Pending Disaster for Higher Education in Nevada'


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
As we debate why America's students are falling behind other nations, we need to look no further than Nevada. Our nation simply does not value education enough to fund it.

"Nevada, another haven for Tea Party crazies, has no income tax and low business taxes, and thus lives off sales taxes and taxes on gambling, both of which fall during a recession. The result is a financial crisis and such draconian proposed budget cuts that the state university system may, in effect, go bankrupt, meaning, among other things, that tenured faculty may be fired, and entire programs eliminated. This memo (see below) describes the kinds of cuts the University of Nevada at Las Vegas will be asked to make, and this video from the University of Nevada at Reno echoes the concerns. Illinois, to its credit, actually raised the income tax from 3 to 5% to deal with the current financial troubles here, but this state is still basically Democratic, i.e., sane. If you live in Nevada, now is the time to contact your representatives to preserve higher education."

by Brian Leiter

UNLV faculty warned higher ed system may be forced to declare bankruptcy - News - ReviewJournal.com


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Nevada Latino Population Skyrockets

WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Latino population in the state of Nevada experienced exceptional growth since 2000, growing an unprecedented 82% in the last decade, according to a National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund analysis of newly released Census 2010 data.

Between 2000 and 2010, while the state's overall population grew 35% from 2.0 million to 2.7 million, the Latino population increased from 393,970 to 716,501.

Nevada Latino Population Skyrockets - Yahoo! News
My Dad grew up dirt poor but still managed to get into Dental school and pay for it himself. Although I didn't grow up poor I paid for my own education as well. (i'm not a Dentist)

As my Dad told me once when I was complaining about a 14 unit school load I had while working full time:

"I took 24 units one semester while I was at USC. I think you can do it if you try harder".
It has to be a truism that the finer things in life are not always free. If you want a well built home, a good education, a well running car, they cost money. But oddly for the righties money is only worshiped when concentrated in the hands of the few. The ideas of sharing inherent in Christianity and a just society are alien to their emotional repertoire. There is no balance in the right's replies to providing both educational facilities and the opportunity for all spoken about in our preamble. That may eventually change as the poverty level for American children increases, it is now at 25%. Empathy grows out of experience and knowledge. The comfort level of most Americans today makes for lazy, easy to propagandize to, whiny people - thus the tea party and other assorted crazies. Knee jerk replies don't accomplish anything, but like our representatives in congress, it's all they have, solutions elude the ideologue. Their minds contain only the ideological rantings of spoiled children. [For those still possessing a heart and a soul, see Sig and check out book the following quote comes from]

"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'

"Without a component of civil resistance, no legislation will ever pass that runs against the interests of the ruling class." Tom Hastings / Geov Parrish
Right...You can't steal enough money from those who've earned it, so accuse them of being "money worshipers" and being bad Christians.

Get a new playbook.

Hyperbolic rhetoric is free, I hope I use it wisely. I suggest you get a playbook before asking another to. Your one liners are empty, like your head and your playbook. Oh sorry if you had a head or even a book.

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." John Kenneth Galbraith
Nevada is getting what its willing to pay for.

All they have to do is pull themselves up by their boot straps.

If they dont want the shittiest schools in the nation the best way to do it is to reach in their pockets and pay for it.

This is what happens when you think you can run ANYTHING without funds.
It has to be a truism that the finer things in life are not always free. If you want a well built home, a good education, a well running car, they cost money. But oddly for the righties money is only worshiped when concentrated in the hands of the few. The ideas of sharing inherent in Christianity and a just society are alien to their emotional repertoire. There is no balance in the right's replies to providing both educational facilities and the opportunity for all spoken about in our preamble. That may eventually change as the poverty level for American children increases, it is now at 25%. Empathy grows out of experience and knowledge. The comfort level of most Americans today makes for lazy, easy to propagandize to, whiny people - thus the tea party and other assorted crazies. Knee jerk replies don't accomplish anything, but like our representatives in congress, it's all they have, solutions elude the ideologue. Their minds contain only the ideological rantings of spoiled children. [For those still possessing a heart and a soul, see Sig and check out book the following quote comes from]

"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'

"Without a component of civil resistance, no legislation will ever pass that runs against the interests of the ruling class." Tom Hastings / Geov Parrish

What always happens is that these "common sense" and "reasonable" tax increases are called "temporary" or for the "duration of the income issues." What happens is that once the economy comes back, the new revenue stream is then used for other programs. When it comes time for the temporary tax to be retired the proponents of the new programs scream bloody murder. Thus the new program becomes permanent, and the temporary tax becomes permanent, and the next time the economy tanks you need a new/increased tax AGAIN, which then is used to fund new programs once the economy becomes better.... ad nausem.

The cycle repeats until a place like Nevada ends up like New York, over taxed, with people and buisnesses fleeing for better locations.
The "we neeeeeed more monnneeeeeeyyyyy" boilerplate is also free, only exceeded in staleness by your hackneyed re-re-re-reiteration of that dreary quote from Galbraith.

Your hubris has become downright boring.

My very simple advice: ignore my posts, stay in wingnutland and you'll remain a happy corporate tool. And do you know what hubris means? Or is that simply a sign of your insecurity? Do this when feeling insecure, go to any of the wingnut sites and they'll provide you with your next empty thought.
I know what hubris means...You display it in every post where you're not hiding behind the words of others.

Speaking of lack of an original thought.....

I rarely bother reading Midcan's posts for that very reason. She(?) demonstrates no ability to think, and prefers to regurgitate the thoughts of others. I have no respect for people who do not think.
Midcan's Fans: Just two of my many followers

I know what hubris means...You display it in every post where you're not hiding behind the words of others.

Speaking of lack an original thought.....

Been there done that [see below]. Please if you want to follow me around, ad hominem and vulgarity are not very original. And if Galbraith is over your head I can suggest writers you may be able to understand.

I rarely bother reading Midcan's posts for that very reason. She(?) demonstrates no ability to think, and prefers to regurgitate the thoughts of others. I have no respect for people who do not think.

I know you are a fan as you obviously are reading this thread. Twice now I have asked you for, say two or three original threads or pieces that you have written so I can judge their originality since I answered your original comment on this topic. I appreciate your fan worship, but please provide the links so I determine if you are a worthy fan. Oddball will call this hubris, but heck while this is the internet I still expect a bit of honesty and a reply. thanks

I am not looking for the last time I asked you, but my reply below will suffice for now. There is even irony in this thread with your comment.

Oh, stuff it up your arrogant liberoidal poop chute.

And come up with a new retort to explain all the failures of the middle class welfare known as gubmint schools....The "we neeeed more mooonnnneeeeeyyyy" bleating has become horribly cliché.
As we debate why America's students are falling behind other nations, we need to look no further than Nevada. Our nation simply does not value education enough to fund it.

"Nevada, another haven for Tea Party crazies, has no income tax and low business taxes, and thus lives off sales taxes and taxes on gambling, both of which fall during a recession. The result is a financial crisis and such draconian proposed budget cuts that the state university system may, in effect, go bankrupt, meaning, among other things, that tenured faculty may be fired, and entire programs eliminated. This memo (see below) describes the kinds of cuts the University of Nevada at Las Vegas will be asked to make, and this video from the University of Nevada at Reno echoes the concerns. Illinois, to its credit, actually raised the income tax from 3 to 5% to deal with the current financial troubles here, but this state is still basically Democratic, i.e., sane. If you live in Nevada, now is the time to contact your representatives to preserve higher education."

by Brian Leiter

UNLV faculty warned higher ed system may be forced to declare bankruptcy - News - ReviewJournal.com



Not the whole nation. Only "half". The "right" half.

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