The pentagon wanted to send help to Benghazi but

So how were the liberals at fault for the many attacks on embassies & consulates under Bush?

Dave, we are talking about 1 (ONE) attack where Hillary and Barry had MONTHS of warning this was coming. They had a MASSIVE number of signs, signals, and warnings this was coming - which they acknowledged! THEY KNEW THIS ATTACK WAS COMING!

Stephens BEGGED for additional security - over 60 times.
- Hillary testified that she thought all of it was part of his 'humorous personality' and that he was 'joking'.

In his e-mail he wrote that if he did not have additional security and there was a 3rd coordinated attack HE WOULD DIE. Hillary ignored the warnings, ignored him, rejected every one of his requests...and as warned the Ambassador was murdered.

With all the warnings, even after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound - after every nation had already taken their people out - Hillary and Barry stripped Stephens of 14 members of his security and left him there to f8ing DIE...which IS what Stephens himself wrote would happen.

Libs have attacked Bush for not preventing 9/11/01 despite hardly any warning off of which to work......the ONLY thing Al Qaeida did NOT do before 9/11/12 was to go on world-wide TV and declare, 'To Hillary and Barry, on 9/11/12 we will storm th4e compound in Benghazi and kill your ambassador!'

...and IF they had done that I have no doubt saying I believe 4 Americans would still be dead today because Barry was more worried about his re-election, and both he and Hillary were worried more about their political futures than about the lives of Americans in harm's way.
There was no stand down order that abandoned those four Americans.
WRONG! Numerous military members who were there have already come out and reported otherwise. The members of the SpecOps community expressed outrage over how they were prevented from going. NO MATTER WHAT the situation is on the ground, Quick Reaction Forces are trained and tasked to go in, being briefed up as much as they can on the way, and securing the ground situation and rescuing hostages, even if it means securing the dead bodies of Americans. This has all been covered. Only non-military - especially liberals - do not know this, do not understand this, can not comprehend they deny this in favor of political partisan talking points.
Blah blah blah. There was no stand down order. Read the time line I posted a little bit ago.
Were you there? Do you know anyone who was there? If not, stick your timeline.
I get it., You were there. There was no stand down order.
orders, plural.
Are you including the weapons allowed into Mexico under the Bush Administration? But hey, grenades?
Are you talking about the DEBUNKED LIBERAL LIE about Bush OK-ing 'Fast and Furious', which HE NEVER DID. Bush recognized that once the guns and grenades were across the border there was no way to contrl them and REFUSED TO ALLOW the program to be executed.....and it wasn't....until Barry came in, ran it, and proved Bush was Right.

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration


Our ruling
"Obama said that the Fast and Furious program began "under the previous administration." That is not the case; Fast and Furious did begin during the time Obama held office."

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration

You whiners can keep pissing on the graves of those four dead Americans all you want
If anyone is pissing on their grave it's the left. Now you're crapping on their memory and all so you can get a women into the white house. The same women that got them killed. real american of you...traitor.
It was investigated. They found no fault with Clinton/Obama/ military.

Buy you asshats keep using Benghazi as a political tool.
they orchestrated and executed. an elaborate conspiracy to win reelection, that makes it politics. al qaeda and now isis aren't quite on their heels. joe biden lied in his debate with paul ryan. they all lied, at the top from jarrett and axelrod, down to the whitehouse and obamavich, the state department, the campaign, all told the story so they could win reelection.
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Are you including the weapons allowed into Mexico under the Bush Administration? But hey, grenades?
Are you talking about the DEBUNKED LIBERAL LIE about Bush OK-ing 'Fast and Furious', which HE NEVER DID. Bush recognized that once the guns and grenades were across the border there was no way to contrl them and REFUSED TO ALLOW the program to be executed.....and it wasn't....until Barry came in, ran it, and proved Bush was Right.

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration


Our ruling
"Obama said that the Fast and Furious program began "under the previous administration." That is not the case; Fast and Furious did begin during the time Obama held office."

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration

You whiners can keep pissing on the graves of those four dead Americans all you want
If anyone is pissing on their grave it's the left. Now you're crapping on their memory and all so you can get a women into the white house. The same women that got them killed. real american of you...traitor.
It was investigated. They found no fault with Clinton/Obama/ military.

Buy you asshats keep using Benghazi as a political tool.
they orchestrated and executed. an elaborate conspiracy to win reelection, that makes it politics. al qaeda and now isis aren't quite on their heels. joe biden lied in his debate with paul ryan. they all lied, at the top from jarrett and axelrod, down to the whitehouse and obamavich, the state department, the campaign, all told the story so they could win reelection.
I have news. Isis is not Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda leadership had been destroyed & Al Qaeda was down to a bunch of disjointed groups.
So how were the liberals at fault for the many attacks on embassies & consulates under Bush?

Dave, we are talking about 1 (ONE) attack where Hillary and Barry had MONTHS of warning this was coming. They had a MASSIVE number of signs, signals, and warnings this was coming - which they acknowledged! THEY KNEW THIS ATTACK WAS COMING!

Stephens BEGGED for additional security - over 60 times.
- Hillary testified that she thought all of it was part of his 'humorous personality' and that he was 'joking'.

In his e-mail he wrote that if he did not have additional security and there was a 3rd coordinated attack HE WOULD DIE. Hillary ignored the warnings, ignored him, rejected every one of his requests...and as warned the Ambassador was murdered.

With all the warnings, even after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound - after every nation had already taken their people out - Hillary and Barry stripped Stephens of 14 members of his security and left him there to f8ing DIE...which IS what Stephens himself wrote would happen.

Libs have attacked Bush for not preventing 9/11/01 despite hardly any warning off of which to work......the ONLY thing Al Qaeida did NOT do before 9/11/12 was to go on world-wide TV and declare, 'To Hillary and Barry, on 9/11/12 we will storm th4e compound in Benghazi and kill your ambassador!'

...and IF they had done that I have no doubt saying I believe 4 Americans would still be dead today because Barry was more worried about his re-election, and both he and Hillary were worried more about their political futures than about the lives of Americans in harm's way.
I get it. Bush didn't have any warning about the 9-11 attack according to you people. But hey, that Hillary & Obama had plenty of warning? Give me a break.

Stevens was secure in Tripoli. It was his decision to travel to an area he knew was dangerous.

A bipartisan investigation cleared Clinton of any wrong doing.

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