The pentagon wanted to send help to Benghazi but

the investigation report is not what the minority reports says; it is the majority

and the majority says, "nope, easyt and Little-Acorn"
You whiners can keep pissing on the graves of those four dead Americans all you want
If anyone is pissing on their grave it's the left. Now you're crapping on their memory and all so you can get a women into the white house. The same women that got them killed. real american of you...traitor.
No one is pissing on the graves of the dead except those who will not accept what happened.

The Gowdy group did. It's over.

Did you not notice your link is almost a year old?

This has been discussed ad infinitum - the "identified" troops did "spin up" - but they didn't get there until the next morning. It's all in the Benghazi report.
And how many times did you master bait counting the dead soldiers daily under Bush? For political reasons you fucking traitor.
Never. But you called me a traitor for wanting to bring them home safe while you were jizzing all over your Bush/Cheney posters. Are you one of the fucking rats that are pretending you never salivated over Dubya back then? And now say he is a RINO?
No, actually I hated the way bush fought the Iraq war the way liberals wanted to. You know instead of fighting to win. Your kind wanted to fight to make sure more came home in body bags by having rules for combat. I hope you didn't wack off on the memory.
You really demonstrate your lack of intelligence by blaming liberals for the way Bush carried out the Iraq War.
Liberals are for rules of engagement which is bullshit.

Liberals are for not slaughtering civilians & I guess you are?
War is hell.
There was no stand down order that abandoned those four Americans.
WRONG! Numerous military members who were there have already come out and reported otherwise. The members of the SpecOps community expressed outrage over how they were prevented from going. NO MATTER WHAT the situation is on the ground, Quick Reaction Forces are trained and tasked to go in, being briefed up as much as they can on the way, and securing the ground situation and rescuing hostages, even if it means securing the dead bodies of Americans. This has all been covered. Only non-military - especially liberals - do not know this, do not understand this, can not comprehend they deny this in favor of political partisan talking points.
Blah blah blah. There was no stand down order. Read the time line I posted a little bit ago.
Were you there? Do you know anyone who was there? If not, stick your timeline.
I get it., You were there. There was no stand down order.
The group in question is the group in Tripoli, they spun up and were ready to go and were told to stay put.
Now as a Warrior ready to go "Stay Put" translates "Stand Down", the truth here though is this, they already had a Mission...there were people already in Tripoli and more coming from Behghazi who needed protection. So semantics is being used here, no matter what you call it. They already had a mission, leaders get paid to make the tough calls and when they do sometimes bad things happen.
Liberals are for not slaughtering civilians & I guess you are?

That's news to the 500+ innocent civilians slaughtered by Mexican Drug Cartels who used the thousands of automatic rifles and grenades Barry gave them to commit those murders.

That's news to the thousands of innocents who were slaughtered by Al Qaeida and ISIS who used the weapons Hillary, Barry, and the International Gun Runner they were using - and just 'pardoned' - gave them.

That's news to he MANY innocent women and children murdered in Obama's personal drone assassination program strikes.

Someone should officially let them - the victims - know that the Democrats are totally against their deaths that they - Liberals - facilitated.

Are you including the weapons allowed into Mexico under the Bush Administration? But hey, grenades?

First of all, no guns were given. You are lying. Under F & F, about 2000 were allowed to be smuggled into Mexico with hopes of tracing them to the buyers in Mexico.

Second, many were actually recovered in Mexico by Mexican authorities. Over 700 in just one case.

Third, I guess you think that the armaments Bush sent into Iraq are not being utilized by ISIL.

Maybe the families of the 4600 soldiers that died in Iraq because your buddy George W Bush lied to get his war would like to know how Bush killed their sons & daughters.
No, the investigations all made it clear in the findings the DOD could not have "been there" in time
FALSE! People who were there - members of the support teams and teams who were ready to go have already declared they could have been there before the 2nd wave hit.

No one wants to eat a 'shit burger' on this one, exposed as having left / abandoned Americans to die.
Hmm. The liberals seem to have abruptly vanished from thes thread.

As they have from many others where it turns out they are guilty.

They just can't stand to discuss it, much less admit it.

That has a lot to do with the reasons why they will soon vanish from the White House too.
Sometimes we get tired of the lies & bullshit that flows from the whiners that post here & every other thread.
Are you including the weapons allowed into Mexico under the Bush Administration? But hey, grenades?
Are you talking about the DEBUNKED LIBERAL LIE about Bush OK-ing 'Fast and Furious', which HE NEVER DID. Bush recognized that once the guns and grenades were across the border there was no way to contrl them and REFUSED TO ALLOW the program to be executed.....and it wasn't....until Barry came in, ran it, and proved Bush was Right.

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration


Our ruling
"Obama said that the Fast and Furious program began "under the previous administration." That is not the case; Fast and Furious did begin during the time Obama held office."

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration

You whiners can keep pissing on the graves of those four dead Americans all you want
If anyone is pissing on their grave it's the left. Now you're crapping on their memory and all so you can get a women into the white house. The same women that got them killed. real american of you...traitor.
It was investigated. They found no fault with Clinton/Obama/ military.

Buy you asshats keep using Benghazi as a political tool.
Are you including the weapons allowed into Mexico under the Bush Administration? But hey, grenades?
Are you talking about the DEBUNKED LIBERAL LIE about Bush OK-ing 'Fast and Furious', which HE NEVER DID. Bush recognized that once the guns and grenades were across the border there was no way to contrl them and REFUSED TO ALLOW the program to be executed.....and it wasn't....until Barry came in, ran it, and proved Bush was Right.

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration


Our ruling
"Obama said that the Fast and Furious program began "under the previous administration." That is not the case; Fast and Furious did begin during the time Obama held office."

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration

So, once again, you are admitting you are sofa king ignorant that you do not know that there were similar operations under the Bush Administration. Like Wide Receiver.

You people are the absolute dumbest people on the planet.

It is Republicans that permit a person to walk into a gun store & walk out with 50 AK47 rifles.
It was investigated. They found no fault with Clinton/Obama/ military.

Ever heard of common sense? Evidently not - Barry and Hillary never heard of it.

Hillary and Barry KNEW - like every other country with people there - that:

1. Al Qaeida was a huge and growing presence in Benghazi
2. There had been numerous terrorist attacks on countries' people there
3. There was a credible warning for a massive attack on 9/11/12
4. There was a call for the assassination of the US Ambassador
5. There were 2 terrorist attacks on the US compound there leading up to 9/11/12

All of this led every other nation to order their people out. Why didn't Hillary / Barry?
- They were 'smarter' than everyone else?
- They couldn't retreat because of Obama's campaign BS - 'Al Qaeida is on the run' / 'The War on Terror is OVER'?!

AFTER the credible threat warning, AFTER the call to assassinate the US Ambassador, AFTER they supposedly knew no military unit could make it t them if an attack occurred, AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on the compound were conducted - the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall, and AFTER every other country ordered all of their people out Hillary and Barry rejected more of the more than 60 pleas for more security from the Ambassador, stripped him of 14 members of his security detail, and refused to order all the Americans out of Benghazi (who had to be rescued by 'enemy' forces - Qaddafi's ex-officers)!

'No FAULT'?!

They ABANDONED the Ambassador and his American staff to a terrorist attack that resulted in the NEEDLESS deaths of 4 Americans. They did not just 'abandon' them - they denied them additional security and stripped them of some of their existing security, setting them up to be over-run and for Americans to die!

You seem to be arguing that such action is perfectly acceptable for a LIBERAL Secretary of State and a LIBERAL President who is more concerned about re-election than the lives of Americans he has sworn to protect!
So, once again, you are admitting....

I am stating that the Liberal claim that Bush was the one who started Fast-and-Furious, that he intentionally ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels is


I am saying that Barak Hussein Obama thought he =knew BETTER than Bush, that he ordered the operation Bush pointed out was a 'failure waiting to happen' t be executed, and that - just like Bush warned - it was a HUGE failure that resulted in the deaths of over 500 people to include 4 Americans.

I am pointing out the fact that Hillary and Barry ran guns to this nation's enemies - TREASON, to Al Qaeida and to ISIS - out of Benghazi - as the International Gun Dealer Obama just dropped charges on declared to the media, resulting in the deaths of thousands...and that they armed the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood.

Barak Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton has perpetrated TREASON by financing, supplying, arming, training, and aiding - even dragging the US into 2 UN-Authorized Un-Constitutional Wars - terrorists, helping them take over much of Iraq our military had already liberated at great cost AND to help terrorists - to include the group that murdered 3,000 Americans - take over their own country.

THAT is what I am saying / pointing out!
It was investigated. They found no fault with Clinton/Obama/ military.

Ever heard of common sense? Evidently not - Barry and Hillary never heard of it.

Hillary and Barry KNEW - like every other country with people there - that:

1. Al Qaeida was a huge and growing presence in Benghazi
2. There had been numerous terrorist attacks on countries' people there
3. There was a credible warning for a massive attack on 9/11/12
4. There was a call for the assassination of the US Ambassador
5. There were 2 terrorist attacks on the US compound there leading up to 9/11/12

All of this led every other nation to order their people out. Why didn't Hillary / Barry?
- They were 'smarter' than everyone else?
- They couldn't retreat because of Obama's campaign BS - 'Al Qaeida is on the run' / 'The War on Terror is OVER'?!

AFTER the credible threat warning, AFTER the call to assassinate the US Ambassador, AFTER they supposedly knew no military unit could make it t them if an attack occurred, AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on the compound were conducted - the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall, and AFTER every other country ordered all of their people out Hillary and Barry rejected more of the more than 60 pleas for more security from the Ambassador, stripped him of 14 members of his security detail, and refused to order all the Americans out of Benghazi (who had to be rescued by 'enemy' forces - Qaddafi's ex-officers)!

'No FAULT'?!

They ABANDONED the Ambassador and his American staff to a terrorist attack that resulted in the NEEDLESS deaths of 4 Americans. They did not just 'abandon' them - they denied them additional security and stripped them of some of their existing security, setting them up to be over-run and for Americans to die!

You seem to be arguing that such action is perfectly acceptable for a LIBERAL Secretary of State and a LIBERAL President who is more concerned about re-election than the lives of Americans he has sworn to protect!

So how were the liberals at fault for the many attacks on embassies & consulates under Bush? There were no warning. There were security improvements made in Benghazi. But hey, pick from the below lists of myths & find nearly every one of your posts.

Myths And Facts About The Origin Of The Attack

FACT: Intelligence Community, The Suspected Attackers, And Eyewitnesses All Linked The Inflammatory Anti-Islam Video To The Attacks

FACT: Rice's Comments Were Based On Information Provided By The Intelligence Community

FACT: During Sunday Shows, Rice Repeatedly Emphasized Ongoing Investigations And Cautioned Against Jumping To Conclusions

Myths And Facts About Security In Benghazi

FACT: Senate Review Showed No Tactical Warning Before The Attacks

FACT: There Were Multiple Teams Of Armed Guards At Libyan Consulate

Myths And Facts About The Administration’s Response During And After The Attack

FACT: Multiple Congressional Investigations Explained That American Military Assets Were Not Ordered To "Stand Down"

FACT: Reinforcements Were Sent To Aid The Diplomatic Post

FACT: House And Senate Reviews: Response Saved Lives, No Additional Military In Position To Impact Outcome

FACT: Obama, Hillary Clinton, And Other Administration Officials’ Whereabouts During Attack Have Been Documented

FACT: The Obama Administration Repeatedly Called Benghazi An “Act Of Terror” Within Days

FACT: Multiple Investigations Reveal There Was No Obama Administration "Cover-Up"

FACT: No Evidence Supports The Widely Criticized Claim That Obama "Sympathize[d]" With Attackers

FACT: Obama Did Not Conduct An "Apology Tour"

FACT: Obama Was Talking About Transitions For Newly Elected Governments, Not Deaths From Attacks

Myths And Facts About Hillary Clinton And The Benghazi Attacks

FACT: Clinton Has Explained That Her Understanding Of The Attacks Changed As New Information Was Revealed

FACT: There Is No Evidence That Clinton Was Personally Aware Of That Cable, As Secretary's "Signature" Appears On All Washington Cables

FACT: The State Department Did Not Have Access To Live Feed Of Attacks In Real Time

FACT: Clinton Spoke Extensively About Benghazi Following Attack

FACT: Clinton Suffered A Concussion

FACT: Clinton Was Referring To The Administration's Post-Attack Talking Points, Not Tragic Consequences Of Attack

FACT: There Is No Proof Any Documents Were Scrubbed Or Altered

FACT: Benghazi Witnesses Spoke To Federal Officials And Congress

FACT: Clinton Said She Took Responsibility For The Attack

Other Benghazi Myths And Facts

FACT: Republicans, Media, Fox News, Ex-Benghazi Committee Staffer Have Conceded The Committee Is Partisan

FACT: There Had Been Numerous Terrorist Attacks Under President Bush -- Including Several On U.S. Soil

FACT: There Have Been Numerous Embassy And Consulate Attacks Under Recent Presidents

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