The pentagon wanted to send help to Benghazi but

And how many times did you master bait counting the dead soldiers daily under Bush? For political reasons you fucking traitor.
Never. But you called me a traitor for wanting to bring them home safe while you were jizzing all over your Bush/Cheney posters. Are you one of the fucking rats that are pretending you never salivated over Dubya back then? And now say he is a RINO?
No, actually I hated the way bush fought the Iraq war the way liberals wanted to. You know instead of fighting to win. Your kind wanted to fight to make sure more came home in body bags by having rules for combat. I hope you didn't wack off on the memory.
Wow. Your dead soldier fetish is rooted deeper than I thought. Seek help.
You are the one that gleefully counted their deaths under Bush for political reasons.
That makes no sense, but does reveal an inner hatred and self loathing, jknowbad.

The fact remains the four were dead before authorities were notified.

"The Benghazi attack consisted of separate military factions on two separate U.S. compounds.[69] The first assault occurred at the main diplomatic compound, approximately 300 yards long and 100 yards wide, at about 9:40 p.m. local time (3:40 p.m. Eastern Time). A mortar fire attack on a CIA annex 1.2 miles away (coordinates
32°03′26″N 20°05′16″E / 32.0572°N 20.0877°E / 32.0572; 20.0877 (CIA annex)) began at about 4:00 a.m. the following morning[70] and lasted for 11 minutes.[71]"

"Diplomatic Security Service agents/Regional Security Officers informed their headquarters in Washington about the attack just as it was beginning at about 9:40 local time (3:40 p.m. Eastern Time (ET)). At the time, they were informed that the attack was a "terrorist attack".[88] By 4:30 p.m. ET, Pentagon officials had informed Defense Secretary Leon Panetta about the attack.

Just after midnight, the CIA annex came under machine gun, rocket and mortar fire. The CIA defenders held off the attack until the morning.[31]:45–46 That same morning, Libyan government forces met up with a group of Americans, reinforcements from Tripoli including Glen Doherty,[90][91] that had arrived at the Benghazi airport. The team, which included two active-duty JSOC operators and five CIA personnel, had commandeered a small jet in Tripoli by paying the pilots $30,000 and forcing them to fly to Benghazi.[31]:43 After being held up at the airport for a few hours, the Libyan forces and newly arrived Americans went to the CIA annex at about 5:00 a.m. to assist in transporting approximately 32 Americans at the annex back to the airport for evacuation. Minutes after they drove through the gates, the annex came under heavy fire. With a lull in the fighting, Doherty began searching for his friend, Tyrone S. Woods, and he was told he was on the roof. He found Woods on the roof with two other agents. A mortar round then hit Woods' position, fatally wounding him. As Doherty attempted to reposition and take cover, a second round fell on him, killing him.[31]:46–47[92] 31-year-old Diplomatic Security Service Special Agent David Ubben suffered shrapnel injuries and several broken bones in the mortar attacks.[93]

2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia

Enough with your lies dumbass, hours passed and Obama dawdled.
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The false equivalencies are noted, and the fact you all keep dodging that the four were dead before the authorities knew is noted.

And a person with a leaky brain thinks Trey Gowdy covered how the deaths 'really' occurred.
It's pretty obvious they were all dead because your choice of a leader didn't do a single thing to keep them alive. It took 13 hours. I would call your brain leaky but it is hard to differentiate between what your head would leak and the shit flowing out of your ass while your head is shoved shoulder deep in that crevice.
They were dead before anyone knew.

I know the truth is hard for you, but there it is. You are mad, I get it, so

they were dead before anyone knew ? who are they ?
Never. But you called me a traitor for wanting to bring them home safe while you were jizzing all over your Bush/Cheney posters. Are you one of the fucking rats that are pretending you never salivated over Dubya back then? And now say he is a RINO?
No, actually I hated the way bush fought the Iraq war the way liberals wanted to. You know instead of fighting to win. Your kind wanted to fight to make sure more came home in body bags by having rules for combat. I hope you didn't wack off on the memory.
Wow. Your dead soldier fetish is rooted deeper than I thought. Seek help.
You are the one that gleefully counted their deaths under Bush for political reasons.
That makes no sense, but does reveal an inner hatred and self loathing, jknowbad.

The fact remains the four were dead before authorities were notified.
Liberals gleefully counted the soldiers deaths daily under Bush but you stopped when Obama became president.
So when the two marines called for help, they were already dead? No I think Hillary and Obama didn't care. The ignored the no one left behind rule.
they piled on about abu ghraib, it was horrible.
You libs may want to toss this story in to the history books but it's not going anywhere. No matter who wins until we get the truth this story is never old. The more she lies the more we bring it back up.
You whiners can keep pissing on the graves of those four dead Americans all you want.
THANK GOD! It is ABOUT DAMN TIME the truth came out! Hillary needlessly allowed 4 Americans to die at the hands of the Al Qaeida terrorists she and Barry allied themselves with to oust Qaddafi, abandoning them while they were under attack, choosing instead to spend that precious time concocting their lies designed to save their own political asses!
Under Hillary our soldiers are fucked. Go Trump! She doesn't believe in no soldier left behind.
Under Trump, the 4 would have still died because there was nothing anybody could do about it, a dozen+ of our soldiers would have been killed and wounded in an ill-advised rescue effort, a few hundred civilians would be killed by airstrikes and ground operations, and republicans would call it a victory and flick their beans as all the caskets were unloaded back home on the news.
But you don't care about all the civilian casualties under all of Obama's drone strikes? You just care about casualties when saving American lives? Go fuck yourself traitor, and I can see why you support that treasonous bitch Hillary now. Fuck off!
Why are drone deaths worse than the tens of thousands of civilians killed in the Bush invasion of Iraq?
Under Hillary our soldiers are fucked. Go Trump! She doesn't believe in no soldier left behind.
Under Trump, the 4 would have still died because there was nothing anybody could do about it, a dozen+ of our soldiers would have been killed and wounded in an ill-advised rescue effort, a few hundred civilians would be killed by airstrikes and ground operations, and republicans would call it a victory and flick their beans as all the caskets were unloaded back home on the news.
But you don't care about all the civilian casualties under all of Obama's drone strikes? You just care about casualties when saving American lives? Go fuck yourself traitor, and I can see why you support that treasonous bitch Hillary now. Fuck off!
Why are drone deaths worse than the tens of thousands of civilians killed in the Bush invasion of Iraq?
Liberals cared about anything war under Bush, but could care less under Obama. Hypocrites.
The pentagon wanted to send help to Benghazi but. . . but found out about it after the men were dead.

"The Benghazi attack consisted of separate military factions on two separate U.S. compounds.[69] The first assault occurred at the main diplomatic compound, approximately 300 yards long and 100 yards wide, at about 9:40 p.m. local time (3:40 p.m. Eastern Time). A mortar fire attack on a CIA annex 1.2 miles away (coordinates
32°03′26″N 20°05′16″E / 32.0572°N 20.0877°E / 32.0572; 20.0877 (CIA annex)) began at about 4:00 a.m. the following morning[70] and lasted for 11 minutes.[71]"

"Diplomatic Security Service agents/Regional Security Officers informed their headquarters in Washington about the attack just as it was beginning at about 9:40 local time (3:40 p.m. Eastern Time (ET)). At the time, they were informed that the attack was a "terrorist attack".[88] By 4:30 p.m. ET, Pentagon officials had informed Defense Secretary Leon Panetta about the attack.

Just after midnight, the CIA annex came under machine gun, rocket and mortar fire. The CIA defenders held off the attack until the morning.[31]:45–46 That same morning, Libyan government forces met up with a group of Americans, reinforcements from Tripoli including Glen Doherty,[90][91] that had arrived at the Benghazi airport. The team, which included two active-duty JSOC operators and five CIA personnel, had commandeered a small jet in Tripoli by paying the pilots $30,000 and forcing them to fly to Benghazi.[31]:43 After being held up at the airport for a few hours, the Libyan forces and newly arrived Americans went to the CIA annex at about 5:00 a.m. to assist in transporting approximately 32 Americans at the annex back to the airport for evacuation. Minutes after they drove through the gates, the annex came under heavy fire. With a lull in the fighting, Doherty began searching for his friend, Tyrone S. Woods, and he was told he was on the roof. He found Woods on the roof with two other agents. A mortar round then hit Woods' position, fatally wounding him. As Doherty attempted to reposition and take cover, a second round fell on him, killing him.[31]:46–47[92] 31-year-old Diplomatic Security Service Special Agent David Ubben suffered shrapnel injuries and several broken bones in the mortar attacks.[93]

2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia

Enough with your lies dumbass, hours passed and Obama dawdled.
The facts remain that the four died before the authorities knew.
13 hours it took for clinton and obie to not know. 13 fucking hours. Are you telling me they don't pay attention to an attack on our embassy for 13 hours and somehow that makes them "not know"? Good thing that wasn't a fucking nuclear strike.
Here is a link to the timeline. No, not 13 hours. I think you really need to learn about time zones.

Benghazi attack timeline -
Under Hillary our soldiers are fucked. Go Trump! She doesn't believe in no soldier left behind.
Under Trump, the 4 would have still died because there was nothing anybody could do about it, a dozen+ of our soldiers would have been killed and wounded in an ill-advised rescue effort, a few hundred civilians would be killed by airstrikes and ground operations, and republicans would call it a victory and flick their beans as all the caskets were unloaded back home on the news.
But you don't care about all the civilian casualties under all of Obama's drone strikes? You just care about casualties when saving American lives? Go fuck yourself traitor, and I can see why you support that treasonous bitch Hillary now. Fuck off!
Why are drone deaths worse than the tens of thousands of civilians killed in the Bush invasion of Iraq?
Liberals cared about anything war under Bush, but could care less under Obama. Hypocrites.
The drone strikes were targeting terrorist.

Bush invasion was about oil. I blame Bush for the Iraq fiasco.
Under Hillary our soldiers are fucked. Go Trump! She doesn't believe in no soldier left behind.
Under Trump, the 4 would have still died because there was nothing anybody could do about it, a dozen+ of our soldiers would have been killed and wounded in an ill-advised rescue effort, a few hundred civilians would be killed by airstrikes and ground operations, and republicans would call it a victory and flick their beans as all the caskets were unloaded back home on the news.
But you don't care about all the civilian casualties under all of Obama's drone strikes? You just care about casualties when saving American lives? Go fuck yourself traitor, and I can see why you support that treasonous bitch Hillary now. Fuck off!
Why are drone deaths worse than the tens of thousands of civilians killed in the Bush invasion of Iraq?
Liberals cared about anything war under Bush, but could care less under Obama. Hypocrites.
The drone strikes were targeting terrorist.

Bush invasion was about oil. I blame Bush for the Iraq fiasco.
Where is all that oil?
Under Trump, the 4 would have still died because there was nothing anybody could do about it, a dozen+ of our soldiers would have been killed and wounded in an ill-advised rescue effort, a few hundred civilians would be killed by airstrikes and ground operations, and republicans would call it a victory and flick their beans as all the caskets were unloaded back home on the news.
But you don't care about all the civilian casualties under all of Obama's drone strikes? You just care about casualties when saving American lives? Go fuck yourself traitor, and I can see why you support that treasonous bitch Hillary now. Fuck off!
You're just mad because you only got to masturbate to 4 bodies instead of hundreds more.
And how many times did you master bait counting the dead soldiers daily under Bush? For political reasons you fucking traitor.
Never. But you called me a traitor for wanting to bring them home safe while you were jizzing all over your Bush/Cheney posters. Are you one of the fucking rats that are pretending you never salivated over Dubya back then? And now say he is a RINO?
No, actually I hated the way bush fought the Iraq war the way liberals wanted to. You know instead of fighting to win. Your kind wanted to fight to make sure more came home in body bags by having rules for combat. I hope you didn't wack off on the memory.
You really demonstrate your lack of intelligence by blaming liberals for the way Bush carried out the Iraq War.
The facts remain that the four died before the authorities knew.
13 hours it took for clinton and obie to not know. 13 fucking hours. Are you telling me they don't pay attention to an attack on our embassy for 13 hours and somehow that makes them "not know"? Good thing that wasn't a fucking nuclear strike.
Here is a link to the timeline. No, not 13 hours. I think you really need to learn about time zones.

Benghazi attack timeline -
You are bound by the committee's reports, not your own belief. They were dead before anyone knew. The DOD would be responsible for rescue and reprisal.
I have been saying since the Benghazi attack happened that this was the case, but I could not say / share more. (It sucks having knowledge of events and NOT be able to say anything and having to wait and hope it comes it finally has.)

Finally, however, the truth has come out. There WAS a 'stand-down' order.There WAS an intentional decision made to abandon these 4 Americans. THAT should disqualify ANYONE who wants to be elected Commander and Chief.

Hillary argued she would be the best person to get that 2am phone call when Americans are in danger. Yeah, she took the call and ABANDONED Americans fighting for their lives! Instead of PROTECTING American lives she needlessly put them in peril then abandoned them when they were attacked.
Under Trump, the 4 would have still died because there was nothing anybody could do about it, a dozen+ of our soldiers would have been killed and wounded in an ill-advised rescue effort, a few hundred civilians would be killed by airstrikes and ground operations, and republicans would call it a victory and flick their beans as all the caskets were unloaded back home on the news.
But you don't care about all the civilian casualties under all of Obama's drone strikes? You just care about casualties when saving American lives? Go fuck yourself traitor, and I can see why you support that treasonous bitch Hillary now. Fuck off!
Why are drone deaths worse than the tens of thousands of civilians killed in the Bush invasion of Iraq?
Liberals cared about anything war under Bush, but could care less under Obama. Hypocrites.
The drone strikes were targeting terrorist.

Bush invasion was about oil. I blame Bush for the Iraq fiasco.
Where is all that oil?

Bush wanted an oil rich US ally in the Middle East. He failed in thsat rrespec t. But he did help out the oil industry by causing oil to raise about $30/bbl.
I have been saying since the Benghazi attack happened that this was the case, but I could not say / share more. (It sucks having knowledge of events and NOT be able to say anything and having to wait and hope it comes it finally has.)

Finally, however, the truth has come out. There WAS a 'stand-down' order.There WAS an intentional decision made to abandon these 4 Americans. THAT should disqualify ANYONE who wants to be elected Commander and Chief.

Hillary argued she would be the best person to get that 2am phone call when Americans are in danger. Yeah, she took the call and ABANDONED Americans fighting for their lives! Instead of PROTECTING American lives she needlessly put them in peril then abandoned them when they were attacked.
There was no stand down order that abandoned those four Americans.

You people are sofa king stupid that it makes me sick.
There was no stand down order that abandoned those four Americans.
WRONG! Numerous military members who were there have already come out and reported otherwise. The members of the SpecOps community expressed outrage over how they were prevented from going. NO MATTER WHAT the situation is on the ground, Quick Reaction Forces are trained and tasked to go in, being briefed up as much as they can on the way, and securing the ground situation and rescuing hostages, even if it means securing the dead bodies of Americans. This has all been covered. Only non-military - especially liberals - do not know this, do not understand this, can not comprehend they deny this in favor of political partisan talking points.
Never. But you called me a traitor for wanting to bring them home safe while you were jizzing all over your Bush/Cheney posters. Are you one of the fucking rats that are pretending you never salivated over Dubya back then? And now say he is a RINO?
No, actually I hated the way bush fought the Iraq war the way liberals wanted to. You know instead of fighting to win. Your kind wanted to fight to make sure more came home in body bags by having rules for combat. I hope you didn't wack off on the memory.
Wow. Your dead soldier fetish is rooted deeper than I thought. Seek help.
You are the one that gleefully counted their deaths under Bush for political reasons.
That makes no sense, but does reveal an inner hatred and self loathing, jknowbad.

The fact remains the four were dead before authorities were notified.

"The Benghazi attack consisted of separate military factions on two separate U.S. compounds.[69] The first assault occurred at the main diplomatic compound, approximately 300 yards long and 100 yards wide, at about 9:40 p.m. local time (3:40 p.m. Eastern Time). A mortar fire attack on a CIA annex 1.2 miles away (coordinates
32°03′26″N 20°05′16″E / 32.0572°N 20.0877°E / 32.0572; 20.0877 (CIA annex)) began at about 4:00 a.m. the following morning[70] and lasted for 11 minutes.[71]"

"Diplomatic Security Service agents/Regional Security Officers informed their headquarters in Washington about the attack just as it was beginning at about 9:40 local time (3:40 p.m. Eastern Time (ET)). At the time, they were informed that the attack was a "terrorist attack".[88] By 4:30 p.m. ET, Pentagon officials had informed Defense Secretary Leon Panetta about the attack.

Just after midnight, the CIA annex came under machine gun, rocket and mortar fire. The CIA defenders held off the attack until the morning.[31]:45–46 That same morning, Libyan government forces met up with a group of Americans, reinforcements from Tripoli including Glen Doherty,[90][91] that had arrived at the Benghazi airport. The team, which included two active-duty JSOC operators and five CIA personnel, had commandeered a small jet in Tripoli by paying the pilots $30,000 and forcing them to fly to Benghazi.[31]:43 After being held up at the airport for a few hours, the Libyan forces and newly arrived Americans went to the CIA annex at about 5:00 a.m. to assist in transporting approximately 32 Americans at the annex back to the airport for evacuation. Minutes after they drove through the gates, the annex came under heavy fire. With a lull in the fighting, Doherty began searching for his friend, Tyrone S. Woods, and he was told he was on the roof. He found Woods on the roof with two other agents. A mortar round then hit Woods' position, fatally wounding him. As Doherty attempted to reposition and take cover, a second round fell on him, killing him.[31]:46–47[92] 31-year-old Diplomatic Security Service Special Agent David Ubben suffered shrapnel injuries and several broken bones in the mortar attacks.[93]

2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia

Enough with your lies dumbass, hours passed and Obama dawdled.
It was 10P Benghazi time when the Pentagon was notified. A meeting with Obama, Panetta & Joint Chiefs chairman shortly after 11:00 PM Benghazi time. Hardly " OMG OMG OMG Hours".

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